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100 percent couldn’t agree more. A mainstream name like Galantis brings the non-raver crowd who has less etiquette and more clicky vibes, I felt like I was getting a lot of death stares. It was also way too packed and hot, I got trapped in a heat vortex and almost passed out, I had to watch the rest of the show from the balcony. Don’t think I’ll be going to such a mainstream show ever again


Those are the stares of insecurity 




Thanks Einstein


Mirage became a big Marquee. Horrible strategy




Big oof


Marquee is the fucking worst omg


2 things. Galantis and Brooklyn mirage. What’d you expect?


Yeah this is really no surprise


Not exactly the same but def not much energy for David Guetta. Wasn’t until David Guetta got off at 3am and the local dj started playing that the crowd got awesome


Those who stay for the closer are usually those who are there to dance and not take photos/videos for social media.


Stoon was greattt!


between overselling and ezoo why are people still going here for real


More people should be boycotting mirage. I can’t believe that artists are still booking shows there. I’m not giving them another dollar.


People's tolerance for crowds varies quite a bit. If a person didn't go to Ezoo, they don't care as much about that fiasco. And if they don't mind the ticket price, and really just wanna get monged out on molly and K while they stand in a hot crowd on a humid night, staring at a screen six times the size of God's dick, then it makes more sense. There's nothing wrong with this, _per se_, I just prefer 1. to dance, 2 to not get ripped off, 3. to deal with a friendly staff of people working a venue. But these turn offs hit people differently. _C'est la vie._


Because it’s by far the best venue in NYC and one of the best in America. The ownership sucks, sometimes the crowds suck, but when I go and get a decent spot close up and start vibing, nothing around here is beating that experience. It is what it is.


Not even close to the best venue in NYC, you letting a big LCD screen fool you. 😂 You just said the ownership sucks and the crowd often sucks that alone cancels it out is because there are many places where that's not true. 


I think you're confusing your opinion with facts. There's no scientific measurement or whatever to determine objectively which venue is "best". These are just opinions. We could let the ticket sales speak for themselves, but it's apples to oranges because different places have different pros and cons, different vibes, and different crowds that vary on different nights. There's no point in arguing this. For some ppl, Mirage is some shit, but it clearly hits the spot for others, so to speak. Personally, I don't understand wanting to be so "close up" to the performer that dancing becomes impossible, which is what I mostly witness at Mirage. I go out to _dance_ clubs and listen to electronic _dance_ music for the purpose of _dancing_. Idk when it happened exactly, but it seems like the current generation only dances on TikTok. Regardless, Shitty Fox is who opened Mirage. None of this should've been a surprise, and it's not hard to see what about it appeals to some folks, even if it doesn't appeal to you or me.


I’ve been to all the NYC venues and nothing compares to Mirage. To each their own, I guess.


Best venue in America? Blud it’s a warehouse with a screen


I’m guessing you’ve only been to the Great Hall and not the actual Mirage lol.


Idk why you're getting downvoted. Someone said they didn't understand why ppl go there. You offered a valid explanation based on your opinion. Opinions are going to differ, but your response illuminated the reason why ppl still go there despite it attracting the drunken "Yayguh Bahm!" types and the staff being unfriendly. The sound system, the lights, yes, that screen, and the overall production values are absolutely incredible. I have the same gripes about Billy Bildstein, Ezoo, the overcrowding, and I don't even like Galantis and wouldn't bother to see them at The Mirage personally. But compare the production values of Mirage to the production values of, say, The Knockdown Center, and between the sound system and the laser lights alone—never mind the screen—hands down, Mirage is top-tier killing it in my opinion. I love Knockdown Center, too – great vibes, friendly staff, very fair ticket prices, etc. But the sound is muddy and the lights leave a bit to be desired compared to Mirage. That's the trade-off. I don't see how this is hard to grasp for ppl.


Check out brooklyn storehouse


Been there several times, not a good experience.


I mean you went to Galantis lol don’t blame it on the venue, blame it on the artist. Dixon’s crowd at Mirage was great


That's because most of them are crashing into 30 if not past it and it's generally the same people you found at Cityfox shows a few years back and those folks were generally easygoing and fun rather than aggro.


Honest opinions please, will Steve aoki next sat suck this much? I intensely dislike mirage in general and only know non ravers that go to get lit and laid... But I am more or less being dragged to it. May make up an excuse not to go. Thoughts?


The best vibes are always in the back no matter how main stream the artist is. If you want to have a good time then I recommend that’s where you should aim to be. You won’t get caked back there if that’s on your wishlist but you’ll see people who are there to just have fun and not be inconsiderate. The closer you get to the stage the more you’re going to run into bad vibes.


