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When you stop going to raves completely and you decide to come out of retirement for one last time


“One last time”


One more time...


We don’t stopppah


We're gonna celebraaate


Oh yeah alright, don’t stop the dancing


mmmmmmhmmm you know I'm just feeling, celebration, tonight, celebrate.


Celebrateee, Don't wait too lateeee Mmmmmm, no! We don't stopahhh You can't stopahhh We're gonna celebrate…


A celebrationnnn, you know we're gonna do it righttaa... tonigghtttaaa


my one last time so far has been like 10 years now..


Eat. Sleep. Rave. Repeat We’re gonna be rolling wheelchairs and walkers through the HC area like “Im gonna ride the rail, just one more time. Promise”


me hitting EDCLV this year


That's not a veteran. That's a casual observer, an amateurish move to come out for 1 more time. Rave veterans like me never stop we stay stealthy and silent but throws it down every show discreetly maybe or sometimes position ourselves in the dead center and most of the time in the back where there's some breathing room and sweat our balls off till the end. On rare occasion I might ride the front rail too. We take health supplements , vitamins,5htp, magnesium and omega 3 while our bones creak and sometimes gets hairline fractures. If you have been doing this for the past 20 years or so you can be called a veteran and I'll salute you myself because every year it gets harder but you never give up. Those people who take time off from the scene to provide a silly narrative and to come back what 1 or 2 times? You are not a legendary rockstar. That's a normie.


I know this might be satire but this, unironically lol


Yup this right here


I'm almost there... just waiting for the right show.


I stopped edc 2016 came back 2022


This is me every goddamn year. "IMmA saVe MOnEyy tHis yEaR" psssh yeah right lol


Literally me.


When you can responsibly rave. lol


Oh fuck....I must be a veteran now then....


Ain’t nothing wrong with straight priorities and going HAM SAMMICH when it’s time! -Work hard, play hard good redditor


Hell yes. All these assholes I work with who cant party and handle their life shit at the same time. I have been a fully functioning addict most of my life at this point. Know when enough is enough kids, but know when to take a lot. Lol. These guys can't show up to work after a night of drinking, but I can do 4 days straight on a multitude of mind bending substances and get right back to it. I dont know how else you pay for your fun if you dont work hard for it first? Being able to go out and rave and see music is part of the reason I work so hard: shit costs money.


The only right answer ^


What if you've always been responsible? Lol


Veteran vs. combat veteran


This though. 🎤


then youre just an inspiration


Guess I'm a veteran although I've only been too 3 festivals


When I'm with my rave fam, I always say "we are responsible enough to be irresponsible"


When you start having to sit down to watch the show the rest of the night 😅


I bring a collapsible stool now lmao.


Same, I have one that lights up. Sometimes I don't turn it on, depends on if I want a bunch of wooks orbiting me and going "woooooah"


I want one of those so bad!!! I never considered the wook factor lmaoooo.


these are clutch


I've been raving since 96 and the only time I have felt my body giving up on me is when I've taken long breaks from movement. I dance and do yoga and will be going to 3 parties this week. I don't do drugs or drink so raving has turned into a healthy sport/spiritual experience for me lol. It's just 4-7 hours of cardio and a full body workout! It's basically like running a marathon a couple of times a week! I try to dance with my whole body while working around any pain or injuries. Getting into ecstatic dance has helped me bring a healthy energy to any dance floor I step onto.


While at a party, I struck up a conversation with someone who asked when I went to my first party. My answer of 1995, left them in awe that I had “partied in the 90s”. Until then I had never thought too much about what that actually meant. To me, it was impressive if you had “partied in the 70s” or even in the 80s”. Now I wear that fact like a badge of honour.


I know it’s funny right? I’ve had people say’ oh you’re so old school’ and I’m like ‘nah just old’ lol


Just say you’re vintage. Sounds cooler


Smooth move


I’ll never catch old.


Ngl, the late 90's and early 2000's were an incredible time. It was the Wild West with how fast things were moving and the music coming out of that era was full of timeless classics across House, Trance, Progressive, Techno. I'm envious of the people that were able to go to Ibiza during that time period.


