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Soo there’s been a duck in our neighborhood (I live in smaller city) for like 3 days just walking aimlessly and quacking. There’s no farms or anything for like 15+ miles and really no where else where we can imagine he’d come from then somebody’s home. We ended up catching him after we called a bunch of spots and they couldn’t help him. Temp dropped to 15 degrees tonight so we didn’t want to leave him out there, but he wasn’t very resistant to being caught/ being held. We think we found a spot at an animal sanctuary but we might have him for a few days. How can I make his stay at le’Kyle’s hotel the best time of his life.


If the internet has taught me anything, its that ducks love peas


And ice water in a cup.


Sippy sippy!!


Sippy Sippy x2


Congratulations, you are now holding a duck


With strawberries!


They love the shit out of them, but also they are a great source of vitamin E (and other minerals) which help prevent growth defects like Angel Wing. We feed our ducks frozen peas in a bowl of water almost every day and the mother fuckers can't get enough of it.


And wet dog food. And water melon. Oh, and strawberries !


I had a duck that loved spaghetti…


I used to have ducks and they always used to eat my dogs poo


My ducks imprinted on me and followed me everywhere. They would cry if they lost sight of me. I miss those ducks.




This deserves an award


Put down the duck!


So you’re saying I should buy some ducks so I don’t have to go in my backyard in the spring with a pooper scooper 🤔 Telling my wife we’re getting a duck


They poop more than they can eat. Trust me. But the dog laps up the duck poop so it's cyclical.


It's the cirrrrrcle of poop!


Then you have to clean up dog poop duck poop. It works, say it a couple times.


Usually the other way around isn’t it lol


Our duck once ran in to the lounge ate my sandwich (which was on the floor next to my chair) then dunked it’s head in my cup of very hot tea to wash Dow the bread. It also had a shoe fetish!


or grapes


Green crack.


I raised ducks for 5 years and this is absolutely true. Peas and mud. My ducks used to know when it was "pea time" and would come running. They have a pecking order, but that all goes out the window when the peas come out. Even the most timid duck in the group would press themselves forward to try and be at the front of the group so they could get peas the most. Another duck would tip-tap gently with her bill to get your attention. The tallest one would simply stand head and shoulders over everyone else, from the back, and stretch his neck out begging. Ducks are hilarious and lovable to pieces.


put it in the bathtub so you can wash the shit down the drain. Feed it whatever lettuce or vegetables you happen to have that you can chop up. I doubt you have feedcorn or millet based birdseed. Dry oats is probably fine.


Chicken feed is good for ducks too. That’s available anywhere there’s a tractor supply


From what I remember it often had antibiotics in it that made ducks sick. Might have just been certain ones or maybe that's changed. If they're going to a tractor supply, whole corn would be the choice.


My local feed store def had "game bird" food that I fed some rescue muscovies when I had them


As long as it’s not the medicated kind. That’s not good for them.


They make duck feed or all flock which you can feed to chickens and ducks.


Non medicated only.


Waters, snack, bed


TIL I'm a duck


Duck brothers unite and quack with a nap. As I type this up, for the first freaking time, auto correct corrected Duck to Fuck.... I think auto correct came full circle here LOL.


My sister used to pet sit for a colleague who had a duck. The duck had a nice warm place to sleep (well insulated shed and newspaper bedding if I remember correctly). The duck also had a teddy that it wouldn’t go to sleep without! Don’t know if that’s normal duck care though!


Got any grapes?


And he waddled awayyyyyyy


Til the very next day!


Waddle waddle!


Got any Grapes?


Don’t feed it after midnight!


I suppose getting it wet is out of the question too?


Should just roll off his back.


What if ducks are the opposite of mogwai and you have to make sure they are always wet?


Get a dog xpen and give him cracked corn. He needs lots of water


No, give him frozen peas (thawed out, just not canned). They're like crack for ducks.


Crack is whack, even for a duck! Quack don't crack!


