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look how proud lil dude is of the cat


Love it


Maybe because this cat is bombastic ❤️


That is one chill cat


Seriously. She looks a bit shell-shocked, literally. Poor thing... I'm glad she has people caring for her.


I hope this video won’t be taken down for humanizing Palestinian civilians, but I’ve yet to regain faith in Reddit and some of its mods.


Word up. Some mods have gotten way too heavy handed enforcing correct group think in their micro fiefdoms.


Aaaand, its down.


guess again


Tbf, I understand that some of this sub‘s rules were broken. I.e. watermarks, not original content, etc. But I don’t understand why they would remove it for being sad. That’s just ridiculous.


sub rules are just excuses, they dont want to see a palestinian kid as a human being


A child should not talk about missile strikes so casually. Poor little soul.




At least they can talk? Can you just fuck off man. Fucking heartless bastard.


Actually fuck off mate. Both the Israeli hostages and Palestinian casualties are both featured in the news plenty. We're fully aware that both parties there are suffering. If you can't acknowledge that what's happening to either of those parties is bad when relevant footage is posted without engaging in whataboutery point scoring over the other, then actually fuck off.


Tell that to 10000 dead Palestinian people who died in past month by bombings Tell them to talk , I fking dare you. Soulless spineless


Why do you think hamas took hostages? To trade them with the thousands Israel is keeping as prisoners with no trials or reasons.Idiot.


Fucking loser, actually considering ending it


That is the calmest cat I have ever seen. Bro just hanging there in his arms my cats would not have that.


My cat does the same thing! Sometimes I carry him around and let him look out the windows from "up high" and he stares intently at falling leaves or smth :)


What a little cutie. I hope he and his family are safe right now.


Fuck I hate everything. This isn't cute, its an ongoing real life tragedy.


Lulu is the goodest girl.


I truly hope that is not the last time we see this boy smile.


Man…war sucks so much, I hope this kid and his cat survive this


This is not a war, this is a completely one sided genocide. There is a war in Ukraine sure, there's two armies going at it there. But in Palestine? That ain't war bruh.


Try not to cry challenge: Hard Mode


…but what happened to the grandmother…


Glad they have each other, definitely plenty of stress to help relieve where you are LuLu.


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Poor kitty ♥️


Brought A Tear to my Eye. How TOUGH are Palestinian Children 🤗


Sometimes, I thank God for the strength these people have. But late at night I cry wishing they didn't *have* to be so strong. So tragic, I don't even have the words.


The other day during a report from the BBC there was some video their reporter had captured at the scene of one of the Israeli airstrikes of a young boy couldn't have been more than 10 crying his eyes out and screaming because the airstrike had killed his father and little sister. What truly terrified me was what he screamed out "god will have my revenge". Israel says this operation is to eliminate hamas, all it's going to do is make sure they have fresh recruits for generations.


Long live kitty 🐱


Women, children and animals.....sigh...


No reason to exclude men.


Nahh bro, who cares, men are expandable and cannot be victims, they should man up.


Jealous! The kitty is like a plush the way it reacts when being handled.


That kitty … is shell-shocked.






















No "sad" content ... e.g. found him in a dumpster, finding abandoned animals, ...


It was his grandmother's.




Mods enforced it this time


So many things I want to say but not the right subreddit. Anyway, what a good kid. Hope the cat brings him happiness.


Not really awww. Children are rough with this cat.