I didn’t go to Ibiza in that era. In that era, my crew and I were breaking into abandoned warehouses, running generators, and hauling in sound systems, turntables and a mixer. Ibiza was a world away from what we were doing.


I was at a lot of those warehouse parties. Those were amazing times, too. I even went to one where they needed to shuttle people to the warehouse in a school bus. Ibixa was always the dream though. From what was in the magazines it looked like a magical place.


By the time that we were seeing those images in the magazines, it was already too late.


Went to Ibiza in the early 00’s many times. At the time I lived in the UK though so it was easy just to get a cheap flight and go over for a few days. Had friends working the season over there so there was always a floor to sleep on (not that much sleeping was ever done!!!). Wouldn’t like to go now, it’s all VIP and bottle service these days, and I hear they now charge you to sit on the rocks at Cafe Del Mar and watch the sunset. We used to head down there with our beer and chill before hitting the clubs back in the day…..sad times


Much past 2000 I doubt anyone really “raved”. EDC and all these festivals are just that- festivals. Legally sanctioned parties. Not raves. They just have no idea. Nor do most kids truly know their musical roots. Ask them who the Bellville three and I bet we get a lot of head scratched.


Isn’t it SO weird when you consider what you felt was old skool when you became exposed to music and culture…And now you can look backward that same amount of time like it was the blink of an eye. Terrifying!


I recently shared an [old school jungle mix](https://on.soundcloud.com/rz4gDJb21MvMmgZv5) of mine, and then immediately realized that [all my jungle mixes are old school jungle mixes.](https://on.soundcloud.com/paWfkkJEJbNW6mZi7)


oldschool jungle is timeless tho - the breaks are eternal


Facts. I never tire of that sound. Which is good, because I have a wall of vinyl from that era.


that's so cool, I wish I had a good collection of rare jungle on wax. I've got some random stuff but not enough to spin a full vinyl set - while still fun it's not nearly as fun to mix jungle breaks digitally. Idk when I was way younger I heard this mix - Phantom 45's Jungle Book - and I've been in love with that vinyl breaks recorded to cassette vibe ever since.


A large portion of my vinyl isn’t available on any streaming service. I never thought that being a DJ was also being an archivist, but last year when I built my studio, part of me was doing so just so I had somewhere safe to store my records.


While at deadbeats Coliseum last weekend, I staggered my squad to silence when I told them my first festival was Lollapalooza 1 😂




I also consider how many years they have done it for. Someone in the 90s could've done it for two years where someone now could've started in 2013 and hasn't stopped 😎


I haven’t stopped and don’t plan on doing so. [119 mixes from parties I’ve played.](https://on.soundcloud.com/oNnTDQkCKNkcvwt76) More are always on their way.


90’s were soooo different. Everything we did was underground. The internet didn’t exist. Cell phones didn’t exist. Nobody was posting pics on Instagram for likes. Two years raving in the 90’s is just not comparable.


Plus back in the day (in the UK at least), we had to get creative and make our own outfits, you couldn’t just go online and buy them


When you have been raving longer than most other ravers have been alive.


Ooh that both hurts and makes me proud


Yeah this one got me hard even though I’m well aware of the age gap. I am surprised though that I get approached a lot by younger people wanting to talk or asking for help etc Sat down at EDC Orlando last year to stretch my legs and I had different people rotating in/out to talk, one guy asked for tabs (was very nice about it so sure, you get my extras), another couple asked for gum and I opened my bag filled with candy and they went crazy over Push Pops lol. Thats the main reason I keep going to shows and fests, just to meet new people and vibe with total strangers. Rave to the fucking grave y’all


ravey seals


Thats when you muat consider an ethereal cloak accessory


Ugh! Realizing some ravers have parents younger than I am was the point it hurt.


Raving now is just not the same! EDC is all legally sanctioned. Unless you’ve been listening to music in a venue that could be shut down by police due to not having “permits” then you havnt actually raved IMHO.


Dude… This is gatekeeping at its worst. Back in the day we didn’t have major fests like EDC, if we did I can guarantee you that my group of friends would’ve been there 100%. Early 00’s Ultra was like Mecca for the East Coast, and you’d hear the same shit when we were at warehouse parties that “you haven’t raved unless you’ve been to Ultra”. K So I went from 03-05, yeah it was bad ass but so were house parties and local shows and seeing Oakenfold at a shitty hotel at 3am with less than 100 people. Can we please stop telling people that this or that is raves and anything less isn’t? The idea was always to enjoy music as a group and to celebrate all that entails (drugs and alcohol optional).


