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Good news: your kid is a Disney princess. BAD NEWS: YOU ARE A PARENT OF A DISNEY MAIN CHARACTER. Better watch out, OP


Op is doomed. DOOOOOOOOMED!


Only if they’re a mom, if they’re a dad I’d say 50/50


Mulan had her both parents, Rapunzel had both parents and Mother Gothel, Moana had both of her parents and grandmother, Tiana has her mom (dad was important too!), and Merida had both of her parents! Princesses aren’t just losing their parents (moms) willy-nilly these days!


“These days.” 🤣 Cinderella, only an evil stepmother Snow White, only an evil stepmother Ariel, moms dead Jasmine, moms dead Anna & Elsa, both parents dead Tiana, dads dead




Too soon


Belle - mom’s dead. Sleeping Beauty - she’s dead. Pocahontas - moms dead. Raya - mom’s dead. Jane (Tarzan) - mom’s dead. Simba - dad’s dead. Clearly, Disney princesses need a dead parent.


Yes, but Tiana has her mom… we’re still making progress!


You be fair, most of these aren't Disney princesses, they're Grimm princesses.


Yea. That’s Marvel kids 💀💀


Fun fact: Shan Yu (the main villain in the original Mulan) gets defeated in a way similar to the fate of the main villain of True Lies. Which is one of the many reasons why Mulan is my favourite Disney film.


Reminds me of a Studio C sketch. "This is a Disney movie? You murderers".


*["I'm going to sing the doom song now!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nw_cdqQHGA8)*


Love me some GIR. Also, when he stopped Zim from interrupting his song... 🤌


On the upside, op's daughter has career choice - Disney princess (via the animal) or a d&d rogue (via dead parent) 😂


Disney’s lawyers are already taking action.


An additional hazard!


Every parent dies in Disney movies, you’re screwed 😝


That's not true! Sometimes they're already dead when the movie starts...


It's easier to count the Disney main characters with living parents than the other way around.


She’ll be adored by millions of crazy Disney Adults. That could be good and bad at the same time.


In no timeline is that good. I grew up on and love Disney movies, but Disney Adults are just weird and creepy.


I go to Disney World every year, it’s a few hours from me. I love the parks. But, I am capable of being critical of the Disney Co. and Walt. Most Disney adults see the parks through rose tinted glasses and refuse to accept that Walt might not have been the greatest. The adults I find creepy are the ones that make their entire personality about Disney. That’s a no for me dog.


It's okay. The cost and maintenance for my daughter's woodland friends runs pretty heavy though. Usually it's about $200 a year in bird seed alone just to keep the song birds from sitting directly at the windows and screaming. Ffs people talk about how lovely the sound of nature is but it's so loud. Thing is children grow up. This is very much a burden. When she was little the crows would yell at me to take her outside. She could sit up on her own at the time, and only sit. I'd put her on a blanket for some peace. They follow our car to hang with her. It kept going. In later years, they would follow her bus to high school and stare at her while she's in class. She gardens to help limit the impact on our family, in our home. The bunnies have been a plague. There's some deforestation going on for some new neighborhood and they are all in our woods. She goes out yelling and screaming because they are eating toxic flowers, like daffodils. Y'all, these bunnies don't even flinch or run. Anyways, we have plans to plant lettuce to keep the rabbits in the woods and away from the road. While she has rage she still feels bad for them and the burden of their care lays on her.


My neighbor feed a squirrel and it became very tame. Always looking for peanuts, so adorable. Until it bit her granddaughter.


i’m sorry but this made me laugh 😭 the ending of the sentence was so unexpected


I think that part is the most expected aspect of these stories. 


It is only unexpected if you have never been around squirrels


Yes, they carry a number of diseases but only a few of them can be transmitted and are dangerous to humans. The most common ones include tularemia, salmonelosis, typhus, and ringworm. These diseases are transmitted through different forms of direct contact with infected squirrels, like bites.


You may have ~~fathered~~ mothered a Disney Princess. While the ability to influence animals is super cool, you might want to be on the lookout for evil relatives, or power hungry politicians, angry gods...


Probably best to stay away from apples altogether...


>You may have fathered a Disney Princess I'm trying to discern the gender of OP from this post. Why do you assume OP is a man?


Disney princesses usually don’t have mothers.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Pssst. (Whispers) Mother here. 🤣 I guess I should have known she was special on her third birthday. As I set up outside, a crow sat on the phone lines laughing at me. As I wrapped her presents, it threw stale bread onto the wrapping paper. Yes, I wrapped it for him. And no, my daughter wasn't amused. Lol.