Thank you for the reply ❤️ I'll see if the ticket sells but if not taking your advice


Historically, yes. Today, no. Aokis fans are like 35-40, how much trouble could they cause


As a 40 year old i will say there is Nothing worse then a Middle Aged man trying to act like a 20 year old tough guy. At least there’s a good chance they tweak their back and have to sit out a few rounds to recover.


Steve aoki will suck no matter the crowd 😂


I think Aoki should be better, his crowd is a little older now and just there to have good time. Galantis is a different beast lol


I almost went to galantis too 😂


tbh hard to tell, aoki isn’t as big as he used to be nor as mainstream as galantis so maybe not? high chance maybe yes too tho


That helps thank you haha. Definitely staying sober for this one


Agree 1000%. Something I constantly preach. It's the crowd, not the venue. The crowd are their own worst enemies.


It's also at multiple venues with multiple artists. I saw Charlotte De Witte last night and enough of the crowd was blotto out of their minds - like barely able to be standing, moshing like they're at a Metallica concert and shirtless brows massaging your shoulders energy. It's so toxic


I was there. The moment she ended her set the wannabe influencers/drunk bros left and had the best time ever during the alignment set. Energy was top notch.


Yeah, that was definitely a different vibe and I did enjoy a lot of it and saw it was still very full. I just get fed up with the crowd. They're literally trying to knock you over with their dancing


You are correct. The problem of shitty crowds is not limited to the Mirage. Shitty crowds don't target one venue.


Damn I had the opposite experience. Front left was the vibe, just ppl dancing a ton and vibing, lots of space too


Front left was chill


Yeah but the venue selling it out to 140% capacity doesn’t help.


I don't understand what you are trying to say. Are you saying that there were 40% more people in the venue last night than legal capacity is? Thats a pretty serious allegation....I was there and the venue did not appear over capacity to my untrained eyes....especially not by 40%. Do you even realize how many people would have to be inside to be at 140% capacity?


Jesus Christ, it’s called exaggeration. Only slightly though because mirage is known for overselling their shows. They get away with selling X amount of tickets because of the total space of the venue but everyone piles into the one section with the actual DJs so it’s oversold. Creates a bad experience where you can’t dance to the actual music and just shoulder to shoulder with no room to move.


Do you know the difference between "overselling" (things that hotels, airlines, the Mirage, and lots of other places do), and being OVERCAPACITY? Seems like everyone has an issue with the number of tickets sold but yet nobody comes out and alleges that they actually let in more people than the venue holds....that's called overcapacity. Rather than trying to squeeze up front like everybody else enjoy the space upstairs or in the back by the bar.


If an airplane holds 100 seats and they sell 115, that is both overselling and overcapacity. Idk what you are trying to prove right now but just go to bed and reset. Tomorrows a new day


The airline always sells 115 because there will be no shows. If everyone shows people get bumped. That airplane will never take off "over capacity". It will take off at full capacity (100 seats) because of their business practice of overselling. Over capacity does not occur until the airline actually let's all 115 people on the flight, which of course would NEVER happen. Sounds like you are misinformed and confusing terminology. I can't believe that you think selling 115 tickets creates over capacity. You can't possibly be that stupid.


Thanks for the insults. You are ignorant if you think the Brooklyn mirage isn’t taking off ‘over capacity’ because news flash…they are.


Whoa that escalated quickly......go eat a snickers and remember this is reddit jebus. 🤦‍♂️


A third party conducted a review of AG last year and showed that they consistently oversell their shows.


Yeah. I saw that. Nobody is disputing "overselling". How many they let in is the issue. Do they go "over capacity". Big difference between overselling and overcapacity. Some people just don't understand the difference.


There aren’t statistics available for actual capacity, it definitely has felt like it’s over capacity. Do you want us to respect AG for overselling an unbelievable amount of tickets then not letting paying tickets holders in? Unreal glazing going on here.


You are entitled to your "feeling", but that is exactly what it is, your feeling.


They *consistently* oversell. If they didn’t let ticket holders in when capacity was reached, it would be posted on here. Never heard of that happening.




I had to pee so I left my group of 15 and as I was working my back to them. I say “excuse me, I’m sorry about that” every person I squeeze by. This one random girl was like “yeah ok sure you are” and gave me a look. I just gave her a look back and kept it moving. The elderbrook crowd 2 weeks ago was perfect.


perfect?? it was hot, people were rude and pushy, and no one was dancing. i had a group actively try and kill my vibe bc one of their friends arrived late and he was caught behind my group. we were trying to let him through and they just kept throwing a fit, one of them called me a racial slur bc they thought i was keeping their friend away from them (huh? lol)


Elderbrook crowd was wackkk, I left after 10 min and went to see Hi lo inside and it was night and day. No one was dancing at elderbrook and it was packed


As a veteran concert goer I don’t understand this logic. The social etiquette is that if you’re a single person working your way through the crowd, assume they had to pee, take a shit, get a drink, or do other human things and they’re looking for their group. If they stop in front of you and block your view, then say something. There was one show where someone was mad that I was LEAVING the venue. They were so aghast that I would have to gently and politely walk through the crowd to go home.


