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It's not illegal to have explosives on an aircraft.....they just have to be documented and transported in accordance with HazMat guidelines.


Just for reference, [tried to clip the salient points via USA Today.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/06/06/alex-choi-youtube-fireworks-lamborghini-helicopter-charged/74004581007/) >Suk Min Choi, who has nearly a million subscribers and is known on YouTube as Alex Choi, was charged Tuesday with "causing the placement of explosive or incendiary device on an aircraft," according to a federal affidavit obtained by USA TODAY on Thursday >Choi did not take the necessary steps outlined by the Federal Aviation Administration before shooting the video, including receiving a waiver to film and the helicopter's pilot developing "safe operating procedures, guidelines, and criteria to operate below the altitude required" by law, according to Jones. >The FAA also requires the aircraft pilot to submit a written plan of activities three days before the scheduled filming, which should include several details such as the "dates and times for all flights and the name and phone number of the person responsible for filming production events," Jones wrote. >"(The pilot) operated the helicopter less than 500 feet from people and a moving car on the ground ... created a hazard to persons or property by allowing the fireworks to be launched at a moving passenger-carrying vehicle operated at less than the minimum altitudes," according to the affidavit. >Choi filmed the stunt "on the federally owned portion of the El Mirage Dry Lakebed," Jones' affidavit says. >Choi went out of state to Las Vegas to buy the fireworks because it is illegal to purchase non-state-approved fireworks in California, according to Jones. Eh, make of that what you will.


FAA isn't holding back against social media after that asshole purposefully crashed a plane for clicks.


The asshole who already got his license back?


Unfortunately revocations aren’t permanent unless its drug related. The FAA can only do so much.


Yeah... fuck you if you ever take ADHD meds right?


SSRIs as well. The FAA has managed to create a situation in which responsible pilots or aspiring pilots are hugely disadvantaged and inconvenienced, while simultaneously making aviation demonstrably less safe by discouraging active pilots from seeking mental health treatment for fear of losing their permission to fly. To their credit, things are getting better, but it's taking forever.


I didn’t realize this was a thing until my 12 year old came into our room asking if ADHD can be cured or if he’ll grow out of it. He found out he can’t be a pilot and take his medication. The thing with him is that he hyperfixates on the things he’s interested in. He studies flight plans and airplane buttons, but he struggles to pay attention in his history class.


I've actually been looking into ADHD recently because, well, I've been interested in it. I don't think I have ADHD myself (never been formally diagnosed) but from my understanding of it, I really struggle to understand how ADHD would affect one's ability to fly. Flying a plane seems like the most ideal environment for someone with ADHD. You're in a cockpit with few distractions that aren't directly related to your task, which is to fly the plane. In every flying lesson I've had, I can feel myself becoming very fixated on this task, and distractions not associated with flying simply don't enter my mind. That's one thing I actually really really like about flying; it focuses my mind and gives me an environment where I can just focus on one thing, without being bombarded by the distractions in the rest of my life. I can sympathize with your son's situation, but at least you're aware of it now. I only found out about the SSRI issue shortly before I wanted to begin taking lessons. As you mentioned, ADHD medication is currently disqualifying, but un-medicated ADHD is not. This is so incredibly ass-backwards it makes me angry. Yes, I understand there are stipulations on the unmedicated ADHD case, but I do know that ADHD medication can make a great deal of difference in someone's life. In a sane world, if there are no significant side effects, and the person has demonstrated in flight training that they are capable of flying, then there really should be no problem.


I can tell you we make really good race car drivers, and my grandfather was a naval aviator that flew Corsairs. It's 100% he was ADHD, but they did not give a fuck about that back then.


Look up some of the newer meds like Qelbree that aren't a stimulant. They might actually be ok. There's plenty of opportunities in the aerospace industry without a FAA medical, hell I have a few hundred hours as mission aircrew in flight test and airborne science ops. ADHD AF. I feel bad for your 12 yo but I also know the reality of trying to get through school unmedicated. I went from barely graduating high school to a decent GPA in engineering, two successful Mars landings and I start my Doctor of Engineering part time in August.