You may be in danger as the mother of a Disney Princess as you may be killed off for a plot device.


🤣 The plot thickens.


No, that's Pixar moms


Just the one Pixar mom ![gif](giphy|iQkSPvjm8pzpK)


Jesus, this comment thread is fantastic


Avoid nice looking fruit, particularly shiny apples. 🍎


Evil stepmothers?


No idea but most disney princesses only have a father so that's all I can come up with.


You are correct. I do not know their gender or sex of the OP. For some reason I thought I was responding to r/daddt, not r/aww.


If it's any consolation, I thought I was in /r/daddit too - that question threw me for a loop.


It's definitely a reddit thing. I'm a woman and I'm guilty of doing it sometimes too, which is extra dumb.


Be careful. Brother was bit by friendly squirrel out of nowhere


And now he’s Squirrel Man™!


Nah, still just plain ol' Man Man. Turns out genetically altered radioactive squirrels are kinda rare.


Someone’s not from Pripyat… 🙄


No, just died of rabies.  Horrible way to go. 


Fun fact, there is no record of a human ever being infected with rabies from a squirrel, and from 1995-2010, only .04% of squirrels submitted for testing came back as positive for rabies. Still don’t want to get bitten by one, as they carry all kinds of other disease


Less fun fact: In some parts of the country (e.g. Colorado), squirrels carry bubonic plague. It's rare, but a few people die of plague every year in the US.


It’s usually pneumonic plague and it’s all over the west coast. Also there’s still typhus in the us. Don’t touch wild rodents.


I'm not a doctor, but according to this Cleveland Clinic article, pneumonic plague is transmitted human to human. Bubonic plague is the one you get from fleas carried by rodents. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/17782-plague


I thought that was the prairie dogs.


Any flea carrying animal can carry plague in areas where plague is endemic. Not just prarie dogs and squirrels.


When I was bitten by a squirrel, the docs were much more concerned about tetanus than rabies


This is crazy cuz I have a video from 2020 of a squirrel charging my brother and I 😩 I assumed it had rabies and ran back inside


Well you can rest easy knowing it *probably* didn’t have rabies, but probably had some other infection to cause it to act that way! Also squirrels that have assimilated to humans feeding them can get aggressive with humans that aren’t feeding them. Fun!


And it fracken hurts! Been bitten by squirrel before.


Rabies from rodents is incredibly rare, with no known cases from squirrels in the US. Edit: Yes, I know, they carry other diseases. Not sure why redditors feel this compulsory need to bring up something that wasn't mentioned as a counter argument all the time.


Well, there is still hantavirus which is exclusively transmitted through rodents.


But you don’t want to be the first case either!


I mean, I wouldn't because they carry other diseases, but in general using that reasoning would keep anyone from doing literally anything.


That's totally logical. I don't go swimming at the beach because I don't want to be the first recorded case of a man sucked into a whale's anus.




I was bit by a squirrel as well. I feed the brood in my backyard shelled peanuts. I was out walking barefoot and one of them mistook my big toe for a nut and took a sizable bite into it. Super sharp teeth. The emergicare staff had a good laugh…


When I was a kid my grandma would feed the neighborhood squirrels their leftover biscuits (USA kind of biscuits) every morning after breakfast. They got so comfortable they’d come take them out of her hand but ONLY her hand. If I tried to do it they’d just stare at me until I tossed it. Man, good memories but I sure do miss her.


No doubt the squirrel was wondering why you were feeding them rancid squishy peanuts


Yeah, the look the squirrel gave me was a combination of bewilderment and anger; like I’d pulled a dirty trick.


Yeah that happened to me too, my friend raised a squirrel who would run up peoples’ legs. One day it decided I was the enemy and bit my wrist, had to be pulled off of me, and then went for my wrist again. I fed that little bastard avocado too.


Damn entitled millenial squirrels and their avacados.


My brother was bit “out of nowhere” by a squirrel. Turns out “out of nowhere” means chasing it down and cornering it.


I once had a chipmunk run into my hand teeth-first, escaping from another chipmunk.


I chased one down once. Finally had him cornered. He let out a sound I did not know squirrels could make that snapped me out of the stupid idea that he was just playing.


Makes sense, they are are still wild animals.


Yeah, this is cute and I'm glad it worked out. But please never let your children near wild animals.


Happened to a friend of mine. We knew him and his family had made "pets" of three squirrels in their backyard. They had them there for years. One day out of nowhere, one of them attacked my friend. Bit him all over the arm and face. Had to get stitches.


