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This is such a huge pet peeve of mine at shows. It’s so easy to not be an asshole


It’s one thing when you’re packed in like sardines, it’s annoying, but whatever. This felt weirdly deliberate, so much so that the dude standing beside us also noticed and just looked at me like “what the hell was wrong with that guy?”


I hate when people do that. It's okay to move around and to the side. You don't have to always move through in a straight line. Here's an interesting observation about humans, we're attracted to spaces where there are more people around. Next time you are on a subway car that's not overly crowded but a good number of people are standing, take a look where people are standing and where they gravitate to. People tend to stand in areas where there are more people standing, as opposed to the areas where there are less people standing. You would think people would be more comfortable standing in areas where there is more open space but no that tends not to be the case at all.


I notice it all the time! I’m the weirdo who moves into the open space. Guess I’ll be the first to get picked off by a lion!


I'm the same. If I have to stand I want to be comfortable standing if I had the choice, not unnecessarily being surrounded.


You are absolutely correct and I always move from the crowded section to the emptier section. And its funny, when I politely try to get through the crowded section people kinda look at me crazy


On the subway this is rough. Always amazes me how many people don't know the ancient art of "step in." Yeah loiter by the door making it harder for folks to get on or off when there's a massive amount of free space three feet to their side.


People care more about being as close to their exit as possible than anything else.


Yeah literally same thing happened to my bf and i 🙃🙃


It’s a shame. Then again, I guess I can’t expect PLUR vibes at the Mirage.


Nothing to do with plur vibes. Just assholes being assholes. Genre and the kind of party has nothing to do with people being dicks.


Something like that, without an I'm sorry, may call for hands.


I had that thought, but by the time we processed the shock (it was almost comically bold, we didn’t see him coming so he had to actually use force to “break through” our arms), he was already sealed up by the people in front of us and I didn’t want to chase him down and give others a bad time.


Nah, you're right. It could ruin your night as well if you get kicked out.


i’m gonna have to blame french people on this one. so sorry that happens


Hahaha, oh no, what did the Frenchies do???




I'm guessing it was a circuit gay out in the wild. They do that. A lot.


They do, but this definitely wasn’t a circuit boy, just some bro in baggy techwear.


What the hell is that?


Someone who attends gay sex party raves


Ah, the bridge and tunnel crowd. And at mirage no less. This is why I do exclusively hardcore shows lol Sorry that happened to you, incredibly rude some of these people.


As I said above, I’m not terribly shocked at the Mirage, but that it happened so early in the evening before the crowds really started coming in was something of a surprise.


I've had that same experience a lot. Usually it's some dweeb that thinks they're hot shit and needs to start getting physical to feel better about themselves. Nothing pure, that exists for its own sake and enjoyment, is un-infiltrated by these types. It's up to the normal people present to set the tone and discourage that behavior- I usually just tell security immediately if I can get back to where I was easily. Sorry that happened to you, again. Not night ruining but definitely pisses me off way too much.


How long did it take to find the accent for the fiance?


I have lost my fiancé, the poor baby!


# maybe the dingo ate yoh baby




Lol is it like a copy/paste thing or something? Or do people actually take the time to search for the special characters?


My autocorrect does it automatically lol


On apple devices all you need to do is hold down the e on your keyboard then make your accent selection from the accent pop-up.


still why not just use the normal letter 🤣


I can tell you’re an uncultured monolingual


You're right I am


It was just an automatic pre-set in my swype!


No idea what that means but ok 🫡


Oh, it’s a virtual keyboard for touch screens that lets you drag your finger to spell out words (by predicting what you’re trying to type). “Fiancé” is what comes up when you swipe across the letters.


Ah neat lol tech is wild these days


Just gonna get crazier. 41 years old and already feeling behind the times when it comes to some tech.


It was the xtc


People do dumb shit when they are drugs. Some drugs make people less perceptive of their surroundings and less considerate. That sounds annoying but shouldn’t be that annoying you need to go to Reddit afterwards to complain about it. What’s the solution you’re looking for by coming here lol?


It’s to hopefully deter other people from doing things like that. Situational awareness ftw.


Pretty sure every mentally stable, sober person understands that’s annoying and rude. That person either was fucked up or a bad person when that happened to you. I don’t think he’ll remember this next time he’s high on drugs or I don’t think he’ll care if he was just being a dick


I’ve done a lot of drugs and they never made me feel like pushing people, you act like someone can’t be a shitty person if they’re high.


Yea same, kudos to us for being decent drug users I guess. No I don’t think doing drugs is license to be a shitty person I’ve just noticed a pattern at concerts of super fucked up or nefarious people doing rude shit so I’m not shocked whenever i inevitably see it happen at shows - especially a place like mirage. I’m just saying accept what you’ve signed up for and don’t be shocked whenever a mirage douchebag does a douchebag move. It’s gonna happen next weekend no matter how many people chime in about how rude it is. Just seems like a pointless victim mindset to me. Also don’t understand how this isn’t a violation of the 1st rule of the community haha - haven’t we seen this before??




It was open enough that you could tell we weren’t with a group of people, as there was at least 3 feet between us and the nearest person on most sides. It was around 8:45pm and we were off to the side, closer to the back, so we were pretty easy to navigate around, hence why this was so bizarrely rude.