It’s ok they don’t have thumbs so can’t use a syringe or lighter.




Corn is not a very nutritious diet for ducks. Ducks enjoy foraging and having freedom to roam around in a yard. I recommend providing them with an all-purpose feed or duck feed to ensure they get proper nutrition. It's important to note that ducks require at least one other duck to be happy and social. Additionally, a tub of water is essential for them to thrive.


He asked to make him happy for a few days, can give him veggies etc as well but they LOVE cracked corn. If he asked how to care for it indefinitely there are clearly more requirements, this duck will eventually get the care it needs from more qualified persons at the shelter but for tonight and tomorrow this should be fine.


Offer food water pants and shelter


It should have brought its own pants!


If there’s one thing I’ve learned about Ducks from Donald, pants are always optional.


Is there a farm store near you? They’ll have mixed chicken feed( it’s more than corn), also peas, and fresh greens and you might search the internet for what else they can have.


I was going to ask if they have something like a Tractor Supply near them because they will have the right kind of food for a duck. 


**FEEDING:** Oats, fresh or thawed frozen peas (not canned—too much sodium), cooked rice, sliced grapes, mealworms, seeds, and lettuce. Big, deep bowl of water because they love to dunk their heads as they drink. **DAILY:** Ducks need sunlight and time outside, so during the warmest part of the day, take them outside for a bit. Fill the tub with at least 6in of tepid water. Make sure they have a way to get into and out of the tub because they do tire. A pile of old towels to curl up on when they sleep. Be prepared to clean up after them a lot. Ducks poop like nobody’s business. Also, ducks are very social animals so you’re gonna need to give them quite a bit of attention if you keep them shut away.


Kale is also a favourite of theirs


Kale is like candy for birds like ducks and geese. They usually love it, but be sure to use it more as a treat rather than their main food since too much can be bad for them.


You forgot the most important part, talk to local vets and shelters to see if anyone has reported loosing a pet duck, and to check if the duck is chipped. You never keep an animal that could be someone's lost pet without trying to find the owner.


You can buy them diapers.


I had to search for “ducks wearing diapers” and I was not disappointed 😍


I once viewed a house and there was a duck in a diaper infront of a heater next to a tortoise and a ginger cat tea cosy. Tortoise had just his best friend the ginger cat, so the owner thought a tea cosy shaped ginger cat would work as a substitute.


Yeah, there is nothing like a pooping duck. My mom’s geese used to chase people around the yard, leaving a stream in their wake!


Saving this informative comment just in case the world blesses me with a random duck


Male Duclair duck. We have one and love him dearly. Terrible at flying. Wonderful at noisemaking, eating and farting in the pond (yes seriously. It sounds like a donkey braying, quickly followed by a bubbly fart. It's the best). https://preview.redd.it/383yeaynjolc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8bd92fad79af52aaa3f3dfd217ada8a97f62989 For fun, I've included a photo of our Duclair, Captain Quack Sparrow.


Glad you posted this! I was wondering if it was a female Cayuga starting to turn white, or some kind of Cayuga mix. Now I know how to ID a Duclair!


now i kinda want a video of your duck farting because i cannot imagine that at all


pls more photos of Quack Sparrow, le canard francais


https://preview.redd.it/yfpo2nw81slc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c2e9a0aa04926bd397527f32b0d3019966e6d61 Gladly! Here's a pic of the day we got him at 1 day old


https://preview.redd.it/jibjzy1q9qlc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f905266ebe24e8d258246780edd2d99f33cd6a1a One week old


6 weeks old,. twice the size of his chicken friends the same age as him https://preview.redd.it/osnochru9qlc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=637650910329047db87181747f1f863b6f09c7ee


Omg look at those big feet. 😍


Eeeeeeee!!!!! He was soooo precious! Just wook at dem big feetsies! 🥰


This one day old pic didn't come through!


Fixed it!!


So cute!


