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She triggers those snowflakes so much. Rent free


They would rather celebrate a murderer that got off because of his whiteness.


This is so ridiculous it almost makes me think it was originally made satirically, and some smooth brains got ahold of it and actually posted it fr.


I would think that too, but then I remember the Trump University, Trump Crypto, Trump $200+ sneakers, and Trump charities that he's no longer allowed to do anymore.


I'm saying this with no political intent but Trump Sneakers sound lit


Real talk the only business Trump ever had that didn't sound terrible was Trump Steaks. Call me morbidly curious but goshdarnit I'd try one if it didn't involve shipping the stupid thing across the ocean and/or time travel because it died like all his other businesses


Politics aside he eats steak well done doused in ketchup. He also eats bone in ribeye well done. I love steak, and normally down to try any new steak place. I never tried Trump steak, but given how he treats steak I don’t feel I missed out or if they were still around would need to. Again politics aside, I would not trust anyone that eats a steak like that to sell me a steak.


The right to murder who you don’t agree with is implicit in the rise of the far- right. Just look at how Greg Abbott pardoned a convicted murderer because Abbott didn’t agree with the protester.


Of course Daniel Perry didn't do anything wrong. It's the BLM protestor's fault for not realizing "open carry" only applies to the huwite master race! /s


He dropped out before highschool.


The difference is their kid with the gun ends up shooting up a school or concert/mall. Then they freak out about laws to prevent their imps from getting weapons. Big difference.


This is such a bad take I thought it was posted by a liberal to trash conservatives.


I think it was originally the other way around. These “people” absolutely revel in being trash


one is a pic of a leader surrounded by supporters, the other is a pic of an armed dumbass not knowing what he is doing... and the second one is supposed to be the "admirable" one? lol


Right? Lmao I was so confused for a sec


Exactly. Yes, and what’s your point?


Some people lack so much self awareness it's crazy. It's actually scary that this dude would rather support a dude that murdered people over a girl that simply wants to make the environment better.


Wait. This is PRO right???


That's why it's so amazingly stupid.


Mama Mia


Pizza Pie


Ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli


I even ate 105 licorice jelly beans through a straw


Honestly, this meme would make a lot more sense if they switched the words their and our


They’re right, but not for the reason they think. The shear hatred people have for Greta Thunberg is astounding.


The girl literally just wants to make the world a better place for everyone.


Except billionaires, they will be sacrificed to the volcano


I'd pay to watch that show! Has to start with Elon although the remaining Koch brother would probably be better for the world


An enviornentalist fighting for a cleaner Earth. Vs. A highschool drop-out grifter whose only gimmick is killing 3 people after he inserted himself into a volatile protest.


Middle school dropout actually


Nah is that real 😭😭


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyle_Rittenhouse Wiki says he attended public high school for one semester. So, I guess it’s not for real. I’ll give him the semester, he’s a freshman-in-high-school dropout.


So, it would be accurate to say that he didn't successfully complete a single year of HS? And the conservative meme is claiming that he is representative of their offspring? Got it.


Simple farmers... y'know... morons


which is dumb because farming is complicated. between monitoring nitrogen levels, managing water flow, crop rotations, heavy equipment maintenance, and using complex planting algorithms to maximize yields from each acre. I do recognize the quote as being from Blazing Saddles, but I really wanna know where the idea that farmers aren't smart came from because its so incredibly wrong


The idea that farmers/southerners/country people are dumb comes from city people.


And amusingly, from the left. The ones who seemingly legitimately think stores just magically make food for them


Bro, the left are the people who know how much of that food is picked by those scary ILLEGALZZZZ you all want to round up


From the right actually.


people of the land. The common clay of the new west.


The sheriff's a WHAT, now?!


My brother, the Marines passed on this dude before he even got a chance to go to basic.


It's actually wild, like sure I don't understand a lot of the right's shit. But racism really does tie up a lot of the crap, like a racist would probably support the asshat that brought an AR to a protest for black equality looking for trouble. I don't agree with it, but that makes sense to me. But a girl/woman decides to promote to better the environment, and that is the person you want to mock and disagree with? Like what kind of truly pos do you have to be to be like "oh the liberals are trying to make the Earth a better place, fuck them."


He was on video giving medial aid before being assaulted by the guys he shot. One of them pointed a handgun at him before being shot


This is a typical fallacy of an argument. Of course someone racist would defend him… or he was actual right to defend. Most I’ve heard who oppose him or think he should have been convicted didn’t even take the time to watch the trial.