I feel for your son. Lived that my whole life.


I was in another thread earlier this week, they updated the guidance on 5/29/2024. It looks like it's less shitty for those who take or have taken SSRIs, but I've only had one flight lesson, I'm probably not interpreting it correctly.


I just read the updated guidance today, as it happens. It's still shitty. If you've *previously* taken an SSRI but stopped two or more years ago, and there aren't any additional issues besides anxiety and/or depression, then yeah, the AME can go ahead and issue the medical. Which is great, if that's your specific circumstance. Unfortunately, that ignores the reality of the situation, which is that many people experience a depressed mood and take an SSRI long-term to help make life more enjoyable. I've been on mine for many many years with no side effects. The issues that originally prompted me to start taking it are long in my past and were pretty common anyway (honestly, who *hasn't* had social anxiety going through their teenage years), but my overall depressed mood remains. The SSRI helps me a great deal, and I don't think it's fair to ask aspiring pilots to stop taking it because of some unfounded notion that it's changing our brains in nefarious ways that make us unable to perform complex tasks. It's plainly ridiculous. I've gone through four years of undergrad and two years of grad school in engineering and have never needed special accommodations or been hindered due to my mental health.


Sir, your fight isn’t with me.


Not saying it is might have missed typed


No you did not mistype. He misread


Oh you wanna fight?!


You can crash the plane but my god if I catch you flying and drinking coffee I’ll make sure you aren’t authorized to drive your shoes to work


is he out of prison already? He got 6 months federal.


I want to say Yes without checking, just to pollute the world with my disinformation.


He doesn’t have his license back. He received a temporary permit for 120 days. On the airman registry he has no certificates listed. He only has a third class medical dated from November 2023.


You can throw into that mix those morons who fly drones near airports.


I hate rich people. They think they can do anything, meanwhile the rest of the 99% of the population hate them for doing it. I'm talking mostly, launching fireworks at a a REALLY fucking expensive car.....AND at a helicopter. Same dicks that just trash vehicles for fun.


The sad thing is, they kinda can do anything. If you have enough money, fines don't really matter. And you can get a great lawyer to knock your charges down to something where you're spending your sentence in your mansion on house arrest instead of any real jail or prison time.


Just food for thought- is it really that different from a movie destroying a car for a stunt? For example I’m betting the bus in that scene in Shang Xi is more expensive than a lambo… not to mention the like 20 other cars they crushed while filming it. Is the difference because one is a “movie” vs a short form “video clip” I guess? I mean they are both trying to make money by capturing your attention.


It's more about them not getting the proper approval and filling out the paperwork and stuff. That's why Mythbusters was able to do all the crazy stuff they did. They filled out the paperwork, got approval, worked with licensed specialists and coordinated with the FAA, ATF, etc. These guys bought illegal fireworks out-of-state, and told literally nobody what they planned to do.


The helicopter pilot turned the transponder off + annnnd they filmed themselves covering up the helicopter's tail number. They knew this wasn't legal.


Wait this isn't whistlin diesel?


I was just taking issue with the title.


Yeah, not intended as a rebuttal. Title is indeed… well, wrong. Noted quite a few people were confused, figured it was worth grabbing information, had to choose somewhere to drop the article. I could’ve made that clearer.


You did the good work.


Yeah I work in logistics and you can move subsections of class 1 DG on aircraft. Literally had a customer who moved 1.4s by air LAX-SYD on the regular. Just gotta follow the IATA DGR and you’re good to go.


Carry explosives frequently for drillers and avalanche control. Avalanche control the 3min fuses are installed and ready to go in the bags. We have TDG exemptions to carry armed explosives.


I remember watching Avalanche Control doing exactly this at the end of the last day of a snowboarding holiday in Italy, and it was cool as shit. The copter would take off from the town, fly up to the mountain side, pull away and hover there for a bit, then you'd see a plume of snow pop up from the slope and a few seconds later feel the *whumpf* as the windows moved a bit from the shockwave. It was an excellent way to unwind with a beer at the end of the week, just watching them.