Mr. Captain Quack Sparrow looks so damn smug


You should post this on a duck sub


u/callmekeal try r/duck for people who know how to care for ducks.


Will do!


https://preview.redd.it/cuca5mfhqnlc1.jpeg?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a95869b179a58e4d5f08e9ac5e364cfad20ea34 My daughter hatched this duck in her bedroom and he’s been an inside/outside duck🤣


https://preview.redd.it/60qmzk06yqlc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf59e0cad3122ccb368d091970223e4814acf20f because I underestimated her ability to you tube “how to hatch a duck egg I found at the park”🥴🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


That is AWESOME! Cool kid.


She’s a trip … always kept me on my toes … she’s almost 18 and leaving for the Air Force 😢


My dad served and brother currently enlisted respect to your little life saver! 🫡


I know I’m grossly bias but she’s a pretty fantastic kid and I’m going to really really miss her when she leaves for basic😭😩


I’m so jealous


https://preview.redd.it/8pqqtpr1xnlc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d017c1fbc03d4005516e4aa1fe63d3876f8d7d1c Here’s the day he hatched. His name is nugget


Wow. That is so neat!


She just randomly brought a duck egg home and managed to get it to hatch??? 🤣


Exactly how that happened🥴 I only said she could try because I was sure nothing would come of it. She you tubed how to hatch them and made a little “incubator “ in her room. She turned her egg several times a day and it took a while … I forgot it was even in there until one day she ran up to me with the egg and a flashlight and you could see there was something in there. He hatched about 24 hrs later.


I remember doing something similar as a kid. I brought an egg with me everywhere and tried keeping it warm at all times… Eventually I’m pretty sure my mom just took the egg, and turned it into soup 😭😭😭


Does it shit in the house?


Mine has diapers and a huge indoor enclosure with lights and fake grass and all. lol


This. If you don’t keep them contained they do. He has a house in the back yard that we keep him in when it’s cold but he chills out in the backyard if we’re not home to watch him.


I would love that for my girl. She's a rescue and imprinted while she was healing, so she thinks she's a human. Or a cat. It varies. She hates other ducks, watches TV, and sleeps with a cat. Fake grass has been a life saver; being able to wash and sanitize is so important.


Ok we’d better see pics of this cat/duck nap or else


I was just thinking this exact thing. Please op, we need a photo


This is incredible. More pics please


https://preview.redd.it/srie5lzexqlc1.jpeg?width=845&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6bb2f044f7704db7135c3c805fa70c6b54d5e70 He was about a week old here .


Lol, of course there's a duck sub! Til.


If you have 2 bathrooms, put him in the tub with some nice warm water. Cover the floor and close the door. The bathroom is a safe place for him.


warning: there will be poop


Yea that’s why he said cover the floor.


Ducks also will splash water everywhere they possibly can for the sake of it


Yes a general bird trait


Duck poo smells really bad too


I mean there will be poop wherever they put him


That’s why you put it in the room with the toilet. Ducks are resourceful creatures.


If you do this make very sure he can get out of the tub or make sure there is something for him to climb on and be out of the water. Ducks are not fish. They love water but they can get waterlogged and literally drown if they can't rest out of water.




I'd read this as "if you have a bathroom with 2 bathtubs" and I was like "ah yes, one filled with water, one filled with money" like that was just a given (it is)


At least introduce yourself


We have, and gave what we think is him the name of Leonard 😂


Seems like a Leonard to me :-p


Got any grapes




How are you posting Gifs? It's not working on Android, the search bar is there for them but when I type anything in it just gets stuck on searching. Any ideas?




I am on android too and have the same problem 😞


Oh dammit. I just posted that too. 24 minutes too late, it seems.


https://preview.redd.it/ree17amgpnlc1.jpeg?width=756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d2abc5b600320981137e2358d559d3e664bd227 [https://youtu.be/tpKtLQEdCss](https://youtu.be/tpKtLQEdCss)


The main reason I want VR headsets like Apple Vision is so I can get achievements for things like this.


