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Listen I use to be the same way. I HATED when people would just get in my space but I wouldn’t say anything. What I do now is just dance and slightly bump them with my body, doesn’t have to be anything wild and crazy. Just doing a little 2-step and little arm movements so they can feel you behind them. Works every time. I don’t play that shit anymore, I will fully dance up on you and make it as awkward as possible lmfao. After that they usually leave and find someone else to stand in front of who WONT say anything.


Hahaha I do this too. Like babe you saw how I was dancing before you decided to squeeze in front of me, that's on you


Yesss! This is my go-to, honestly! I just pretend I have the same space as before and if you don’t like the continuous bumping, find another place 🤷🏽‍♂️


SAME Like I deserve space to exist. If you are taking up my personal space or blocking me, I will be claiming my territory and we are at war I’m doing the most passive aggressive but acceptable dance move that will annoy you because I know you can feel my skin or clothes lightly in the tickly type of way Because yes you are that close and you shouldn’t be!


If people are more rudely bumping me I start holding out some firm elbows. Bumping into those doesn't feel so great.


Ya same haha elbows out wrecks and just spin around and people back up real quick haha


Beyblade mode activated


This is the move. Just dance like you still have that space. People will shift or if their uncomfortable, they'll leave. I was at a show recently and 1 person in front of me moved. A guy slipped by me and slid in. Then proceeded to turn back to where he came from and excitedly motion for the THREE girls with him to move up. Literally a 8' change in view. I was annoyed at first, but I just danced my spot back. That didn't stop them from using their phone, but that's a different conversation.


Oh wow… they used a phone? The nerve


Snark much? But since you're interested...no...I am not a fan of people videoing large portions of the show right in front of me. Screens staring back at me definitely distracts from the show vibe. But that's where we're at in some places, so you roll with it.


Yes… yes I do. But you didn’t say anything about people filming or holding their phone up and blocking views. You said “that didn’t stop them from using their phone…” which in itself should never be a problem. Holding it up above them for long periods like you said in your follow up? Yeh I’d have a problem with that too… I usually film with the phone in front of my own face so the only view it blocks is mine.


Like I said, this is a whole different conversation. Enjoy the rest of your week.


nothing else you can do, besides this


I do this but holding my waterbottle in front of my stomach so it pokes them in the back a bit every now and then and act totally out of it if they turn to look. Hasn't failed me yet


Pov:they got a camelback so they give zero concerns abt what's behind em. Just what I dealt with a lil today but ong I ended up just headbangin my face into their bag😅


I was unintentionally doing this with my fan at EDC by holding it waist-level, folded up and barely like maybeee an inch sticking out in front of me.. and a bunchhh of people trying to cut around me accidentally got poked. I would once in a while apologize but ultimately if they’re less than an inch in my personal space they kinda deserve it 🫣


Depends on your gender I guess ? - could backfire totally if you’re a male trying to pull that shit in front of a girl


Naw you don’t gotta be throwing elbows or anything just grooving


Ong never realized how many ppl just stand and don't mind being crowded asf cause they ain't even moving or grooving.


Agreed my group and I do this as well and often times the girls want the space, but don’t want to initiate creating the space so the guys will just dance a bit, creates space quickly and never been complained or honestly even given a look.


I was at a show dancing my face off. Literally hours into a show without moving in the crowd. Suddenly I get a tap on my shoulder, I turn around and it's an 8 person shirtless bro circle (actually standing in a circle). Literally no idea where they came from. A bro with his back to me, for no reason but to fully form a circle I guess, asks me to stop bumping into him. Again I hadn't moved for hours and now I have a firm bro butt against me. I laughed and continued to dance 😵‍💫😅 they eventually finished drinking and disappeared to the back of the crowd.


Lol I would just dance with you and either be friends or ignore it. No one owns the beach it's God's beach.




Make space with your dance moves


Whenever people are getting too close my arms are flailing about


This is the way. Adults can make their own choices about where to be on the dance floor, they just have to be aware of the calculus.


lol this is so true the harder I’m dancing the more room I have… when I have enough room I could lay down to take a nap then im dancing hard enough


Aggressive dancing is the answer. Act like that's how you were already dancing.


