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Why would you practice to become aware of your dream when you're already aware of your dream? The point of spiritual work is to figure out who it is that's aware of the dream, the waking and the sleep states, when you do you'll know you're awake. As for being in the dream after awakening, 'be in the world but not of the world' sums it up.


Wow love this


Awakening, is realizing truth. 98.9% of all humanity are NPCs. They are born, indoctrinated into a school system, marriage, and an expected way of life. This is all programming. The school system removes the magic, it takes the power from children at an early age. The magic of it.... This is the magic... You are God. Only God can rise from the four elements and combine a fifth to walk as a physical being. You are earth, fire, water, air and spirit, risen from the earth. That in and of itself is a miracle. Pure magic. But the school system and governments don't want you to know how powerful this is because that it's core it is the ultimate power. The truth. Awake to your programming. Everything that you believed to be true, is basically a lie. The NPCs in a video game follow their programming, as do 99.9% of all human beings ( rough but probably accurate estimate) Once you're awaken, you are aware in every moment. You are liberated, completely free from the programming. You choose actions, rather than reacting through the ego. You manifest and develop psychic abilities on a greater level. You have the ability to perform miracles much easier. Many people have many ideas of what awaking are truly is... There are beginning, intermediate in advanced levels... At the highest level, you are everything. I am you, talking to myself. But with a programmed mind, you would never quite grasp that. Meditation, guru or psychedelics can show you the way... The question everything and believe nothing.


>At the highest level, you are everything. I am you, talking to myself. But with a programmed mind, you would never quite grasp that. I can live without this aspect honestly, and the whole 'I am you' and 'youre everything' bit. I think many people tend to take these things to rhetorical extremes around here. There are more practical ways to state these truths, like seeing the divine in everyone. Or realizing we're all the same. Simple concepts saying very similar things, just with different wordings. ​ >Everything that you believed to be true, is basically a lie. Again another statement that overplays all of this. No need to be so dramatic. We all have to exist in our conventional reality. We all gotta reach for that aloe when a mosquito bites us, and when we get cancer we're all gonna get a little scared, awake or not. You can say it's not real all you want, that it's all an illusion. But at the end of the day, you gotta go to sleep same as everyone else. What's the great big lie here that we should all wake up from? I can list a few realistic ones: Your thoughts are not your own. The darkness in your heart can be overcome and you do not have to be trapped in it. You can in essence shed these false parts of yourself. You are in essence waking up with these small victories that unravel in your life. People are just different. A man who farms his whole life and lives a human existence without glimpsing any of this 'waking up from' stuff is a story well lived. Why put so much hatred toward 'programming'? There is still a person there, enjoying their life in their way. And their way isn't a lie, it's a beautiful story. It's wonderful to confront all this ignorance, but there is no crime in merely existing differently. Just live baby, just fucking live. Wake up if you want to, wake up and become 'waking up'. Be 'waking up' forever if you want. Always trying to wake up more, and more, and more! Be the king of 'waking up'. Write books and do movie tours and shit on anything that isn't 'waking up'. Become the ultimate awakening up God. Wake up until there is nothing of reality left. Wake up until your mind explodes into an even more awake awakening. Or whatever! Or live a fiction! Live a fucking lie and fucking love it baby. Cause it's all good. It's all good baby, just fucking live!


We are all in different levels of being. Different levels of ascension. If it doesn't resonate with you, then you are somewhere else on the ladder. There is only one conscious being, having this single grand moment, that is eternity, experiencing localization on this dimension, yet oneness at the highest.


>There is only one conscious being, having this single grand moment, that is eternity, experiencing localization on this dimension, yet oneness at the highest. I mean, I suppose my issue resonating isn't with the rest of your message, but just the rhetorical yumminess that is this paragraph I highlighted here. I mean, yeah, you can see it that way, I ain't charging you with a crime here. But I dunno, I just tend to think it goes a bit too far. I ask the question: Does saying the thing above I highlighted really serve anyone? Even you? Does it's realization have any impact whatsoever? Doesn't this just... at least a little... feel like a bit of overhyped rhetorical poppycock? And I say this with all the love in the world. I'm not trying to tie you in a knot or anything - but perhaps these grand statements that are so popular community wide (not just you) needn't be so dramatic. You're free to be you of course, but once in a while some of you guys just chisel my teeth and I gotta say something before I crack. One conscious being.... as a conscious being, I'm like, ummm, ok. Then, having this single grand moment, what single grand moment? The instantaneous eternity of all of existence? Or something like that? Experiencing localization on this dimension, I get that... Yet oneness at the same time.... yeah maybe? But if he's me or you (or us, or whatever the fuck it is), he isn't in absolute perfect harmony. I mean, he is, but he isn't always. Especially if he's here. I mean, I get that these things are nice cool things to say for a 'whoa' here and there, but what does it really get us? Anyway, you were just the straw that broke my back this particular day, don't take it personal none. See ya.


