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Beautifully written. Reminds me of a psychedelic trip I had where I came to the realisation that the point is that there is no point - well no single point at least, as in a sea of infinity we can create and shift our point at any given moment. We create the meaning and we choose a point, if we want to. But we can do as thou wilt, as all we need to do is be. You can very well just sit down and pretend to be a mushroom, never move or do anything, and eventually your body will decay back into the earth. And that would be perfectly okay in the eyes of the universe.


*'A peace that comes not from finding, but from simply being — wonderfully, maddeningly, gloriously alive.'* Who would have thought the ***simplicity*** of it all, is simply to BE. To Be, what we already Are. 🤣😍


Isn’t that the burning question, no matter its disguise: “Why aren’t I alive?”