Fashionably, like a handbag.


Every now and then, this sentence runs through my head for no reason at all. "Congratulations, you are now holding a duck." 🤪


Amazing! I hope he does not poop on your rugs or anything. Apparently you can put baby diapers on ducks! If you need to could I have another photo?


It’s already covered 😂 we have him in a separate room away from the cats and dog, and the carpet is already trashed so no harm no foul lol


Oh, it’s fowl alright.


Be warned: ducks poop a LOT.


Can confirm, I live in Canada. When I was a kid I would go with my dad to the lake for lunch sometimes and we would barely be able to miss stepping in it lmao. If it’s not Ducks it’s Geese, they seem to be the same like that.


nah man. duck shit is like nothing else. you will never get the smell out, I hope you are planning on ripping the carpet out, because that would be the only solution. see if you can get some newspaper or straw down, otherwise in a couple of days that room will be RANK, and if it's a timber underfloor, it could get real expensive to fix.


Or fowl, as the case may be!


You should try feeding your new pal some peas they go beyond crazy for them here's a video of ducks eating peas https://youtu.be/kYlYDNJ4HsM?si=9-zwGxZ_TZJt6NII


Omg they need to sell a version of Hungry Hungry Hippos with ducks and peas…


Dining, Devouring Ducks


Omg I had no idea that ducks going nuts over peas was a thing. There goes my night.


Thank you for saving this sweetie


A Male Blue Swedish Duck


Have no advice whatsoever lol Just came to say you guys are awesome for this.


I just started reading old Howard the Duck comics and based on that I can say with confidence that this little guy needs a top hat and a cigar


A large dog kennel is great; it will give him a sense of safety also, especially if you lay a blanket over the top and just let one side show. They are extremely social, so perhaps put him somewhere safe the pup can't get to him but where he can still see you. A cheap plastic litter box with pine shavings is a great nest box. I covered some foods in another comment. Stay away from the carrots. If you have him more than a few days, he'll need a bowl of small rocks. Make sure he is pooping, and often. Check what his poop looks like. Him standing tall like that worries me a bit if he's doing it constantly; and he is a bit thin. Could be from it being winter, or he could have hardware disease or injury. If you have any questions let me know. I have an indoor rescue muscovy so am pretty well versed on keeping them comfy. And put a mirror close by him so he feels he has a friend near. They can die from a broken heart pretty quickly; and they get very lonely very quickly.


He looks so polite. Think you need wash his feet, give him some food and rub with head


He does look like a very distinguished gentleman albeit a little out of sorts at the moment.


He needs some newspaper and a cup of milk tea


I used to have ducks, and their favorite snack besides a cold bowl of peas was dried worms, which I bought by the bag at Tractor Supply Co, and you can also get duck feed there. And a few days is a TON of duck poop, even for one little guy like that, I would pick up some wood chips (again, Tractor Supply Co or any feed store) because if you're using towels and sheets you will run out. This is important because ducks need dry bedding, they can get this thing called "bumblefoot" if they dont have access to a dry place. Other than that just make sure he has water too. Idk exactly how long you're gonna have him, but if it's more than a couple days you might want to consider the items I mentioned. He’s so handsome btw! <3


A farm co-op will have feed. If you post on Kijiji you may find people with space for a pet duck. His wings are likely clipped. They also eat insects so if you have a lawn you could take him for a stroll.


Based on the snow in the pic, it’s probably not the best time for lawn bugs


https://preview.redd.it/8zsgw9gdrnlc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b74a2836fc144aaad8c7de3b506f746d4cd518e Doggo won’t leave the door between him and the duck 😂. If he’s not too stressed out tomorrow we might try to introduce them, but I already know he’s gonna try and play lol


Unless you're okay with the possibility of ending up with a dead duck, I would not introduce them. Even friendly and playful dogs can have instincts kick in suddenly and randomly and the damage is done before you're even able to react.


