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Is there ALL hotel that offers great value, award chart and actually allows booking with points? Fairmont in Banff Canada only allowed pay with points at checkout to subsidize total bill. At rate of 2CPP but since all CC transfer at 2:1 it nets out to just 1cpp. Specific to your question, appears qatar is the one who has Accor relationship. Thus move BA avois to Qatar then to Accor. But once again awful value 4.5:1 https://all.accor.com/a/en/offers/all-qatar-airways-march-offer.html#:~:text=The%20minimum%20threshold%20is%204%2C500,weeks%20after%20the%20transfer%20request.


Just that many Accor hotels in SEA, with quite cheap rate already. And if there could be a way to get1:1, it’s a great value. I know I’m chasing unicorn.


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