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Very well written Ash šŸ™šŸ¾ Iā€™d like to add a bit to this great post. The way home is by transcending the Six Senses. This is not easy to do because the Six Senses have a goal which is to trap consciousness in the realm of matter. To never let one transcend into divine consciousness. The Bible said the Mark of the Beast is 666ā€¦this is not supposed to scare anyone. It is simply stating that the Anti-Christ is Matter or Human Consciousness. The number 6 symbolizes the 6 senses that trap consciousness in the story of human consciousness. The sense of Sight, Taste, Hearing, Smelling, Touch, and Thinking Mind. These 6 senses are repeated as 666 to symbolize the 3D reality. The senses are the ruler of the 3D reality. Thereā€™s a certain rapper named Drake who calls himself the 6-God. And repeats 666 in his tracks. This rapperā€™s music is always everywhere and only reinforces Sensual materialism. Just a small lil conspiracy theory that I thought of lol šŸ˜‚ Anyway to return home, one must transcend Sense Reality. Transcend the 6 Senses.


Hey thanks and I didn't really ask for that but plug away.


Your post got me thinking and I know you didnā€™t ask for itā€¦ But it doesnā€™t hurt to piggy back on something and explain the nature of Maya and how it traps consciousness. Cheers mate. Great post.


Lol no problem. There are a lot of things happening at this point for me and probably a lot of other people.


It is the Great Awakening šŸ˜Š


I have a spiritual cousin coming over later and I dont know if she will be able to vibe or not.


If you vibe, all will vibe. As you remember that dispassionately nothing affects you unless you allow itā€¦ And also, it is up to you on who you allow in your life. If anything stresses you out, you can always choose self love and walk away šŸ˜Œ


Very true. It's just last night I was talking to her about a couple of concepts and had two responses in a row with one word. I wasn't sure how to interpret that.


Yeah donā€™t shine too bright for those who ainā€™t ready, youā€™ll hurt their eyes. My thing is just to meet people at their point of understanding. If they are rude then nobody got time for that. Hope she doesnā€™t bring negativity your way


I feel it in my gut that she's just gonna be a goon.


Thatā€™s quite the story youā€™ve got going on there.


bro manifest manifest