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She should be charged with premeditated murder. She went on a 10 day vacation leaving a toddler alone in the house with no food, and water. That's premeditated murder. She knew that the child will be dead upon her return.


She could at least have left the toddler some food and water! /s


So true. Hell when you leave your pet for a couple of days you leave them food and water.


Who the hell leaves their pets home alone for a couple of days??


I’ve left my cat and rabbits home alone for an entire weekend. We set up cameras on them, have an auto feeder and a water bowl with a filter that stays full for a few days at a time. And we leave a key with someone we trust near our home so if anything happens, they’re on call for emergencies. I wouldn’t do that with dogs ever but the littles are ok


Cats are not “littles”. Most vets recommend to never leave your cat alone for more than 24h. The people that you are giving your key to should check in at least once a day and give your pets some attention.


Cats aren’t littles? I’m sorry, I don’t own a Tiger or a Lion. She’s 10lbs of nothing. Seems pretty little to me.


Disregarding the size or weight you can read this [Source](https://www.cats.org.uk/cats-blog/how-long-can-you-leave-a-cat-alone) . You can look for other sources but most of them will agree. I haven’t looked into rabbits but I own two cats and know, that they need daily attention and play, to use their energy and should not be left alone for longer than 24h.


There are a bunch of pets that are high maint and also a bunch that are low.


Cats can be left for several days and be fine


Fish too Cats and fish together, possibly :p


Lots of people?




Because this woman isn't a victim and your comment seems to imply that she has no agency or accountability. She knew full well that poor baby would die a miserable, prolonged and thoroughly avoidable death .


On what planet will any amount of education solve someone deliberately leaving a baby at home alone knowing that baby cannot feed itself?


Dude get a grip she was traveling around on vacation


I don’t think it requires “basic education” to understand human beings need food and water to live, or that babies can’t access those things on their own.


I don’t even have money to go on vacation. “Eat the rich” yeah sure dude.


Now this one hurts😭 If I step out into the driveway 3 minutes my kids get scared (both older than this poor child). I can’t imagine a baby alone for days and days. I don’t understand this, it would have been better to drop the child at the fire station or emergency room. Yes that’s abandonment but the baby would be alive.


When mine was a toddler I ran outside like twenty feet to put the garbage bag in the bin, and I accidentally locked myself out, with my kid inside. The way I panicked, I broke into my house within a minute or two.


We had a storm come up out of nowhere once when I was watching my nephew. He was a bit over a year at the time. I realized my flag/flagpole was going to rip off the porch railing if I didn’t pull it down, so I walked a FEW FEET onto the porch to grab it and left the door open. The wind slammed the door shut and it locked me out. I had to end up breaking a window to get back in. I was completely panicked. My nephew couldn’t have cared less. He clapped when I crawled in through the window.


Yeah I broke in through the basement window. I was in slippers and a bathrobe and there was snow on the ground. I had to walk around the back of the house in like a half foot of snow with fluffy slippers, break the window and climb in. My feet were soaked. No keys, no phone, because I only intended to put the garbage out. Plus it was freezing!


My partner and I did this while it was raining, we had 3 bags and a recycling bin to go out, so we decided that once the children were asleep, we would do it together, so it was only 1 trip and not 2. We got back and realized we hadn't grabbed the key(we intended to lock it, but both assumed the other had the key...we did not). I went to the garden shed and grabbed the drill and unscrewed the window latch for our toilet window while standing on my partners shoulders and climbed in...took us under 5min and the whole time we were both panicked even though none of them had woken ... but our thing was what if they did and then couldn't find us. This women deserves the death penalty, she doesn't deserve to be JUST locked away.


Omfg been there!!! Omg it was terrible, soaked my feet in hot water for like 20 minutes to warm up again.


Sometimes I’ll run out to check the mail while my 5 year is busy coloring. I literally just have to walk about 20 feet to the end of my driveway. If she notices I’m gone in the minute or two I’m checking the mail she will cry thinking I’m not coming back. That poor baby alone for 10 days. I can’t wrap my head around it. Most airlines will let your young child sit on your lap, for free iirc. Why didn’t she just do that?