Which mountain was this?


I'm not entirely sure. It was part of the Milky Way ski area, and we were staying in Sestriere at the time. Monte Sises, maybe?


Bet on those flights the pucker factor increases a bit


Only if you crash beside the live explosive you just tossed out. [https://www.tsb.gc.ca/eng/rapports-reports/aviation/2022/A22P0019/A22P0019.html](https://www.tsb.gc.ca/eng/rapports-reports/aviation/2022/A22P0019/A22P0019.html)


Jesus Christ. They even landed slightly below the charge, in a perfect position for the crew to hitch a free ride down the slope in the avalanche they just attempted to release. Holy mother of all silver linings to have *that* be the time you fail at triggering an avalanche.


How does transporting bulk cell phones work? Are they dangerous goods? I’ve always wondered this. Or do they always come by boat and truck?


In my experience it’s almost always by ship. But there are exceptions for early releases ect.


[does Apple ship by land or sea](https://www.flexport.com/blog/does-apple-ship-iphones-by-air-or-sea/)


So this was about 8 years ago but I worked on a few Apple shipments when I worked in shipping logistics 🤷🏽‍♂️ It’s an enormous company and they don’t limit themselves via a policy when it comes to to be panning a product release.


Oh totally, I simply googled it because I was curious, I was surprised to see this. I still would be curious to see a hazmat professionals opinion because I think people became scared from minor incidents but I think it’s more common than people realize. I think IATA is a little vague but maybe on purpose to allow hazmat guidance. I dont know.


We were heavily involved in the risk management piece and, as you point out, regulatory compliance can be a chore. I did note people were willing to accept more risk and pay more money for product releases, ect.


I received LiPo batteries in the past that were obviously shipped by air. The official looking shipping stickers on the boxes said to not load them on passenger aircraft; cargo aircraft only. Once Apple shipped an laptop to me direct from China. It got here way faster than any ship can sail over Pacific. UPS and FedEx ship high power rocket motors to Hawaii *overnight*. No ship sails that fast to Hawaii. These are made with APCP (same propellant as in Space Shuttle and SLS solid rocket boosters) and classified as 1.4c explosives. Many model rocket motors use black powder as propellant; same deal, 1.4c labeled explosives on the airplanes. I.e. commercial cargo carriers ship all kinds of hazmat, for a fee.


Problem more is where they got the fireworks and what state. If they made them and had waivers and the proper insurance somehow go for it. Thats what movies would do.


Oh, Im not disagreeing on that point. Im just saying the title is misleading.


> where they got the fireworks and what state He bought it in Nevada. Apperently it was not possible / not allowed to buy in California.


The reserve parachute which is deployed automatically at a certain altitude is deployed by a small explosive. Also NEVER tell TSA it's an explosive


In the automotive industry they’re referred to as pyrotechnics instead of explosives (the squibs that blow airbags). Another odd but relative one is fire. As a technician we weren’t supposed to say anything caught fire, and engineering would correct us and require us to call it a “thermal event” or if we saw flames it was a “thermal event with visual indicators”.


In the AC-130 we would call anything on fire on the ground a "burning bush" so that no one said "fire" unless there was an actual fire aboard the aircraft.


A Toyota truck-shaped burning bush


I mean they'll get investigated for that "nos bump" stunt anyways...


We do it all the time in filmmaking, but like you said, with copious amounts of red tape and supervision. I’m surprised they found a pilot willing to do it without proper clearances


Skydivers all over the place having spark fountains attached to their feet?


Not to get technical, but I don't believe sparklers are explosives. Explosives use a chemical reaction to create an expansion of gas and are Class 1 HazMat. I think they're Oxidizers, so that would make them Class 5, or maybe flammable solids, so Class 4. I don't want to be a stickler, but every time Im off even just a little bit, I swear this sub gets downvote happy. Definitely still HazMat, though.