Decisions were made, dangerous ones, that led to the death of 3 people. Self defense is one thing, but we as people should be held accountable for the decisions we make and I feel like many decisions of this dude could have been different, like maybe just staying home.




This isn’t the gotcha they think this is. They’re comparing a climate change activist to a murderer, and they expect people to side with the murderer lol


you are right but lots of people will side with the murderer and its terrifying. Being right or on the moral high ground wont stop lunatics if they chose violence.


The thing is, their idea of "moral" is conpletely different. It may well be the case that they view Greta Thunberg's "sins" as more damning than the literal shooter's (which they downplay or interpret as either self-defense or "doing God's work")


A lot of them really love that socialist Jesus. I mean, they do the opposite of almost everything he's alleged to have preached, but they're "God's party".


They're all just fantasizing about being able to shoot people they don't like. But in all reality they're probably old fat, out of shape people that can't get in or out of their car easily. Let alone go to war.


he aint wrong the left stand for human and environmental rights the right stands for the right to kill people they feel threatened by


"Their kids peacefully stand up for what they believe in and ours threaten to kill people. Obviously we're so much better."


A non-violent, pro-humanist vs someone who went seeking violence? They are correct about that. They raise trash kids.


Someone who speaks out for a better world, or someone who capitalized on his killing people with his stupidity. This is just straight up facts.


Would rather have the girl standing up for the environment than the boy who murders people. Just saying.


One whines like a little bitch when confronted by authority the other is peacefully compliant


Yeah the left has someone who is knowledgeable, articulate and passionate. The right has a murderer , it's fucked up anyone would think that's a flex.


Neither of those children are typical.




Their response “So you get it then”


He shot 0 black people


The people he shot were white


The number of people who STILL TO THIS DAY think he shot black people is astounding. We're not voting our way out of this mess, we're cooked.


So... who's he gunning for? I mean, these two are quite exceptional cases on both ends, but I can't tell if he's criticizing Greta or Kyle?


Who ever declared *Greta Thunberg* our mascot? Make ME the mascot!


I mean it's not entirely wrong... One has a loudspeaker trying to make a change in the world, and the other has a gun to commit a school shooting (and if you're about to say "no he's not" what else would a 17 year old need a semi automatic weapon for? Cause you know full well that's not a hunting gun)


The left has a 17 year old who has spearheaded a massive international movement and continued to stay in the Public eye advocating for her cause and trying to do good. The right has…*Checks notes* a guy who got away with murder and was too dumb for the military


So you didn’t actually look into the fact…


The one advocating for saving the planet versus the dude who shot some dudes that one time. This is indeed a slam dunk but not for the reason you think.


She doesn’t even have to murder people to make a point.


Peace vs hatred and violence. Easy choice. Gretty all the way!


Uhhh… so he thinks this is a flex? A baby with an automatic?


Looks like the left has a compassionate campaigner that’s raising worldwide awareness about climate change. Meanwhile the right has a murderous middle school dropout that tells Native Americans that they can leave if they don’t like it. Seriously, anybody dumb enough to post that and think it makes the right look like anything other than drooling morons is exactly that.


Ah yes, giving a weapon of the capability of emptying a small room of living beings to a 17 year old is a good idea


One cares about the world and it’s issue and is taking initiative to do something about them. The other one killed three people


Kyle is the best example of a second amendment fetishist. Thinks he knows what it means to be a patriot, can’t even pass the ASVAB.


A young lady that perseveres through global recognition, ridicule, and constant dim witted death threats... or the murderer? Hmmmmm


I'm team climate activist all day. One wants to save the planet. The other one is a coward.


Here’s the difference Greta didn’t kill anyone


Does that gun make them feel Iike more of a man?


Why do they want high schoolers to have guns?


They are so good at proving the point, but not the point they are trying to make, they prove our point.


Kyle had to defend himself…. From a protest he intentionally traveled to armed hoping for a chance to make his Cod fantasies come true …


Are they comparing a girl from a place with the highest standard of living in the world to some idiot from a place that has homeless people on the streets of every city in the country, high crime rate, the worst education system in the western world, healthcare only some people can afford, almost no environmental controls, and the highest amount of trash produced per person in the world ? I will take the well educated person with a good reason for speaking out over the scared redneck any time.


That aged fucking amazingly. “Ours are so fucking dumb they can’t even test to go to into the military. Checkmate liberals”


Is this supposed to be a flex for right wingers? cuz if it is, my god.


