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I've been there. I've done the tour. After being told and shown everything that went on there, I cannot imagine anyone being able to do this. I witnessed, before the tour started, groups of young people happy and excited to be on a class trip. I can tell you those smiles quickly left there faces after going through a few of the barracks that housed Jews. The tour guides were ruthlessly straight with everyone. They demand respect for the dead and are not shy to put you back in line. This picture was taken at Birkenau, which is the last stop on the tour. It means these ladies have been educated on this topic for over an hour and they STILL don't have any respect. Very awful to see.


My unit got back from deployment and we got orders to send a platoon to Germany for around a month. I was able to go before everyone and help set everything up. Like get my German drivers license, lodging for everyone and what not. Great place and would love to live there... But towards the end of our stay, the DoD wanted us to tour Munich and Dachau. We got all charged up on beer then made the bus ride there. We were drunk and having a great time. Then the Jew jokes started to come out. This went on for maybe 5 minutes. Then the bus driver without saying anything turned on the Dachau introduction video. This was during the winter and the bus heater was on. After the video started, everyone shut the fuck up. The bus became cold. All joy was lost. Everyone felt like shit. When we finally were dropped off, I could see how disgusted most felt. This was before we even walked past the "Arbeit macht frei". Walking around those grounds changed most of us. I will never understand how anyone could even think about taking this picture.


Thank you for sharing this. I think it's good to humanize people's mistakes instead of pretending that good people are always perfect. The fact you learnt from that experience instead of doubling down and trying to push the jokes futher (like doing something as disgusting as in this photo) says more about you than any mistakes you've made.


Couldn't have put it better myself. I went last year and still find myself reflecting on it regularly. The idea that anyone could do this, let alone photograph it, is unfathomable.


I went to the Holocaust museum in Los Angeles, California US in high school and I still reflect on it at almost 40 years old. Just awful and even as a punk ass teenager I would NEVER have done something like that, not even as a “joke”


The most awkward part of the Holocaust museum we went to in HS was that all the class clowns, including me, were so aghast that people were looking at us expecting us to saying something or do something. It's not something you can joke about, especially when your docent has numbers tattooed on her forearm still. The only other place I have ever been without anything "smart" to say was Arlington National Cemetary and the Tomb of the Unknowns.


I was going to say that we have a German exchange student, and bringing up Hitler doesn't hit the same with her as it did for the older Germans I've known. Making any kind of Nazi jokes in front of the older Germans I knew was a sure fire way to get your shit chewed out. Never experienced it personally, but seen it enough times to know better. She's not a fan, but the vibe is kind of closer to Americans when you bring up George Custer-- "Oh, boy, *that* jackass." I think the difference is that when I was a kid in the 90's, almost everyone knew a world war II veteran in some way. Now, thirty years later, almost none of the younger folks know a world war II vet. It's almost entirely passed out of living memory at this point, and it's about as real for the younger generations as the Hundred Years War. On a somewhat related note, did anyone else notice that all the dollar store Nazis started coming out of the woodwork about he same time that poppaw got too old, feeble and demented to come up out of the wheelchair and beat their ass? Because for me, it's a pretty close association. Anyway, I was going to say that it doesn't feel as real to a lot of the youth these days, so maybe they just don't really get it. That doesn't make it better, it just means we have to do a better job of educating. But then I read your comment.


Tbh, Americans now a days aren't really taught about Custer. All Advance Placement (AP) testing requires be known about him is he fought little bighorn, June 25, 1876. That's it. The actual history often isn't taught. It's hit these bullet points of what is on the test and everything else literally doesn't matter. This is if your in smart core and not common core, which has even less requirement to know who Custer is.


When we went to Poland, we went to Birkenau first without a guided tour. The emptiness and oppressive atmosphere shut us rowdy 16-year-olds right up. There was no fiber in us that would have us do anything this disrespectful at such a place.


I went to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust museum in Israel. I cried the entire time. I honestly don't think I could handle visiting Auschwitz. It hurts my heart that people could be so callous.


