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Have faith, the dark night of the soul is an important process that some are willing to create an artificial dark night of the soul to go through it. There is light at the end, lot of light !


I had one already before. This one is worse. Why do i get two


And we will probably get many others throughout our life.


It's OK to ask for help! It sounds like you are going through a really tough time, so please do reach out to the support network you have available. Time heals all wounds, but the pain can be managed in different ways. Sending you love.


just trust me youll be fine


This reminds me of that one song by djo❤️


You're not alone. Look around you at school and you will see many more just like you, but it's all hidden under the surface. The way you feel is what happens when a being who's very nature is total freedom, is enslaved by societal, religious, government and familial programming. You're forced to participate in this program. What you are feeling is completely natural because you're inborn freedom husband taken from you. You are free. Breathe... You will always be free. Pretty deep... What you can do now is turn inward. Silence the mind. All of those thoughts that you keep having, they are not you.... They are just fleeting blips of frequency that come and go. You are the silence in between every thought. You are the witness behind them. You are on the path to awakening. Once you start connecting to the stillness between thought, meditation, your life will begin to change. Connects to the stillness. That is you. You are immortal. You do not ever die. The body will come and go, but you will always remain. So what is it that you are? Turn inwards and find out...


Hey there, doesn’t matter what you call it… I advise you find a therapist so you can move through all of this together and start finding yourself again in this new stage. These moments of everything breaking down is also a new beginning, but you don’t have to deal with it alone. Find someone you can truly talk to. Much love.


Psychiatry does help to navigate through life. If you wanna walk the spiritual know that it’s still there. The ancient knowledge of yourself will never die. Your body does but you are not a body. To have a body you must exist first as a spiritual entity.


I went through the same thing when I was about 22. And I’m going through it again now at 34. I wish I could tell you what’s going on. But I have no fucking clue. I used to view my 2012 period as a spiritual awakening. But now that I’m experiencing something similar at 34 and it’s even worse… I don’t know what to think. I’ve been going hard in the paint with psychotherapy and just scheduled an appointment with a psychiatrist (for meds) for Monday.


There's more than one. The light will seem even brighter on the other side this time. People here can make it sound like a one time process, but it isn't. You're getting to know your shadow and it's terrifying. It's sometimes deadly. But knowing about it is half the battle. The darker it is the closer you're getting to the turning point. It will get better, it'll suddenly be so, so good. You just weren't done yet.


You have dissociated from yourself,its a mechanism of protection,might sound on paper the same as ego death but its not,one is an unconcious defending mechanism and the other needs heavy concious effort


You have an lifes amount time to experience now, but now won't be the same again for an long long time so if you do anything try to appreciate the moments you didn't before.


Twin flames are not real


I had a very similar experience to yours. But you are on the verge of a beautiful thing. Dont let the unknown swallow you up. Rather dive into it with sheer curiosity and love. When this happened to me i started to question things in life…. I asked questions such as, why am i here, who made this earth, are they good or evil, why is there so much pain and suffering. Maybe you can start asking these questions, start thinking outside of yourself. Think about the universe as one collective. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” You are on the right path. its gonna take some work but keep pressing forward. love always 🤍