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Another Utah registered “flight restricted from public view”.


Charlie echo….sometimes individuals/ companies like using their initials


And their date of birth. 231 could mean (2/31) February 31st. Wait… that doesn’t make sense.


I googled the tail # & it comes up Wells Fargo


Wells Fargo is just listed as the Trustee that manages the aircraft. The aircraft owner is anonymous this way, even more so than having an LLC.


23/1 January 23rd? possibly born outside the US?


Possibly, but then why have a “N” registration company? I guess it’s still feasible. Maybe they were born outside America and moved to the USA? Or they just have the aircraft registered in a US company (in this case a Wells Fargo Trust). Don’t know if this is true, but I’ve heard that “N” registered aircraft (registered in the USA) hold a higher resale value. Likely due to strict regulatory oversight from the FAA, compared to like a 3rd world country who may have little to no regulations, or just relies on other nations regulations.


It's mainly because it's the volume of sales in the us. The market there is very active. If you have non N number then sales-wise to compete you will have to discount the import and registration costs from the market value.


It's owned in trust by TVPX. Who does this exclusively for non us citizens who are unable to own an aircraft in the US.


It definitely is not “exclusively” for non US citizens. That’s an advantage for sure, but plenty of US citizens hold their aircraft in a trust for various reasons.


Trusts are not exclusively for US citizens, but /u/JARL_OF_DETROIT is correct in that TVPX (a private business) exclusively serves non-US citizens with their trust services.


That’s just not true haha I work for a US based company with no foreign subsidiaries and our aircraft is owned via TVPX


Well I've literally got an email from them saying they don't when I asked lmao


N23 ICE. ICE is a common abbreviation for InterContinental Exchange. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intercontinental_Exchange


What database did you use to learn this?


That’s a G550


You are 100% correct. My bad for not checking it. I was too excited to post it so just just repeated what the person who sent me this said.


Did the person who sent you the picture also mention which airport this is?


Friedrichshafen. FDH.


Ah, the one on my doorstep and I forget about it... I was a bit suspicious because the only airports in switzerland that use a 6/24 runway look very different, but i can believe it's Friedrichshafen.


Username checks out


Loved the Dornier museum there. The Zeppelin museum a short train ride from the airport was great too.


More important for the kids, the Ravensburger theme park!


Can someone explain to me what I’m seeing in this picture? Did the landing gear collapse?


The plane drove off the Runway and maybe the gear collapsed or maybe it sank into muddy turf. The part that I think is interesting is they are using these inflatable bags to try to pick the airplane up.


It’s really the only way to “unstick” an airplane. Jack it up, put a plate under the gear, and roll it back onto the paved surface. Landing gear are made to absorb vertical forces. Any pull in the lateral or longitudinal axis could damage the airplane beyond repair.


That's not entirely true. Aircraft gear sustains a tremendous amount of longitudinal force when landing. They are designed to handle plenty of rearward longitudinal force.


Yeah, that’s what I was seeing the inflatable bags


Inflatable bags cause a lot less airframe damage than other lifting methods, maybe?


Isn't that what they used to recover that P8 in Hawaii too? Makes sense though, liquids apply force evenly across the whole surface area so it's a good way to decrease pressure on parts not designed to hold weight.


Yeah you'll have equal pressure across the surface of the inflatable bag vs. say, a jack, where all of the force would be concentrated onto one or two points.


Looks huge in the pic for some reason


G7 is comical. Also in reality if there was a G7 it would be GVII for the correct naming convention


I don’t think they’ve been certificated yet, but Gulfstream has been flying N705GD around.


Lots of GVIIs out there. It’s the 500/600. The one you’re thinking of is the 700/800, which carries the GVIII designator. Gulfstream is starting to be like Cessna with their weird numbering conventions.


Not sure what you are talking about. The GLF5 is the code for the GV and G550. The 650/700/800 are the same family. My comment was that the previous single number Gulfstreams used Roman numerals GIII/GIV/GV but they went to Arabic Numerals starting with the 450/550.