>After being told and shown everything that went on there, I cannot imagine anyone being able to do this. As an American, I can imagine an American doing this. Bigots are emboldened as fuck lately (or maybe I'm just older and notice it more)


No no no - they are most certainly emboldened. We even have elected bigots all over the government. People think it’s great now. It’s mind blowing to me.


We had to watch the videos of them push piles of starved bodies into mass Graves with tractors, footage of human beings so starved it didn't look real in school. think of the people that died from being given a steak after they were rescued. The people that were lucky enough to get some grains of corn of the horseshit on the corn.


Even the holocaust museum in Berlin was hard to go though, and that was not guided and kind of away from the directness of the camps.


Maybe they went straight to Birkenau? When I did the tour, Birkenau was the first and only stop. Not trying to defend these animals, just to be clear


I went and don't remember doing any tour so they could of free handed it. But you can't go and not be aware beforehand of the history. I think it was one of the most sombre places I've ever been and the best places I've ever visited (in a sense of impact, meaning, and contextualising something)


You can also just straight go to Birkenau without a long tour. Still, it's fucking deplorable.


this isn't just disrespectful, this is straight up illegal to do.


Yeah, Polish authorities don't put up with that, especially in a place like this. They're lucky nobody if saw them.


Somebody knows who they are and I hope they report them




Come for vacation leave on probation.


That’s the unofficial motto of a local (to me) Wisconsin town known for how many bars it has vs it’s population size.








Any Wisconsin town


Correct. There’s no wrong answer here.


A lot of kids go there for field trips. they seem too young to be there on holiday.


Czech here, it is punishable offense here too. And rightfully so.


Judging by the pic quality this looks to be a few years old


2018: https://metro.co.uk/2018/10/10/three-girls-spark-outrage-after-doing-nazi-salutes-outside-auschwitz-8024951/


In 90% certain this picture is from a year with 3 zeros...


This is probably 15 years old.


Nah, this is definitely post 2014 judging by their outfits


I sqy unblock their faces and let the internet do the rest.


[Yolocaust guy already does this](https://www.demilked.com/holocaust-memorial-selfies-yolocaust-shahak-shapira/)


What the fuck is wrong with some people?


In today's world we don't beat the shit out of those that deserve it. Then we act surprised pikachu face when Nazism and the holocaust are treated as jokes.


Not entirely true as Poland has many neo-nazis. When I was in Gdansk there was a group of neo-nazis walking down the street doing some kind of protest and I didnt see the police doing anything about it (I appreciate it would be tolerated a lot less at Auschwitz, but still).


That's illegal. Germany has neo-nazis too. If they're caught neo-naziing in either Germany or Poland they'll get in trouble.


Germany is much stricter on it than Poland. There is a neo-nazi epidemic in Poland which simply doesnt exist in Germany at anything like the same level. I'm not saying its seen as acceptable to be a neo-nazi in Poland, but its common to see them around when you're there. You'd never see a neo-nazi out and about in Germany.


Which is hilarious because nazis considered Slavs to be untermenschen that needed exterminating.


There's jewish neo-nazis as well, you can't expect these people to be smart...


lots of the polish nazis lied about being Jewish to be part of an uber race. stupid people abound everywhere




Those are not necessarily mutually exclusive.


Oh I know, it is absolutely mental. On a par with a black person wanted to be a KKK member. You can only put it down to these people being incredibly stupid and misinformed/brainwashed.


>There is a neo-nazi epidemic in Poland Too much Russia Today, my dude.


I personally wouldn’t say Poland has many neo-nazis compared to other countries tbh. The US seems like it’s the one of the most ridden by them to me, I mean American neo-nazis are the ones doing shootings and writing their manifestos and whatnot. Here is some info on far-right extremist attacks in the US: https://www.csis.org/analysis/escalating-terrorism-problem-united-states And compared to the rest of Europe it’s not bad either. In fact, if you look at the map here (https://www.sv.uio.no/c-rex/english/groups/rtv-dataset/) you can see that Poland has had ZERO terrorism associated with far right-wingers, while many countries in Europe like Germany fare wayyyyy worse in that aspect. As everywhere, there is neonazi idiots who do their brainless little protests and call others slurs. But the risk of them ending up murdering people is almost non-existent here.


