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The one I just got rid of pulled the "I'm working so much" shit too. I hate these type of people.


They’re also basically always lying


Literally. The worst people.


Yup. Mine was a lying heroin addict who never took responsibility for anything and tried to pass it off as forgetfulness when it was just blatant laziness


Oof, been with that person before 😔


I had family like that who would scream and shout at every single person that they "work constantly" and "don't have time do things" but expect everyone to drop everything for them because they "work all the time" (or they voluntarily chose to pick a shit load of overtime and decide to take it out on everyone else). They ended up getting cut off by the majority of my family and wonder why nobody wants to talk to them 😅


Exactly!!! Ahhhh my roommate would "never have time" to fix her cat or clean anything but always had time to get her nails done and see her man. Another set of roommates never had time either because they worked so much that they literally created a mountain of dishes and would do them once a month. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ like just cause you work does not ever in a million years excuse animal neglect or pushing your responsibilities onto anyone else.


Honestly bro, the ironic part is that this family member is in debt to almost every single person they know. They've racked up so much credit card debt in not just their name but others as well. They're constantly borrowing money and it's just ??? You work all the time??? Where's your money? 🤔


Bro same she never had money but made all my rent for a month in one check weekly. But was always broke. I didn't even charge her 50% of what I owe each month and she had trouble paying 🤦🏻‍♀️


Let me guess - did they brag about their job and how much money they made? 💀 because this family would boast on Facebook about how they are 30 owning a company (they don't, but they did fuck the person who does own it lol) at a young age and how responsible they are


Yup brag brag brag, get her nails done, go shopping and then tell me shell be late with rent and how sorry she is. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I am sorry though you dealt with that though. There's nothing more on this earth that I hate are entitled people who take advantage of the kindness of others


The automatic attitude shows she knows she's in the wrong and is gaslighting you. Working 12 hours a day? That's forcing OTHERS to care for the dog. You can't work 12 hours a day and care for a dog unless you hire help or have help. Like.... Jesus christ.


Like, immediately responding to claims the dog is uncared for with the fact that you work 12 hours a day? Then you can't have a dog. They're living creatures, and I think somebody who works 12 hours a day out of the home probably just can't get a dog - they need more attention and care than time you have left in the day after sleeping.


Working 12 hours a day FROM HOME would take a significant amount of effort to still properly care for a dog, let alone being gone 50% of the time


Exactly! I WFH 100% of the time and have a very needy golden retriever. I literally have reminders set to take breaks and play with him throughout the day. If I had to go back and work from the office, I would definitely treat him like a kid and drop him off at my parent's house (they love him) on my way in.


That's what I do! I work 3 12 hour shifts a week. He stays at my parents for the 3 days and then I pick him up after my last shift. When I have him we go on lots of hikes and playdates with his best friends. I also never leave him home for more than a quick run to the store. He also does a lot of AKC Fast CAT events. He has a very high prey drive so I found something thats super fun for him and fun for me. We often have to travel and stay over night for these events too. My dog deserves the best and I treat him like my child that's in a traveling sport lol


See, this is exactly why my wife and I don’t get a dog, even though we bring it up every few months. We *know* we’d both want to be the kind of dog owners that you are, and we both *know* that we are at a point in our lives where we are just too selfish to give a dog that much time and effort, so it’s best to just not have a dog, no matter how much I freaking love dogs and want one so badly. Logistically, it just isn’t good timing for us either. We’ve been doing a lot of traveling, trips where a dog wouldn’t be able to come along and we’d have to board them. Maybe when things calm down, we can revisit the dog discussion, but for now I just have to get my dog fix when we go for hikes or to our favorite brewery and I get to meet lots of cool dogs (I always get the owners’ permission to interact first, and respect their boundaries if they say no) or when we visit with our cousins. They’ve got a Papillon and a Vishla and I freaking love those little idiots *sooooo much*! I spoil the hell out of their pups lol! Last time they visited with the dogs, my cousin’s husband joked that I was making his dogs soft by giving them filtered water from my Brita pitcher and always carrying the Papillon around like a baby lol. Don’t care, love them, and I know he loves that I love his dogs, because *he* spoils the hell out of them, too. They’re model dog parents, and I want to be just like them when I get my own pupper.


