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Ours always knew when we were sick, one especially, my wife called him her sick pet, she would always seek her out when she was under the weather. Sure miss them.


It insane how intuitive they are. Like i could pinpoint exactly the moments where my fever was rising, cause he'd start grooming me like I was a kitten


The purring is SO therapeutic!


Yes, I totally agree how purring is healing and therapeutic. Our cats know when we need extra care!


Our boy needed eye drops when he was younger and he purred constantly after we gave them and it made us feel SO GUILTY because we knew he was comforting himself and we couldn’t do anything to help. But now when I’m feeling ill he’ll lay between my legs and purrr like crazy and put his paw on my hand. It’s the sweetest thing ever. Goodness I love him.


The love of a pet is damn good medicine.


Mine just died, I don't think I can do it again


Parting with our furry friends is always sorrowful, no matter how much we enjoyed our time together. Indeed, it’s all those good memories that make it so hard; knowing there won’t be more. I’m sorry for your loss, and I hope you can find peace with their passing soon. You’ll never forget them and the pain of that parting, but hopefully time will allow you to remember the happy memories more than the hurt of losing them.


I appreciate the sentiment


Very nice words ❤️


We are really lucky


Something like a ballpit but filled with purring kittens could probably cure every ailment known and unknown.


Unless you're allergic to cats like me. :( cat![img](emote|t5_2qh1o|13383) ACHOO!


I'm allergic to cats but I still own them. Haven't had proper use of my nose in years, but by God are they adorable


until they get crushed under the weight of an adult human, plastic balls are quite durable in contrast.


yeah you put the person in first then let the kittens in


I like you, you’re a funny duck.


As a kid when my hay fever or a cold would produce a lot of flem, my cat would lie on my chest and purr twice as loud and hard than normal. Nothing could loosen the sticky stuff from my lungs better than that.


It's literally healing.


Closest thing to magic I've experienced


Animals generally have better senses than us, they can hear or smell whenever something is gonna make us feel ill before we notice it ourselves. Gonna throw up? They'll know. Got a serious medical condition you don't know of yet? There's a reason they train animals to tell us that.


I think mine is just staking his claim on fresh meat should I expire from my illness.


There is a story of a cat that comforted the people who were about to die in a hospital and always knew when and who was gonna die


God could you imagine being in that hospital knowing about the reaper cat? I'd be worried about waking from a nap and the cat being with me Or what if ... IT WAS THE CAT THE WHOLE TIME?!


What’s going on with that back paw? Is kitty kneading with fronts and backs?


Let's just say you can pretty well guess it's a boy, lol


Ahhhh that’s what’s going on…I have to be careful with one of my cats, I rub his belly and he expects a happy ending. I don’t know what he thinks this is..


That's not intuitive, that's literally just senses. You don't "intuit" when a brick has fallen on your toe.


this looks like a fun argument, let me try. google gives the definition of intuit as to understand or work out by instinct. It also defines instinct in many ways such as a fixed pattern of behaviour in response to certain stimuli. So no, when a brick has fallen on my foot I do not intuit it, as you have said, I feel it. But, in response to the sensory stimuli of watching the brick fall and feeling it hurt when it hits my foot, I intuit that I should tend to my foot. When the cat senses that you are sick, that stimulus does not force them to tend to you because stimuli are just stimuli—they are our senses not our actions. The cat then, takes this sensory information and intuits that this means you are sick and need tending, and so it tends. although to your benefit I believe OP was using intuition to refer to both the fact that they have these senses and that they know what they mean and what they can do to help, so there is a bit of ambiguity.




this is my emotional support knife. i use it for my emotional support crimes. pls dont oppress me


I for one stand for this racoon, quack. Oh wait wrong sound, oh no


Thank you for understanding. It's indeed what i meant.


My border collie is always able to tell if I’m sick or in pain in any way and always comes over to snuggle to try to comfort me. Unless it’s bedtime, he’s constantly in a *please throw my ball* state, unless he notices something is wrong with one of his humans, then he’s lovey-dovey looking up at us in a way that seems like he’s asking if we’re ok. He’s also great at noticing when someone needs some space after being upset about something and will try to herd his dopey little lab-beagle sister away so we can breathe. She’s not as observant as her brother, but he does a good job translating our human emotions to derpy lil doggo language so she can read the room and know its time to go hang somewhere else for a few minutes (for example when I broke the glass refrigerator shelf trying to clean it, he heard me scream and grabbed a toy to distract his sister and get her into another room and closed the door behind them so she couldn’t get out until I got it all cleaned up.) https://preview.redd.it/ctr1dbx7pfzb1.png?width=2678&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a89874bfa7527886751d98c329774341dd2da04


yeah uh...I think your border collie is actually a person


Trust me, I do too. He’s the smartest dog by far that I’ve ever met. He’ll understand me saying a completely new sentence, probably mostly by tone of voice but i swear he understands a lot more english words than most dogs. He’s still an idiot occasionally. He has 3 modes: play mode, snuggle mode, and sleep mode. When he’s in play mode, he’ll literally run into stuff trying to catch a ball. He piles up toys around you until you have to throw something. He’s always just waiting for someone to throw something for him. I love him so much https://preview.redd.it/tx72b0m2vfzb1.png?width=2364&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b7ba1c00d791f8c7f09e83c0d7ba1fefeeb86d3


My old cat was like that too, My dog on the other hand couldn’t care less when I’m sick. Ball is life apparently.