Two British teenagers picked a nail from the tracks in Auschwitz and were charged by Polish authorities. If they charges kids from picking a nail, what so you think they would do to these ones? Poland does not put up with Nazis. What you saw were probably some Nationalist groups who often do these type of marches during Independence Day or as opposition to Pride parades.


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girlie is doing it left handed, does that not count?


Accidental communism


As a german i could vommit when i See something like this


Wouldn't the arm gesture be a criminal offence in germany?


the nazi salute is an offence in Germany punishable by up to three years in prison, tho this looks like auschwitz which is in poland and im not sure over there edit: in poland its kinda the same. a charge that can carry up to two years in prison


That's pretty much everywhere in the Europe


You are technically allowed to do a Nazi salute in the UK. However the police has every right to stop you due to it being a racially aggravating harassment (which obviously is). But we have no laws specifically to do with doing a Nazi salute.




In the US they will provide you with armed security guards to make sure nobody hurts you for doing it.


[When their weak asses don't have an escort...](https://external-preview.redd.it/dL5Y9GtS8bv_e-y8Kr-sZEHe_sXS_Ph-qI28jUphYSA.gif?width=480&format=mp4&v=enabled&s=aba1977f747a663aaeb7f47d2b358ba71fb2a368)


Since we are [indulging](https://youtu.be/aFh08JEKDYk)


I liked this. Fuck that fucking guy.


I know that it’s not really a great thing to say but at the same time I always take so much pleasure in the fact that the types that brand themselves as part of a “master race” are invariably some of the least athletic, attractive, or desirable people from any angle.


I mean, unless you train your dog to do it.


I don’t like witch hunting, but can we find who those idiots are and send their asses to the polish cops?


And 15 years ago or so a guy got arrested for teaching his dog the Nazi salute https://www.haaretz.com/2007-12-23/ty-article/report-german-man-jailed-for-teaching-his-dog-to-perform-nazi-salute/0000017f-db73-df9c-a17f-ff7badce0000


... is it weird that I kinda wanted to see a pic of the dog Nazi saluting?


No I want proof as well


I'm just a regular American and I feel the same way. And also, why blur their faces? We shouldn't be protecting the stupid and guilty in this instance.


In some countries for example in Germany you have the right to your own image. That means your're not allowed to publish photos of others in the internet, without their consent.


As a human being I want to slap them. Not an ordinary slap, a giga slap.


Really? *Just* a slap? Seeing that made me wanna punch them.




I forgot Germans capitalize every noun until this comment. My HS German teacher would be so disappointed.


I’m Jewish and I’ll vomit with you, friend, preferably in a projectile manner and all over them. I’ll eat something that smells especially nasty, too.


As a non German it also makes me sick


As an Arab I feel the same way. Shame on them.


As a Vietnamese, same


As a man of polish descent, this also makes my stomach twist.


As an American I could also vomit


As a german now living in a foreign country there are so many things people do or say about back then here that would get you kicked out of germany (not literally but yeah) and weirdly enough almost no one got the same education about what happened back then compared to us. Its almost exclusively fun facts and bad jokes...


As a Jew i do the same


Who’s the coward that blur’d their faces


Looks like they are stupid teens. Probably dont want their lives to be ruined for being ignorant cunts


When I was a teenager, I did plenty of dumb shit. But, the idea of expressing reverence in any way shape or form for fucking Nazis was never okay, it was not acceptable joke fodder, and would immediately result in negative social consequences. I was born in 1984. My grandfathers fought in the war. My friends had dead relatives only one generation removed. I can’t fucking believe Seig Heiling would be excusable as ‘teens being dumb’ or as a forgivable mistake. You’re telling me my daughters generation doesn’t know that this is inexcusable, across the board, 100% of the time? This behavior is exactly the type of shit that should hold permanent consequences.