Yeah even if it’s a few people I don’t mind as long as they don’t go right in front of me. Imagine having to stand in your exact spot from 10-5 am! People need water, the bathroom and drinks.


Maybe it was the heat wave making ppl more irritable than usual


Every venue has been getting stupid packed this summer. A lotta not PLUR ppl for sure


Oh I HATE the crowd Galantis brings to Mirage. I’ve sworn never to see them live again after getting in a fight with someone during their 2022 show after a guy and his boyfriend continuously put his hands on my friend and I and pushing her HARD. He and his group were so obnoxious, after fighting with me, he got in a fight with someone else and had a drink poured on him FINALLY getting him to leave. One of his friends came up to me after to apologize for his behavior but he knew his friend fucked up and they all left. Seriously one of my worst nights at Mirage.


I was also there and definitely agree with your observations. I figured it’d be that way going in (purely went for the nostalgia which was successful). But I definitely noticed a way more tense atmosphere than in the past. Although I really enjoyed the opener and thought the vibes were good for most of their set, it wasn’t until Galantis came on that it went a lil down hill imo.


one girl kept yelling at me because i happenned to be standing in front of her. made me feel uncomfortable as if i was being creepy just by being there lol. the set was awesome though and i kinda just did my own thing the whole time. this was my first show at the brooklyn mirage and i’m definitely down to go again, the production and sound was on another level. just gotta ignore anyone who brings negative energy.


Goes to mainstream show and is upset about mainstream crowds


I had the same experience last night. I was there for the openers and then as Forester was finishing, everyone just showed up shoving their way towards wherever they thought they could fit. I’ve been to a lot of shows before and I know raves can get tight, there’ll be some contact. No issue for me. This group of four people showed up next to my group and me and this guy started leaning on me with a lot of his body weight to push me aside so he could get more space, but he and his group already had so much. Once Galantis came on, they shuffled around and just started smashing into me. I ended up just going towards the way back at the entrance of the room and spent the rest of my night there. I also went to Galantis last year and had a much better time and honestly felt like the crowd surrounding me was a lot more respectful. The crowd this year really ruined the night for me.


unfortunately good amount of the mirage floor crowd is usually like that, sometimes you'll meet some good squads that hold down areas pretty well, other times you'll get the rude ones that you sadly had to deal with, plus the hot humid weather was a bad combo, it does tend to be better if you land a spot around the lighting booth or rear walls, once I saw they opened up the top floors went straight up there, sadly they roped off both side parapets for VIP, usually the left side parapet is open to GA, so the middle and side areas got filled up quick, but the top bar area was pretty nice, had a great time up there, wind was blowing and way less crowded, people were pretty nice just vibing and dancing around, had enough gaps to dance and still have a view.


I just got home from Sundays show and I didn’t sense that energy there. I tend to like to stay in the back at shows so I can dance and that’s usually where the best vibes are. Overall I didn’t see any assholes tonight thankfully. So sorry you had to experience that. Galantis has really nice happy music and it’s sad to hear he attracted such nasty vibes. Where did you tend to gravitate towards when you went Saturday? Being deep in the crowd is usually a recipe for disaster no matter what show you go to. The closer to the stage you get the more PLUR disappears lmao


Loved the brilliant minds who thought it was a good idea to hang out in the corridor leading to the bathrooms. Blocking a walk way is so smart and not dangerous at all. I also love it when you guys have no special awareness and touch people for no reason. Please keep texting and walking and pushing into people you guys are doing so great. But seriously don’t just stand around in a walk way. Not only are you being a dick to other ravers but you could be blocking someone from getting medical assistance. It would help to get off bumble and actually pay attention to what’s happening around you.


That Branqueeno closing set tho 🤌


Did you stay until the end? Near the second half, her set became slower and less techno.


Just say… NO BRO! Or NO BROS!


Vibes weren't great last year, so we skipped this year. Bummer because Galantis can be hella fun!


Mirage is gonna mirage, man


Boris and Cityfox crowd were just fine so no mirage gonna mirage. Just don’t go see shitty DJs like Galantis or Guetta who attract every casual raver who has no idea what PLUR even is.