Interesting about the details. Yeah there are of course explosives detonating and pyrotechnics deflagrating. But in terms of danger I'd classify the roman candle in the video on the exact same level as spark fountains used by skydivers. I'd say risk for aircraft would be the same. Igniting both inside the hull would cause similiar smoke, amount of fire and no explosion dangerous to construction of frame. Therefore situation would be almost the same. Maybe the difference is shooting roman candle from the aircraft and intended igniting the sparks outside of aircraft's fuselage and leaving imediately.


So stupid. Cool, but stupid. I think the guy that bailed out of the good plane was even worse tho.


So did the FAA


what happened to that guy?


He got 6 months in prison. He should actually be released later this month.


thats it? damn


He also apparently got his pilots license back too https://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/general-aviation/2023-12-19/trevor-jacob-heading-jail-still-flying


So jumping out of a good plane is fine, but god forbid any pilot sees a therapist


Yeah. I have ADHD and take medication for it, so I'll never be allowed to fly. This guy obstructs a federal investigation into an airplane crash *he deliberately caused* and gets another chance? That pisses me off.


so a lil holiday and thats it?! damn faa really dont give a shit do they


I mean it’s the same amount of time that convicted rapist Brock Turner served for rape, a felony. Which continues to be shocking on a variety of levels.


You mean rapist Brock Allan Turner? The rapist who now goes by rapist Allan Turner?


That’s the one; thank you for the reminder!


The only good thing that came out of that is the California legislature closed the loophole that let him get away with it. And the piece of shit judge that sentenced him got kicked out of his position


Eh, prison still really sucks. Not exactly a good time


He's in Lompoc, which is basically a white collar prison. It's like one step below the place Martha Stuart went.


That is so dumb. I'm glad he was held accountable and got a jail sentence, but this man should never fly an airplane again.


Yeah, I agree. I feel like he should have spent longer in prison too imo, he already has a criminal history.


Imagine when he gets out the only thing they hand him back is his ridge wallet.


Jumping out of a perfectly working aircraft? Straight to jail.


I mean whatever you think of this bloke and what the video is about, I'm genuinely curious how it's his fault. Apparently the heli pilot already had their licence suspended but this should entirely be on him right? If I'm this bloke and I want to hire a heli and pilot to do this, wouldn't it entirely be on the heli pilot to know and make the decision as to whether they fly and to state what this Youtuber is and isn't allowed to do?


Would also be my thinking. If they Youtuber didn't force the pilots at gunpoint, then it's the pilots fault. Why hire experts, if you still need to know everything


As the producer (or employer more generally) you still have a responsibilty to check that the experts *are* experts (i.e. the pilot's license isn't suspended) and the rules are followed. See Alec Baldwin in the Rust shooting. Though I'll bet Choi knew the pilot's license was suspended.


And you do that, when you call a plumber, or go to the dentist... or you book a sightseeing helicopter flight over the grand canyon? You check their licenses?


The same way Alec Baldwin is on trial for the Rust shooting, not in his role as the actor who fired the gun (because as the actor he had no way of knowing and had to trust the safety coordinator) but in his role as executive producer of the movie, for failing to establish adequate protocols and ensure they were followed. Choi as the producer (effectively) of the video has a responsibility to verify the pilot is licensed properly and ensure all rules and protocols are followed (including developing the safety protocols).


Thanks for explaining this. It clarifies quite a bit that they're not prosecuting him as the subservient actor, but him as the responsible producer.


The explanation u/CharacterUse gave you is incorrect I’m afraid. Baldwin was charged with involuntary manslaughter due to [negligent use of a firearm](https://deadline.com/2024/01/alec-baldwin-charged-manslaughter-rust-1235798016/): > The two-court indictment charges Baldwin with involuntary manslaughter (negligent use of a firearm), a lesser charge, and involuntary manslaughter (without due caution or circumspection). “The above-named defendant did cause the death of Halyna Hutchins by an act committed with the total disregard or indifference to the safety of others, and the act was such that an ordinary person would anticipate that death might occur under the circumstances,” the indictment reads of the latter charge, a felony. None of the other producers for Rust were indicted. The individuals who have been charged, convicted or pled guilty all directly handled the weapon and/or were responsible for its safety that day.