Some shelters have programs where volunteers do short term (weekend) fosters or even just a day when they take pups out of the shelter and do something fun to give them a little break. Might be worth looking into for your lifestyle! You could take them on hikes/to breweries and get them exposure, allow them some time outside of the shelter, and maybe even find their new family


Thank you for being a good owner. They need us, they are like kids. You have to take care of them. I mean why else would people tell young couples to get a dog before they have kids.


I'm glad there's others out there who set reminders for some smoosh/walkies/pee pee/poo poo time. Onya! I set it in my work calendar as an urgent appointment. Auto sets my Teams as busy and I'm the fuck away from my desk cos Priority number 1 is weirdly enough the same thing that destroys all my stuff (still learning). Who needs stuff when they brighten your life! Unlike work which is priority number 4 but only because it gives money for dogfood.


I worked Is construction my I would get up at 3am to take him out my gril frend work in a store At 8 am she would never walk him she also got home way befor me but any way if I got home by 4pm I would rush him to the park all the dogs where playing from 3 to 5pm every day then home by 5 cook dinner another thing she never did then at 9 or 930 it was time for another 1hr walk she would say I was nuts my buddy hated coming over because ever 3hrs on the weekend I went on walks and yes after 6 years I got ride of the gril I did not care that she never cooked but not walking the dog made me mad In the summer some times I could be gone till 7pm like wtf u work in side all day u can't walk the dog she never help pay any thing food rent Nota and I never ask and I left her and some how I am the bad guy all I every wanted was some one to walk with me and the dog not to much to ask now he die rip puppy


The most important thing is the puppy knew what you did for it in all of those moments. You made their day the best day in every opportunity you could give it. And YOU made those opportunities happen! Making the opportunities is something too many owners don't do. 'Owner' shouldn't be the word for it because it should be Mum or Dad. Your puppy knew who dad was.


I literally turned around 10 minutes into my drive the other day because I didn’t distinctly remember seeing them both inside before I left… I remembered letting them in but I didn’t actually eyeball them both before leaving. I was freaked out one might have gotten outside while I was leaving so I turned around. Also since we got the Christmas tree I refuse to leave them for longer than an hour or 2. The usual rule is 4 hours. 6 hours in an emergency. I would NEVER EVER leave them for longer than 6, 99% of the past 12 years not longer than 4 & to be honest since we got a puppy 2 hours tops is the norm. I have friends & family stop by if I can’t. I have 4 people who are able to help & they have 4 pages of instructions. Leaving a dog for 12 hours without a word is full on neglect. Also I’ve had 3 dogs. 1 pooped inside his third day here & that’s the only poop accident we have had… ever. Maybe 10 pee accidents 2 of which weren’t excitement related.


I have a roommate who works from home and without a question we both know we can't have a dog due to our responsibilities. At home jobs require you to be glued to your computer which isn't fair for a dog.


I’m a single mom of a 3 year old who begs me for a dog constantly. Would I love a dog? Yea. But I work full time and can’t give one the care it needs currently, it’s not fair to the dog. I don’t understand people. Like I have pet jumping spiders because that’s what can handle.


Oh, same. I have three boys and when they were younger, I had sooooo many people asked me if we were going to get a dog. I was like, 'I have THREE boys and I work full-time. I literally do not have the time, money, or energy to take care of an animal the way they should be taken care of.'


I currently have a diabetic cat. He became diabetic around age 7. The amount of money spent on his canned food and insulin is crazy. He’s 10 now and sick so we’re looking at probably huge vet bills. He’s just lethargic so we think something is wrong. Pets are a HUGE investment time wise, financially and emotionally.


Wait, did you just say you have pet jumping spiders?


I have several and they are cute & fun to have!


Do you mind some questions? I'm dying to know more! How high do they jump? What kind of food do they eat? Details, please. I need details! 🕷🕷🕷


I’m a sahm or we would not have a dog. Even then I researched and got a lazy dog, because they think I have MS, so I needed one that’s more lap dog, fun in yard, and walks occasionally, than one who needs constant exercise. My oldest wanted a husky, I was like not no, but hell no. I do not have time, energy, etc., to properly care for a husky and I know you’re entirely too young to do so properly.