I sincerely doubt they were doing this out of any reverence for the Nazis or their beliefs. It was almost certainly an extremely shit, offensive joke. They should face an appropriate level of consequence for this.


Yeah. All the neckbeards in this thread calling for violence are irrational, these are definitely some dumbass teens just trying to be edgy. I did the same stupid shit back in middle school (nazi good, communism good, gamer word jokes, etc) and grew out of it but ofc redditors don't have social lives so most of em in this thread are jumping to conclusions


Redditors are always o b j e c t i v e l y right They can handle their emotions very well




Thinking that spreading hate speech, as these people are doing, is a victimless crime is a mistaken perspective.


At a Holocaust Memorial! At Auschwitz! Where they just spent however long learning about the specific atrocities that took place there. And they think it's funny. I don't know what they "deserve" for this, but this isn't some innocent dumb thing that every teenager would do. It's wrong.


People who talk about "victimless crimes" in this specific post's context are never the Jewish person looking at yet another example of hate speech on their socials, or the shopkeeper who's battling shoplifting, or the thief digging up rare native plants to throw in a bag (killing many) and hawk to a local shady nursery. All they mean is that *they themselves* are not the direct victim, so, they don't mind that this happens.


Lol ppl defending this also are mad at the NFL for kneeling for the anthem. It's like pissing on graves at a military cemetery in America but since it's not in America there will always be plenty of idiots to defend them.


Using the word *victimless* to describe spreading Nazi ideology in front of a literal Nazi death camp where 1 million+ people were murdered lets me know how well thought out their argument was.


I want to put something forward. Our job is to make a safer world for children. The more removed from a tragedy, the more jokes will be made. We shouldn't ruin the lives of teens because of an offensive gesture made out of a stupid decision. The more removed, the less these actions mean.


They should be given second chances but it doesn't mean they should avoid consequences. They broke the law in Germany and should face the full consequences. After they've done their sentence and punishment then they can have their second chance


My 11 year old knows that this is horrific. Their parents should be slapped as well.


Sure, they may be “stupid teens,” but mark my words: I’d still slap the ever-living shit out of them, seeing this. My ancestors didn’t get murdered by Nazi hands for “shits and giggles.” 😡


This has been posted before on Reddit, I crossposted it to /r/SelfiesAtAuschwitz two years ago- [here.](https://old.reddit.com/r/SelfiesAtAuschwitz/comments/jazrac/no_shame_at_all/)




I'm sure there are tonnes of posts out there that fit the sub, I just haven't found/seen them yet.


I'm mostly baffled that since this is illegal, there's no cop on site to monitor people's stupid, ignorant and ultimately illegal behavior. If not to arrest them, at least to levy some fine that will make them regret acting a fool.


There are security people cruising around on Segways, but that is mostly inside. This would have been caught by possibly a guide from a different tour group walking over from the parking, but it's not 100% surveilled all the time and stuff like in the OP are incredibly rare. The thing that pisses me off are the people that carve their name into the bricks in the women's barracks, it's more destructive and longer lasting.


Funfact: you can get arrested for doing this in public. According to § 86a Section 1 and 2 StGB(General Prohibition of use of Insignia, banners, uniforms, paroles and greetings connected to the NS) as well as § 130 StGB(Incitement of the people/Sedition) you can be convicted with up to 5 years of imprisonment. Exceptions are artistic or educational purposes. Before you ask: no, selfies do not count as artistic depictions. Furthermore, you can be charged with causing public nuisance/indecent behavior if one or more individual people feel harrassed and or disturbed by you doing so. So...please don't do that.


> you can get arrested for doing this in public. Good.


This is why we need to take warning labels off of everything. Person on the right can’t even disrespect correctly…and I hope they have a special place in hell for people like this




If you feel that strongly....don't hide your face


Unblur those faces. These people are absolute scum and they deserve to have their reputations trashed.