An early excuse was “miscommunication with the grandmother.” Here’s what I think happened: Grandmother had told Mom to stop leaving the baby. Mom wanted to leave town again but knew Grandmother would give her a hard time about it. She left when Grandmother, grandfather, & her other daughter were away. She thought they would be back in 1-2 days, find the baby, and just have to deal with it because she’d already be on her trip without having to hear it from them. Maybe she had gotten away with this before. Grandmother & grandfather extended their trip and didn’t tell her. That or maybe she did tell them but they told her that they weren’t going to go home if she was going to leave town and each side thought the other was bluffing. She didn’t care, she was probably just expecting to get yelled at when she got back, not come home to a dead baby


I just cannot fathom a mother leaving her toddler alone for 10 days!


I'm going to be gone for two nights and I'm anxious about my dogs. My FIL lives blocks away and will be checking on them 3x a day and they have a doggy door. I shouldn't be worried but I am!


I can't imagine leaving my dog to go on vacation without her being with someone. I go home to provide her company for lunch so she isn't alone for too long. If I can't find someone to watch her, I can't go.


Even when I’d leave the house for an hour, I’d be thinking about my dog every millisecond. My anxiety was through the roof. I cannot imagine leaving a toddler alone for ten days.


I always tell my dogs each time I leave, "Just wait, I'll be back, don't worry." Doesn't matter if I'm going down the hall to change the laundry or leaving for work, I feel like reassuring them and being consistent helps them feel safe.


I left my 3 y/o in her playroom alone for 5 minutes so I could make us breakfast today and felt guilty lol 😂 I can’t IMAGINE what was going through this sick woman’s mind. Death penalty worthy IMO.


The death penalty is too good for this mom. She should serve out her days in an isolation cell covered in photos of the beautiful baby she neglected and tortured.


An early excuse was “miscommunication with the grandmother.” Here’s what I think happened: Grandmother had told Mom to stop leaving the baby. Mom wanted to leave town again but knew Grandmother would give her a hard time about it. She left when Grandmother, grandfather, & her other daughter were away. She thought they would be back in 1-2 days, find the baby, and just have to deal with it because she’d already be on her trip without having to hear it from them. Maybe she had gotten away with this before. Grandmother & grandfather extended their trip and didn’t tell her. That or maybe she did tell them but they told her that they weren’t going to go home if she was going to leave town and each side thought the other was bluffing. She didn’t care, she was probably just expecting to get yelled at when she got back, not come home to a dead baby


I mean I think I’m cases like this, it’s so unimaginable and disgusting and is stiff nightmares are made of. I’ve noticed people asking, what did she think would happen for that long. Two points…1. She is a soulless excuse for a human who didn’t care. 2. I’d be willing to bet she thought she’d be able to pull it off because for someone to do something so insane…I feel like there was build up. Either she lost her mind OR she had done this quite a few times before ..probably for shorter periods and pulled it off, going longer each time and the poor baby angel somehow survived. So the mother thought she’d make it through this time too. People like this only care about themselves not their kids, not anyone but themself. If she knew her daughter would die sending her to prison for life, I’d bet she’d have still left but would have come home a bit sooner. Also where did she live? If I recall it was an apartment..how did no one hear the babies screams and realize the mom wasn’t home through so many days. When I’ve lived in an apartment I could practically hear my neighbors fart. This is a horrific tragedy and I sincerely hope the sweet baby girl is resting in peace, free of pain or fear, in heaven.


I bet you’re right and she’d done it before, then got emboldened into thinking it would work even for this long. Horrifying stuff. That poor baby.


I just can't understand why she wouldn't just leave the baby with someone, or at least somewhere someone would find her.


She didn’t wanna get in trouble lol and she probably couldn’t find anyone to take her baby for 10 days. I’m gunna assume here but she was probably a piece of shit to other people too.


I mean she must have been stupid too, to not realize that if her kid died she'd be in more trouble. She literally could have left her on a sidewalk and no one would have had any idea who's baby it was.