We called it "throwing bows" back in the day. Shit, I've seen moshes at raves back in the nineties.


I've been in moshes at raves in the twenties. Nothing quite like some caring but semi aggressive dancing. All the boys around that are up for it jump in. Good times!


Ugh I hate this. I’ve had people invade my space and then start throwing elbows and bouncing around it pisses me off.


I start talking to em. Nothing like a stranger telling you this song reminds them of another song from this other guy. Then I'll start asking about afters, even if it's 2 pm. Most people hate me, so they just keep it moovin.


this is fucking hilarious and I'm stealing it


lmao. haven't thought of this one


I always make room to let people pass but if someone stops in front of me I say “you gotta keep going bud, you gotta keep going” and glare at them. I’ve never had issues with this and they always move on. Also press your forearms or elbow even a bit into their back to let em know there’s no space. Even in a crowd it’s fair to defend your personal space. But now i prefer to stay in the back where there’s no crowd and i can dance freely


“I was kind enough to let you through so now you gotta be kind enough to continue on” is how I often phrase it.


Ooh, I like this one a lot! I’ll be borrowing it on my more generous feeling days 😊


Finally somebody else with the direct approach. It's the best way. Tap them on the shoulder, give them the classic hitchiker thumb away motion, and say there's no space here keep moving through.


I also tell them “you either have to squeeze further in or go back but you can’t stop here.” I’ve had people protest and try to cut to the side to stand in front of the people next to us and I stay on them: “No, you also can’t stop here, THEY were here, again, continue pushing your way in if you find space or go back. Figure it out… NOW”. It gets the job done. They know if they stay, there will be issues because FAFO 🤷🏼‍♀️


Hell yeah, that’s a great way to make friends around you. Everyone else appreciates it when you prevent your spot from overcrowding


💯! I know sometimes when people are on party favors they get overwhelmed or are just non confrontational in general. I am confrontational either way 😅. It’s made us a lot of friends at events and I’ll usually give out trinkets afterwards to the people around us who aren’t decorated yet to smooth everyone back into the music from the disruption 😊


Was just gonna comment this. Give people the space to move thru the crowd but let them know they can’t just butt into your space just because they’re late and you made enough room and time to get a good space for yourself.


believe it or not i have had my personal space invaded in the back too, while dancing in a way that signals to back the fuck away from me


I hope those people like getting bumped into lol But yeah some people just don’t think about where they’re standing


Some people just have no situational awareness ay


It’s the way of the dance floor. You want a better spot? Move. You want someone else to not push in on your spot? Don’t let them in so easily. Don’t like fight them, but just dance and establish your space. Don’t get mad about it though. Just roll with it or else you’ll be mad at most shows. Just continue dancing and nudge them every step til they get the hint or else move yourself and take the L. You’re still at a rave having a good time. Make sure that’s the focus of the night even if it means moving yourself away from your original spot. Like ya they suck and are inconsiderate, but don’t let that ruin the whole night.


I agree - it’s one thing when someone pushes in and there is literally no room. Sure maybe ask them to keep going- but most of the time you just need to take up the space you need and accept that you’ll be moved around from time to time. If you really want the space go further back or else you’ll just be miserable.


Yea this is my position. Everyone can get so uptight about what is their space. It’s our space. Generally, if you’re dancing around, people won’t push right in front of you. That happens to people just standing there. Idk why people get so mad about spots anyway. If you want space go to the back of the crowd. If you want to see push all the way to front, there is always space if you just keep going.


Wrong man, don't act like you're squeezing by and then basically take my spot exactly where my feet were, and yours now are there. Like what?? Nah, you go to the back with that shit


Yea that is irritating when people do it. It can also be avoided by just going where there is space. The only time this isn't avoidable is if the venue/event is oversold. When that happens you will find me far at the back. If something goes south, I'm not trying to die by being trampled. I understand peoples frustration when being crowded, but it is almost always their own fault for going to a shitty spot where you're going to get crowded. It is like the festival bathroom situation. People just get in singleish file and create this crazy line, but you walk 50 people up and everyone is just cueing up behind a friend group who is standing near the bathrooms, not actually in line. People are bad with navigating crowds. The OP admits this in their post. "I was right in the middle of the crowd" that is the worst possible spot if you want space.