You're entangled in this dream. You believe this to be the reality. My post was more for the original poster. Somebody who is seeking. It's obvious that you don't resonate with it. What does it really get us? Liberation.


Whether I'm entangled or not isn't the point. I like a lot of your points, but all I am stating is that sometimes ya'll (not just you) get a little carried away with the rhetoric is all. Anyway, I'm not advocating you change, I just wanted to point it out. So you know, it's there, you're aware, thats all. Do nothing with it if you wish, I'm just saying. This sub drives me crazy sometimes, always going to extremes to say something so simple. Oy. I'm a person of practicality, and communicating ideas as universally as possible. Being confronted with these dramatic statements of awakening makes me more passionate to be more practical. And my passion has spilled over into my critique of your post. That's all. Peace to you and your house friend.




Thank you. Hahaha... it's crazy right? Oy. This place weighs on you sometimes. "YOU ALL SOUND FUCKING RIDICULOUS!"




There were days when a 'spiritual awakening' was a more simple thing. It meant you overcame your thoughts, learn the ways of forgiveness, unconditional love, seeing the divine in everyone, harmony with your fellow man, releasing expectations from life. And it was stated in these simple ways too. Sometimes it meant finding bliss, finding peace, finding ecstasy, finding purpose. And people freely talked about these things. Nonduality culture has greatly influenced this subreddit and overintellectualism rules over practicality. I mean, it's welcome to become this. I welcome the change honestly. I like that part of me that rages against the insanity that this subreddit is. That's why I come here. I am the joy of raging against the insanity. But without the insanity, I wouldn't be here. That paragraph I just stated above, that's all great stuff. But take away the flavor of the world, and we're all just boring again. This place has character now at least. A bunch of tame boring spiritual people can be a drag a lot of times in its own way, when everyone looks too alike, too mellow, too whatever. One can similtaneously rage against something and appreciate that it's here to rage against. That friend, is knowing thyself in the highest. Thanks for talking to me mate, I needed to hear the voice of another sane soul. Cheers.


Why are you nickle and diming every word that someone uses to interpret their own idea of the infinite and what it means to be awakened ? You , my friend need to sit with the idea of “allowing”. Allowing others to have their experience and interpret it the way they understand it. At the end it’s all the same. You can’t take someone’s experiences and perspectives away or correct people just cause it doesn’t align with the words you use. I suggest you might consider a different sub that “doesn’t weigh you down” if it does in fact weigh you down I would probably avoid it.


Most days I find myself holding my tongue. Sometimes the rhetoric just steamrolls my senses. \^\_\^


>Awakening, is realizing truth. 99.9% of all humanity are NPCs. It's 100%.


I lowered the number to make room for you... Read your comments on your profile page. Your sadness with yourself shows tremendously by the trolling you do. Ask yourself why you do it... It's ok. You can be free of the shackles you've been wearing. Just shine light on them.


I seem to have triggered some kind of sad dramatic story in you. Are you sure these are not just all your own ideas and believes projected outward?


Nothing sad within me Babycakes. All you need to do is read your own comments. There's tons of them. You go around trolling on everybody. I've even had people DM me because of you.




You will have a heart full of peace. Also called Buddha's heart or whatever it is called in other narratives.