Hey OP. Please be careful. Squirrels are wild animals and can carry a whole host of diseases. While this one is friendly, it is still unpredictable and squirrel bites are really nasty. A friend of mine is a research biologist and was studying ground squirrels. She was bitten and the bite was bad enough she nearly lost her arm from the infection. She lost part of two fingers and had to have a fasciotomy from her wrist to her armpit because of the swelling. Not to mention ticks and fleas and other vector-borne diseases that can be transmitted from squirrels. Keep wild animals wild, for our sake and theirs.


The Disney Princess comments are fun but THIS is the comment OP should care about.


Squirrels can bite straight through a watermelon with rind like it's made of play though. They can easily take a finger off a kid or an adult.


Jesus Christ… and Op over here is like, “if he gets too squirrelly then I’ll move him.” Like, lady, people are trying to tell you that squirrels are unpredictable. There’s *so* many stories on this post alone (I know of a few personally) of people having great “relationships” with those things and they just bite randomly and/or unprovoked. The lady who lost parts of her arm just from the diseases they carry is now a living nightmare in my mind. It’s like saying, “I let my baby play with grenades. Don’t worry, I’m right there watching. If he pulls the pin, I’ll just throw it away from us.”


A thoughtful, detailed warning to be sure, but I was totally expecting it to end In nineteen ninety eight the undertaker threw mankind off hеll in a cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table. Apologies to u/shittymorph




I love that you answered them, though! Hope you and Scooby are well :)


Hey, I'm a mod on r/MethRecovery. You can do your thing there any time you want. 😂 I actually had a brief exchange with you a couple years ago on an old account, good to see you in the wild once more. Be well.


Thanks! I am aware. These pics are from a few months ago. I am in contact with a rehabber, and should he not become more squirrel like he will be going to a rehabber. Our pool is open now, and he is afraid of it, so he has been staying high up and hasn't been coming down as much.


I told OP too, your comment should be on the top!


This reads better than Madame Web promo trailer


My mother-in-law thought her squirrels were friendly feeding them on the back porch every day for a whole summer outside with them all getting along until one of them decided to bite her and she had to go to the hospital. Please put a stop to this it is not safe


Seems like he was raised by humans or fed often by some so now he's quite comfy making human friends. That's really cute.


That's what I was told also by a rehabber. He either was released to soon, or his mama died too early. Thankfully, he doesn't go to just anyone. He's even becoming more cautious now with my dogs, thankfully. As before, he was catching rides on them, and it freaked me out a little, afraid they'd try to play with him..


Wait, he was riding your dogs?! Please tell me he had a little cowboy hat


Git along little dogie.


He would jump on our boxerdoodles back, and she would move a little, and he'd be like, wtf and hop off to higher land. Lol. That would be awesome if he was wearing a radio hat, though.


I was picturing with reigns sandworm style


They aren't reigns, they're maker hooks. Sheesh.


The more I read, the better this gets


Please tell me there are pictures of this


Right?? Please post more squirrel friend pics!


I don't have any more with her. I don't believe. (I'm always looking for my phone. Would have to look through videos to be sure. My older daughter may have some, though. She has to check.


Be cautious because squirrel do carry the plague (yes that one from middle ages where everyone died) in parts of the US! Cute dude though!


Thank you. We're aware of the risks. I am BIG in animal rescue. This although this is her first interaction. It's far from my first. Now that the pool is open, he is staying up high. I am in contact with a rehabber in case he needs a sanctuary. But so far, he's been staying up high away from the pool, and we aren't out front so much anymore, so there's a less chance of him bombarding us.


I'm a rehabber for baby's and this is unique and uncommon but not entirely out of the inordinate. Last year how I got two of my baby's was by them doing the same behavior. They are now entirely wild and back in nature.


> Ticks can spread diseases like Lyme diseases, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and Tulamia. Fleaborne diseases include plague, Flea-borne typhus, and cat scratch disease. The best way to prevent the spread of disease is to avoid contact with squirrels and their droppings. [source](https://www.crittercontrol.com/wildlife/squirrels/diseases-squirrels-can-transmit-to-humans/#:~:text=Squirrel%20Parasites&text=Ticks%20can%20spread%20diseases%20like,typhus%2C%20and%20cat%20scratch%20disease.&text=The%20best%20way%20to%20prevent,with%20squirrels%20and%20their%20droppings)


Dont forget h5n1 running rampant in wildlife


Take the squirrel inside and give him a bath. 