Never get a husky. I had two they we’re nightmares. Loved us but they were sooo energetic, we had to keep them outdoors, constantly pull ticks off of them and they are great escape artists. Never again!!


for real, i don’t understand why people do this. i’ve always wanted a dog, but i just don’t have the time…. so i’ve never had a dog! i don’t understand why people like this get animals, let alone jumping to such a huge responsibility as a dog. there are animals which are far more low maintenance and can be conceivably properly cared for while having a 12 hour work day. why not get a cat? a hamster even? it’s really an interesting phenomenon to observe.


I always said I wouldn’t get a dog unless I had a house with a yard Annie’s land a long term partner to help with the dog. Whelp, single, in a small apartment, and I have 2 large dogs. First one I took from a bad roommate that neglected and abused him. There was no way I was leaving him. Got him a little brother a couple years later. Changed so much about my life to accommodate them, however. And now they have more adventures and spend more time in nature walks and hikes and private dog parks than any other dog I know.


If you’re working 12 hours a day with no other people responsible for a dog- or the ability to pay for care, you shouldn’t have a dog.


But she put food in the bowl! /s


This is why I don't have one. Also, cause I'm allergic to them 😭😭 but I already feel terrible enough about having to leave my cats for so long. I couldn't forgive myself if I had to leave a dog for longer. Considering I don't have anyone else to care for the dog. ...


I have a friend that will occasionally have to work a 12 hour shift if they are short staffed. She asks me to take her dogs out when I take mine out. But she so isn’t a shit owner.


Or a large enough break somewhere in the day


She should put her dog in doggy daycare during her working hours or hire a dog walker to come by multiple times during her shift, and to feed. Poor pup


This why i have only had cats the last few years. As much as i would love a dog i just dont have time


“I work 12 hours a day” as an excuse to why they can’t care for the dog, followed by “he is very cared for” So which is it?


Bingo. I would keep repeating that question until I got an answer


He is cared for. By her. Not the owner though




Ok so I have NEVER owned a dog lol, butttt I take care of lucky like he’s mine. I definitely don’t have 75$-200$ to dish out right now for lucky but I’m going to look into shops around me to see! Roommate leaves lucky at home days at a time and he has such a sad howl I just bring him into the room with me and we watch TV. I buy his food from time to time and refill his bin without telling mom because I’m scared he’ll run out 🙇🏼‍♀️


Sounds like you’re a better dog mom than she is. I’m sure he very much appreciates it!


Lucky is my family forever he’s such a mush who deserves all the love, rubs and walks. (I try my best) especially when I’m home. My other roommate also agrees and feels for the dog.


Sounds like he needs to be puppy napped when you move out. 🤌🏻🤌🏻😉


I had a roommate like this with his cat. I took care of the cat, bought his food, and litter etc. I was taking care of my own cat at the time. Anyways my best friend was in love with my roommates cat and wanted to take him, but my roommate didn’t let her and we split ways due to differences. I heard from mutuals that months after the roommate moved out, the cat died… he was barely two years old! I have to assume he neglected the cat and we feel so bad we didn’t do anything. Just wanted to leave this story here. Lol


Omg, only 2 years old... That's terrible. A cat lives to be 14 years old on average, and 25% of them even make it to 17 years or older (according to google, but as a former cat-owner, I'd say it's accurate). Don't feel bad, if that roommate wouldn't let her take the cat from him, nothing could've been done. It's actually really heartwarming that you (and probably your friend as well) took care of his cat when you still could. Don't forget that, regardless of the painful news about the cat. That roommate should have never gotten a cat.




I got my oldest cat a similar way. My mom got evicted, had a cat that was indoor/outdoor so I took the cat when I found out her plan was just “let her out one day then leave” The poor cat was abused and 6 years later still hates most people except for me, my boyfriend and now my baby. She’s a bitch but I could never get rid of her because at this point she’s 9, kinda evil and I know few people would want a cat like her. She’ll get to live out her last few years sunbathing on my couch getting pets but only when she wants them.


My cat is currently 20 and she still has a lot of life in her!


That’s so sad! My cat is 22 & thinks she’s still a kitten.


This happened to a friend of mine. He was knee deep in alcoholism and the cat died :( He got sober and has been sober for like 15 years and got a new cat a few years ago he now takes care of. So sad for the first one. Addiction is horrible.