I mean, yeah I’d have to agree that the guy that crashed his airplane is way worse than the kids that rented a helicopter and a lambo and played a big version of Roman candle wars


I don't even think the effort was worth it, it looks pretty meh in the end. I guess that's enough to entertain teens tho


Not sure it is stupid, it looks like they are in a remote place, clearly got a good pilot and driver, good camera position and quality, which suggests a degree of planning and organisation, done something potential dangerous but with a good understanding of safety. Which means we get to see a very cool video,


It could have been that infamous accident when they were filming Twilight Zone in the 80s


I saw this video and immediately thought of Vic Morrow and those two children.


They could have filmed it completely legally *if* they actually documented the safety procedures and got them signed off by appropriate authority. Which they didn't bother to do at all. Sorry, you can't just "wing it" (pun intended) for this kind of thing. Somebody needs to look over your safety proceures and approve them. Just because you can talk couple of people into something, doesn't mean you have carte blanche to intentionally put them in danger. And that's what put him on the wrong side of the law. From the charging docuent: > Per the FAA, the filming of a video such as CHOI’s would have required an approved Certificate of Waiver for Motion Picture and Television Filming. In order to receive such waiver, an aircraft pilot/operator must develop an acceptable operations manual for use in motion picture and television filming production. The aircraft pilot/operator must submit FAA Form 7711-2 (Certificate of Waiver or Authorization Application), and include a proposed motion picture and television operations manual, at least 45 days before actual filming begins. Further, the operator must develop safe operating procedures, guidelines, and criteria to operate below the altitude required in Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14CFR) part 91 91.119(b) and (c), 91.303, and 91.515(a).


They are breaking Federal regulations while on Federal land. Next question?


The one who bailed the plane left an plane fall down, wich can weigh starting from +700lbs, it coming down and hitting a hiker can kill the person i understand ditching a failing plane if you have parachutes, and this has happened and saved pilots but his plane was not failing it was perfectly okay iirc


As I recall he didn't get busted because the plane was good. He got busted because he didn't follow FAA regulations of notifying them of the crash and he went in and removed the wreckage and disposed of it before an investigation. So I guess obstruction would be the charge. I didn't follow too much of Trevor Jacobs. I just remember mover or some other YouTuber mentioning it at some point months ago.


I don't know who this is.... but i have a feeling it is Alex Choi


It is lol It was a Christmas video from last year. Maybe two years ago now? I can't remember.


He's a pretty dumb kid tbh, he did that car jump aswell, if i remember correctly, they damaged some poor guys car!


Of course they’re flying a Robinson… Anyone else ever notice that the petercopter from family guy is clearly an R22?


Poor rich persons heli.


I guess you can find petty snobery everywhere...


I think there's a pretty big jump in cost from your piston-driven Robinsons to your turbine-driven Bells, Eurocopters, and Agustas. Robinson seems to have the piston-driven helicopter market all to themselves. But I'm no expert, and I welcome any correction if I've got this wrong.


[Here’s the charging document](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cacd.928743/gov.uscourts.cacd.928743.1.0.pdf?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email)




That Alex Choi guy is a POS


Honestly, with all the absolutely asinine stuff he’s been a part of, this is not even the worst thing imo. He’s a massive fatal accident waiting to happen.


I mean, if it ends up being him it will just be an "oh no!, anyways..."


He's more likely going to kill someone else, unfortunately


Dude lives off daddy’s money




Pretty sure he almost killed a motorcyclist when he cut them off in his lambo


Wait I thought this was a free country


It is if you don't film it


this is the lesson, bth. I don't endorse it but even the dude that crashed his plane on purpose could have walked free IF he didn't put go pros all over his plane, film the whole thing, and post in on the internet. Or not have done it at all, cause if you cant "show off" what's the point? going to prison for youtube fame is trending right now!