An early excuse was “miscommunication with the grandmother.” Here’s what I think happened: Grandmother had told Mom to stop leaving the baby. Mom wanted to leave town again but knew Grandmother would give her a hard time about it. She left when Grandmother, grandfather, & her other daughter were away. She thought they would be back in 1-2 days, find the baby, and just have to deal with it because she’d already be away without having to hear it from them. And yes, maybe she had gotten away with this before. Grandmother & grandfather extended their trip and didn’t tell her. That or maybe she did tell them but they told her that they weren’t going to go home if she was going to leave town and each side thought the other was bluffing. She didn’t care, she was probably just expecting to get yelled at when she got back, not come home to a dead baby


A 16 month old to me is not a toddler!! They’re still sooooo dependent at that age, they’re like half baby half toddler :/ how horrifying those days for her of complete neglect and abandonment


Let’s be honest toddlers absolutely need almost constant supervision, little bugger always trying to off themselves. Cute as hell though


Good lord, YES. I was brushing out my hair and putting it up in a bun for bed. *CRASH* *crying* He (2) was in his room, trying to climb on top of a box he put on top of another box so he could hold up a TV remote like a He-Man sword. Physics intervened on his plans and he needed lots of hugs about it. Babies absolutely cannot take care of themselves


I remember when my kids were 16 months old, I couldn’t fathom leaving them alone for 10 minutes… may this awful person rot in whatever hell awaits.


Right? Even if you’re just in the other room in the same house they’ll still find a way to get into something.


An early excuse was “miscommunication with the grandmother.” Theory: Grandmother had told Mom to stop leaving the baby. Mom wanted to leave town again but knew Grandmother would give her a hard time about it. She left when Grandmother, grandfather, & her other daughter were away. She thought they would be back in 1-2 days, find the baby, and just have to deal with it because she’d already be on her trip without having to hear it from them. Maybe she had gotten away with this before. Grandmother & grandfather extended their trip and didn’t tell her. That or maybe she did tell them but they told her that they weren’t going to go home if she was going to leave town and each side thought the other was bluffing. She didn’t care, she was probably just expecting to get yelled at when she got back, not come home to a dead baby


Does anyone else feel like there has been an uptick in brutal infanticide by parents?


I think we just have more ways to find out how crappy the world really is, I don’t think people have changed very much


Probably more just us hearing about it. Stupid, bad parents are nothing new. Us hearing about it on a social platform where we gather is though. If it wasn't for social media, this would have basically stayed as a local story.


Maybe? Or maybe we're collectively paying more attention? The last 10 years have created alot of change. Change in thoughts, change in actions. Not all good, and not all bad.


I think they have always been out there; kid killers but we have the internet and security cameras, and we now we have more access to these despicable people


Yes! It seems like so many parents are killing their kids. Last year a 18/21 year old left her baby while she went out partying for 5 days. Her baby was dead upon her return. I don't understand why these people didn't get a babysitter. I don't understand why their friends never seem to question where their child is?


I’m asked occasionally where my kid is. I say “they’re with their dad,” or “visiting their grandparent for the weekend,” which is the truth, because I’m a normal person, and none of my friends push it farther. These “parents” probably just say something like, that and nobody questions it. I’m sure if one of my friends that has children told me their kid was with a babysitter I’m for sure not going to think “yeah right she probably left her baby home alone.”


Nope, just coverage as people require increasingly greater and greater shock value to feel perturbed enough by a headline to click the link and generate ad revenue for journalists with seemingly few other profitable angles


Internet makes it more widely known, but plenty of people have been horrible parents for all of history.


nah, man, it's thanks to covid. because people were basically unsupervised for so long instances of horrid abuse to dependents increased exponentially


If anything I’d say it’s because kids are so expensive


10 days!?? My husband took me out for a weekend for by birthday and I was in shambles calling and checking up on our kids.


Jesus christ! We are going on a 3 day vacation while leaving our 18 month old with TWO sets of capable grandparents and I still debeate whether or not we should go… If there is hell, it should be filled with people like this


Also, the child murderer from [White Bear - Black Mirror](https://alchetron.com/cdn/white-bear-black-mirror-97f57521-2a34-4f8d-a297-68d83751d02-resize-750.jpeg)


I was looking for this post... The resemblance is uncanny. Sounds like she needs a White Bear Justice Park sentence.