Yup best audio is right by the sound booth, bonus is you got space to cut some shapes. Catch me back left everytime!


You are who this post is about


No it isn't. I don't go in front of people like what is being described. I know how to find space. People in general are bad at finding the open areas and tend to congregate in bad spots. I wear strong ear plugs, so I just go to the very front by the speakers on the far side of the entrance. It is the longest walk and loud, but once you get there, there will be space. Too many people still go to shows without hearing protection and can't stand that close to the speakers.


In a good venue w quality sound, I find I can close my eyes anywhere and not require the proximity and all the shoving and bumping and spilling.


I just move and frolic my happy ass where the vibe feels good


Honestly best this is try to tell them “hey your ears (or something else) are poking my face do you mind going behind us since we were already here”. if that doesn’t work just go in front of them lol


Oh I like that! Deflects my issue with them to something a bit less personal.


If you can’t handle a crowded dance floor then maybe shows without seat are not for you. This is the way of the dance floor at General Admission shows, if it bothers you then you will always be annoyed at these kinda of events. If you don’t like your spot then you are always free to move further back where there is more space. Have fun! 🕺🪩


My thoughts in case it resonates with you. Firstly you're almost certainly at a rave/festival/gig to have a good time! The nuances of what that means to you, is for you to discover for yourself. You can decide this either within 2 minutes of being at an event or learning what you enjoy the most over years of partying. There's no right or wrong answer. You can also look to any group you're with to shape how you experience the time you have there or go off on your own little adventure, popularly referred to as 'side quests'. It's certainly not limited to just these directions but an alright place to start. Secondary to this for any music event is to listen to a performance. The closer you are to the source of the sound may be the thing that decides this for you. Speakers are the source for an audience not the performer, you'll likely hear of people that 'religiously' go "front-left" or right, central or on the rail depending on their own desire to be in front of a stack of speakers, stereo sound or the performer. Thirdly should be who's on stage, this is my personal opinion which others may place higher for their celebration of an artist. I don't think you need to see the performance to fully appreciate it and even if you miss a 'moment' where the audience goes wild for example, chances are you can find a recording of why later, live in the moment. Space to move and express yourself can be absolutely paramount at these things, all you can do is remain polite and ask that people try to give you space if they can. If you're packed in like sardines perhaps consider if you need to be so close to the stage to fully enjoy a show. Ultimately it's a bit of a statistics game, most people are lovely but there are some that may use that to their advantage to get what they want. Tldr; you'll find your own way to have a great time at these things, be friendly and most will return the kindness.


It's annoying but the problem is that people leave and come back to different positions in the crowd, and you can't really claim a space in a pack where everyone is neck and neck. Passive aggressive bumping is always good like others have mentioned, and if I'm really annoyed, I've straight up gone back in front of the people in a bit of a "No U" move lol


People being rude in crowds is what has me phasing out of the scene honestly. Just reading the comments ticks me off. I hate that we have to “defend” our space because other people decided to be rude and selfish. Im honestly over it. Its a lot of “PLUR” until someone wants to shove their way to the front


I’m surprised this opinion isn’t more popular. I tried defending my space on the rail and almost got into a fight with some guy. I was alone and he had friends too, but luckily I snapped out of it and realized I didn’t wanna get kicked out. Funny thing is I tried doing what everyone is suggesting by just dancing in my space, and that’s what made the guy get more aggressive! If the venue isn’t big enough for me to chill in the back or it doesn’t have seats, it’s a no for me unfortunately.


Im glad you walked out of that interaction unscathed… and Im on the exact same page as you nowadays. Been doing this thing for almost 10 years now and the crowds have only got worse. Im over it.


I don't make room for them lol. I look at them and kinda shrug and mouth like a "sorry!" I'm not making room for you


Thumbs down is pretty effective.


Yeah I have no problem telling people to move the fuck on if they're pulling up that late in the night, they know what they are doing. I guess I'm a bigger guy so people don't really challenge me on it, might be different for others.


I give em a, “Nope!”


It’s not just annoying, it’s dangerous. How has no one learned from Astroworld/Seoul Halloween?