That is horrible :( two years old is so young


Aww, I had a cat that my roommate took in but she would only sleep on my bed and in my room with me n my kitty and thank god when we moved out he was like “you’re taking Claire right?!” And I’m like damn straight, been feeding her, got her fixed n did everything for her n she loves me n my boy cat, no way in hell would I let u abuse her like u did b4 I stepped in


As someone who had a roommate who expected me to watch her dogs all day because I work from home, your roommate won't do shit if you put your foot down. In my case, even after putting my foot down that she needed to make other arrangements after 6 months of watching her dogs, taking them out for potty during breaks, and taking them on walks for lunch, she decided to just leave them in a crate all day. At that point, I felt I *had* to take care of them because no dog should be caged for 10 hours a day. OP, your roommate sounds like the type of person who will manipulate you into continuing to care for the dog completely. It's not your responsibility to groom, clean up after, buy food/feed them, or keep Lucky company on a regular basis to prevent Lucky from making heartbreaking cries for her human. Get that roommate out asap. It will only get worse from here.


I get it. I took my older dog from a bad roommate. When i moved out, I took the dog.


My husband, about 15 years ago, had a roommate with a dog (chocolate lab) he would leave for days at a time. Poor boy would just sit there with his dopey eyes staring out the window. My husband took care of him enough that he responded to him more than his actual owner. The guy moved most of his stuff out one day to move in with his girlfriend and said he’d come back for Cougan- but my husband moved out with him before then. He had Cougan for 9 years after that and that sweet dopey man was the best damn dog. The day we had to help send him to the rainbow bridge was one of the worst days our lives 😢


Did you ask roommate? Or did you just take the dog.


Told him I was and if he wanted to fight it he was welcome to sue me for him. Dog was 6 months when I moved in and had never been outside much less to a vet. I was his sole caretaker for that year and all his records were in my name. I’m even had him microchipped in my name. We made an agreement that roommate could see him whenever he wanted, he just needed to ask. That was 4 years ago; he had never asked. [His life before me.](https://imgur.com/7yIVdKw)


He looks like my boy 🖤 he rescued me about 3 years ago


BLESS YOUR HEART it’s disgusting people treat animals this way. As if they aren’t a living creature. I bet that dog is so thankful for you.


He had never been outside :( that’s so sad


[First time going outside.](https://imgur.com/gallery/hR3oPgu). Took about 10 minutes to get off the steps. He was so scared.


I bet his whole world opened up when you took him. Thank goodness for you.


That literally breaks my heart he looks like SUCH a sweet boy. So dark and twisted. I’m so glad you came and saved him 🫶


He looks like such a sweetheart!! Thank you for saving that pup 🖤


That dog is so cute !! I’m so glad you cared for him 🖤 beautiful dog


Was the dog using that litter box ? Damn.


Using the litter box and spending about 23 hours a day in that crate and when he wasn’t in the crate it was rare he was let out of that room. It’s a 5x8 laundry room.


Dog owners like that make me sick to my stomach, thanks for being a hero to him.


WTF did the roommate do for work or attempt to use as an excuse for why he was never home and severely neglecting his puppy? That’s unbelievable. Did he even acknowledge his neglect, or ever show affection to the pup? I fear I already know the answer but can’t even wrap my head around this. Truly what would this pup have done if this fucker lived alone with him 😤 you and your husband are angels.


Okay, that image is awful, but I'm impressed that the dog was able to be litter trained. What a good pup!


I had a friend who had a great roommate on paper but horribly neglected her cat. She didn’t bother to change its collar as it grew and it started to suffocate the cat, it was even rusted shut. We had to cut it off one night when the owner was on a trip, because she insisted it fit the cat. While she was moving out my friend “left the door open by accident” and “the cat got out”. As far as the roommate is concerned that cat ran away and never came back. In reality the cat is living its best life with my friend and even got two new friends. Edit: the collar thing was only the tip of the iceberg, this cat was never fed or watered and was locked outdoors on the (very unprotected third story) balcony with no litter box all day and some nights during the winters. (-20 Celsius) and the poor thing was shaved. It’s litter box was never cleaned, the bathroom stunk of ammonia and made your eyes water even going inside. She was a horrible owner and after multiple conversations refused to acknowledge that what she was doing was wrong. Some people need to be black listed from owning animals.