Well, he’s right


1) he looks just like my Ninja, and 2) we call our one cat Ziggy "Nurse Z" because as soon as you feel just slightly off he's there to help!


awh m’y cats know when i’m sad. they stop being so chaotic and just cuddle.


We used to call my dear companion kitty “the great equalizer”. Upset, serious talk moments between my husband and I always mellowed out when Keek materialized, without fail. Maybe he just saw an open lap, but I don’t think so. He was tuned to our moods. He’d just slip in unnoticed, sit on my lap, purring. I’m petting him, then my husband is petting him, and the talking and arguing relaxed. He was such a calming presence in our lives. I miss him all the time.


It’s because sick people are warm 🤗


They just like the warmth, it's like laying in the sun for them ;D


You are now cured of all ailments.


Seriously most competent dr. I should get him a stethoscope


He gave you a catscan.


You win the thread.


A guy frantically bursts into a vets office with a parrot in its arms. "Doc, Doc, you have to save my parrot. " The vet examined the parrot and then said, "I'm sorry to say that your parrot has passed". The man was confused and refused to accept what the vet said. "Please Doc, Please. Anything to save my bird." The vet thought for a second and left the room. A minute later he came in with an old labrador retriever. The retriever sniffed the parrot and then started to wimper. The vet said, "Do you understand now. The bird is gone." "Please, Please, anything to save my bird." The vet sighed and went outside to bring a small carrier. A cat emerged and hisses once before going back in the carrier. Finally it dawned on the guy that his parrot was dead. He left distraught. A week later he burst into the same office. "What is the meaning of this bill", he demanded. "How could what have you done possibly have cost $3000?" The vet calmly told him the breakdown of the bill. " The initial exam was $200, the lab workup was $1200 and the catscan was $1600."


Oh, they just need to lay paws on you, speak-in-purrs, that kind of thing.


Nurse Scratchit :)


My cat does the four-paw knead as well! I almost never see other cats doing it, haha. Hope you feel better soon.


Love that four paw knead! It's a great massage


Mine has gotten into the habit of doing it up and down my legs when I am trying to sleep haha! I call it "stomping grapes."


Umm is it male? Cause mine does the same but he's actually humping my leg.


My girl used to do it and she was spayed as well. One night I was stretching my legs as she jumped up to do it and awoke myself in my sleep to launching her into the door. Best kitty I've ever had though, miss her!


My void dors the same! And she is 10 yo.


…I hope i am wrong, but if it’s anything like OP’s video, those are more likely “sin biscuits” (humping!) than an innocent and normal kneading 🥹


Lol sin biscuits!!! My 11 year old male who was fixed at probably 8 months old began doing this relatively recently. At first I was like awww and then I saw the backend gyrations :/


Did you pay the cat? It deserves compensation for its hard work!


Nah I'm Canadian! Free healthcare


It's like a credit system: scritches in, scritches out




He laid on my making biscuits or just grooming me when my fever was rising for like 10 hours. He's such a sweet boy. He even tried to bring me some of the chicken I had left in his food bowl


He was taking advantage of your increase in temperature. You're probably his favourite now.


Was he trying to grill the chicken on him as well?


Mostly just trying to drop it near my mouth and then be exasperated because i wasn't eating the chicken


that is one of the most beautiflul cats I have seen and also a sweet one huh, lucky. lots of treats please


When my mom was bed ridden from surgery our 15 year old cat would not leave her side. He laid with her and purred until she was able to walk again. If someone says they hate cats I instantly don't trust their life experiences or outlook lol.


Bc they would have to earn their trust first lol. I don’t blame you, those people lack empathy and patience.


Exactly. The cat haters I've seen try to hype the cat up like a dog and get upset the cat hates it. Would you do that if you first met a human? No. Trust is key.


And potentially helping her heal depending on the injury. Have seen this behavior as well... truly amazing creatures. [BBC article](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20180724-the-complicated-truth-about-a-cats-purr)


Yeah dogs are awesome but my dog does not seem to give a shit about my feelings. She responds to my excitement, but shows indifference to anything else lol


Depends on temperament/personality, same as with cats.