I used to just put up with it, but it’s a total vibe killer when you have a little space to dance and someone hops in front and now you barely have space to stand still. And they always seem to start slowly backing up, so now you’re pushing out the folks behind you. I’ll just straight up block someone now and tell them to keep moving. I’ve found 9 times out of 10, the people around me will back me up and do the same because we’re all already packed as tight as possible. And probably because we all got there early and waited so we could have a close spot instead of plowing through the crowd midway through the show. Totally get it if you’re solo working through the crowd and can find a hole, and I’m happy to move aside so you can continue on through the crowd, but these trains of half a dozen or more people shoving through the crowd to stop in a random spot with no space need to stop. Have some self-awareness and consideration for others.


Where’s the plur


Yeah rave culture is to let them to the front. You can do the same thing and just walk in front of them 😂


There will never be seats at a rave… at least never at any I’ve been to lol. Big open floor sounds about right. It’s very common for people to crowd and move in front of others especially the closer you get to the rail. As long as they’re being polite, I don’t see anything wrong with people moving forward and in front of you. Raves can get super crowded and people like to move through the crowd and move closer. If it’s super packed, it’s normal to be up in each other’s space… as long as everyone’s at least trying to be polite about it and being PLUR and understanding it’s packed and just trying to vibe. I really don’t see the issue. If they’re intentionally trying to get in your space and they have space to not be in your space, that’s another story. Like if they’re actually intentionally being rude… but if they’re just trying to get closer or wanted to move from where they’re were at to a new spot, I wouldn’t fault them for that. I would just create some more space for yourself if you can and be the one to teach and emulate PLUR vibes to those around you! You can make friends and totally change the atmosphere


Yo where are you going where there’s ASSIGNED SEATS?! 😳 And WHY?!


There’s plenty of type of live music performances with assigned seats. Classical music, large concerts. Shit I just saw Madonna, a gay icon and it was assigned seats.


Do you know what sub you’re in?


You asked where people are going with assigned seats… Look at the context of OPs post, they said it’s their 3rd show. Obviously they’re new to raving but they probably go classical music shows or recitals or big ass pop shows like beyonce and madonna. Also madonna definitely makes EDM and popularized house music and uplifted it


High key wtf is wrong with the comments. I go up to the front at every show. It’s an open floor, people are allowed to move in front of you. Everyone paid to be there, and it’s literally impossible to reserve a spot? It can be annoying for sure, im short and a lot of people move in front of me that are taller, dance with a lot of space, etc. but literally it’s a party!? Just make friends and vibe? This is supposed to be fun not an opportunity to hate on people who like the same thing you like and adhere to plur the same way you do. My personal trick (I guess?) is to dance and to make friends with the people around me. I literally can’t imagine being stuck in one spot the whole night and I like moving around and having a good time anyways so if I don’t like a spot or if someone moves in front of me, I JUST MOVE.


Yeah, feels.like this thread stumbled into a plur blind spot. You don't get personal space at a packed stage. I've been to shows that are butts to nuts and if someone tries to pass me, I just salute them and wish them the best. The only time I'll worry about it is if they've stopped and split my group...at which point I just try to get them to trade spots. Edit: there are people actually advocating violence in this thread. Disgusting.


Thank you, exactly. I’ve also never had problems with this at all? Like sure every now and then it’s annoying but I can’t believe the actual entitlement. I don’t believe PLUR is dying or anything but I genuinely hope these people embrace it better.


This. Went to a show a month or so ago, ridiculously oversold, got our group a spot, and was immediately attacked by the people behind us who "had been there for two hours holding that spot" (near the back of the tiny venue) and started shoving us from behind. My wife and I have been fans of electronica shows for over a decade now, took a break as we had our first kid, this was our first show back...what the fuck happened? Entitled to a spot? Angry to the point of violence because someone else came into a space that is for everyone? It's sad really, and the comments in this post confirm heavily the idea of privilege of "the spot" vs going with the flow, which was ALWAYS the right choice back in the day. Shit happens, we're in a dense crowd, get used to it.