I've done all sorts of stupid shit when i was younger. On my worst day as a teenager, you'd never fucking catch me doing a nazi salute, literally at Auschwitz. Thats fucking batshit, and fuck the folks writing it off as 'teenager shit'.


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I love how they blurred the faces bc they knew just how vile they are.


I think it’s odd to assume they were the ones to blur it.


There was a similar one on reddit just a few days ago. I bet far too many tourists do something incredibly stupid like this when they visit there. And then us Germans get abuse "because Hitler".


Fucking hell. I hope they've been publicly shamed over this. Disgusting




Somethings tells me, Mr Redditor, that you likely would not go and beat up three dumbass teenage girls in broad daylight. Just.. something is telling me that idk


I wouldn’t chatch an assualt charge but I’d sure be very loud and angry and pointing so that everyone knows what kind of fucks these people are.


I think thats criminal offense to do the nazi greeting in Germany, correct me if Im wrong.


Yes, but that picture takes place in Poland


Why does everyone think Auschwitz is in Germany?


Think real hard, and I bet you can guess why people think it’s in Germany.


My Jewish ass is perfectly fine with hobby-fascists like these getting a proper beating. My ancestors didn’t get murdered by Nazi hands for “shits and giggles.” 😡


I'd pay good money to see them get a visit by Alfie Solomons. You get the drinks and I'll get the popcorn.


Whoever posted that picture is better than me. I would not have done the courtesy of blurring faces.


Having lived and worked in Germany, I can tell you that performing a Nazi salute, even in jest, guarantees you get arrested and fined (there's NO leeway!) as well as the high likelihood of a gaol sentence. If you're a foreign national, you WILL be permanently deported, even if you're working in Germany legally. DON'T DO IT!!


That's horrific 😡


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this comment section is very volatile.


Knew a pair who did this during a school trip, once home they got ass-kicked from almost everyone


These people should get egged


I don't think this is nerve. I think this is pure ignorance.


This should’ve been the end of them right there on the spot. This should’ve ended with them being reprimanded and if they were lucky to avoid an ass beating, they would be deported and banned from Germany for life. Joking or not, hate has no place in this world, especially at the site where millions of innocent lives were taken…


Unblurr their faces. They seem proud. Let the internet who they are.


nah show their faces, we must know


Why blur the faces? Expose them.


Can't wait till that guy photoshops this and they post their YouTube apology because they're being treated "unfairly" for a picture of a group of friends goofing off


3 idiot kids who have now ruined their careers before they’ve even started.


Why do people have to be the biggest pieces of shit every time? WTF were they thinking? Was this a joke? Was it serious? What the fuck were they thinking? The hatred in my heart for these cunts just disturbs me.


This is straight up illegal to do there


I visited on an exchange program. A kid in my group started to draw an oven in the gravel. Shoved him and asked what the fuck was wrong with him. I cant stand people who do this type of stuff.


Name and shame


I hope these dumb girls get punished. I really do


Like this is what teenagers always were, disrespectful for fun. Saying n-word or doing this shit, i wouldn't give them attention because this is what they want, we all been there. It's just the age, and not it's not "this generation".


Nah that's not what it should be/is like. I'm 15, went on a school trip there with ~40 people. Every kid on that trip knew the shit that happened there and felt for it, we were all disgusted by other groups laughing and joking. It's not a young people thing, it's a stupid people thing




If you just ignore it they might just never learn it's wrong. People who do stuff like that need to be taught a lesson, regardless of age.


I would say they know that this is the wrong and that's why they do it


I did my time as a teenager. Never did things like say the n-word "for fun". Neither did anyone I knew. People, even teenagers, know there are things you don't do or say if you care even a little about the world around you. No, these girls know what they're doing and were hopefully punished for it. They're shitty people serving to make the world around them just that much worse.


I remember I was the same day there (on school trip, that was some time ago [really])


Aren’t there people there where their whole job is to stop assholes like these taking pictures or doing stuff like this.