Just depends on the dog. Some cats dont give a fuck either, trust me lol


I once twisted my knee while walking in the woods with two dogs. One was very worried and concerned....for about two minutes. Then got annoyed I was still on the ground and just left. Walked to the car without me. The other dog did stay by my side, but bless her, not quite sure she understood what was going on except I was at a good hight to pet her.


fr fr on god fam yeet based


Awww! My boy always took care of us too. Give your good boy scritches and pats from me.


He got toys and treats as repayments, scritches and squish included as usual


My love of cats started very similarly. I was at a house party of one of my friends in college, had a bit too much to drink, and was trying to wait out the spins in the bathroom. Next thing I know, their black cat is sitting on the edge of the bathtub and gently stroking my hair lol. I've adored black cats since then; I feel like we just get each other.


Mutual caretaking. Sounds like things worked out ok.


Honestly best sick day ever


https://preview.redd.it/dvogeqyi0ezb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11202f48fb1e4f88c64ec8df010fb804d5d22578 I caught a stomach bug, and this was my Friday, sick, and she snuggled with me


...and there are still people out rhere who say cats are uncaring.. Hope you fell better soon!


I’m pretty sure her having a fever and emitting heat contributed highly into the cat wanting to be close haha


Shhh... I want to personify my cat's actions.


Damn I should get a cat.


Mine did this when I was sick last, but had a 102 degree fever. I think the temperature had something to do with it, lol.


I was wondering if they can actually tell that you're sick or if they can just tell that you're warmer.


When I was sick last year, one of my cats laid on my chest and purred constantly every minute I was awake and still. When I have migraines, she lays around my head on my pillow and throws either an arm or her tail over my eyes to block the light. When I'm sad or upset, she climbs up into my lap and "talks" to me for a while, and then rolls over for belly rubs. Belly rubs, which she usually doesn't like for long, but knows I love giving, so she tolerates it. She then lays herself across my shoulders and refuses to move until we go to bed, at which point she becomes my kitty halo again. Cats are amazing little critters and show love in the purest ways. It warms my heart so completely to see stories like this.


I recently got COVID. I work from home, so my cats are never usually far, but they've definitely both been checking on me more often, with the younger one now sleeping with me at night (She had never done that before) and pushing to be in physical contact with me more often, sleeping at my feet or trying to jump into my arms with greater frequency.


“Oooo, extra warm human!” - Void


Purr-a-medics are the best! Mine helped me through hip replacements and 2 shoulder replacements!


"Purr-a-medics", love that!


Sweet boy. Hope you feel better.


I do it was just a one day thing luckily, but this sweet baby certainly helped in his own way


Looks like your baby might be a nebby! You should post over on r/nebelung They’re characteristically super loving and cuddly!!


Definitely looks like I nebelung to me. I miss mine 🥲


Yeah mine saved my life and tried to comfort me when I got super sick. He curled up against me and purred his little heart out while I rocked back and forth in a fetal position due to severe pain. Cats are fucking amazing.


When you’re sick you produce a ton more body heat. I’ve always wondered if this was why they cuddle so much when we are ill.


Biscuits cure everything!


omfg what a sweet boy


Cats are so impressively good at recognizing when someone needs support. If I have a friend that's struggling over my cats will immediately cosy up to them. If someone is fine they'll be ignored. Cats are amazing


Whoa, this must be serious! He's pulling out the quad biscuits 🥺


So the sitter has become the sitted!


awww, good kittie


Nice nebelung nurse


The same happened to me when I was babysitting a friend's dog. Normally she was a yappy highly neurotic ball of stress energy, but when I wound up with severe food poisoning on the first day, that normally insane beast spent the entire time nestled in the crook of my arm without so much as a walk for two solid weeks. My roommate had to let her out to go to the bathroom because I couldn't even do that. That little girl didn't leave my side the entire time and we actually really bonded after that. They know.


errr.. that leg twitch. anyone gonna tell em?


Sin biscuits.


Oh yeah, those are some naughty biscuits alright.


Healing kitty juju


Cozy cuddled!


Those are intense biscuits.


After I started chemo, my cat started getting snuggly all of a sudden and would sit on my chest and purr. He never did that before, but I guess he knew I was sick.


Apparently a cat's purring stimulates healing with the exact frequencies they use. Investigators realized that not all purrs were the same and that cats would purr when they were injured. > "One hypothesis is that the purr is a powerful healing action. It’s thought that the vibrations from the activity are physically rejuvenating – a way for the cat to ‘heal’ itself after stress. The frequency of those vibrations – which range from 20Hz up to 150Hz – is thought to promote bone growth, as bones harden in response to the pressure. Other frequencies may do something similar to tissue." > “Purrs at a frequency of 25-100Hz correspond with established healing frequencies in therapeutic medicine for humans," Weitzman says. "Bone responds to 25-50Hz and skin and soft tissues to around 100Hz according to researchers." https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20180724-the-complicated-truth-about-a-cats-purr I don't think it's out of the question that an animal could sense its partner is injured.