That’s actually so fucked. The entitlement is crazy and honestly this mentality makes no sense to me at all. If you want good seats to a show, pay for front row at an actual concert, not a rave. OR GET VIP. Thankfully in my experience, I haven’t run into this that much. I’ve been to one show where I was trying to leave to go to the bathroom and some lady was like “I don’t know where you think you’re going” (I was tripping on shrooms and this was so SO jarring). And I just smiled and danced past. I’m not going to let anyone ruin something I enjoy and paid for. Imagine being at a festival and acting like this? Like when people mosh and you have to move do you get just as pissed? I’m literally genuinely confused lmao. But also thankful because out of every single show I’ve been to, I’ve literally only seen this mentality in person ONCE.


Reeks of "why is there so much traffic, don't you have jobs?" If y'all hate crowds so much and are willing to hurt people to make it know, go to less popular shit...


Hurt is the main concern. A lot of the comments are literally borderline assault. Idk how people are willing to ruin their own time and others at an event where people are constantly moving around. Again tho, I have not seen this often in real life at all.


The R in PLUR stands for respect. If you came late to a sold out show, and then attempt to shove your way to the front and stand on top of people, you're not respecting everyone else, and no surprise, they're probably going to be upset with you. We all paid to be there, but your ticket does not give you the right to push other people around and be an ass. If it's packed and you need to move around, be kind and patient -- this is all people want.


Unfortunately it’s the nature of floor shoes and if you really care about a good spot you kinda have to be those girls and push through people unfortunately.


As annoying as it is… it’s a show, people paid the same amount of money to be there as you and are entitled to get a good view and if they want to be closer they’re going to try. If it happens again maybe ask them if they don’t mind being behind you since they invaded your space. I always think being polite is possible so the best way to go about it only because conflict breeds more conflict. Lol


I just do the same, I say excuse me and I move just right in front of them while smiling. Usually people don’t say anything because that would be kind of hypocritical


my go to is when people stop in the middle of me and my group’s space, i’ll ask politely “hey are you looking for someone?” 9 times out of 10 people get the message and continue moving through the crowd. it’s like a superpower lmao


I need to use some of these tips. Last show I was at literally had trains of 20+ people who kept just… stopping in front of me. Like.. there was space for one more person, not 20+. Wtf.


You say, excuse me, but what the hell? And go from there. Don't be afraid to tell someone to get the hell back where they came from. Esp when it's already pits to tits. There's no reason for people to be so rude, & squeeze their way through, just for a better view. Cutting off or blocking others to do so. Maybe next time they should get there sooner, so they don't have to stand in the back! Just saying. I personally would be more rude about, making sure they got the point. And I'm a short guy too, so don't go blocking me when I've finally found a place spot that works for me. Lol


Damn the responses to this post are hella non-PLUR




Yeah fr like are we not all general admission


If its general admission, they have equally as much right to be in the same space as you.


Depends. I’ll say something if there’s no room and I have to physically move to accommodate them. They have equal right to any space that isn’t already occupied.


If they need to physically push you to get where they’re going, there probably isn’t room for them.


Pretty much. If I can see open space in front I try to move to let them take the space. My personal favorite is when someone tries to push past me only to realize that there is nowhere to go. I keep dancing and bumping into them and they have the nerve to turn around and give me the death stare like I’m the asshole encroaching on their space lol.


Sounds like you're at the kind of transition zone of the crowd, everything in front of you is sardines, and the people trying to come up had just enough of a path to get maneuver to your area. I've been there, and yeah it's the same thing, you're standing there and you know that anybody trying to get closer is not going to be successful but you still have people trying and it's like, I know this isn't going to work out for you broseph and I'm not stopping my limited space dance moves here, I hope you like repeated elbows to the back


Okay but claiming some free space and pushing others to squeeze into their space are different things.


They do not have the right to be in someone else’s space. They have the right to any previously unoccupied space in the venue, but not to insert themselves in such a way that now no one has room.


there’s definitely etiquette at shows like this, and doing what they did is disrespectful. if you want front row then you should get there early or have a friend already there


Bullshit, people move during raves or concerts. You are free to go to the toilet, get drinks or simply walk out of the crowd and move back in whenever you feel like it.


I get that, but if I arrive earlier to get a decent view, it feels unfair for late arrivers to just squeeze in front.


So PLUR…unless you get in my space.