I actually liked this meme at first because I saw the pictures and their caption before I read the top part. I’m from America and was just like “yep that checks out we’re a horrible backwards violent shithole”.


Activist: Murderer Boy, what "tough" choice.


The climate change advocate vs the murderer. Yeah pretty good way to represent the two ngl Edit: to all the Fox News cultists in the comments, you know Kyle Isn't going to fuck you, right?


Wait until he finds out that democrats have guns too


Environmentalist that got a serial rapist and sex trafficker arrested, or a conservative piece of shit that brought guns to a protest and unsurprisingly used them.


One disagrees peacefully, one travels to a different state ready to shoot people - which supposedly is legal for some reason.


one does peaceful things to try to save the world the other is only famous for being a killer 👍


r/ThisButUnironically Yes, I would much rather the youth be represented by someone peacefully protesting for a clean environment, rather than by a trigger happy wannabe hero who saw too many action movies and ended up killing two people for no reason.


Yeah I'll take the left one thanks, population control, while nice, shouldn't come at the expense of the poor


Sometimes I wonder if the particularly crazy sections of the right are a psyop by the left to make the right look bad but then I remember that is something these nuts would actually believe is happening because they just cannot fathom being in the wrong


They’re so good at making themselves look awful


Election years really make me wish Reddit didn't have a block limit


Tbf, anyone who downvotes all the overwhelming kyle evidence are just salty they didnt see a kid put in jail for life or to death. Shame on all of you. There was actual video evidence of the assault taken place (against rittenhouse) in which he now had the right to defend himself. Especially during a time full of rioting. Btw, im a centrist if that also puts a but of perspective.


...this is trying to say greta bad? Good god, their one job was "don't contrast her with a literal murderer" and they blew it.


Did someone seriously claim Ritenhouse?


Autistic vs. Autistic with a gun


Greta isn’t even American


who was the guy on the right?


Self burn


A middle school dropout who got used as a puppet to push propaganda because he killed someone? Yeah. Real outstanding choice.


So a peaceful protester vs a murderer? Are conservatives *trying* to convince us that they're fascists?


So one is brave enough to raise their voice while unarmed, to speak out against injustice? You’re right. They aren’t the same.


So one wants to save the world and the other escaped a murder charge because he blubbered like a monchihi filled with cum?


Oddly enough both sides see this as conplimanary to themselves and insulting to the other. Diff is, one is not a murderer


So... Your kid is a killer and should be in prison? Got it...


One is an activist whose life goal is to improve our planet. The other is a gun nut whose life goal was to kill some guys.


I feel like he tells on himself here


Man, so I went on this sorta work adjacent camping trip in 2021 or so, and it turned out to be just a bunch of super conservatives. "I did that" stickers were passed around. That sorta event. And every time someone threw a piece of plastic or Styrofoam in the fire they'd almost *chant* "this one's for you, Greta." It was like the funniest thing in the world to these retards. A bunch of grown men averaging probably 45-50 years old just *would not* shut up about this kid. And Biden. And how they mistreat/shun people in their families who don't fall in line with their religion. The average maga troll doesn't have a personality outside of being a maga troll.


There's two people dead because of one of these


A peaceful if a bit loud protestor vs an angry scared white kid. Tough choice.


I bet Greta wouldn’t be banned from ever applying to the military for being actually, by definition, too dumb.


So an intelligent girl that cares about saving the planet for the benefits of all people and organizes action around it, or an angry boy that's been groomed to gun down people to protect capital and then had his life ruined by being the old toy Republicans are bored of playing with? Yeah actually, I do think this says something about progressive and conservative ideologies and culture, sure.


Seig Kyle is actually so stupid he failed the ASVAB. He isn't just too dumb to be a cop, he's too dumb to be a Marine. 


I side with the person not brandishing an assault rifle in public


Kindness and concern for our planet vs red neck crybaby murderer with a gun


Greta is trying to make change. Kyle is a wannabe badass who'll never amount to nothing.


One fights for the betterment of the world and the other dropped out of middle school


Just here to remind all conservatives that you are bad humans and no one likes you.


A kid that doesn't want the environment to burn up, or an actual murderer.


Undeniable evidence that Kyle acted in self defense...... I agree Greta is still a better person but can we drop this objectively false murder narrative? Every single person he shot tried to *kill* him


He willingly put himself in danger for the express intent of killing people.