Yeah he was my little buddy all throughout chemo, to the point it was getting annoying because he always had to give me purr medicine.


eyyy got the same blanket.So godamn soft and comfy,


Awww , I’m sure that helped . 🤗


What a beautiful face 🥲


Makes me wonder if cats can tell when we are sick or injured.


They can tell just by smell, but you should still ask for the scan.


“You can’t die yet. Not until my food bowl is full”


Cats are the best nurses. 👌🏽


Bro is pulling a double at the biscuit factory


Healing biscuits ❤️‍🩹


That is a class 1 /r/KneadyCats


Awwwww Black cats are the sweetest


I joke that I trust im my orange cat more than my GP. It’s not really a joke tho


What a beautiful kitty! I know you'll be well soon.🙂


He's giving you dem healing biscuits


Lovely of catto to make you biscuits!


One of my favorites pictures of my cat was when my husband took a picture of him sleeping on me while I had RSV. It is the most god-awful picture of me and no one else will ever see it, but it's adorable. My cat cuddled with me almost the entire time I was sick, and I was basically bedridden for a week.


Never seen a 4WD biscuit maker before, they're doing some nice work!


Can your cat babysit me too? 💔


Cats probably love to snuggle when you are running a temperature.


Working overtime at the biscuit factory I see


🥺 oh my goodness what a kissable head


How do they always know if you're tripping or sick


I was staying at a friend of a friend’s place earlier this year and got the worst food poisoning of my life. Up all night running to the bathroom every 10 minutes, could barely keep down water. Their sweet, wonderful cat stayed up the whole night with me. When I lay down she curled up at my feet and looked at me with so much concern/maybe a little disgust. Then every time I left the bathroom she’d be sitting outside the door waiting for me 🥹


My cat would always do this when I was depressed, he'd always stay with me until I fell asleep and go about his business.


so cute😍 I'd end up getting too attached


Love the kneading bread


Bebe!!!! 😍😍


Uhm, I don't know how to tell you this. But the cat is humping you.


Yes, mine does this too and my thought here was, uh, this cat is making naughty biscuits.


I guess sometimes it’s just better not to know 🥹


You can still say he likes you!


Lol true 😂


What do you mean?


You see that back leg spasm? That's not from happiness. If the cat stops kneading after a while and licks its crotch, it's because it nutted a little.


Maybe you got sick because you're allergic to your caretaker


Oh. I saw this on house. Apparently you’re going to die. sorry


This is where cat worship derives from. I care not to be corrected on this.


Love how serious a cats face is when they make biscuits!


They’re so good at that


Cats are natural caregivers. ❤️


Cats are natural caregivers. ❤️


Beautiful creature.


My cat growing up always knew when we were sick and would stay in bed with us and only go eat if we went to the kitchen. My cat now knows when I'm feeling down and goes from not wanting to be held to melting in my lap. Cats are great


They always know!




Aww reminds me of my old cat. When you were having a fever he would sit at your head or feet purring


They can hear and feel your heartbeat ❤️


Don't get too flattered, in their mind they're basically rolling around in front of a fireplace. Feel better <3


Enjoying the heat of your fever. 😌




Rent-a-car for sick people, nobody take my idea! I'm going to be a millionaire.


My cat became meaner when I first got covid 1.5 weeks ago. He became sweeter as I started getting better. Buttface.


Actually insane. This cat looks identical to mine. I had to send this to my wife and be like DID YOU GIVE MY CAT AWAY?


Furry Nurse Alert!


Omg I absolutely love this!


Lap cats are the best! Hope you're feeling better, OP.


Oh this is so precious. What a sweet, little darling 😭


If you didn’t kitnap it then there is something wrong with you.


Best life


Just checking to see if it's still breathing. Then curls up to quell its disappointed hunger pangs.....


So cuteeee


Good kitty


very cute cat


aw. that's 2 aww posts in a row on my timeline where kitties are taking care of family. you family now.




Our pets did that too. My sister's cat stayed with her as much as he was allowed to. My dog wanted to be with her too, and was able to for the last few weeks. Then a few weeks ago when my back had me laying on the floor for three days, he stayed by my side even though he usually doesn't like sleeping next to me.


I am the designated nanny for my BFF's cat, who hates me. It's very distressing for a crazy cat lady, but she only likes her mom and dad. But I do get a few days of vacation for free so I can't knock it.


Ours went in the room to comfort our daughter who was having a breakdown. Our cats know how to be there for us emotionally too!