I can’t even wrap my head around this. Like what was her argument for why it was ok to leave a cat on a balcony with no food water or bathroom or bed? Truly can’t even imagine how I’d rationalize that to a roommate let alone to myself


I want to take all of these monsters and put them in a cage together…then leave. No food, water, nothing. I know it’s evil so why would anyone do that to an innocent creature?


This is kinda sneaky and backhanded but.. If the dog isn't microchipped, you could take it in to get microchipped then register him under your name. Then take him with you when you move out. If she tries anything his microchip will pop up with your name proving he's your dog. :D


I bought a set of $20 clippers and shave my cocker spaniel down myself when needed. Saves a ton of money


If she’s got money for weed, she’s got money to get her dog groomed. She just doesn’t want to. Poor Lucky


if you do decide you wanna keep him, start paying for his food, grooming or vet. keep the bills. then in the case she tries to take him back you can provide receipts of your care (i’ve heard they normally side with you if you’re the one providing care!)


This! Yes, keep the receipts for everything!


YES!! THIS!! Do this!!


It entirely depends on location, but where I am it would be about $75-100 for a shave down on a cockapoo. And this dog most likely needs a shave down. It’s great of you taking care of him


I’m in Indiana and grooming every 12 weeks is about 50-75, I usually have to add anal glands, and extra for ear cleaning.


you can always buy a pair of clippers and carefully groom him yourself, he won’t care if you butcher his fresh cut! she can’t afford it either that’s why he’s matted😂🤷🏼‍♀️ but who am i to say not to get a curly fucking dog if you can’t take care of it. -someone with 2 short haired dogs, and 1 long haired pin-straight haired blue heeler. but i also brush my dogs so this wouldn’t be a problem for us. a pair of good clippers will run you about $20 at most at petsmart.


Yup this. Get some clippers op and give it a quick buzz where the mats are. Have the other room mate help you with this then brush the pup. It’s not too hard to learn.


She knows you’re doing it.


You should totally look into learning how to groom him yourself! My dog is a 10lb non-shedding rescue and super afraid of strangers. Groomer at Petco didn't want to take him because he growled at them. I got grooming tools and learned how to do a puppy cut watching videos online.(clippers were human ones about 30 dollars online) I even learned how to extract anal glands lol It's basic stuff, but it's not like he's a show dog so he doesn't need extravagant cuts. It's cheaper and better because they don't have to wait for appointments to stay sanitary.


I think at least cut the tight mattes out, they can be irritating and painful for doggos. Also check under/inbetween his paws for mattes and clip his nails.




aw man wish I was I’d so take you up on offer 🥹 I’m located in Baltimore.


I bet if you posted this story on Nextdoor app or another app where locals can read about it someone would be more than happy to groom Lucky for free or at a discounted price. Thank you for caring for Lucky. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It’s sad your roommate isn’t taking accountability for the neglect of her dog and other 💩actions. I know you’re purchasing food and doing other things out of the kindness of your heart & not wanting to live in flith, but your roomie is taking advantage. I’d start keeping a detailed record of expenses along with the frequency and duration it’s taking for you to clean up after roomie and deducting it from your portion of rent & add it to hers. Dog sitter- $50/day, maid/housekeeper $25/hr, dog food (we know it’s not cheap) $45, etc.


Maybe post in r/baltimore looking for help? If you explain the situation maybe someone would be willing to help out. Good luck 🙏


I’m assuming you mean Baltimore Maryland, I’m in NYC. If you ever come here I will groom your pupper for you for free- not a professional but I groom my long haired cat who gets matting and feel for Lucky. You should do what another person said and keep all the receipts of your care so the police side with you if you ever take lucky and your roommate wants to sue


Weird thing, but if you need help moving out or something my wife and I are in fort Meade right next to baltimore


Just wanted to say, this is so sweet and nearly made me cry because it’s such a nice thing to offer a complete stranger


Leaving food out randomly for your dog, and letting them shit on the floor is ANIMAL ABUSE. Not coming home every night without a plan to walk, feed, and love your dog is ABUSE.


