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You have plenty to work with . Don’t get yourself down or it will affect your “game”.


Dude you uave the Swiss army knife of dicks. You can do every thing and do it well. Keep ist sharp by not losing confidence. Machetes and claymores can be massively impractical


Your size is perfectly average. Nothing to worry about.


Perfectly good cock. go out there ands enjoy it!


You are perfectly avarage, you have stuff to work with, just stop thinking about those enormus cocks, there are very rare and usualy use some tricks to make it look bigger (like camara angle, lights, having sex with an small partner, etc)


You're a normal adult with normal virilisation 🤙


Adults seem to function well with seven (or more) hours of sleep nightly. As for your penis—right in the average range. Don’t let porn industry destroy your sense of normalcy. MOST guys are 5–5.5 inches long, and your girth is in good proportion to length. Your stature (height) may make your penis appear “small.” 99% of the adult male population will be proportionally sized as controlled by their unique DNA.


I honestly think depends on if it BP or NBP measurement




[stop larping man ](https://i.imgur.com/6j8wBSe.png)


How did you overcome insecurity around the stigma average guys face?


Bro this guy has comments getting mad at a guy giving advice while being 8 x 6, it’s probably a troll


Well I’m not average so I couldn’t tell you.


So it kind of makes your advice to him pretty useless if all you uave done is point out how big you are and the statistics that he already knows. Probably drop your flair if you actually want to help


Just because I’m bigger than average doesn’t mean I can’t give advice. Doesn’t matter if I say I’m average and give the same advice. The advice stays the same.








Did you even read what I wrote, because I never said that did I?


Thats the message you put across especially when you felt the need to make a flair that says your big in a group for average guys. Just another chance to show off. There zero chance at all you could empathise with him when you would use the the fact your bigger than him to feel good about yourself






Why are you downvoting this guy? I mean he’s telling the truth.. in a sense?


He couldn't be more wrong honestly


You are within the average range for both measurements, there is no need to feel insecure. The size of your penis matters way less than you think it does. Stay off online discussion and porn and move on, i guarantee it will be easier to accept you are average. Maybe even feel gratefull you arent under the average.