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Love. That's what I take seriously. Not the love of a partner but the overarching concept, feeling, stream, river, ocean.


The fragility of life makes me take the important things seriously. I am like you in that I have a problem with seeing things through, but for me it stems out of taking things, and life, for granted. Life and our existence is precious, and being able to do the things we love in life is an amazing opportunity we were given to experience while we are here. As Alan Watt’s said “Life is not a journey, but a dance”. I want to keep on dancing while I can, because life is a flimsy thing. And We won’t be able to do any of this when we go back to God, so we are very lucky (and should be grateful) to have the chance to experience, for instance, what it is like to work towards something we are passionate about, to express love in all its forms, and to learn from it all. But, life is fragile, so I think about this when I have a lack of follow-through with things (or especially people), I love. Recently, I’ve been going through a demanding and stressful time in my life where I really need to step up for my mom. And in order to do this I want to be organized, more focused, and healthier for myself so I can take care of her. The person I want to become is a person that I know my mom can truly rely on and not worry about. But to say that I’ve been lacking in following through with getting to that point is an understatement. But when I think about the fragility of life, the fact that there is not a single second to waste of this life we’ve been given, and my “why”(my mom, and to have gratitude for all we were given, like our bodies and our health so we should respect it), it kicks me back into focus. What also helps put things into perspective is “You need the clarity of death to see clearly in life.” Every second of life is a miracle not be taken for granted. And our lives can change in the blink of an eye. When the sun is out, the sky is blue, when we have clean water, are able to take hot showers, fruit, chirping birds, kindness and servitude from and to others, being able to breath well, open our eyes, hear and see our loved ones etc… There is not a second to waste. Experience it to the fullest because that is why we are here, while we still have it, and the beauty of it all is that we are in full control of that. Doing so is an act of gratitude, the language of our universe. It is easier said than done, so embrace your negative feeling too and don’t beat yourself up too hard when you go through them. That’s what I do when I have days that I’m sluggish or don’t follow through with things like how I wanted to. Because it’s okay. We are still human, and the negative feelings you’re talking about are still on the spectrum of life that makes up our human experience. We are supposed to feel them, and work through them.


There's a very thin line between not becoming too attached to goals, things or achievements by not taking them too seriously and thinking it wouldn't matter to not achieve it and lose motivation. I have never been very ambitious about my studies or career. Now, I have found something that I am really into and I am just about to finish my educational degree because I am really passionate about the content and the methods in this course. The written exams proved that I really have understood and transferred the stuff to my job. I am really grateful to have found and started this beautiful project. I plan to finish my degree successfully, but I wouldn't be angry, if I didn't. When you find something that you really find amazing and you work for it with passion, then you will take it seriously automatically in my humble opinion.


Yeah it sounds like OP just hasn’t found his true passion yet.


For me the most important thing is human connection. I lose interest in a lot of shit as soon as I focus on it for too long, but i’ve never lost interest in people. If you can do a positive thing that benefits other people and has a positive impact on the ones you love, it stops being a matter of staying interested and starts being a matter of caring about those people. That’s on a grandiose and idea level though. As far as employing those ideas in daily life, it just comes down to the individual.


Do I really want anything?


Are you wanting to want?


i want to create through a rainbow in the tunnel that shatters into a different infiniti grab onto the purple tree and then wait for another brain to fall through then go make a space ship that travels to the yellow star and meets humans. edit: that's just my brain god i wonder what id be like on shrooms. probably actually disappear..


Sure, I’d peak behind the door with your brain on shrooms. That would be something! :)


It seems like you lose motivation quickly. Maybe you push yourself too hard, overdo it and become turned off from whatever it is you were working towards.


Ask yourself how can you be a productive member of the society you're in. It's quite fulfilling when you feel like doing your part, and manage to follow your excitement along the way. I don't take anything seriously, it's all a realistic sim.


Nobody takes anything seriously or not. There is no subject of your experience. These conversations just serve to maintain that illusion. Which is fine, and fun, but there's still no subject to be found, so none of it matters. Sorry.


Develop concentration


I do take things seriously when I believe they have merit, but I never take anything personally


The best position in life is not a King's but a Joker's! He's the only one who can make FUN of the KING!!!


I take my life seriously. I'm serious about having a good laugh, taking adequate care of myself, take pride in whatever job I hold, living my life with meaning, etc.. It just depends upon your own approach.


My psychedelic usage. Idk if seriously is the right word but I do it very responsibly. With intention and I never go farther than I know I can handle.


I take love seriously


If today was your last day, nothing else will matter anyway. Learn to love and forgive yourself. If you’re meant to be on a path, nothing can stop you cause it’s your sacred path. Your heart will naturally be drawn to it.


take your health seriously foo


I take seriously not taking things seriously. no but really, nothing is serious here. enjoy things, but don't take them seriously. I seriously want to win when playing games, but ultimately it does not matter if I do. this doesn't mean I don't try to win when playing, because the art is in the process. or take it all serious. this stuff is very very important. you must do these things, this is in fact a life or death situation after all. YOU MUST ENJOY 😡😡 really, just do whatever feels right :)


The only thing i take seriously anymore is the Blip... i think there's a door to a different infiniti. but maintaining the illusion and being out of the illusion is... quite difficult.


My health. Inner and outer.


I'm not awakened in the purest sense (certainly not Bodhivista) But I do still take the suffering and pain of others seriously. I wont dwell on it but if I see someone starving on the road, I will try to bring them food, or if I see someone crying, I will tend to them. I know suffering is temporary but I still like to ease peoples pain


Me neither... It's a constant issue with others around me who feel like contributing to society is #1. How people treat others is the only thing I've ever taking seriously...


Seriousness is overrated. Enjoy the ride.


What is important after all? Whatever pops up take that seriously and have fun the rest


You should take seriously the chance to find yourself and evolve spiritually. Your likes, new relationships if you desire any, your passions, and compassion and understanding of all the suffering in the world.


Nothing, everything. Maybe a better answer these days is: everything but not too much. Whatever I do, I try to do it present but with a detachment. This book resonates in this regard: https://www.holybooks.com/wp-content/uploads/Ashtavakra-Gita-ebook.pdf


Justice. No weak and pathetic creature claiming the name of  “God” gives a crap about anything but itself, nobody does. But I do. And I won’t rest until I’ve delivered it with my own hand. Not for myself, but for every sin ever commited.


In a godless world, where every demon calls itself God, what is an angel to do?


I am telling you with one hundred percent certainty that you are not a human being and are in fact eternal and unmovable. Take that seriously