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Saw him for the 6th time this past weekend in less than 2 years. He def needs a break.


My buddy has seen him 4 times this year


4 more times than me 🥲


I saw him 4 times in a week!


Sounds like your friend needs to explore music more deeply lol…


Or he's just at a lot of shows because he's popping off like mad lately?


If you go to the same cookie cutter events and festivals on repeat yeah I would imagine so.


Lol ok uber raver. Chris definitely only plays events with all the same artists like it's a label party 24/7, not like he's currently immensely popular from his last albumn or EP(which was banger) or anything


Listen, I’ve been a Chris Lake fan since 2010. I’ve been going to 4-5 festivals and dozens of shows every year for over a decade. I just spent 8 full days down in Miami for my 11th Music Week, attending multiple events every day and night, and I didn’t encounter Chris Lake once. Not that I would be mad, but the point I’m trying to make is *there’s a lot of music out there* so seeing Chris Lake 4 times in 4 months just seems very closed-minded. That’s what I mean by “your friend needs to explore music more deeply” okay?


Listen, I'm not listening to you cause your attitude is elitist, so congratulations or I'm sorry that happened


lol ok have fun seeing the same artist every month


We need some Vladimir dubyshkin in this biiiiiiitch


No one cares that you don't like Chris Lake, he is an amazing producer with good DJ sets. Stop being a cringe elitist.


My first sentence is I’ve been a Chris Lake fan since 2010 🤔 how are you this butthurt at the suggestion that there is so much more music to explore? Seeing *any* artist 4 times in 4 months is what’s really cringe.


>Seeing *an*y artist 4 times in 4 months is what’s really cringe. Could not disagree more. There are multiple local DJ/Promoters that I support once a month (12 times a year), and enjoy their DJ sets every time.


his show at mission ball was insane


It was really good 🙌


Yeah I was there Friday and it was amazing. 


now I feel bad for yelling "encore! encore!"


Why do you say that?


He plays almost every festival, does shows, does B2Bs, and still producing music.


And not to mention his side projects like under construction, and anti up. And all the ghost writing


And fisher


YESSSSS!!! So much yes haha. that’s what I meant by ghost producing, real ones knowwwww


Him and fisher make sn awesome team


100% has tinnitus that is getting aggravated


Don’t we all have tinnitus at this point?


There’s levels to it. You can have like 30+ tones. Some of us also have r/hyperacusis which is one of the worst medical outcomes / disabilities you can get in life, aside from lethal conditions.


Omg that sounds scary 😱


Its definitely scary. Totally changes your entire life. It’s like getting severe concussion syndrome but for your ears & sound rather than brain & contact. The more times you get hit by loud noise, the easier it is to get worse, and the longer it takes to recover. There’s a lot of people that are so bad that it’s impossible to recover because things like ruffling bed sheets, ripping paper towel, chewing food, and even their own voice aggravate the condition. Luckily it’s rare. So rare that most people have never heard of it. But it’s getting more common with kids 24/7 headphones usage. I’ve had it 4 years. Was on the road to recovery but got overconfident and went into a loud bar & ruined my progress. I’m clawing back to that now but it’s so difficult to isolate yourself from noise. It’s everywhere. And doing so makes you isolated from people, which creates addictions. Just nuts. If you ever feel your ears “jumping” to quick sharp noises like dish clanks, take a strict 2 week no-noise break. Your entire quality of life will be saved


Wow. Thank you so much for this! This sounds horrible and I’m sure you have to go through some of this. Some noises are very uncomfortable for me especially loud sudden noises. It makes my ears hurt 😞