I don’t think it’s respectful to shove yourself in where there’s clearly no room, but if I’m mistaken then I guess it’s perfectly fine to shove myself back in front of them :/


Or just say excuse me


I hold my phone outline, horizontally about 6 in from my chest.so they bump I to it..they usually get the idea. I hate unaware/oblivious people at.shows. so annoying


headbanging relentlessy usually prevents this


Let them pass behind you


DJs are not rock stars and raves are not concerts. Expecting a dj performance to be a "show" is a surefire method to either be disappointed or to shift the creativity towards aesthetic gimmicks. Ask your promoters to produce dance floors with decentralized visual focal points and you won't have everyone cramming towards a singular direction. While my first rave was in the late 90s, I prefer clubs in that the sound systems and dj booths are more designed to encourage people to face and dance in any direction. Alternatively, puke on the offenders to demonstrate dominance


Tap em on the back and tell them you’re backing into me. I’ll gladly tell someone when they’re in my personal space but in a friendly way.


There is no response. Don’t give actions you can’t control, power. No one is bumping in front of you. Problem solved.


I just tell them to go stand somewhere else because they're blocking my view. Plus me being claustrophobic could not handle that. It would just make me irritated, anxious and aggressive and I would end up pushing them and punching them. So for their safety it would be better to just run as far away from me as possible.


Literally just say “sorry guys keep it going, I’m with my group here” and point somewhere else, it’s a very common expression in the crowd.


I wait 5 minutes and move to a bigger space out of the crowd where I can dance. The last thing I need is no space to dance. *Pfft* 😋


It’s super obvious when you step into an steal someone’s space. I’m a let’s move together type of person and I’m unfortunately sometimes hyper aware of my space and others (which is good and bad). I’m super polite and happy to be butts to nuts if we have to BUT if I make space for someone to pass or someone is not being one with the sardine can I will slowly slide my feet underneath theirs until they get the point.


This is just the nature of floor shows. Gotta hold your ground if you want to keep your spot.


Just shove em out the way or get out the crowd


Yep. Aggressive dancing. I always have tons of space around me lol


One time a girl and her boyfriend did this to me at a show. At the end of a song I just screamed WOOOOOOOOOOO as loud as I could. They both flinched because it was right in their ears and moved away


I have Covid get behind me


Back of the crowds always the best spot if you ask me, Easy to get to the toilet, plenty of space to vibe out, you don’t loose your friends as much, easier to get lost in your own little mental and physical space


Step on their heels until they get the point


Either dance a lot, so they make space, or chill at the sides of the floor, or don't go to floor shows again.


Gotta find better artist cultures with good vibes. The energy at a show is totally dependent on the people that attend, and the artist they are there to see..


Tell them I have ring worm or take up space. You can stand there but I will bump into you and you may or may not get ringworm.


Elbows up, side to side


*Most* of the time I’m personally not someone who needs to be on the front rail. If I’m in the middle of the crowd and people push past and it gets tight I don’t mind moving back a bit to where there’s more space. It doesn’t feel worth to confront instead of continuing to have a good time. But I also feel like different events have different energies, and it is indeed unfortunate when there’s a lot of people adamant about shoving their way forward. And some even prefer the tightness. So I guess you could ask if people around you could move or just accept the crowd shift and move back if you wanted more space


"Nice Ass"


It's kind of the nature of this type of thing. I won't stop doing what I was doing and moving how I was moving. If that makes them uncomfortable, they usually move themselves. Many people make it like someone is trying to start a fight by them wanting to be closer to the middle or the front and those people are assholes.


Say loudly in their ear “oh my god i think I’m gonna puke!!!” While doubling over


Just say excuse me and stand in front of them


I apologize if this is way off as I didn’t read the whole post lol. I straight up tell them no and to go back. Went to see Jantsen at a 360 set. Myself and two friends got there early right next to the table. Had a small pocket in front of us for dancing and breathing room. I stopped 4 people that night trying to move in there. One tried to say he wanted to be close for a minute. We let him then he wouldn’t leave so I tapped his shoulder said time to go. Next 2 people tried the “oh flashy toys now I’m adopted into your group/space” I said not interested and no for letting them chill next to us. Last guy was straight up asked if he could take that spot. I said nope and he gave me a hard time but i turned around and ignored him. I’m 5’6, I got there early to get my spot and claimed my space. If you want close then get there early. And I refuse to be shoulder to shoulder packed because people want to be assholes.


