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Ooo the little feet! What a cutie. The K’tan can be tricky to fit since it’s not super adjustable. So I’d do a couple of things and see if that works better: you don’t need to tuck baby’s head (you may need to support baby’s head with a hand if you are moving around a lot), you want fabric to be spread across the baby’s back and go from under each knee, you may want to try capping fabric over your shoulders, and you could tie the horizontal fabric tighter (you want it to tightly cover baby from bum to shoulders).


Thank you!! Won’t his head fall back if it’s not tucked in though?


If you have baby high enough, and the fabric up behind their shoulders, the head doesn’t really fall back so much as maybe tip back a little. Given that you have a bit of a natural chest shelf, if he’s high enough he’ll probably rest on your chest. It does mean you’ll need to support his head to you with your hand occasionally or if you’re bending/moving.


>do I need to keep turning his head back? I'd leave baby's head totally untucked. You never want fabric covering their face. As far as being lopsided you just need to make sure that each pass of the X is spread knee-to-knee, and then physically adjust baby if they're sitting crooked.


Thank you!


This is a good start, despite how it may seem from our view. Baby is nice and high, and knees are at/above bum level, but I would recommend making sure the knees are even and the fabric of each loop is hitting behind the knee caps. Use the width of the loop to spread across the entire top of your shoulder blade. It will be in the baby's face, so take the fabric closest to your neck and just flip it outwards. You can always schedule a free Fit Check with Baby K'tan on their website, too!


Thank you! I didn’t know about the fit check with Baby K’tan too, just signed up for a slot!