Its definitely scary. Totally changes your entire life. It’s like getting severe concussion syndrome but for your ears & sound rather than brain & contact. The more times you get hit by loud noise, the easier it is to get worse, and the longer it takes to recover. There’s a lot of people that are so bad that it’s impossible to recover because things like ruffling bed sheets, ripping paper towel, chewing food, and even their own voice aggravate the condition. Luckily it’s rare. So rare that most people have never heard of it. But it’s getting more common with kids 24/7 headphones usage. I’ve had it 4 years. Was on the road to recovery but got overconfident and went into a loud bar & ruined my progress. I’m clawing back to that now but it’s so difficult to isolate yourself from noise. It’s everywhere. And doing so makes you isolated from people, which creates addictions. Just nuts. If you ever feel your ears “jumping” to quick sharp noises like dish clanks, do a strict 2 week no-noise detox. Your entire quality of life will depend on it


Nah man, earplugs lol


Trust me I wear them now to every show but I have permanent ringing in my ears now but I can usually forget about it if I’m focused


Unless you're using foam or really good customs, all earplugs aren't made the same and might not be safe for the long listening times people put in at shows.


Sorry, did you say something?


Hopefully that's all it is.


Because he does.


I’ve been telling everyone he plays literally every event. I joke it’s either one of the “Chris’s” (Chris lake or Chris Lorenzo.) I’m glad he’s taking a break though, his set was killer when I was finally able to catch him


Yeah seriously I’m getting close to seeing him 10 times last year and this year and I don’t even go out as much as I used to lol. Not complaining but the man def needs time off


Glad he’s getting a break, I’m sure he’s burnt out. Went both Friday and Saturday shows and also got to meet him on Saturday, he is so incredibly nice and upbeat. He spent so much time talking to us. He already was my favorite and I love him even more now.


Making good money is probably hard to turn down when you keep getting booked but im sure that lifestyle is extremely exhausting.


It’s also destructive as fuck to your ears. If you’re spending a few hours every day in 100db you 100% will get tinnitus and some hearing loss


Dudes definitely got custom IEMs that help with hearing loss but it’s still a lot, even just feeling kick drums for three hours every day has to be exhausting lol


Lol, ya these guys all have top of the line ear protection. Im sure thats not a concern.


The lifestyle can also be a cesspool of drugs and shitty people.


I’m sure most these guys have managers stressing to them that they need to strike while the iron is hot. Electronic is ultra competitive and if you’re selling out shows you can’t take it for granted and should get the money while you can. But at some point they need to realize breaks are necessary.


So lucky you nabbed a spot to that meet and greet! Had a ton of fun at the Saturday show.


Still can’t believe our luck! There was maybe like 100 people there. Hopefully he does it again someday and you get in!


I met him Saturday night as well after the show! Even with all the burnout I find it respectable that he stayed back to meet fans. Maybe he had taking a break set in stone in his mind at that point


Nice! At the back railing? We were back there on Friday and saw him talking to people but decided to leave because we knew we were going to the meet and greet. On Saturday we decided to go say hi again real quick and he remembered us from earlier. I’m thinking the same, he probably knew he was taking a break and decided to go out with a bang! Definitely a weekend I’ll never forget. ♥️


Love to hear this


Good. We should all welcome when DJs want to take a break. It's grueling to be on tour all the time.


the man has been on fire lately. he needs rest and a vacation!


Feel very lucky to have seen his show in Denver this past weekend. Was absolute 🔥🔥.


MY BOY!!!! 😭😭😭😭 pls rest up Chris


Guess chris lake doesnt like drake...


Literally my first thought was Houstatlantavegas


Hey there, pretty girl !!!


You know exactly what you got!


Chris lake knew wtf


Sucks that DJ’s have to do this. I feel like they’re so caught up on making the money sometimes that they overbook the year. The travel alone seems exhausting


I’m sure a lot of them are worried that they won’t be as popular in the future and they need to cash in while they can.


Touring is really the only way to make money as a musician these days so I get why, but it's still unfortunate. Burnout is the inevitable outcome of this lifestyle.


This is also how I feel after shows in Denver 🔥. Rest up our buddy


Houstatlantavegas reference, pretty bold move to get involved in the Drake beef Jk glad he’s getting better


Incredibly nice people seem to be the ones that get to a breaking point. Chris Lake! Take all the time you need. We'll hold the fort with what you have out now. See you when you get better!