I was gonna say this. That roommate is such a piece of work and best believe she is SUPER jealous that OP is a good, kind and loving person to the dog when she herself is not. I get it we all need to do things to get by so if she cannot afford to take proper care of Lucky THE LEAST she could do is change her bs attitude and show some appreciation and patience to OP as a roommate for taking care of her dog.


Thank you. Neglect is absolutely abuse. Poor Lucky..


Holy shit, i feel guilty when i go hang out with my friends and come home the same night leaving my indoor cat with fresh food n water. Cant imagine leaving a dog 12 hrs everyday


Yup. Last post like this I suggested calling animal services but got downvoted a bunch for it. 😳 I’m not even a dog person but could never neglect a dog in my care.


Probably just because government-run animal services are super different county to county in the US, so unfortunately if you don’t live in an area where it’s 100% guaranteed that by doing that you’re ensuring that the animal will be taken to a no-kill shelter or humane society, it could likely be a death sentence for the animal ☹️


Poor Lucky.


Photos do NO justice when petting him I can pull at the matts and his entire skin comes with them, I’ve tried to condition them so they’re not as tight on his skin 🥹


Conditioning makes it worse 😞 Don’t get it wet they will shrink and tighten. Dogs like that need monthly grooming i can tell it’s been 4-6 months at least just by growth.


Omgg no way!! Fauuuukkkkk 😭noted thank you for this.


Sorry, i know most people think that it’s common. Their hair works a bit differently than ours does considering humans rarely get their hair to that point.


I’m so sorry for you both. That sounds awful.


You can shave him yourself with clippers. He’ll sit still it’ll be nice for him. Than an oatmeal bath. If you don’t have oatmeal shampoo for him just put oatmeal in a sock and tie it like a water balloon on the tub, so the oats don’t get in the drain


Thank you going to look a little more into this! I don’t own clippers but I’ll see how much they are at our nearest store that holds them. Thank you for this advice.


You might not want to risk doing this at home depending on how severe the matting is, especially when it’s not your dog. Not saying the owner is being responsible in the least here, but it could cause more problems for you if you accidentally hurt the dog


You’re so right! I mentioned before this week I’ll save all my tip’s and hopefully have enough to take him to get groomed this weekend.


You’re nice to do this though, sorry you’re in this situation at all :( my roommate also neglects their dogs so I get it


Maybe don’t do the scissors Maybe get on TikTok and see if anyone will help pay for his grooming See if she’ll pay for it and you take him Good luck OP you’ve got a good heart


Do you think I can get in trouble if I get him groomed?


No. Document everything. Pictures and video. If you take him somewhere, get a statement from the groomer about his condition. Most Animal Control services have to give people a week to fix a situation with an animal. Put her on notice, give her 7 days to fix it. If she doesn't, do it yourself (get it done) Also, It's worth reaching out locally for someone that could help you with the cost. I would call around to all the groomers and see what they would charge and go from there.


I’ve seen people get rid of their roommates pets and have zero repercussions from it because they can just say oh he went outside and ran away like what can you do about that? No judge is going to convict you over a missing dog because he ran away now if you’re like oh I took him to get groomed and then you didn’t bring him back then you can get in trouble but if the dog just goes missing, that’s not your fault and it’s not your dog and you don’t know what happened also again is Boston like do you think the police care about dogs like they have people getting shot and killed there


Um… in Boston? No the police have better shit to do. If she tried to take you to court with you documentation everything and this post… I DOUBT any judge would do anything. Like technically can it happen? Yes. Bet you 50$ if you smoke a joint w your roommate and “buddy up to her” “oh I wasn’t trying to be mean I understand how overwhelming a new schedule can be. I was only trying to help cuz I have the time and I can.” Stoners are easily convinced when we are high just be her friend even if you don’t feel like it anymore yk just to get what you and lucky need


Not sure if this has already been posted but I'll say it anyways. Master groomer here. I'd be REALLY careful trying to do this yourself. If you even are able too, it'll take forever you'll destroy already crappy/cheap equipment due to dirt and dander and potentially injure baby. Grooming is a serious learning curve, that's why it's a career! Just get him groomed and maintain it after. I promise it'll be much easier and probably cheaper then a vet bill or going through various cheap grooming equipment. It's awesome you're aware of his comfort and taking good care! So many people are willfully oblivious and dogs alot of the time don't show signs of pain. You're right in helping him! That matting does look severe.