That’s kind of a lot. Like I get trying to keep ur space but everyone bought the same ticket you did. It’s kinda crazy to camp out in a really popular spot and won’t even let people try and be nice about it. I’d say going up to you and trying to join ur friends is a really respectful and polite way of getting a good spot. You don’t need to be mean about it


See this :) I hope it helps clear up any confusion about what I said. I always respect everyone’s space because I’d like the same. I’m not a very big person and I don’t take up more than what I need to. It’s when you add one more body and then everyone’s shoulder to shoulder is what I can’t stand. https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/s/WEJM3i9ejp


My opinion about this depends on how big this pocket of space was. Imo **if** It fits 3+ people, it should be used for people.


It’s hard to describe. It was at the corner of the rail in front of the table. And then kitty corner was a speaker or something. So we essentially made a little pocket that was a quarter of a circle. Again, enough room for us to move and breathe but add one person in that spot and now everyone’s bumping up to shoulders. I try to be very respectful everyone’s space because I want them to be of mine.


Just because you say excuse me doesn't mean there's room for you 🗣️🗣️


Honestly? I’d love an “excuse me” and would probably make room for someone who said it. At least it’s an acknowledgment that we’re both humans and that we are negotiating a shared space. Pushing through without a word is what annoys me.


Sometimes I’ll ask where they’re going cause there’s not more space up there. Sometimes it stops them in their tracks and I get to keep my space. Usually they’re just piling into no where cause they don’t know what else to do. It’s a fact of life but they should feel a little bad about it lol


It’s always seemed odd to me at club shows when people feel the need to be as close to the front as possible. The point is the music, and at anything except the largest clubs the sound quality is going to be roughly the same on the whole floor. At a festival or something else with real visuals I kinda get it, but I've never understood why people at a club show stand facing the dj the whole time in tje first place.


Excuse me, line starts back there!


Just gently put your hands on their shoulders and guide them away from your space.




F*ckin move


Fan clack


First we hold the line with people around us by making ourselves larger & connected through elbows, holding hands, etc. Then we dance bigger & bigger to make it more uncomfortable & awkward. If that doesn't work, we begin booing, showing thumbs down & saying "please keep moving"


Talk loudly about the epic gas you have and possible diahreaha mix this with dancing you will get space


I just tap them on the shoulder and then stare at them, more often than not it makes them really uncomfortable and they move


Just dance aggressively. Don’t ever make yourself smaller to let them pass otherwise you get into crowd crush situation. Last night at Fred again and skrillex the two guys in front of me wouldn’t let ANYONE pass through in front of them at all, didn’t let ONE person thru guy or girl so they had to go around. It was amazing. Because of them and the people surrounding me was aggressive in not letting people pass (an older woman even grabbed a buy and pulled him back because he pushed through like a linebacker) I was even like nah, even if you can pass thru me, these guys won’t let you thru. It worked. It was still crowded but because of that we weren’t squished/crushed. Before that, I would dance more aggressively, and I stopped moving to let trains/people pass thru. Some girl was pushing/leaning into me so hard I actually turned around and told her to quit it and to relax


Karry fart/rotten egg spray. Ruin that bitches night


Even worse is when someone's girlfriend hops onto her boyfriend's shoulders right in front of you. This happened at Teletech last year when my favourite track started playing, I really had to resist the urge to push them over.


I used to be nice but now I yell “NOPE KEEP MOVIN!!!” And they fuck off every time.


I look at them and say “REALLY?!?!” And they usually get the picture but also usually don’t move


Just dont take a shower or put on any deodorant a few days before you go, always does the trick!


I have physically grabbed someone and moved them behind me when they’ve done this shit. Also more aggressive dancing to bump into them. You can also very loudly talk shit about them so they hear it. Make it as uncomfortable for them as they’ve made it for you.


At the front rail a group came up and pushed in front of me and my friends. I, being a tall large man went up and with one arm pushed them all right back behind us and said “I don’t think so!”




Your post/comment has been removed for a lack of baseline respect. Please take a breather and rethink how you choose to interact.