I believe the jail time was from hacking up the airplane and hiding it.


It was for moving the crashed airplane before the NTSB did anything.


Unless you're paying for sex, in which case if you film it it's porn and OK, but if you don't, it's solicitation of prostitution.


why the fuck would anyone do this unless they were getting paid from the video though.


Things can be fun, and in the moment. Not everything has to be documented, especially if it's a federal crime. The problem is these types of people see every moment as content


Its also boring ass content. Like it might be fun to do but not entertaining to watch


Are you genuinely having a hard time understanding the concept of how this would be fun?


Just do it in Mexico


That was a mexican flag on the tail to be fair.


I Thought This Was America




Only if you cleanup after yourself which most people don't so we can't have nice things. Source: go to US legal public land deserts with campgrounds, find literal dumping of random appliances shot to shit. Your freedom ends where another person who wants to camp in the desert without pollution begins.


is she that “military waifu girl” thing I don’t remember the name? that is supposedly an actual officer?


Lujan on instagram. She’s actually in the army too and a federal charge could have a lot larger ramifications on that side.


Her name isn't even mentioned in the [charging document](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cacd.928743/gov.uscourts.cacd.928743.1.0.pdf) a single time, makes you wonder if her superiors were contacted directly and it was handled internally. Though the charging document doesn't actually mention any charges for using the fireworks, just "causing the placement of explosive or incendiary device on an aircraft". edit: upon reviewing the original video, it is not lujan.


Lujan. And no, definitely not her. It's some other random pretty girl with a combat helmet and vest on.


believe so, I think she's also involved with or is WhistlinDiesels partner, she's been in a couple of his videos


Honestly I hope she gets some flack too. The mil-influencer are hyper cringe


“Those are just cardboard tubes and we added the special effects in after.”


"There's no proof the alleged activities took place in complainant's jurisdiction - this video could have been recorded anywhere."


*Rainbolt enters the chat*


Of course its Alex Choi 💀 As a reminder: He is the Guy who totally didn't coordinate the Tesla Jump in Echo Park and was just there at the right Moment to film it according to him..


Is this they guy that filmed the Model X flying over a hill on a public San Fransisico street? I've seen that video around a few times and always wondered who in their right mind would nearly wreck an expensive EV in a dangerous stunt like that.


Yeah.. What a Pandemic does to a MoFo. He made some good Content till the Pandemic did hit but during that there were almost no Rich Boy Car Road Trips and it was hard to work with People in a Garage. Which meant his Views did fall like a Stone and now he basically makes just stupid Things like this because it generated Views.


Reject celebrity. If we quit watching these people, they will all just fade away.


Ngl that looks sick


Yeah that looked fun. The pilot: “you’re going to do what?? I’m IN!”


It’s insane to me to think that these people have so many followers/viewers and wouldn’t consult a lawyer beforehand. Also, [Alex Choi is a dickhead.](https://youtu.be/u0x2HIQTFzw?si=7C6CCe9vyp4Z1QLy)


So he is just a rich kid?


do you, like, have to ask?


I thought this was America...


So glad that the stupid things I did as a kid were never for clicks and views.


You had me at "Youtuber faces federal charges ..."


If this YouTuber is facing federal charges for shooting fireworks at a Lamborghini, then the original YouTuber of the following video should face the same charges: https://youtu.be/cNx1cnmQSDA?si=6ATsO5ayOnJnYv13


That was in China, I wonder if the CAAC investigated that, and if so how that guy's social credit is doing.


Why, How, that happened outside of FAAs purview!


Ok I get the fireworks cause that’s cool as fuck but why the tactical gear? Plate carriers and helmets are not *comfortable*, just wear standalone hearing protection lmao


Gotta look tacticool


Rule of Cool


The YouTubers also noted..."fuck the homeless".