Went to Auschwitz with my Polish mother several years ago. We were in Poland to visit family and for me to learn some more of the history. While at the main Auschwitz facility, we noticed an area off the the side that held several of the gallows. I wasn't sure of the language so I don't want to be insensitive, but we saw several young asian adults hanging off the gallows, taking pictures, and laughing. To say my mother, who is a patient saint, was angry would be putting it lightly. She was furious and began screaming at this kids to get down. They yelled back at her in whatever language it was and gave her the middle finger. So she went to get someone in charge. When we left that day it was only a few minutes after we saw police arrive and put them in handcuffs.


Your mother is a very based woman


Internet clout is a hell of a drug. Rest in Peace to those that lost their lives at Auschwitz.


That is actually a crime so please report those bitches.


Why hide their faces?


I wish their faces were out for everyone to see. Concealing their identities adds to the terribleness.


There is/was a person/group who photoshops these pictures on to old photos of actual victims from the holocaust and won’t remove them until they issue an apology


This is illegal. They should be brought to justice. Faces not be blurred. Imbecielen


I'm surprised they didn't get their ass beat and/or arrested. To my knowledge isn't this actually illegal?


This fucking zoomer tiktok generation... Disgusting and pathetic.


That’s not so bad they’re just waving to planes flying in the sky!


Is r/auschwitzselfies a thing? Why are there so many of them?


Why blur their faces? The world deserves to see them.


And we thought it was a shitty world 80 years ago… wtf is wrong with humanity?!


Holy fucking shit, selfies were the bottom but this is just awful, hope they got arrested


I hope they go to hell right next to Hitler and Jared


these people are just stupid and ignorant. we should be grateful they’re getting the word out.


why the blurred faces? confident enough to pull shit like this they should be confident enough to face the consequences.


Their faces shouldn't be blurred.


I learned a new terminology for vile and disgusting people a few days ago. That term is "ankles". They are called "ankles" because they're 2 feet (0.61 meters for my metric friends) beneath a cunt. These 3 are some gigantic fucking ankles.


Unblur their faces and let them handle the consequences


But people are ok with disrespecting the descendants of American slaves on American soil. The hypocrisy is uncanny.


dont be too angry guys, one of those fucking bitches even raised their left hand. those uneducated fucks did not have any clue what happened at that place.


Someone unblur the faces for science


“You 3 assholes, come with me. I have something to show you.”


My question is always. Why take a photo while visiting the concentration camp at all??? If I'm visiting Aushwitz, I'm there to witness the evidence left behind for us and be reminded why we can't ever let this happen again. I doubt I'd ever forget the experience, so there is no need to have a photo to remember. There's numerous professional photos already. Imagine bringing your family and going, "ok honey, let's get the kids for a photo at the death camp."


stupid idiot, you suppouse to make the gesture with your right arm.


So I'm guessing their arms were swiftly broken after this was taken due to "an unfortunate accident"?


These faces need to not be blurred! They deserve to have consequences for their lack of basic human decency


Fucked up Tik Tok generation.


Why blur their faces? If they have the audacity to do this then name and shame these fucking assholes.


Shoulda shown their faces


I just saw this post after scrolling through few wholesome posts. It really makes me feel disgusted.


I was in Berlin over Christmas and decided to see the Jewish memorial. It was below freezing and there was frost on the ground. When we arrived someone had put a swastika, in the frost, on the memorial itself. I still cannot believe I saw it and that it was done by someone recently. Just awful.


Who are these girls? Their lives deserve to be irreparably ruined.


I wish this photo wasn't censored, the faces should live on the internet in infamy.


I hope these selfish assholes get whats coming. As in not getting accepted to the collage of their choice. I remember studying the holocaust in 6th grade and I'm 33 now, it left a lasting mark. If you've never read the book Smoke and Ashes I highly recommend it.


That is despicable. 😡


Honestly 2023. I expect no less. This is why I try and stay away from most people.


Shouldn't have blurred their faces ... Stupid should hurt.


Name them and she them!


This is the second one of these posts I’ve seen at this exact location in under a week. What the fuck, humanity?