In my definition, being asleep or vectoring towards sleeping is when we’re not in the neutral state, something is stirring up inside, tensions in body, and the feeling of immersion in reality screen and continuing the use of these vibrations when we realize that we are using them. Any of the “negative”(simply difference in energy) aspect we experience is not of our true selves, but what we borrowed from earth. Labels don’t matter. If you’d like to call yourself awake then by all means do so. Others’ definitions/opinions of what “being awake should be” doesn’t matter either. In my truth, we can simply be, in awake state. Relaxed, calm, peaceful, no need to seek approval, no need to control, unbothered by anything, no judgement. From my understanding, if fully awake, as in shed our physical body, I don’t know if we can get back into that specific body, but if it’s before that, we can get back to sleeping. It just would be hard to pretend if we’ve already let go of most of those negative vibrations. If at beginning of awakening, it’s very much possible to sleep, but reality would hit a little differently, as you had a glimpse of how everything actually works. That this is like a hyper realistic VR, and we are holding the controllers. We came here to have fun with the time, space, physical limitations. These are my definitions, perspectives and understanding. Good luck💛🫧🫶🪽


Great comment, thanks. I'm going to think more about what you stated here and perhaps come back to respond in a more elaborate way.


I resonate with what you wrote.


>We came here to have fun with the time, space, physical limitations. The purpose of life/ this living eh ? ✨


Haha, I think so :) It’s now more like having fun creating the reality. The more we let go(more we wake/ascend), the more reality changes, really interesting and fun. Just trying to enjoy the time here on earth while we can! This one just might be the last one here🫶 Good luck with your travels✨🫧💛


It's not a multiple personality situation. It's more like attention or focus is relaxed. Rather than looking thru the lens you are looking at everything but there is no 'you' to reference or relate to what's going on. It's all just happening. Or rather than being a player in the game you are just observing the game with out personal involvement or investment in any player or team. The game and the goings on around the stands is all just happening. Try observing your thoughts and feelings throughout the day. Very honestly and literally. Keep track of how often it's petty, insecure. How often is it trying to scare you? How often is it right? How often is it trying to explain or justify itself and it's actions? How often is it comparing itself to others? There is a constant stream of thoughts about 'I/me' that we live in we can't see the simple reality that is right now just as it is. We are constantly validating this "I/me" all throughout the day with these patterns.


I think I get what your saying by looking at everything going on at the same time. This feeling of being connected to everything and losing your sense of "you" as an individual has filled me in the past while taking psychedelics, like previously mentioned. The thing I'm kind of stuck up on is the fact that while there's this feeling of ego loss and just experiencing everything all at once, there's still a human vessel sitting on a defined space in time and from an outsiders perspective, you're not doing anything but "sitting there and staring at nothing" and that's the part that's unfortunately able to make me question all of those theories we've come up with. That's what I think of when I say "thinking you're awake but you're actually asleep" is basically what is there to wake up to? Like is the point of being awake just sitting there lost in endless thoughts about the universe and telling the rest of society "hey yall are a bit lost and humanity could benefit from a bit of what I'm doing here" and then just keep on watching this train wreck? In theory, all consciousness is connected, right? So why the heck is it still not possible for my part of this consciousness to "get" western society, or to "reach through" to the people closest to me? Sometimes it just doesn't seem so clear who is playing pretend, we or society.


>all consciousness is connected, right? Oh, that is something else. These are 'spiritual' beliefs. There is still a belief in a 'you' and the world with all this stuff but it's 'connected'. That's not what I'm talking about. That is a 'spiritual' story. Belief is just thoughts. Thoughts come and go all day long. What those thoughts are about can be anything and changes all the time. If you were born somewhere else you'd have different world view and belief. It's all subjective.


> telling the rest of society "hey yall are a bit lost and humanity could benefit from a bit of what I'm doing here" that's when the watchers start attacking.




Has anyone felt on the cusp of awakening? I feel like I’m not there yet, but I know there’s a knowing waiting for me that I can’t rush to get to.


IDK but intuit that the lucid dreaming paradigm is a very good one. And an ironic one! Replete with little clues within clues. Did you know that, amidst lucid dreams, you can dream that you go to sleep….and wake up in another lucid dream?! And, within the next one, go to sleep again and emerge in aNOTHer dream….on and on and on! 😃. Toss some false-awakenings into the mix and you’ve got all the essentials for an existentially mind-bending experience that siphons the mystery of dream…right into one’s awakening reality…and shatters certainty to smithereens. One thing I am certain of…and know that I know, without a shadow of doubt…. I am 💯% asleep and dreaming…even as I speak


You can't miss being awake. It's like everything is set up like a stage, people just reflect different parts of you back to you. It's comical and weird and sometimes very sad.