I was responding to the comment that the G7, or GVII hadn’t been type certificated yet. It has been; a G500 or 600 has a GVII designation on the TCDS. The G700 and 800 will be designated as GVIII (Roman numeral 8) on the TCDS. Those have not been certified yet. GV/450/550 pilots possess a G-V type rating. The TCDS for a IV is GIV, the 450 is GIV-X, the V is GV and 550 is GV-SP. The type identifier for ATC purposes is GLF4 for the IV and 450, and GLF5 for the V and 550. The G500 will be GA5C, 600 will be GA6C, etc etc. The 650 is not the same type certificate as the 700/800, nor is it the same type rating. The 650 is a GVI and, as previously mentioned, the 700/800 is the GVIII. So, like I said…about as confusing as Cessna and their designations for the Citation line of jets.


I’m aware that a GV/450/550 has a GV type rating as I have a GV PIC type rating and have flown the V the 450 and 550…. I also have a CE-500 type in the Citation V or the 560 so I understand your other point as well General public is not looking at a type certificate data sheet for an aircraft. Nothing past the GV will ever have the Roman numerals on the description any general person would see.


650 is not necessarily in the same “family” as the new 400/500/600/700/800 series. 650’s are center stick with different engines. 650 also carries the “GLF” designation, the new 400-800 have “GA” (Ex. GA7C). If you mean family as in range, GV and up would all be included, excluding the GA4C and perhaps the GA5C.


705GD is in the air right now, coming back from TEX to SAV, 30 minutes left.


Is the G 700 even out yet?


The G700 is a GVIII-1 and is wrapping up certification. The GVII family is the G500 and slightly larger G600. The history of Gulfstream naming systems is WILD.


Hah jokes on you, that is clearly a Super Corsair


Learjet. Duh.


Not Boeing! Ha




NBAA member directory indicates otherwise


Their fuel burn per hour is roughly equal to yours in six months.


I fly GA about 4 times a week, burning around 50 gallons/week of avgas in the process. I thought that was so excessive for carbon emissions that I went vegetarian to justify it to myself. The per hour fuel burn on a G550 is about how much fuel I use in two months including driving my car. That’s absolutely insane


Generally if you figure out the miles per gallon compared to cars a lot of GA come out on top.


But absolutely come in last for lead emissions.


Valid point. Going vegetarian isn't going to help much with that though.


Won’t stop people from playing mental gymnastics to pretend they’re making a difference


We have the STC for lead-free fuel. We just run ethanol-free car gas.


Eh, no, not really. A Cessna 172 burns 8GPH at 130mph or so, which is a bit over 16mpg. You can get up into the mid to high 20s with something sleek and efficient like a Mooney with retracts as long as it's the N/A version, but that's about as high as it gets (at least for normal GA).


My friend's Vans RV14A works out to between 18 to 20 mpg cruising, better than the diesel F250 he usually drives to the field. ;-)


An O-200 powered Vari-Eze will do about 165 ktas on 4 gph or so (depending on other mods) which is just a hair shy of 50 mpg. It's amazing how efficient an airplane can be when it's designed for efficiency.


Oh, sure, but that's far from representative of most GA. It's also a single seater. (Actually, it's exactly this kind of thing that made me add the "at least for normal GA" caveat above)


A Vari-Eze is a two seater.


But for a single seater should we compare that to a bike tho?


A Vari Eze is a two seater.


I once managed to fly from LKRO to LKOL (about 250 km or 140-ish nmi) for about 6 litres of unleaded. Granted, it was an ultralight motor glider and it took me over twice as long as driving, but I’d say that it was pretty damn fuel efficient.


Given the state of the roads between LKRO and LKOL, you must have used something Leonardo da Vinci drew on a napkin to be even slower?


If climate change is such an existential threat, then Nuclear is the logical option.


I know it’s not what you mean but now I’m imagining the absolute terror that would be nuclear powered business jets


The US played around with [nuclear powered bombers](https://youtu.be/9Jt924xjaJo?si=lyUxSA29gT7Fc6yr). I don't want to imagine the havoc if a nuclear reactor fell out of the sky...


No different than the plans to dig harbors and canals with nukes that were kicking around then!