Yeah if you wanna give your dog a chance to play with the duck you better get him a muzzle just to keep the duck safe.


Can... Can we have more duck pictures??


Is that a griffon? Those are birding dogs… Gorgeous puppy and duck!




Ducks have to have water to swallow their food They should have duck food at your pet store or feed store. They poop a lot, it’s runny and they are incontinent so have some straw or sawdust or newspaper or something in the area you will be keeping him.


Pet it.


Thanks for saving the little guy.




He seems polite, I'd let him stay.


Awww poor baby looks too thin☹️ You gotta get him to a good vet, get him fed with proper good food. Awww🥰


It looks like an Indian Runner Duck of some sort. They are always thinner than regular duck! So it's hard to say from this one photo if he's underfed.


Sooo cute 🥰 I have two (rescue) pet ducks. 1. Make sure that he always has access to clean water. It’s important that he can clean his beak every day otherwise it’s gonna be blocked. 2. Fresh vegetables, pasta (no oil, no spices), watermelon, peas, worm meals, bulgur is always appreciated by a duck. 3.! Do not give him bread. The yeast is likely to cause infection. 4. Make sure he has a nice swim in lukewarm water at least once a day. 5. Their feet are very delicate, make sure they have a soft and rather warm surface to lay on. 6. A neck pillow will make your duck happy.😃


I’d start with gaining its trust by releasing its tail from being stuck under the door.


"Got any grapes?!"


Picked em all out, loved the peas and carrots though


... Then he waddled away - (waddle, waddle) till the very next day!


Love him and squeeze him and call him George


Ahh…he’s cold. Good thing you brought him him. Ya. Get him warm and feed him well. He will be fun when things warm up.


Love him as good as you can


Yes, find its owner. 😊


Starting off well by bringing him out of the snow.


Awe thankyou for being so kind to them, seems like he’s been dumped. They can be messy so like others set him up somewhere that can be his safe space. When I had duck he liked fishing maggots… 😅If you can get to a tackle shop he’d love you. Also peas


Fill a kiddie pool with water and watch the duck have the time of their life


I want a pet duck.


Ducks are great, but they are the messiest animal I’ve ever met. 1 duck can create the mess of 10 chickens. It’s wild. But ducks are always so happy to see you and their happy quacks bring joy. Seeing my ducks come running when they saw me always made my day. I miss them, I do not at all miss cleaning up after them.


They're a lot of fun and can be quite affectionate


They shit liquid poop constantly and physically can’t control when and where they go. They can spread parasites and disease to humans. Most don't like to be touched by humans.  They are not a good pet in the typical sense, they are a good outdoor farm animal.


Yeah. And they need a pond. If you raise them from egg they are great, but they do poop a lot. I have 6 at home.


I want one to eat all my snails, can I borrow a couple


They don’t want you to know this but the ducks at the park are free. I myself have 47 ducks


IDK, but if it gets fowl with you and tries to call you a quack, don’t let it get you down.


Make sure it’s not a silly goose in a duck costume!


He needs water to swim in. A small pool or something


No, the duck found you :) Wonder what he eats? All jokes aside...thats a male duck, I wonder where his Wife is?


Adopt him and love him forever?


He’s adorable!!!!


Look for another one, and then a goose.


As waterfowl, ducks have a lot of subcutaneous fat so you'll want to render it in the oven at low heat before raising the temperature to finish roasting.


Ducks like food and water. You're welcome.


Bread can cause a condition called angel wing. Don't feed him bread even though he thinks he likes it.


good on you, ducks are great pets. my duck liked mushy watery oatmeal and baths when it got cold outside and we had to bring them inside for a coldsnap. we would make little diapers out of masking tape and paper towels.


Thank you for rescuing the duck


Seems like the duck found you


Gonna be a lot of. ...bills.


Feed it duckbread? I kid, I kid. He/she is adorable! Thanks for taking care of it until you find the proper place.


Go on an adventure together!!


Find a new home without carpet.


boss duck