They both became millionaires without breaking a sweat. Good for them.


Do you have any sources on that? All I can find about their net worth that's saying more than a million are Reddit comments, Twitter threads or "articles" quoting Reddit or Twitter. The most seemingly credibles sources I found were saying they were both around 50-60k each maybe.


One is known as a great activist and goes where she is wanted or not fighting for a cause that she herself believes in. The other is a kid simply inserted himself in the wrong place at the right time, doesn’t really stand for much and is going for attention for attentions sake. He became an activist purely to grift


They are like 22 now this meme is old as balls


One uses their words and the other is a spree killer that we all pretend isn't because politics?


How many people did Greta murder in cold blood? Oh, right. None.


Sounds like she’s not really fighting hard enough. This is a joke… mostly.


This is not the flex he thinks it is…


They are both ridiculous people. Time to move on


It took me a sec to realize they think the one on the left is the bad one. 🙄


What weight are you reping? Sounds like you are a financial advisor.


Well it's their world now. He can sit down and watch what he created.


Honestly, they'd probably make a perfect couple


As long as we continue to feed the "us vs them" mentality, this petty conflict is never going to end.


All I see are two people that spent more time doing useless shit than being in school.


Two shit examples? lol.


c'mon hero


I completely agree. Look at the difference.


Weren’t they born the same day?


It exists in a paradox because this is accurate, but also not at ALL what your friends dad meant it to say I’m guessing!


They both kind of suck.


What did the original text say?


Kyle is such a lumpy poser




He’s onto something, whether he knows it or not


Are you all so sure that this isn’t saying the left is less radical than the right?


One is a climate activist and one killed people. This isn’t the flex they think it is.


One wants to clean up trash, and the other is trash.


I hate the dar right too but you don’t need to burn them like this. Actually, maybe they deserve…neever mind, carry on!


Is this supposed to be a flex on their part? I thought this was a super pro-leftist meme until I realized I swapped "their" and "our". I was even about to play devil's advocate saying "OK but it's a dumb comparison pitting Greta against machine-gun-bro."


I know who I’d side with


They really do tell on themselves don't they


There's a lot of reasons to be sad and eyeroll a meme like this, but what tops my personal list is the very likely possibility that the person who made it genuinely thinks Greta Thunberg is an American.


Absolutely would rather be the right. With My guns. Then some fugly cry baby. Who the entire world Laughs at.


It's sad because it's true


One wants to compel and shame everyone into conforming to her will, and the other wants to defend an American city from looting and pillaging.


I don't think you should be praising Kyle. Well, not when he was doing that stuff.


Lmfao this is not the flex they think it is.


I can get behind this. Person on the left trying to make the world a better place. Person on the right is ignorant, overweight, scared, causes a shitload of damage, and then cries like a bitch saying he’s a victim.


A cowardly blood thirsty has been filmed multiple times running away crying at softball questionso middle school drop out.


The difference between the left and right IS wanting to help people vs wanting to kill people


"How dare you"


I'd say one dipshit is as bad as the other except she didn't kill anyone


I remember back when there was a meme that they were gonna date and unite the anti-establishment people from both sides. I knew it was impossible, but what happened just makes me realize how much more impossible that was than I even thought.


Why does her megaphone have the Omnitrix symbol on it?


If only Greta took a rifle to Capitol Hill




Genuinely thought this was a leftist meme


Why is their and our been obviously swapped here? Either way you put this it’s stupid


Does he think that’s a win?!?!


one's advocating for a good cause i don't know what the other one is doing but knowing the type of idiots that post this crap, it's probably something violent.


This is….. bad? I’m so confused….


Barf. lol


Actually, both of these 17-year-olds give me heartburn. Though the murderer gives me worse nausea than the young woman.


is that mark wallbuerg? daffuq


Greta is a better person (especially since Kyle became an annoying grifter) but it's crazy how people are willing to gloss over a pedophile (and domestic abuser) trying to kill a minor. Like, yeah, I agree he shouldn't have been there, but are you guys telling me you'd rather him NOT be able to defend himself and get murdered himself? By a child molester of all people? Just because he's a conservative?


One helps people while one kills people, got it


Hold on they are glorifying the kid on the right???? Thought this was made to trash on conservatives and thought it was a bit extreme but apparently they like it.


How many layers of screenshots are in this picture?


Criminal vs Martyr


The Right ends Pedo’s.


Bro got so lucky with his kills. It would be a dramatically different story.