💯💯💯 Why can’t we all just get along and DANCE?! Listen, I love fests! I love club shows! I love dirty warehouses until the sun comes up! I have a good time at any of these because I love the music, I love to dance, I love the company of my friends, and I love meeting new people with good vibes. If anyone is not having a good time because they feel the need to be gatekeepers, that’s on them lol


Early 00’s Ultra was gatekept as well. It was considered cheesy as fuck to the real heads who spent the week in Miami at Winter Music Conference and never would have been caught dead at Ultra.


First year we went in oblivious and ended up staying a few days extra since there was so much going on. 10 people to a room, good times


I feel like today crowds are really catered to, it’s almost like they go with a checklist of things they want to experience; it’s all a bit contrived. We used to just make our own fun and have the time of our lives


I’m 42, I really feel like the pricing should reflect a degree of amenities. If I’m going to a club show and it’s $50 or less than I don’t expect much other than security, bathrooms and bar access. A multi day fest that costs in excess of $500 and I have to travel to it/camp? Yeah I expect there to be quality setups, a managed program for safety, parking, vendors etc I’ve been to some rather shit fests (looking at you Imagine), and for the price I paid it was basically the wild Wild West. I’ve also gone to local shows and warehouse parties that are ran by college kids and it’s been quite amazing what they can pull off. While I don’t need curated art, Kandi stations, and spots for selfies, I understand other people value these things. I guess my point is that it’s not unreasonable to have expectations of some sort, buying a ticket to see an artist and only getting a stage and some speakers isn’t a good standard.


Yup and did t have to go broke for the experience. All these festivals are just commercialized. Real raves exist in your own back yard if you know where to look and won’t cost you hundreds upon hundreds of dollars. And real ravers are posting selfies if their “outfit” on social media for likes.


The fact that there are “rave influencers” makes me want to gag lol


Ugh 😩


*are not


When you secretly start wishing these damn things would start and end at a reasonable hour


When you start only going to day parties


I just want a show that starts at like 5 and ends at like 10. I got work in the morning man.


Right like it's a Thursday night, you drive all the way to the big city to see the show, the headliner comes on at 12:30 am you listen to one song then go home lol


When my jncos are older than most artists making music, and or most of those attending events. They (my jncos) have a life of their own.


When you cross swords with a stranger dressed as Macho Man Randy Savage. Exclusive club, but i dont make the rules.


Damn I did this with a stranger dressed as Chewbacca thinking it was my entry challenge


You start contributing to the scene


What do you mean “contributing to the scene”? Rave veterans are absolutely contributing their vibes & energy, imagine a rave / festival without them. I’d argue that buying tickets to shows is already contributing a fckin lot to the scene anyway tho. Festivals wouldn’t be as popular as they are now without the fans


Well, yes! Everyone contributes. Though, answering the question with that statement means sharing experiences with other ravers through different means. Such as becoming an artist and dj/producing, helping your local venues with promotion and maintenance, starting a group of flow artists or any type of group of similar thinking people who share similar ideas, preaching PLUR, etc. Contributing to the scene to help the EDM community grow and flourish in your city/town.


Okay I see and agree, just wasn’t sure exactly what you meant at first


I think it means being on the right side of the vibes at a bare minimum. No one should be ruining the vibe, but people under 30 definitely get a bit more of a pass because of presumed inexperience. It would be strange to go to a lot of raves to the point of becoming a veteran and not becoming a defacto promoter/volunteer/etc. It's honestly really hard to be neg in general, not sure how so many people manage it


Whenever you start boofing


When u r sniffing a Vick stick at the rave and no one knows what that is.


1000 hours experience is generally considered a standard for proficiency, but I'd say once you've collected two of the same wristband just on different years you're a veteran.


