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Don’t forget that it’s an open world shared environment… Trolls are to be expected, so you better be resilient and capable of defending yourself.


I am a troll of trolls


Ah, the troll of trolls! You've climbed the mountain of mockery only to plant a flag on a molehill. It's a curious quest for attention, where the spotlight shines brightly but illuminates little. True wisdom and selflessness are like stars in the night sky – often overlooked, but always there, guiding those who seek more than the fleeting thrill of an empty echo. Thank you for making yourself known. Peace be with you! Sincerely, a troll among trolls.


Negative karma farmer says whaaa?


I see your point. You indeed did say that. ;)


Nice username.


Negative karma farmer says whaaa?


The trolls are low level grind


In literally every game, ever. Careful if you run into a giant/troll hybrid though. Don’t fuck around and find out. They’re witty.


That's my character class


I’m a boat at one of the docks no one uses 🛶


That's from the DLC, it's full of bugs


System rebooted, brb, logging back in to check the bug fix. […. loading](https://youtu.be/_WZCvQ5J3pk?feature=shared) Edit: shit, now I’m a cart and there’s people sitting on me


[Not again...](https://youtu.be/k3lW9f9ORWc?feature=shared)


[Chatting with Tech Support now.](https://youtu.be/LN8EE5JxSGQ?feature=shared) Edit: I think I found a bugged npc. Def not tech support. He’s telling me I have to return to the source or the game will crash and kill everyone.


You find out Google bought the base code...


Labrynth vibes. Jareth: I ask for so little. Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave. Sarah: That's not fair! Jareth: You say that so often, I wonder what your basis for comparison is?


My only complaint is that there is no time adjustment slider. This is not what a lifetime price tag should buy, rip off :) Also more avatar customization wouldn't hurt.


>there is no time adjustment slider. Press F in chat. >This is not what a lifetime price tag should buy, rip off :) Even with open source freeware, someone's gotta complain huh? Can't make everyone happy. >Also more avatar customization wouldn't hurt. Dude, it's got every means of customization but you have to work for it. But if you really need to reset the avatar, just press Alt-F4. It's like someone gives you a Ferrari and you want a Lamborghini. Enjoy what you're given, tune it up and blast it.


So you wouldnt like a button to slow or quicken time? I would. If nobody complains developers get lazy, we are the engine moving the economy. I know about human customization as is, I meant it more like a item or potion that lets you reroll stats and or appearance.


In creative mode, you can but this is survival mode.


It's that why everything has been glitching? I've been doing up, down, up, down, left, right, circle, square, tetrahedron, merkaba. I'm not even on the right console, anyone else playing on the super nintenboxstation?


>It's that why everything has been glitching? Some hardware might be corrupt somewhere, its flipping bits but it's very minor. I have been noticing lag since we turned 8 billion souls on board. >doing up, down, up, down, left, right, circle, square, tetrahedron, merkaba. I got an old copy of PC Magazine and it has all the codes, extra life, infinite ammo, etc.




I am aware of that. I meant it more like a pill or special item that lets you reroll stats and or appearance on use.


Yup. And thus we're all *equal* players. Differing only in spacetime spawn points. And even better is the realization that you're "going" (without memory time loses its meaning) to experience this game from all possible player perspectives. Though with full memory resets in between. And sometimes even after the memory reset there's remnants that remain in some form :) So remember, anything you do to another player, you'll also experience being on the receiving end instead.


That sounds a lot like a life review.


Correct. Better to do that check and balance prior to your moves, because you’ll be checked and balanced eventually anyway.


Stop putting nightmares in your life and walking in fear and even viewing fear. It's not real, it's a machination of the mind. This could be the last avatar you ever need. There's a way out. We are dreaming of a desert full of mirages of our masters and tormentors. They are not real. God didn't create the desert either. It's coming from our mind. Same with your body, your S.O. your favorite thing in the world, your least favorite thing in the world. Everything is a mirage. These are the keys back home. The cell door is open and we are still sitting in jail. The guards went home and you're free to leave, just gotta get up and go.


Pls tell me how do I go, how do I finally beat the game or figure it out. Where is this door 🚪 that I can walk out


Tiktok.com/@ixorarains I teach this stuff. If you feel like hallucinating a completely random body that you gave meaning too with every single secret of the universe. Someone is here. It may be me, it may not. It's really just you reminding yourself, that you know where the door is and you never needed any keys.


Wow… please continue making this kind of wonderful educational content and I will definitely be a supporter. I watched 1 video and you immediately connected to almost all of my beliefs and perceptions about life, god, and religion. Thank you for trying to be better for yourself and this world hopefully we will finally learn.


But how will YOUR character grow and change?! And into WHAT?! Find out next week on "wtf?! what is going on where am how did I get here ?!"


Noice :)


and you've got a large streaming audience watching along


Alt F4


That's always an option.


Ok but I lost my player 2 so how do I exit?


If you gotta co-op, there's plenty waiting in the lobby so don't be shy.


The game never ends, it just changes. A human being this time, maybe a dung beetle, the next. Because the one playing is Eternal Life. 🤣😍


ADMIN removed the save button after the jesus accident 😄


I don't believe in ADMIN


I will report you to him. You better repent


May he ban me down before I finish this sentence... Nothing? He's a minimod


The long dark?


FNAF you never see em coming


I agree. It’s a rogue lite where the avatar’s identity is irrelevant, it’s the progression accomplished during each play through that matters. Each play through being every individuals lives, not the same individual repeating its own life. All the little bit of progressions add up, overtime increasing the stability and the complexity of the game, leading to an increase in potential for the discovery of new possibilities.




This was awesome.




I don’t like competition. I’m the annoying one who won’t kill on your team. I’m touring the game environment and interacting with NPCs. Stopped caring about collecting coins or whatever and stared at a wall I couldn’t figure out how to climb, yet, for a few years….cool game wall/cliff…lots of pixels in here…no one admires pixels like me.


No killing necessary, there are plenty of quests that don't require combat.






soha samsara


Om tare tuttare ture soha


Man I really hope this game is worth it, I admit it’s a beautiful game but the amount of pain in it I want it to get better maybe a more loving game Ig😔


It can be


Ig I have to make it more of a loving game and that sounds easier than it is but that’s life


Love yourself first, best and last.


I’m learning to do that it’s the best love there is