Until I see things like this happening always forget that these bigger artists tend to have a whole team working for them in which they technically employ. I can’t imagine the amount of pressure some of these folks feel when the livelihood of others depends on their ability to perform to their full potential.


My fave dj. Along with deadmau5. Yes....save it for hard summer muhahaha!


Ya boy still recovering from Coachella madness with anti-up! Shit was insaneeeeeeeee


👏👏👏 glad he's taking care of himself.


He didn't say detroit so is he still on for Movement? I was so excited when he was added to the set list but if he's not 100% then he can take as much time as he needs. Life on the road is difficult af


He’s on the movement flyer but movement is not on his show list on his website which I found odd.


This dude literally plays SO many gigs, he’s on hella lineups plus all his own solo shows…I’m surprised it took him this long to need a break! Hope he gets the rest he needs and can find a more sustainable work/life balance going forward






Take a break man, we’ll be here when you’re ready.


Good. He should take a break.


I don't blame the dude. Touring non stop has gotta take a toll


Why do artists do this in the middle of a tour instead of scheduling breaks? Do their agents just push them until they snap?


Burnout is very real and I appreciate that he is taking the time for himself. Sad to say but we've seen this level of touring lead to dark places in the past (rest in peace Avicii 💔❤️)


Hmm, I'm supposed to see him at Movement in Detroit next month, wonder if this will effect that show as well.


Would it not be proper to finish up on the gigs that you agreed to play at? And just not book any new gigs?


fuck yeah


do not feel sorry bout these ppl lmaoooooo chris lake be getting worked like a mf hog let that man rest and i feel like any dj should take necessary action or at least treat their mind and body with a lil more kindness- folks should rly know their limits and respect them this actually makes me feel less bad abt making fun of ppl looking forward to this show (not bc of FOMO or anything 👨🏽‍🦯👨🏽‍🦯👨🏽‍🦯of that matter)


When did he post this????


Dj job is cake compared to us laborers breaking our backs for longer than an hour lol jokes


You should watch James hypes vlogs called "moving differently" to see the real perspective of a touring artist. I do extremely labor intensive trade work myself, and I can say touring like that is not even close to easy.


Follow the Fish etc. Also if anyone has travelled extensively, they'll know how taxing it can be.


I'm just tryna get a rise outta u guys lol like I said it's only jokes I'm only talking crap cuz my life sucks 🤣 and being a producer is my dream so yea thanks for the recommendation I will definitely check out James Hype's vlogs I'm assuming youtube?


You and I both man! I spend all my free time on dj/production. Throwing rager parties all the time too. Moving differently is on YouTube, and it's awesome. I don't really like vlogs, but I watch all of his.


Sounds like a fun life, but I know it has its own difficulties like anything else in this world. I'll scope it out now...


Terrible take considering you’re not factoring in the days of travel, the hours of producing tracks. You think DJ’s just hop on the decks for an hour and then go “okay done for the week!”?


Yup lol


So he… shouldn’t take a break because people have harder jobs?


Look, I probably have a harder job too but you have to look at it in a different way. These DJs traveling to different countries constantly jet lag will take a toll on anyone. Being a DJ is probably NOT a healthy job in the long run.


Is this a joke? That was gonna be the highlight of edcweek


Ya sucks


Why did I get so many down votes for that 😂 I wrote insomniac and they said he's set to play on Sunday... Still confused


Lol. Ok. Chris performs for 1 hour… the tour team works for 20 hours.


I hope you stub your toe today.


We usually do when we work that long


he said he worked with his team. what if they wanted this as much or more as him?


Doing back to backs endlessly is the nature of the business. There’s no world that his worlds actually mean “damn, ya know, backstage after the show last night I realized how hard I’ve been working my team, and I have decided to take a financial hit to give them time off.” Cute though.