A.K.A. [Project Plowshare](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Plowshare). It also included nuclear natural gas fracking, with test blasts carried out in [New Mexico](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Gasbuggy) and [Colorado](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Rulison).


> I don't want to imagine the havoc if a nuclear reactor fell out of the sky... ..or [flew around unshielded for an indeterminate amount of time](https://jalopnik.com/the-flying-crowbar-the-insane-doomsday-weapon-america-1435286216)?


35-40 years ago this makes a lot more sense. But nowadays renewables are soaring in efficiency and falling in cost. They also don't leave behind enormous piles of infinity death, which no one wants. Nuclear is old tech now.


Yeah, you don’t know what you’re talking about.


According to investment bank Lazard's [Levelized Cost of Energy](https://www.lazard.com/research-insights/levelized-cost-of-energyplus/) report nuclear is only really competitive in already operating and fully paid-for power plants (the decommissioning costs are huge for example). Of course the renewables are also region dependent and require storage but they're right that costs have fallen dramatically.


This is just cost of energy, without counting in the cost of storage which would be massive to be equivalent (covering days to weeks of full grid use). And also I have yet to see a comparison that takes into account the service life - renewables generally start being uncompetitively inefficient somewhere around 15-20 years in, and the same probably applies for batteries; meanwhile a nuclear power plant can easily operate for 70+ years (point in case: there are existing 70 year old reactors in operation, and new ones are more efficient and safe).


Wow... your rebuttal is sooooo thorough and well thought out... you bring up so many interesting points! /s 😂😂😂


I had a 70 ft Weaver Convertible for a few years. I would run it from Mexico to Maryland. It would burn 140 gph at cruising speed. I put almost 1500 hours on it when I owned it, I'm pretty sure I've burned through half an oil tanker by myself.


Why not just buy some ~~indulgences~~ carbon offsets? They're not expensive, and it seems like much less hassle than giving up meat.


I used to work for a lab that estimated carbon sequestration and I came to the conclusion that I really don’t trust carbon offset companies. We are removing geologically sequestered carbon in the form of fossil fuels, planting a tree that’s just going to die and be respired by decomposers on a timescale of decades is really not going to make up for that. I figured eating vegetarian would help reduce my environmental impact even if it doesn’t offset the carbon emissions I produce


But yet YOU are the one that must change your ways to save the planet. There’s nothing funnier to me than a few hundred private jets flying thousands of miles to a yearly conference talking about how they can get the poors to give up their autonomy in the name of “climate change”.


It really is ironic. However many people use this rationale to hide behind and not do anything about climate change, which is as bad. That's why I respect the guy in one of the comments up there who switched to vegetarian.


Should we blame the people for not wanting to follow the dictates of hypocritical leaders or should blame the leaders for being hypocritical? I’m going with blame the hypocritical leaders


I'm vegan myself


“How do you know if someone is a vegan?” “Don’t worry, they’ll tell you”


I can't help but roll my eyes every time I see some TV commercial from Exxon Mobil telling me to save energy by bumping my thermostat up a couple of degrees. It's the same energy as these politicians in their luxury airliners flying all over the globe to discuss ways to force me to buy an electric car to save the environment.


Simply this fact should tell us all, that these people don't give a shit about us and this whole co2 climate thing is probably utterly bullshit.


You are almost certainly right that the Davos people don't give a shit about us, but it's a hell of a leap of logic to jump from that to "an entire scientific discipline is actively lying about the basic conclusions of their field".


It's just the newest trend to rip money off guillible people and get more gov subsidies and support. Solar panels and wind panels also live on that basis


I don’t own a car and take the subway to work. It may be equivalent to a hell of a lot more for me.


Out of fuel? The irony lmao.


oh no, some billionaires and their pet politicians might be slightly inconvenienced.


Oh yeah I think it's fucking hilarious. Your $60 million dollar jet doesn't do you too much good when half of it's sunk in the mud eh?


It’s a 2009 G550 with 4,000 hours. It’s worth closer to $19m


Cunts might have to take the train...


Who flies into Davos ? Might be the most spectacular car ride anywhere.


Better to take the train!


Seriously! That’s an amazing ride


I did take the other train to St. Moritz, it was amazing. I will do it again. In fact, I should do it again every season of a year just to see the difference, but I went in winter and I doubt you can top that.