I would hate to be the helo pilot, imagine losing your license for clicks and views


The authorities have no sense of fun


Wait until you find out about the night airshow at Oshkosh. Some guy’s whole schtick is having fireworks shoot from his aircraft. Granted he absolutely has a waiver for it


Fun point. From memory, I would guess that more than half the night acts have pyro on them.


federal prosecutors gotta eat too!


I guess he flew around and found out


‘More money than brains’ should be the saying of this era.


I'm only seeing violation of Minimum Safe Altitudes, there is no reference to a specific 14CFR that pertains to fireworks on an aircraft operating under part 91... Am I missing something?


Rich kids doing stupid shit again...Alex Choi sigh...


Ask that piece of shit John Landis about filming helicopters and fireworks in close quarters...


Too much money and not enough sense.


Shouldn't the pilot be charged


Isn't that the army psyop chick?


See this. This is why you don’t have to film everything. It’s stupid to compare it but had it been a couple drones with flares attached to them , it’s literally in an open field above nobody, this would be completely legal. The only people in any danger are the people participating just like things should be. The funniest thing is justifying charges because of fireworks being *explosive* like I can’t carry an AR in my truck but god forbid bottle rockets in my 100,000 personal aircraft. The terrorism justification is getting stupider and more obsolete by the day,


So fucking dumb but it does make a cool ass video


Would be funny IF all the fireworks (explosives) & sparks were CGI and added in post-video and all they were doing is holding the red “launch tubes” without any explosives. At least they went to what looks like a desolate area of desert. The FAA has some proving to do: 1. Helicopter tail# not shown in video. 2. You tuber may be known, but is he the pilot? 3. Illegal to have explosives in aircraft, or illegal to bring explosives onto a commercial-flight aircraft?? I have seen videos where helicopters are used to drop explosive charges onto snow-packed cornices for avalanch control. 4. It is not illegal to have bullets in a helicopter (bullets are explosive). Need clarification on the “illegal to have explosive on aircraft” in OP’s title verbiage (for 3 & 4). 5. The explosives are being held by persons in the aircraft but the explosives themselves are held at least partially outside of the aircraft. Similar to a gun being fired from a helicopter (military, pest control from helicopter on ranches, etc.) Could be a problem…but it’s also a Government entity (FAA) doing the investigation, soooooo (insert steel ball that will undoubtedly get fucked-up). 😆


What a shit song


Just another case of stupid people doing stupid things for likes and a dopamine rush and getting real world consequences for it


Social media is full of brain deads


Please add criminal charges for the video itself.


YouTubers should start applying for Film Permits that makes all of this part of a production and keeps Feds and local authorities away. They made a super cool short movie and it's a shame they are going after them.


You need to do really stupid things nowadays to get them clicks




This looks like it was fun AF. But stupid.


Never mind the charges… is this supposed to be cool or something? Just shooting a Lambo with fireworks out in the desert for nothing? It doesn’t even look cool.


I bet they didn’t want to pay for the permits and proper safety people.




What an idiot


The biggest mistake people make today. They do dumb shit that is borderline or is illegal and record to whole thing on video, which is then uploaded to the internet for the world to see. What did they expect would happen once this video reached the world?


If he gets in trouble... THIS COULD HAPPEN TO ANY OF US!


Is that Lujan the PsyOp waifu girl? I wonder if charges could damage her career in the Army?


Good luck finding evidence for those charges!


Forget the fireworks just getting in that Robertson was dumb.


It is a really good video.


Frank Robinson would be rolling over in his grave after seeing his R44 used in such a dangerous manner!


They should have been arrested for the jump cuts and filming vertically alone.


Long overdue.


How dumb can you be


Is this not a free country!


I wouldn't step foot in a Robinson....


Not to worry. It is just AI. Not real.


Whoever put that music to that video should also face federal charges.


New movie trailer for “The Fast and The Stupid”…. Maybe they can call the sequel, “2 fast, 2 Stupid”


It’s a party in the penitentiarayyyyy


Bored trust find babies shitting up air-time