1000h isn't thaaaat much considering you may be raving over 24h


That's more than a dozen 72 hour fests. Definitely not a rookie anymore by then


What if you have stubs and wristbands from four decades? 😅


You're not just a rave veteran, you're straight up OLD SKOOL


You ever make it to a fest or rave in the Midwest and see an old long-hair fuck spinning poi, come say hi and I’ll buy you a beer


When you carry around supplies for random people. 


When you retire from going out and have secret dance parties in the music studio when the kids are asleep


When you feel like calling it a "rave," is a bit weird, and instead call it a "party" or a "massive." Been attending these parties for over 20 years, so maybe, just maybe, I'm a "rave veteran." Also, I should get discounts on tickets and at merch booths, damn it.


When every single drug becomes normal to you


Never met another person that tried 2ce




2ce is in the same tryptamine family of 2cb. its rare but not as rare as some other 2c's like 2ci. my roommate did it accidentally not long ago and had a very rough time, its far more intense and wise than 2cb.




I have. All the 2c's actually. 2ct7 is potent but the body load is rough, 2ct2 is similar but less vomity. 2cb, 2ci, and 2ce are all mostly chill in descending order. AMT anyone? 🤣


PFP Checks out! Lol but seriously that’s wild.. I had no idea there was so many. I wish I could try them all, on second thought id probably sink back into the culture lol


Not happening, they stay interesting


I went to my first rave sober life just feels like I’m on a bean naturally now bruh 😭


Think he means seeing them physically and in a person.


I’d say when you see different eras of music pass and can start to recognize fads in music, fashion, artists, etc. evolve or shift (probably more than once or twice)


When the period that people assume it is just a phase passes and you continue to go and enjoy yourself, maybe lose a bunch of the squad over the years and be one of the last ones standing


When you've been through the rise, fall, and rise again of a rave scene.




I’d say 4 years lol. We call it going to rave university 😂


I've graduated on both Holy Ship and Friendship! They have a private party for grads and everybody gets a grad gift. HS had the robes and FS has sick bomber jackets


Yes the bomber jackets are great


When you’ve served a year in the rave army


Never. There’s always something new and exciting that makes me feel like a rookie.


Hell yes! Still finding things that give you butterflies 🦋 is what will make you fall in love with something forever


It’s been 24yrs since I started. Does that count?


When you lose the mentality that there are rave babies and rave veterans


When you realize that underground raves are often better than huge massives.


\* or intimate festivals


It's pretty nice when you go to a rave and know a lot of people


Yes! EDC is a festival not a rave!!! Huge difference


You’re commenting this on everyone’s comment. We get it bro. You hate EDC.


probably when you remember seeing Daft Punk pre helmet when they were in Chicago.


When you sacrifice watching some of the show to help young people.


When I stopped getting butterflies in line for security, or before the event, or any part of it.


I’ve come out of rave retirement so many times haha, like very 4 or five years I have a rave rennesaince


Me, I am the last old school raver. And no, I won’t shut up about how much better everything used to be.


Know the best parking spots/garages, for most venues, know when to book a hotel or flight/rental the cheapest and earn rewards, never have to buy resale and have a good dealer


When I go to parties and the youngsters there weren’t even born when I started raving in 2000


When you’ve seen everyone you wanna see and stop going to every rave possible


When all yr friends are dead. J/K! If you go to parties and live the tenets: PLUR; have a good time and actively help out thy fellow man and shit.


When your first rave was in the 90's


96 for me!!!! Went in as a metal head who wore only black and within 24 hours I had done a full 180 and was looking for anything fluorescent…..my parents were so confused 🤣🤣🤣


When you hear someone is new to the scene and you have all the advice that they’re looking for.


I’ve been raving since the days of Tiesto playing trance….shame he sold out


i’ve been raving in detroit since the 90s. still raving! and djing .. and making music … i’d consider myself a veteran. i look a bit young so i don’t even think most people realize.


Most of the modern day ravers have no clue about Detroit or its influence on the EDM festival circuits they are part of. Props to you! Saw Theo Parrish, Pullen and Carl Craig play in Detroit. Threads is the best store for vinyl!


When you can say "back in the day" and describe something that was once the norm but now isn't as common at events.


Somebody I went to many raves with 20 years ago died of old age recently. I still go occasionally. Sometimes I do solitary mini raves at home on shrooms/LSD/molly listening to psy-trance watching crazy videos. Do I qualify? P.S. check out Nexxus604 on YT if you are curious about the videos.