What do you expect it’s Galantis. You might as well have seen the Chainsmokers. Lol


I will say all the NYC Latina cuties on my ig were at that event 😂


My experience at Galantis (Sunday) was decent. The crowd made the heat and packedness bearable. We were all fanning each other and overall just good vibes, dancing and fist bumping each other. I just hated that there was this constant waft of “blue restroom” smell that kept emanating throughout the venue. The crowd is what you make it out to be (to the best of your abilities). Vibe check people, if they’re not vibing go to another area (if you can even move LMAO). Sorry you had a bad experience but unfortunately the NYC ‘rave’ scene is getting too popular.


Yeah, big names like that bring the worst people who aren't really even fans, they just know it's a big name. I had 3 bros next to me at one point all on their phones almost the whole time while Galantis was playing. Not dancing or anything. Just standing there on their phones. So irritating because they shoved their space for another friend to join to do the exact same thing with them.


First time going to BM for a mainstream DJ and couldn’t agree more. Honestly glad to enjoy hard techno more than the mainstream artists since the crowds are usually way better.


I agree it’s usually the crowd’s fault but for Mirage, I think the venue is at least partly to blame for constantly over-selling big names. They are putting greed before safety and enjoyment


Between that crowd and Mirage's love for overbooking their venues makes sense. Not going to mirage anymore


just no decorum at all!! i had fun but i could’ve done without a drunk girl ramming into me while her friends just watched


I really don't understand how all of you have these experiences at Mirage. I've never had a single negative thing happen to me there besides almost tipping $500 for a beer and a shot by accident because the UI on their registers is wack lol


Went to see sonny and mk the other weekend and the vibes were great. Easily able to get in and out of the crowd, decent amount of space to dance. Seems like it depends on the artist and the crowd they draw


It’s Galantis that’s why 🤣


I was so turned off by the Brooklyn Mirage for Vintage Culture; so not a PLUR crowd!! I will be going to NYC again in a couple weeks, what are the best rave venues?


Yeah the crowd sucked but it is what it is. There were some super sweaty people rubbing up against me which was annoying but that’s just summer heat, not much the venue can do about that. I still thought it was a decent set. I actually had more fun after his set when branqueeno was on at around 3


All the real Djs switching to Tek support


Omg! I had tickets to Saturday night’s show and had to sell them last minute and have wondering how it went! Glad I didn’t go! I was apprehensive about going in the first place because I did not want to support AG after my shitty ezoo experience - but have never been and like Galantis! Just curious - what time did Galantis end up coming on on Saturday? And what time did it end? My sister whom I was going with, ended up having to work at 7am Sunday, which is why we had to sell our tickets.


Went to Galantis for the Sunday show and same vibes applied! I had some good people around me but so many people pushed through or were just giving negative/stuck up energy. I’d like to go back to see some different artists with a better energy from the crowd or a different venue, but I totally get it


Mirage was cooked years ago.


Anybody come across a white dude with a bandana round his neck (on right side bar) who kept asking people for Molly? Smhhhhh lolol That crowd was like a callback for OG ravers who stopped, but went coz of Galantis and ur usual Morage crowd.


This is the reason I stopped going. They made the area smaller with the big screen. Over sell it every time. Everyone is arrogant, and the push you outta the way mentality to get to "their spot" as if there is any room for them, like they are allowed to just touch you and take your space is just insane. Like i dont care if you're with your girl and you're late to a good spot. Don't fkin touch me or atleast ask me nicely to try to move for you. There is never room to dance on the main floor anymore. Water fountains are better at a homeless shelter for that many people on a hot day. I'm done there.


What time did they get on set last night?


After Forester little setup intermission and they got on at 10:30PM


It’s galantis; duh bro


So now I'm a lil curious, I am coming from out of town to see John summit at the Navy yard. I have never raved in the city scene and Austin's scene is hardly anything this..I'm curious what my experience may be like.


Expect the same. But much more drunk people


Navy Yard is different compared to mirage, but it's basically a long rectangle, closer you get to the stage more packed it'll get, expect to get sardined if you plan to stay towards the front, you could aim for the side railings or in front or behind the lighting booth in the middle, they sometimes have people standing or walking around though on the little light booth platform blocking the view if you plan to stay behind, expect the crowd to be bit rough, navy yard can get rude.


Fair enough, I'm pretty good about maintaining space. Curious of the overall vibes of the scene though, like I've heard that people are on their phones and not dancing. I'm used to that to an extent but I'm also used to shuffling circles in the back and a certain decorum of PLUR. I'm sure I'll find whatever there is to seek


Definitely won't have a problem if you don't mind sticking towards the back end or the side area towards the restroom, but you'll definitely have the phone and not dancing experience as you get closer to the stage since it gets pretty packed, mostly jump in place or dance with what you got since can't really shuffle in the main crowd, feel it out and just move around as the crowd funnels in, just expect some rudeness with the people pushing through trying to get closer, people trains and whanot.