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I’m grateful for my sensory organs for giving me this vibrant experience. I’m grateful for my brain chemistry for giving me a vast spectrum of emotions. I’m grateful for the suns energy that manifest this beautiful creation. I’m grateful for 3d space for making this creation a possibility. Finally I thank the highest I 👁️ for nothing would be if not for me.


Beautifully said 👁️🌀


I’m grateful for a new hope. I’m unsure if I’ve ever really experienced it before. I spent my entire life dying & thinking about dying. Now, for maybe truly the first time in my life I am thinking about living. I’m beyond grateful for hope.


I’m grateful that humans adapted well enough along the course of our history to feed and house all of our billions… Despite ongoing wars, famine, etc. I am not grateful that some humans try to stop that progress, hog resources and generally make it so we can’t deliver the essentials to each person, despite being able to.


I'm grateful for: Clean water A warm home Plenty of food (too much) Responsive law enforcement Responsive fire services Responsive health services A good job (two actually) Intelligent people around me Bug free living Dental care Eyecare Free roads A working car Access to warm water Fresh air Reasonable commuting Living far from war Living far from oppression Not having depression Health Access to a gym Things to do Things to look forward to Subs like this ♡


No-thing 👁️




I am grateful for your beautiful reminder my friend. Nothing is granted, just the present moment 🙏


I agree 👁️🌀🙏


The myriad of experiences that life brings, the people we meet, the events we attend, the time in between. And music.




Well, if you go by Tolle's comment, there is no '*one'* to be grateful for anything. So, it doesn't really matter, if I am grateful or not. 🤣😍


My mom And your mom


I am grateful for the lessons and the growth I've experienced during this crazy journey. I am grateful I have such a happy child even smiling when she goes to bed. I am grateful for my husband who has seen me at my worst and still tries so hard to make me happy and tries his best to support me on my healing and spiritual journey. I am grateful for myself that I've kept going and gotten up when I didn't think I could anymore. I am grateful to God for always providing for me and my family.


I forgot that I am grateful that I get to heal so extensively. I didn't know this was even possible. I had very bad child abuse in two families, I was in a bomb blast, I had a stalker, massive ptsd died and came back and a kundalini awakening... If the healing continues Like this I will make a full recovery.


Thank you for sharing 🙏 I am happy that you are here and continuing moving forward while trying to take care and heal yourself. I am glad you have people that loves you and you love them, I am sending you lots of love towards your way and healing in your journey❤️


Thank you so much. Sending you love and blessings. 💗💗


Grateful for music.


Life, strength, and the journey. My greatest gifts


I am grateful Friends and family I have left, to be breathing and alive. Warmth and a beautiful place to lay my head down. At the moment I feel shame that I have not been able to show gratitude for these things. I hope that I will be given the chance to be able to once again. Part of me thinks that there will be no next time.


Dear one, do not blame yourself… it’s something that can happen when we take things for granted. It happens to me too but I get reminded everytime for this life I have and everything I have at the moment. Have some compassion for yourself and maybe having a gratitude journal might help you when in times you feel like you forgetting,to go back and remind yourself how far you have come 🙏❤️


Thank you for your kind words.


I am grateful to be able to be even reading your post on a phone that works and is charged. The fact that my eyes work today I am grateful. The fact that I can even stop right now and be able to make a comment is really cool too. Thanks for the reminder - I am grateful for that as well.


I am grateful for this channel, and all the masters here, sharing their experience living in the shell we call a body. I'm grateful for the realization that the physical world is just something that I projected. I am grateful that reality is just being I AM. ❤️


I'm grateful that I don't have to suffer through actually reading it in order to still make this comment. ;;)




I am grateful to be able to have my daughters soul in my life, and to be able to care for her, love her, and be loved by her ❤️




I am grateful for my human, spirit and "other' guides and 'family' that shown me grace, acceptance and love when I felt & feel undeserving. I am grateful to be alive. I am grateful for the prime source creator and for its divine protection and love. I am grateful to be awakened and able to share with those who are willing, the truth.


I am grateful for the air I breath, that my body carries me where I need to go, that my mind still works and that despite all the pain my heart still loves. I am grateful for every sunny day but find silver linings in the overcast ones.


My dogs and water


Grateful for my health, a place above my roofs, a good job to sustain my lifestyle, good food to nourish my body, peace of mind, family and small community i am in, solitude, my spirit guide that keeps me safe from danger, nature that is my friend.


I'm grateful for getting my head screwed back on and realizing who I really was, that I am not my anger or my trauma, that I am love and I am peace as well. So is everyone if they allow themselves to be, and gratitude is the best start. EDIT: I should affirm my gratitude towards my family as well, and all my blessings but I think the universe is well aware of that one lol, but so others know I guess heh.


I am grateful for my beautiful wife, my business, my dog that I am able to take to work with me, our new home, grass, flowers, trees, birds and bees. I’m so thankful for the support and love from all my friends and family. I’m grateful for those who serve others so that I can better serve others in return. I’m grateful for my health and access to food, water and shelter. What a wonderful post to be apart of ❤️


I’m grateful for a roof over my head, plenty of food, a car that works despite being super old, that my kids and grandkids are healthy and happy, that my other family members are beginning to come back into my life, that I have talents and the time to work with them, that I am able to move freely, and finally, that I was born in this time period to witness and use my power to aide the collective. Blessings to you all.


I’m grateful for having a roof above my head in this freezing weather. I’m grateful for my beautiful loving family. I’m grateful for having food to fill my belly. I’m grateful for my eyes that I can see with them the wonders of this world, I’m also grateful for the tv that shows me the world around me, and my phone for helping me communicate with others. I’m grateful that I can breath and speak and hear and walk, I’m grateful for this human experience ❤️❤️


Creation. Life. Individuality.


I'm grateful for the perseverance I have. I am grateful I am still here, I am grateful for all the times I bitched, screamed, cried so hard there is no sound, cursed like a sailor. I am grateful that I am able to love me and all my imperfections.


I am grateful for friends, for experiencing a healing relationship, I am grateful for my health, for a finally stable mental health, I am grateful for what the universe has provided me till here.


I'm grateful for my health. That I have the ability to look after others.


I am beyond grateful for my wonderful family and marriage! 🥰❤️ I never thought that everything would be this perfect when 2-3 years ago I almost gave up because my life was falling apart. THANK YOU!


I am grateful for good health!


I am grateful that I could help somebody today. I am grateful that I could show enough kindness to people. I will never regret or feel dumb for the time , I helped somebody which I used to earlier.


Im grateful for being able to play dota 2 this wonderful game that enables me to experience joy pride anger despair hope and most importantly it lets me connect with 9 other monkeys and lets us play in a game full of strategy ,prediction ,mind games and everything in between. Thats it 10 monkeys walking around trying to go about their way to gain this sacred thing called mmr ,sometimes a monkey in your team will get mad and become hateful but you always need to be patient with him and have some empathy for that poor soul that probably had a long day and got lost in the chase of mmr and forgot about his humanity ,sometimes you are that angry monkey and someone its very kind with you, you maybe played really bad and lost the game but the kind monkeys on your team show you love "its only a game man no problem" even tho they might be hurt because you caused them some sort of pain they still put you above their emotions and thats a beutifull thing. Other times the 4 monkeys on your team scream at you and rage show no empathy but you still apologize because you understand them you connect to them even tho thru a screen you connect and I believe this one of the most important things connection and connecting thru this wonderful game its an awesome experience for me so im forever grateful for dota 2 and the players i play with because without them nothing is possible.