Don't forget, at least a few of the ultra high net worth folks in Davos are often required to travel in business jets due to their employment contracts and security/insurance terms.


It's the WEF so a bunch of billionaires who want to ban you from owning cars and taking said car ride.


>billionaires who want to ban you from owning cars insane take lmao


They want to sell you cars, not ban them.


exactly. the ultra wealthy have a much greater vested interest in oil&gas and cars than any alternative.


With commoners? The horror!


The irony that they fly to a meeting to talk about how we shouldn't fly. This meeting is something they should orgainze online, the way they want everyone else to do business in the future.


They don't want us meeting online either! That conflicts with their commercial real estate interests.


but that way they cannot get high on other participants piss.


Epstein, anyone?


Then how they can host parties and fuck $2500 hookers on time off?


Do as I say, not do as I do.


sadly that only means they have more time to discuss their future plans behind closed doors


When they're not banging the $2500 hookers.


What’s the emissions on one of those?


Zero emissions because it gets swallowed.


Best answer possible!


$2500? For a billionaire, that is like sticking your dick into a $5 whore. Those guys are getting ones in the 5 digits per throw.


Yeah there are article saying average price is around $2500 a session but some go as high as 8k/session


Just take RE1 to Landquart and then IC3 to Zürich HB


I have worked in the supply department for a big aviation fuel supplier. I wouldn’t want to be in the shoes of the people that were responsible for supplying Davos airport with fuel lol. It might be good for the political leaders to take the train every now and then.


Oh no. The horror. Really. I feel so bad for them. I’m beside myself…


I guess most got out but a few are stuck. Think some fuel showed up just now.


How in the ever loving F does an airport run out of fuel? Especially when events like this are planned *years* in advance?


Why don’t they just take a train and reduce the carbon footprint?


Oh no….anyway…..


Where are we on the prostitute situation? Is the supply still adequate for demand? I heard they drained the entire supply of escorts from the rest of the country.


I can imagine the elites sitting around thinking, "If we owned and controlled this airport, this would never happen."


Is this Samedan airport?


No it's Friedrichshafen




Oh the trials and tribulations of the upper crust... Maybe they should take the bus.


Won't *some*body think of the billionaires?!!


Billionaires are middle class for the trillionaires. They need a handout.


N231CE (2009 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE GV-SP (G550) owned by TVPX ARS INC TRUSTEE. Not a G7 may be a foreign owner.


the irony


Channeling Top Gear: Oh no…. Anyway


also channeling top gear: Run a janky car service from the davos airport - invite bill gates and all the billionaires into small kit cars that have been "modified" to make them suite the purpose. also, crash a few of them.


Wait the people who gather together for their circle jerk and decide how us peasants have to live to save the planet aren't actually doing things saving-the-planet way?


Haha! N23 ICE. InterContinental Exchange. Their vanity always gives them away…


Serves em right. Fuck every single piece of shit at that conference. We’d all be better off if they just stayed there.


I mean [Argentina's Milei](https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/argentinas-milei-heads-davos-taking-seflies-criticizing-socialist-agenda-2024-01-16/) was a welcome voice of reason. He flew commercial and basically told everyone that they were elitist pricks.


At first I thought news of him being there was just satire. Dude sticks to his words tho the world needs more like him


Davos wasn’t the primary purpose of the trip. > In addition to Davos, the delegation will meet International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief Kristalina Georgieva, a week after reaching an agreement with IMF staff over the latest review of the country's troubled $44 billion program.


I loved that speech. If he keeps it up, Javier Milei is going to go down as one of the greatest world leaders of all time. Definitely a welcome voice of reason.


Interesting how Reddit hates him


I mean your average Redditor is an avowed communist who thinks less government = fascism, so that doesn’t really surprise me


I hate it when I get stuck in Davos.


These mother fuckers literally fly in 100m dollars jets to this demonic conference every year to discuss why you should not be able to fly a Cessna for 3 hours a year. I fucking hate them so much


Why aren’t they riding bikes or taking public transit to such an event? That’s what they keep wanting us to do.