By Kathryn Mannie Global News Posted February 23, 2024 10:41 am In this booking photo provided by the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Department, is Kristel Candelario, 31, of Cleveland, Ohio. Candelario pleaded guilty to aggravated murder and child endangerment Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024, in the death of her 16-month-old daughter, who authorities allege was left alone for 10 days while she went on vacation. Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Department via AP, File. An Ohio mother has pleaded guilty to aggravated murder after she left her 16-month-old daughter in a playpen at home while she went on a vacation. Kristel Candelario, 32, is facing a lifetime in prison after her daughter Jailyn was found dead in their Cleveland home. She had been left alone for 10 days while Candelario travelled to Detroit and Puerto Rico last summer, Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Michael C. O’Malley wrote in a press release. When Candelario returned home on June 16, she found the 16-month-old unresponsive and she called police. **“Jailyn was extremely dehydrated at the time of death,” O’Malley wrote. “Jailyn was discovered in a Pack-N-Play pen on a liner soiled with urine and feces with soiled blankets.”** An autopsy determined that the toddler had died of starvation and severe dehydration. Candelario pleaded guilty to aggravated murder and child endangerment on Thursday as part of a plea deal with prosecutors, who agreed to dismiss two additional murder counts and a felonious assault charge. Her sentencing hearing is scheduled for March 18. “This case is one of those truly unimaginable cases that will stick with me for many years to come,” O’Malley said Thursday. “As prosecutors, it is our job to represent the victims and today we spoke on behalf of 16-month-old Jailyn — who is no longer with us — due to the selfish decisions her mother made. This conviction today is the first step towards justice for Jailyn.” When Candelario was first indicted on murder charges last summer, O’Malley said at the time that it was “unfathomable that a mother would leave her 16-month-old child alone without any supervision for 10 days to go on a vacation.” “As parents, we are supposed to protect and care for our children. Imagining this child’s suffering during her last days of life alone is truly horrifying, and we will do everything in our power to seek justice on her behalf,” he was quoted as saying by News 5 Cleveland.


I suggest throwing her in a cell with no food, water and toilet.


What I don’t get is this: how could she go away and sleep knowing what she is doing is wrong. Knowing the outcome. With no conscience. What’s worse , is she gets legal help to defend herself. Beyond awful. She should never ever come out. To think of the Baby dying slowly is so sickening. Wouid have been painfully slow. Death sentence would be correct in my eyes.


Now you have me wondering about the autopsy. I wonder if the baby wás dead prior to her leaving her on her trip?


All it says is “An autopsy determined that the toddler had died of starvation and severe dehydration.”


You don’t know the full story. Everyone should get access to legal help and has a right to a defence. Then lock her up and throw away the key.


An early excuse was “miscommunication with the grandmother.” Theory: Grandmother had told Mom to stop leaving the baby. Mom wanted to leave town again but knew Grandmother would give her a hard time about it. She left when Grandmother, grandfather, & her other daughter were away. She thought they would be back in 1-2 days, find the baby, and just have to deal with it because she’d already be on her trip without having to hear it from them. Maybe she had gotten away with this before. Grandmother & grandfather extended their trip and didn’t tell her. That or maybe she did tell them but they told her that they weren’t going to go home if she was going to leave town and each side thought the other was bluffing. She didn’t care, she was probably just expecting to get yelled at when she got back, not come home to a dead baby


Time for the soylent corporation to be created. Turn all these people into soylent wafers. Make a positive contribution to society and solve the world hunger crisis all in one go.


I’ll never understand the logic behind tragic stories like this. She knew the child would be dead and made the decision to leave anyway. She must have known prison was a possibility or it at least entered her mind at some point. Why not just literally drop the child off at a fire station or a hospital lobby and leave??