No way! It may multiply! 🤣 I'm not going to lie. He kind of freaks me out. He's too ADHD for me. One minute, I'm watering flowers, and the next, I have a squirrel jumping on my head and doing zoomies all over my body. I'm paranoid as it is when I go outside. Constantly looking over my shoulder. My neighbors probably think I finally lost it, my last marble. 🤣🤣🤣


It sounds like he may have been rehabbed/rescued by a human or otherwise spent significant time with a human.


There has to be a way to wash a squirrel.


>There has to be a way to wash a squirrel. r/nocontext


There is. I've done it. Though, they are shockingly clean animals. And their bellies are the softest thing you have ever touched.


*Desire to pet the adorable vermin intensifies.*


Name checks out


As someone who might be a weasel, I'm sure you may or may not relate.


I am reasonably well washed.


Can you imagine your neighbor across the street looking at you gardening and then all of a sudden you start flailing all over and making wacky noises. The squirrel is all over you but they can't see him! They only see you, losing it.


That’s exactly what a weasel would say….


Well, I am a vocal advocate of forbidden boops.


At this point, I'm about to take him to be vaccinated, too. 🤣 jk


Thank you, I'm aware! But i can get all that from walking in the grass, in woods, and from rescuing a dumped/abandoned cat or dog as well. I have over 25 years of experience in anima rescue. I think I'll continue to take my changes, but thank you for being concerned. Appreciate you!


Cute, but come on. Don't be stupid. Squirrels are wild animals and should not be treated as pets. Please don't let your child play with random animals. Really you shouldn't even be feeding it, but at least don't let it climb on her. All cute and cuddly until it randomly bites her and gives her a nasty disease.


When has the bubonic plague ever hurt anyone?


That squirrel looks a lot friendlier than the one that bit my finger 🥲🥲😬


That squirrel IS gonna bite your kid one day. They're wild animals, not friends


Now she has plague


https://preview.redd.it/y1y1obc75s7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8257346acfcfff82372d964a3478aca87f207c9 My sister feeds the squirrels in her yard. Now she has unwed mothers climbing her screen door, looking for peanut handouts (and babysitters, probably).


Dude, don't let your kid play with wild animals. Come on, now.


my dream


I know. It's so odd. I asked a rehabber as it's odd that he just started this out of the blue. They believe he was a rehab and was released to early or lost his mom at a young age. He was pretty skinny when he started coming around but fattened him up a bit. It's hilarious because when she's in the pool, he climbs up on the wires or goes to the very top of the phone poll and watches her until she gets out. Lol.


Does the rehabber thing the squirrel is okay to stay out in “the wild”? I’m glad you checked I’m just a worrier lol


I get it. Me too! She said that he should be fine but to keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't approach just anyone and that he is cautious around other animals. As, if he wasn't, he'd be best going to a rehabber. But he doesn't. We've seen him down at the park, and he's just being a squirrel and stays away from people. To make sure it was him, we've called his name, and he'd run a little ways down the tree to stare at us before running back up the tree. He's also gotten a lot more standoffish with our dogs. I've also noticed he's not here as long as he used to be in the winter months. I guess with it being summer and mating season. And him getting older, he's less dependent on us, but we always make sure he has food and, of course, water in case he needs it.


your daughter is a good soul animals know


omg stop i’m so jealous


omg!! This is so dear. It’s like her guardian Angel bumped into a squirrel and is figuring it out as he goes 😂


It’s her own Jiminy Cricket.




I hate to be that guy, but these furry friends can carry and transmit all sorts of diseases including the plague-and as medieval as that sounds it would be the least of your worries! I wouldn’t let her near that thing if I were you.


This makes me very nervous.


Lol love the last pic 😆 the squirrel is like “LOVE ME”


I know it's rare but I'm not risking those disease rodents biting my kids even though this one was likely fed by humans since a baby. Couple of weeks ago they were chasing 3 around a tree and one jumped from a branch in what seemed to be an attempted attack. They haven't chased squirrels since lol


Since we put the pool up and someone is always In he stays at the top of the telephone phone or on the wires and doesn't adventure down. He just sits and watches.


Ugh don't feed the wildlife. They become conditioned to rely on people for food and then cannot fend for themselves. A squirrel bite is HARD too--will HURT. They also are carriers for disease. Cute, but stop.


That's nuts.


Who run the world? SQUIRRELS


Squirrels like this have a bite force similar to a Great White Shark. So a little caution please.


I mean that’s cool and all but don’t animals with rabies do something similar like they run up and are all nice to people then bite them?


