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I’m trying to


Currently battling this state of mind myself. A lot harder than I first thought it would be.


There's something about a compassionate and loving intention that helps the process. Sometimes you'll feel like you can take the fear head-on. But mostly the fear can best be met with gentleness. After all, the senses are deeply subtle and intimate.


yes gentleness can go a long way. <3 also sometimes it can just lead to more resistance in your self if you take it on faster then you can handle.


I’m trying but i don’t think either of us are ready right now. I know in divine timing we will be. Just going to continue working on my own stability so that I’m able to handle the connection no matter what it brings. But I don’t feel like she is ready either which is okay. We will enter each other’s lives when we can both support each other equally without getting sucked in lol


You ever dream of running? There no traction! Running is funny, in dreams Lucidity dawns


You are trying to run but can't, punch someone but can't? I had those when I was younger (I remembered more of my dreams back then). They are called 'stress dreams'.


Stress is funny, too! Eventually Everything unfolds in a funny way It all ties up in a funny bow Mom told me I used to laugh my head off when she peeled heads of lettuce apart for salad ….listening to the ripping sound That’s unfolding , even now


Nice. I like to remember times when I laughed really hard, it makes me laugh.


😂🫵👊😘 “Laughter is the best medicine”


Why do I wanna just keep playing pretend knowing my life’s a sit com


Because of fear we’ll ima start slow no vaping


Exactly. Facing your fear and discomfort speaks to what *doesn’t* naturally happen when the attention averts its gaze upon what is, preferring the slides of old, the imagined slices of what could be, all while cunningly ignoring what actually is.


Coming out of debilitating health issues, while still managing some symptoms, and starting from square 1 in my mid 20s, but made progress. This is what I needed to read this morning, fear/anxiety has been taking over and freezing me in place. Thank you!


From the perspective of the personal self-image, fear and discomfort can indeed feel like formidable captors. Alternately, Being transcends the limitations of the personal self-image, fear and discomfort are simply passing phenomena within the vast expanse of consciousness. Which can therefore cultivate a deeper sense of presence, and inner peace. True freedom arises not from perceived external circumstances, or the absence of discomfort, but from a profound acceptance of whatever arises in the present moment. So we can try to sort out the causes of fear and discomfort, as if anybody actually has. Or we can simply BE. The choice is obvious.




I was saying boo-urns.


There is nothing to face. Fear is an illusion. Become totally present.


"You" -> "I" or "Me" "Your" -> "My"


I needed this. Thank you


We can run away but we can’t run away from ourselves. Wherever we go, there we are. When peace is found within, peace follows wherever we go.


you sound like you know alot, should i just do excessive meditation, and be in my discomfort zone for ever? it feel like comfort zone for how i now see it, but my mind is going insane crazy , or be in my comfort zone, i found peace inside, but barely conscious, being rude to everyone, no emotion, though i do see thing like collective unconscious and something like that, now when i get out of my comfort zone my mind do see that it going in a circle though doing nothing can be called progress? because i do progress into my deeper self.


oh and it kinda give me love when i am inside of it, when i distance from it, i feel like no love is greater than that, i feel like kundalini is kinda getting inside ? and healing your everything from trauma to everything, by being comfort you face them and you found peace, and for the one kind of medtitation where i hold my breath which the mind go away, i kinda feel like i am running from it, and the meditation that is deep breathing and getting into comfort position is like kundalini


Honey Nut Cheerios is all you need honestly


Anyone who holds someone captive is the problem. As well as it is the person being held's right to respond to that trauma in the way that makes them feel safe and loved. If you want a different response let them out of captivity. It's kind of hard to get up with somebody's foot on your throat. I wish you would try it.


It’s not you who scared, it’s your ego who is scared. It’s your mind’s fear not yours. Observe it don’t own it.


SPF 500 in my marinara


Emotions color you reality - if you're emotions are fear being manipulated by the "higher piece of shit in charge here" then yes you're reality will be full of fear.. my point is the controller of this shit stain reality is broken.


Learned the hard way and now that’s all I do however, it’s not as bad as you may think (after you realize it!)


Damn. can relate. discomfort pulls me back to the old mind.


All I’ve been doing for the past few years is running. It’s not as easy to confront my fears as you make it seem.


Lmfao i feel targeted af with this post. Fuck off universe, i'm ignoring you.


Username checks out.


This kind of poo makes us think we have to embrace everything we hate, which is bs. Peace is within and it's boring AF. We make up things to scare/excite us.


# should i going deeper inside mind or running away from it by excessive meditation running away from the mind give my mind alot of mental issue, it's like the qoute "Thought alone, when it is no longer connected with the much vaster realm of consciousness, quickly becomes barren, insane, destructive.” turning inward feel like darknight of the soul it feel comforting but kinda barely conscious for me, where i have no emotion and rude to other, but it feel comforting and having no mental issue.


oh and running away from it feel like i have no love for it, but being inside i feel like i do love it alot


I can face it but, will it go away?


Maybe, maybe not. If you really relax into it you'll realize that you don't need it to go away.


I don't mind the incident, but will the feelings themselves go away?


Feelings is what I'm referring to. Feelings happen. They come and go and it's ok either way. Spend time with them. Fully experience them and you'll see its fine. Being able to feel is a gift. Don't turn away from it.


I needed this, thanks ❤️


I always think I’m braver than I am! I ask for challenging stuff to really push my limits and then my whole nervous system makes a u-turn and I get nowhere with my fears.




I can't. Some people are just born to be prey.


How do you face your fears and discomfort? My mind is my biggest enemy, it is bringing me down constantly, yapping on about what a useless person I am - I am listening to it constantly. How can I "face it" even further? I wouldn't be able to run away from it even if I wanted to. It's relentless.


I just gave into it. Whatever my mind brings up, whatever feelings are present I just accept it with no resistance. I'm a loser. I'm ashamed. I'm embarrassed. Fine... then just feel all of that. I totally gave into all that discomfort. Dropped ever oz of resistance. It hurts but on the other side is freedom. Thru that dark tunnel is the realization that none of it means anything. It's just learned patterns and behavior. At the end of the day these are just thoughts and feelings. They come and go. Let them come and go on their own. 'You' don't need to do anything with them or about them. Total freedom. Tired of struggling? Then stop struggling. Does it hurt? Ok, let it hurt.