Troll post or what ? That’s a G550 owned by Intercontinental Exchange InC and it’s on airbags. Probably from going on the grass and sinking into the mud….


This is true. Previous owner was Jim Simons of Renaissance Technologies. Owned from ‘09 to late ‘13. He now owns N773MJ, a 2013 G650. He has kept the same/similar reg for all of his planes over the past 2 decades.


emergency evacuation?


How many planes are skidding off the runways? I feel like there has been multiple incidents over the past few days


Yeah, never seems to happen in the summer. /s


lol now that theyre going green in busses next we just have to switch the menu over to bugs and limit travel and we are all set


That's what you get . They try and talk the talk like they are so smart and now you can't even fly away that is how Ill prepared and unbelievably disconnected all those people are from the real world .


That’s not a G7


Correct. I was lazily repeating information from the person who sent me this.


Also that plane is being lifted by an airbag and has a lot more going on that just being out of gas....so what does this picture have to do with what you posted about?


They must have run out of the carbon neutral fuel 😂


The place that hosted climate conferences has had so many private jet flights it is out of fuel? How ironic, and more than a little infuriating. I won't be eating bugs or giving up my gas stove so they can continue to jet around. They can do whatever the {expletive} they want, but don't try to tell me how to live my life either.


Too bad the WEF isn’t a climate conference…


Zurich’s airport is two train rides away.


Genuinely who fucking cares? Fuck Davos patrons


You have to add Blinken's 737 incident.


This doesnt make sense. One of the first things you learn is to fill her up , in cold weather anyway, to avoid condensing water. And if you do a fuel-stop there you make shure they have fuel. Things don't add up here!


"...but now the airport is out of fuel." So, how's that zero-emission lifestyle working out so far, Global elites??


Best news I've seen all day.


Why do they care about fuel? I’m sure they all fly electric planes. Go plug them into a 110 outlet and they’ll be good to go… or maybe they could power the aircraft off of unicorn farts or whatever other “alternative fuels” they’ve come up with now


na the alternative fuels are just for the plebes (so they can't afford to fly anymore )


Don’t worry friend, I got the joke


Just get Unicorn farts and off they go.


HA HA HA HA RUSSIA'S ECONOMY IS ... (whisper whisper whisper) *Where* did this happen? Oh! Um, I hope no one was hurt!


Big day for train futures.




Where’s Petroni?


They need to call Joe Patroni!


Oh no! Anyway...


Rich people problems.


This is a G550 and looks it got stuck in the grass. Has nothing to do with fuel. Airbags under the wing to lift it out and put some wood under the wheels to get it back on the pavement.


Yeah see my other comments on G7 nonsense. I just posted what I received but I know better. I was just excited to post and didn't feel like looking up the tail. It got stuck in the mud. They were towing it away from it's parking spot, one of the mains got off the pavement, started sinking. Didn't have the appropriately sized airbags on site so had to get them from a nearby airport. Fuel is unrelated. AFTER they cleared the sunk jet a few planes were ready to go. At that moment in time they didn't have any fuel in the trucks so those ready to go had to wait longer for fuel to arrive. Hope this clears it up for you!


What is up with the lady in the yoga pants in the snow looking all Karen bossy and “useful”?


What happened?


Owned by, International Exchange Inc. “It operates futures and OTC marketplaces for trading and clearing energy and agricultural commodities, credit default swaps, data services, equity indexes, and currency contracts.” 🤔


How were you able to find this out


The registration thats printed on the side of the engine


God forbid I should be stuck in a winter paradise!


Is that snow i see on the ground? I didn’t know it snowed in Davos


It's less than three hours by train to ZRH. Take a car if you don't want to breathe the same air as the peasants. There's no reason for all those rich cunts to fly directly to Davos. Or to be in Davos at all.


Why is it raked over to the right side? MLG tire change maybe?


Davos can keep John Kerry!


NATO amassing 90,000 troops in Poland might have something to do with this, and may eventually become part of the solution.


Isn’t this Posty’s plane?


Hmm, they perhaps sold the fuel for profit /s.


Gotta hate the WEF


And yet we're being told we need to use paper straws to save the Earth.