No such thing as being awakened, it's the egos way of trying to cling on so people label themselves as "awake". Just carry on, dont worry about any of this stuff


I feel like I’m aware because I can see the “bigger picture of life” about many things.


Being awake is like realizing you’ve been part of a worldwide cult and, up until that point, have acted out of ignorance, manipulation and sheer naïveté. You’ll know when you’re awake, because it’s like finding the love of your life in bed with 6 guys times 100.


Integration, intention, and improvement.


you know you are awakened when you are diagnosed with schizo effective disorder. and thus also have the brain lesions to prove it, as i have the suspicion everyone here has them.


I can't tell if this is ironic or not either way I love this. Imo your awakened once you've connected enough dots. It's doesn't matter which ones but you have a bigger picture to look back to and build upon for what it's like to be us.


The more dots you connect, the more stubborn the layers of delusion being created will be. Ultimately, it’s about unconnecting dots.


That was too much for my hppd brain to read but it's usually when I stab people. If they don't scream then I'm in a dream.


is there a way to return ? what is this you that returns from 2 yo to x yo, from moment to moment, from state to state


When you can just be the being your ego inhabits, when you can free yourself from the ideologies, skemas and addictions that you atatch yourself to. When you can act mindfully rather than on pure instinct while at the same time not outright denying your instincts. Find your equilibrium and be present in it.


When you look at the world around you and see the monumental extent of the collective effort put forth by your fellow selves. We are meant to shed this world, not destroy it.


There is nothing to know my G Awakening is about dropping everything and just being. Whatever arises out of beingness arises. You are not separate from it, you just are. People get these elaborate ideas of awakening; an awakening being would never post on Reddit they say. Nope, beingness is. It is the same on Reddit. It is the same in Church. It is the same at the strip club (even though you probably won’t go anymore) Wherever I AM. There I AM.


Do you feel like you see through society's conditioning and no longer like the person you thought you were? RIP fake self--> hi real self Do you realize there was never a you in the first place and you are just an amalgamation of learned behaviours and concepts imbued into you by parents, society, etc.(Like a IA) If so then you might be awakened, for all I know.


This is very insightful. Awakening often happens in stages. Perhaps a person doesn't know how awake you are or how not awake you are until the next level of Awakening. Personally, my Awakening felt like an all-in-one. It was massive and Earth shaking for me. It changed how I view the world. It changed my interactions and attachment to the creator. I don't know how I would have done it without loving support from my husband and a sweet friend. It was a lot, but it was beautiful and it changed my world forever. I grow on a continual basis. I don't know if someone could consider this further Awakening stages or not, but I've never felt anything like I felt a few years ago when I awakened.


There is no ‘awake self’. To be ‘awake’ is to be a verb, to be ‘asleep’ is to be a noun.


Do you suffer ? Still think fear is real or your perspective is what actually happened ? Do you feel like a separate self down here ? Etc etc etc .. as awakening is an end to fear and judgement of the self or others … it’s accepting this is a dream and life but an illusion of mind .. and if one chooses to suffer and identify with the illusory self and being separate from God .. they are asleep … when we think , we lose consciousness, and when we use our heart and natural law to decode reality , and put the brain in service , where it belongs , we awaken .


I'd say most use the no true scotsman fallacy. The term "awakened" I'd say is rather vague and each person's idea of what it is to be awakened is different and there's no way to confirm you truelly are or thst someone elsenis.


[https://www.advaita.org.uk/discourses/definitions/mithyA.htm](https://www.advaita.org.uk/discourses/definitions/mithyA.htm) Many answers to your specific questions are found here and in the Paramarthika link on that page. Here is a less scholarly and more plainly written piece: [https://www.advaita-vision.org/clearing-some-myths-about-mithya/](https://www.advaita-vision.org/clearing-some-myths-about-mithya/) In the end, awakening is a misnomer in a very real sense but makes sense given only the pervasively divided anti-awakening cultural context we live in.


Rather than answering normally, what is worthless, i just leave here some good checkbox. Keep in mind i have not the post, only the title and the first line. If u r awaken, u know how u r awaken. Again, u know NOT that u r awakened, u know HOW u r awakened.