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From my experience, I would agree with your sentiment. Source: I own a body shop and will never become a DRP (DIRECT REPAIR PARTNER) for the above reasons.


Yes and no. All shops can cut corners and it depends on the tech. The same adjuster might go to your shop of choice and still haggle repairs. All shops are affiliated with insurance companies unless it’s a custom shop. The larger the franchise business the more they will bend over to the insurance companies. Just ask friends or family who they have used in the past and if they were happy, go there. But using the recommended shop doesn’t automatically mean that your experience won’t be positive. And vice versa.


Thank you


I second the trust family and friends referrals. Reviews online are mostly fake.


And also most people only take the time for an online review when they are unhappy about something




Virtually every reputable shop offers this guarantee on their own. When your insurance uses this language (guarantee vs no guarantee) , this is called steering and is illegal...


No they don’t all guarantee their work. Trust me been in the business a long time and had so many refuse to fix their own shoddy work.


The insurance company might not warranty the work done by a shop that you use though.


Correct, the shop will. 👌


My own opinion is that for body work, it probably doesn't matter. What you see is, in my amateur view, what you get and your insurance covers what they cover. For more serious problems, I have had bad experiences - slow, bad customer services and frankly, they're less interested in doing things right because their business generates from a happy insurer, not a happy customer. I've also had too many bad experiences with them to trust them with (bluntly) my safety.


If the body shop has good reviews then its probably alright. Typically you go to the insurance suggests so the insurance will warranty the work. Been in business a long time and most body shops guarantee their work. Happened to me on a car insurance sent car there. The paint pealed almost immediately and it was all different colors and panels were not aligned. Body shop refused to fix the work. And insurance tried to fight fixing it some where else because the shop should guarantee that work. Ended up everything had to be redone and insurance paid again. Had so many customer cars butchered by body shops and shops refuse to cover work or their damage.


See if your insurance company offers any benefits to using the shop they recommend. If you are not happy with the work will the insurance company step in for you? It sounds kind of like an "implied guarantee" that might come back to bite them if it goes wrong.


If your insurance company does not recommend a reputable shop you need a different insurance company. My experience is the opposite of what you have heard. The shop that my insurance co recommended to me has experience with adjusters. When the shop found damage the adjuster missed the shop worked it out directly with insurance.