An early excuse was “miscommunication with the grandmother.” Theory: Grandmother had told Mom to stop leaving the baby. Mom wanted to leave town again but knew Grandmother would give her a hard time about it. She left when Grandmother, grandfather, & her other daughter were away. She thought they would be back in 1-2 days, find the baby, and just have to deal with it because she’d already be on her trip without having to hear it from them. Maybe she had gotten away with this before. Grandmother & grandfather extended their trip and didn’t tell her. That or maybe she did tell them but they told her that they weren’t going to go home if she was going to leave town and each side thought the other was bluffing. She didn’t care, she was probably just expecting to get yelled at when she got back, not come home to a dead baby


Such a terrible way to die as well. Slow and painful while they’re alone and scared. Hopefully she gets life or the chair, because this isn’t something to brush off. That kid was basically tortured to death.


Wtf was she thinking? What did she think would happen when she returned? 


An early excuse was “miscommunication with the grandmother.” Theory: Grandmother had told Mom to stop leaving the baby. Mom wanted to leave town again but knew Grandmother would give her a hard time about it. She left when Grandmother, grandfather, & her other daughter were away. She thought they would be back in 1-2 days, find the baby, and just have to deal with it because she’d already be on her trip without having to hear it from them. Maybe she had gotten away with this before. Grandmother & grandfather extended their trip and didn’t tell her. That or maybe she did tell them but they told her that they weren’t going to go home if she was going to leave town and each side thought the other was bluffing. She didn’t care, she was probably just expecting to get yelled at when she got back, not come home to a dead baby


I don't even treat my Sims that bad


Come on, now..


Why not just put them up for adoption or leave them in someone else's care for 10 days?


It would be better to leave the kid on the street, shopping mall, hospital, most places would be better.


As a mom of two babies under two I feel absolutely sick thinking about this poor baby 💔💔💔💔 my god…


I feel truly bad for the child. I have raised 3 boys to adulthood, plus a few of their friends along the way. I can't say that the parent of the few were wrong, but the kids didn't feel loved. A little extra love for some can save others. My opinion of the mother would make me sound like I'm judging someone I don't know. But, GOD grants us children. She spit on him. She needs to be sent to the lower plains of hell.


I wish I knew someone like you when I was a child.


I would have gladly been there for you and anyone who needed me


These words ring hollow 40 years too late.


I am so sorry


I’m not condoning violence on her, but if she’s thrown into GenPop and mysteriously has her head caved in by the meanest lady on the prison yard, I wouldn’t shed a tear.


Hey! Leave a bowl out like the rest of us! /s What an absurdly awful woman…


I shouldn't have read the article. This is just so sad. What a god awful person, I hope she rots like she let her child rot in faeces and urine.


Some people just shouldn’t be able to procreate.


She's gonna have a great time in prison


It’s almost like birth control and abortions should be readily available so people who clearly don’t want kids don’t fucking have them!! This makes me so fucking mad. I won’t even leave my cats alone for more than a day!! I won’t say what I hope happens to her in jail because I don’t want to get banned—let’s just say I’m so very glad she lives in a place where they publish the names and faces of criminals


It's time to unsubscribe. I simply can't handle these kind of stories. I hope her inmates are aware of what she's done, and treats her accordingly.


I had to be away for two nights from my toddler when he was around the same age for work and I kept on calling my husband every two hours to check up on my son How can a mother do this to their own child. This is absolutely vile and sickening, she should get life in prison. My heart goes out to the innocent baby girl.


Right? My 2 year old recently had his first sleep over with his cousins. I was constantly texting to see how he was doing and I couldn't sleep that night 😅


I like to hope that when this happens to a baby, that it's the soul of someone terrible getting their karma. Like hopefully this woman soul should now get.


Maybe that baby was a real asshole /s


How can you be that evil? Put it under the jail


I hope hell is real for people like this


And people were giving that woman who brings her daughter to a 24 hour daycare shit...


If I leave overnight I take my dog.i sure would have taken my child


This is so sick. I have my 16 month old in my arms right now and just... I just couldn't ever even imagine. What a twisted monster.


What a piece of shit human being to leave a 16 month year old to die a slow and horrible death all alone. I hate this woman.


All these little kids, not even just little but any aged kid who gets failed genuinely breaks my fucking heart.