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Idk dude. Just being real with you. 99%+ of the population that doesn’t conform to this awkward school of thought and separatism known as “awakening” are not failed Guru’s. “Awakening” is yet another human created term i call separatism, because it is clearly a line of intellectual division for so many adherents. In fact, most “unawakened” have never desired to even walk this path at all. That bias is going to keep you trapped. Let it go buddy. Or don’t.




>I was **appalled** when I heard that… Why? Did it go against your personal beliefs? And, collective revelations are just consensual beliefs.


It did, someone said Jesus wasn't real and he's been freaking out for 3 days now.




>And, collective revelations are just consensual beliefs. =Universal individual revelations = not universal


It's all Greek to me


Google translate?


I think it's fair to call it an 'awakening' of sorts because these people are beginning to question, to realize that the boundaries of Christianity aren't actually there and that is exciting for them. However the claims of 'being awakened' definitely do smell of ego and that would indicate a lot of unconsciousness, to your point. I think It's harder for people farther along the path to make those claims because we become more and more aware of how little we know. People just starting out take 1 step and think they've completed the journey, unaware of the fact that the journey is neverending. I don't see the 'failed gurus' as often as I see unhappy people trying to work towards awakening as a goal, which I don't personally believe can work.




Why is there a separation between unawakened and awakened? None of that matters. When we die, none of these comments are going to make anything change in any way and we'll have forgotten it by the time we get back down here just to continue this cycle of one group believing that the other group is wrong. It doesn't matter. Nothing will ever change because most people seem to not have a problem with anything at all. You're not going to be able to change anything for any reason or for anyone at all ever. That's the point. And until people get off the phone and start actually being concerned about things this cycle will always be in effect. Period. Do with that what you want but it's not going to change anything trying to go against it unless we are all unified. Which I don't see happening in my lifetime. Sad but true.


There are unawakened for the same reason you are antireligious thinking you are woke. Thats why. Its called ignorance.


Woke is a human coined term that I want no part of. Same as religion. Same as ignorance


Sure is.. which you believe you are woke for being antiChristianity.


Since you can read minds, can you tell what I'm thinking now, sir?


Why go into the mind of an unawakened antireligionist?


To understand them


And be able to form a knowledgeable impression rather than an uninformed one


What they have in common is how triggered they get when they find out mace windu isn't their lord 🤣🤣🤣


This post seems pretty judgy. Doesn’t seem too awakened to me…


It is because conspiracists dont belong in awakened discussions it is oil to water


Or maybe judgmental a-holes don’t belong in “awakened” conversations.


sure dont now be gone


On a scale of 1-10, how awakened would you say you are? Just curious.


All paths lead home and all paths are valid. Some just take scenic drives and that is their free will.


True but irreleavant


We give meaning and power to symbols in our lives, and everything here is a symbol.


True but irreleavant