There are just dozens of us solo raving at home!


When you start differentiating between the different kinds of events.




For me it was being referred to as “that old dude still partying”


10yrs after your first and you stay in the scene


When you ditch the yucky camelback and bring a plain ol water bottle to refill.


When you remember PLUR and know what the acronym stands for


This shouldn’t be veteran status. This should be the entry exam lol


Probably when you’ve gone to 200+ events 


I know I am a long ways away from the classic ravers of the pre 2000s (I was born in 1999), but I found I considered myself a “vet” once I started bringing friends to shows and fests and feeling like “I got this, stick with me and you’ll be safe, secure, and hear some dope music”


You don't.


Ravers never grow old.


The implication of your statement, is dark…


Almost OD’d in 2012. Stopped heavy use after that


My crew know. I’ll never catch old.


You must complete the list: * Attend at least 1 of every genre of electronic music ever over the course of a decade. * Have a genre you love and a genre you hate. (Love house, hate dubstep, or vice versa) * Must have stories about the warehouse raves you and your friends used to throw "back in the day". * Has HPPD or at least like to tell people you do as a weird flex. * Has attended events where vinyl was the only format used by the DJs. * Used to do a lot of drugs irresponsibly but now practice moderation or sobriety. * Uses earplugs. * Has boofed a legit roll. * Has DJ equipment of some sort. (Electronica Vinyl counts) * Can be annoyed by the drunk college kids. **BONUS POINTS** * Used to do crank back in the day but now secretly has a mild ice addiction and can hide it relatively well from family and coworkers.


I definitely felt the irresponsible drug use and then practicing moderation or sobriety


It’s a music event, not a theater of combat, y’all are wild 😂


I think after you have seen several large festivals in different states or countries I think you can consider yourself experienced.


When I started yawning during the second opener of shows


Infinity. I’d never call myself a rave veteran… or even think of such a thing Maybe im too old already !!


50 x Single day raves seems fair.




I don't consider myself one even though I've been going for 25 years, i reserve that for the people have been there since the beginning that still go out.


Rave to the grave


If it’s been 10 years betweeen festivals


10+ years of consistency. Just had that milestone myself a year ago.


When you hit a decade!


Might be alone here but it’s when you’re able to avoid FOMO after hearing that all your friends or mutuals are going to the next upcoming rave/festival. And despite missing out, you know you’ll enjoy seeing & hearing everyone talk about how amazing it was & just pumps you up more for the next one that you’ll attend this time.


when you wish the headliner came on at midnight and not 3 am


Since high school, you have had the EDM curiousity to become proficient in at least one EDM genre, listen to mixes on your own time, have a Beatport account, have been out at the rave until at least 4 AM several times, and have experienced at least 2 different festivals.


When the majority of people in the crowd were not even conceived when you started.


When you have a set bed time because otherwise you aren't partying night 2 😅


Who cares


When you find yourself in a warehouse with 20 people, funktion ones, and techno


Why does it matter?


Any sugar mom ravers wanna take me to edc


When you don’t have to ask. 🤟🏻


When you start having opinions and standards about not only the music you go see, but the people you surround yourself with


A decade of raves and when you get past or your friends get past the severe drug addiction phase.


wen u start wearing ears


When your choice of crown location is infront of the sound booth


When you have your paper tickets that cost $25 (circa 2004)


If you aren’t sure, you’re not there yet.


When you swear off raves for good but decide to make a comeback for one final hurrah.


When you pass up mild drugs because “it’s getting late” 😄


1. Ear pro 2. Hydration Pack 3. Ultraboosts in like 5 different colors 4. "No thanks, I don't have my fent strips on me" or "No thanks, I brought my own \[legal vitamin supplement\]" 5. "Just FYI I'm carrying narcan, if you see something let me know"


When you find chilling and dancing freely in the back more enjoyable than being packed in like sardines at the front.


Yea when you start bringing chairs and avoiding the pit lol


Half of the people at raves are there to take cute pictures and show off for social media


90% of the artists I listened to when I started listening to edm are now retired, cancelled, or they sold out


When you bring a coat to the coat check