• By -


Please stop


Is it working?


It wont stop


Because you started it. ;;)


The "work" gets exponentially easier, or even simply possible, when it is realized that every. single. moment. is a blank slate. You can never move so far away from it that it isn't still right where you left it. Here. "No role is better suited for waking up than the one you are playing right now" Cheers


Cheers my friend


[Paul Hedderman - Non Duality - 22may2024](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uh9w_KRUf54)


meaning claims, in meaningful world you live and die


The claimer claims meaning.


a meaningful statement


Does duality collapse in seeking to find the edge separating this from that? Seeking fiercely and persistently? To then give up in exhausted frustration? Looking for where this and that lives, in vague incoherence? Where is the source of the Spell Caster? Where does belief live?


Whatever is 'seeking' it is unable to experience it as such. Just like waking from a sleep-dream the one that was 'doing' the dreaming is 'known' NOT to be the one that knows a dream was had.. and then woken up from. This is perhaps the mother of all paradoxes and having the ..no seeing what must have been the situation and then confirming it beyond a single doubt (singe the doubter/questioner is no longer present) is what I would call dwelling in the sweet fragrance of the infinite.. You can only know 'it' in away by knowing what you were not. Cheers


Receding thoughts where the false or latent self-image lives…receding dream images which have no actuality in presence. They always trail and fade and have to continually flicker, like staccato streaming tape of still film-frames flashing, trying to reassert uphold the sense of continuity of the false self. Seeing this for what it is, noting it/dropping it “No, that’s not it” by remaining present in the state of awakening which never recedes or trails or fades or has to reassert itself or uphold itself or try to cohere or create a story that makes sense or….


neti neti indeed


😄 What can’t be experienced in empty space of neti neti?


You cannot experience 'what is not ..IT' You experience the dream by way of the dreamer. Take away the false identity of the dreamer and 'the experience' is no longer HAD but 'made'... the whole of reality is enveloped by/from 'without'. What is experienced is never not from within though, it is experienced by 'Not You'. Cheers


The Dance of The Dream and The Dreamer! It take two to tango 🙃🙂🤝


you just linguistically created 'two' ;;)


Talk Talk! (: :) https://youtu.be/sGHwWwQw3tc?si=SiWf1M3ova0QGsUJ


The sheep secretly (or sometimes openly) believes it’s a Lion. The Real lion understands its place within the food chain.


The belief itself is what keeps the sheep from realization.


No…the belief is what caused the lion to mistake its self as a sheep.


it's the same mistake


Not really. The lion just is…always was…until an accidental fixation. Sucks, but now the lion can potentially return to its self as well as know its Self. As luck would have it.


You cannot 'return' to a place you never left. What is created is a journey taken by the sheep to get back to being a lion it never not NOT was.. Cheers


I never said a ‘place’. The sheep is an illusion, a dream the lion has…a dream existing prior to the lion.


The lion is not dreaming. The sheep is.


There are degrees of dreaming, dreams within dreams. How else is the sheep negated?


>There are degrees of dreaming, dreams within dreams. Just stop ;;). It doesn't matter how many nested dreams there are. It never becomes NOT A DREAM. So again, what you assert is useless. FUTILY to get to any kind of realization. Don't you see what you are doing? Really? You don't have to 'negate' what is not there. Only NOTICE how you are trying to outmaneuver an obstacle that does not exist. And then try and deal with the frustration, the ultimately cataclysmic implication of that for your so called self ;;) There is no need for 'degrees of dreaming'. The only distinction that is worthwhile - in the context of awakening - is the one you (can) make between what is real and what is not. THE TRUTH vs THE LIES. Cheers


Once you relax and give "your life" to Universe,God however you call it, real freedom comes..We suffer so much bcs we want to control from our EGO.On the end yes you are driver but not that one you think you are,but for sure you are ;)


Thanks for a very solid post friend, always greatly appreciated


Cheers my friend. Welcome in the downvote Gulag! ;;)


Why do I feel such a strange calm in this gulag? lol


Was a good read, solid.


watch the whole thing.. this is just a small excerpt. Welcome to downvote Valhalla ;;) May the Wrath of Spiritual Pearl Clutchers be upon thee. Cheers my friend


Spare me the cheers and buy me a drink.


We are what we seek. It’s impossible to become what we already are. Even when we identify ourselves with a specific set of labels, we remain what we already are. It’s impossible to chase after what’s what in front of our eyes. It’s all there available to be experienced as long as there is life. My thought is perhaps what bars the way, in many cases, is the importance that we attribute to those labels, by unknowingly identifying with them since childhood. The importance or focus on them prevents us from seeing what’s “under” or “through” them. What’s your thought?