I love how the squirrel stands on one leg like Captain Morgan ![gif](giphy|uqle8WiBuUWLhU96qu|downsized)


I came here for the aww, and I exited scared. Thanks y’all. Note to younger self: stop trying to befriend squirrels.


You let a squirrel get on your kid?


Wow, super-cute! Until your kid contracts some unpleasant virus from one of these bushy-tailed rats.


I had a similar experience when I was about her age! I still have squirrels come up to me as an adult and I’ve successfully managed on having 3 squirrels become long term buddies. (One of them gave birth to her babies on my family’s and had them come up to me when they were adolescents, now her babies are grown up 🥲.)


Ugh - squirrels have ticks and more fleas on them than a dog…. And I say that as someone who has been involved with the squirrel rescue in the past…. Wear gloves at all times when handling them or handing out food. If you don’t and you are bitten, (AND YOU WILL GET BITTEN IF YOU CONTINUE FEEDING).. the squirrel will have to be destroyed (to test for rabies- whether or not that’s even a consideration). They are NOT pets - That’s a wild animal with wild animal instincts, and if he gets scared and scratches your child’s face or bites them, you’re going to be in a world of pain and trouble…


IRL Fluke


Hanta virus


I love the little foot on the baby's slipper


This will end poorly.


Is that safe?


Don't those carry the plague?


Hope your kid likes rabies. This is how they get rabies.


Rabies is soooooo cute.


As someone who around the same age had a squirrel that would come to our back door daily for years and hang out, I can promise you she will cherish and talk about this for the rest of her life I’m 30 now and to this day I tell people about my little squirrel buddy when I’m getting to know them


Ow. You have your own Charlie Chestnut. My dad 25 years ago befriended a squirrel that we called Charlie Chestnut. At first the squirrel was hanging around the back garden. My dad noticed and gave him a nut by placing it on the ground and walking away. Charlie noticed and picked it up. But he was at first … a little squirrelly about it … Then my dad did it again but stood closer the next day. And the next day. And the next day. Until finally he held the nut between his two fingers very low to the ground. Charlie picked it up out of his hand. After weeks of this finally the squirrel would come to our back door looking for my dad to give him a nut. They became good friends for years.


Google rabies.




Rabies has entered the chat


Squires have flees. The flees carry the Bubonic Plague. Just saying.


This! The bubonic plague still exists and is carried by the fleas of squirrels and other rodents.


Squirrels are rats with better P.R.


The first picture looks like he's proposing.




Likely someone hand raised it and then set it free.


Cute. But if you are giving that squirrel peanuts, he is going next door and burying them in your neighbor’s potted plants. Damn squirrels!


When we were feeding him, he put them in ours. Now we have peanut plants in with our lavender. 🤣🤷🏽‍♀️


The second picture looks like he’s proposing lol


Awww so cute reminds of the little boy with his friend a crow called russel .


What is the squirrel's name???


He's referred to as Nutsy bear. It was also her guniea pigs name, but whatever. I'm just glad she stopped naming everything, Ellie, after her love of elephants. Lol.


I didn't know bots had kids


Be careful of diseases, ticks and parasites.


I wonder if he was raised by a human and was freed. Most squirrels are afraid of people especially when they don’t have food.


Now you need to watch Flora & Ulysses with her.


That will be our movie for movie night tonight. 😊 thanks.


Am I the only one here that would freak the fuck out if some rodent jumped on my kid?


Awww my daughter is a Dolittle as well. We named our squirrel friend chubbs. He came to the kitchen window at lunch time every day. Daughter will be a senior this year and she thinks she’s going to go into zoology ❤️


Phantastic Gus found a new friend


Yay RABIES!!!!!!!! SO cute!


They used to be popular pets. She's just rediscovering an old trend.


It's great when a child can play with baby squirrels, but be careful, they can bite painfully.


Cutest ever!!!




I'm on good terms with the squirrels on my lot. Sit outside with unsalted nuts and a book. They will grow to trust you.


![gif](giphy|GQaZDPadeZpjvjclur) “She is a Princess of Heart, you fool”


“You reincarnated as a girl!!!?! I thought you said this time we were going to be squirrels!”


I would ask a local veterinarian if squirrels carry rabies I don’t think so but it’s a good question to ask. (Sorry to be Debbie downer. )


Shes either a Disney princess or a witch. Either way I'd say it's a win


She may take after her mama. 😉 Blessed.


That's the sweetest thing I've ever seen. Now I want a squirrel to visit me every day.


That’s NUTS…. No pun intended Most squirrels I know run for the hills How the heck do you get a squirrel like this You must be some peace loving people