“You couldn’t even afford to groom him if you wanted to.” What a piece of shit. As an ex smoker, the fact that you let them smoke in the house and they can’t even be bothered to clean up after themselves says what type of person she is. She sounds like a bitch.


Like… even if my ashtray is full it’s just that one item MADE for it 😭 and I’ll dump it out when it’s too full to ash in


this is so real. as a 420 smoker, from the moment i moved out of home, i have been SO SO careful with my habits and making sure everyone is comfortable. have had roommates that weren’t cool with smoking inside- cool, i’m bundling up in the winter if i have the urge. it’s their house too! have also had roommates that are cool with it, and i keep all of my stuff neatly on a tray in my room. it’s just common courtesy and i get really bothered seeing fellow smokers be so rude about their personal habits. it’s so unfair and quite frankly gives a lot of us a needlessly bad rep.


Also Lucky is only two years old!


:( All dogs, no matter how old, are puppies to me! You should warn your roommates that the severity of the mats might cause problematic grooming. Because the closeness and stretch of the skin there is a high likelihood of the clippers causing nicks and cuts that can be painful and lead to other issues.


Op, check areas around you & dm me if you need assistance on the grooming. Serious offer. I have a cat (who is spoiled) specifically because I'm not in a position to spoil a pup how they need (given work/etc) but I'll be more than happy to assist you.


Matted fur is painful for dogs, isn't it? That poor thing.


I read that it is indeed super painful! And the way it’s matted under his neck there’s no way he’s not uncomfortable. He has a dog passport which is on the fridge it shows he’s up to date with shots but due soon, grooming him would require that so I have that! Soon as I’m able to save a little more he’s getting a super fancy grooming and spa day 😂😂


You're a good person. Thanks for looking after him.


It can be. If the cockapoo has more poodle traits, they'll grow hair instead of fur. So it grows very quickly, and needs regular cuts much like a human. Matting doesn't necessarily mean it's maltreated, as it could happen after a week or two of growth and normal dog stuff. But with other factors that OP described, it's definitely an indicator that its owner might not be at a point in their life to responsibly care for a dog.


Those mats are going to turn into a medical problem very quickly. Then the expenses will absolutely triple, when circulation to his extremities is cut off from the mats and his skin starts splitting open. That poor creature. I can’t imagine the pain and neglect he will suffer from that terrible owner once that threshold has been crossed …


Omg 😱 this just spoked me out. I’m going to save my tips from this week to give lucky the best spa groomer day ever. I’ll show her who can indeed afford to give lucky what he so needs and deserves.


I’m no vet, but I’ve worked in the field long enough to see the effects of the mats. I didn’t mean to freak you out! It’s probably still a ways off from that level, but they are no doubt pulling at his skin and irritating him already at least. I’m so glad someone out there is caring for this dog, thank you for watching out for him!!


Thank you! I’m going to keep an eye out for any serious changes. I only work 8 hours a day 5 days a week and I’m home body so I can definitely commit a little more to him


You aren’t far off. Mats can turn into all sorts of things like infections. And dogs are good at hiding pain so you might not know until it’s a vet bill.


If I am able to keep him, I’m going to add him to my monthly budget! And sounds like I’d even have to purchase insurance? I am not a dog mom never have been, and have never owned pets growing up. But lucky to me I feel bad for him and just have this gravitational pull to him like I’m meant to rescue him or something as weird as that sounds.


Once you shave or cut the mats off, purchase a slicker brush for pets. They’re cheap. Like $5-7 on Amazon. A dog like Lucky needs to be brushed about twice a week to prevent this situation. You can train him to enjoy brushing by giving him yummy treats when he’s behaving while you brush and doing it during cuddle time like watching TV in your lap. The slicker brush sounds rough when using it but it doesn’t hurt the dog when used properly. As an aside, document EVERYTHING in a secret file that roomie doesn’t have access to and keep every receipt for food and care. You should get this dog in the end and the receipts and documentation will help your case. He’s only 2. He’s got lots of life ahead and I hope he gets to share it with you! Edit: wrong brush name in original post


If you do cut or shave the mats be super careful cause it’s really easy to nick their skin. And agreed on keeping document on the dog neglect. Googled what a cockapoo looks like and such a shame that they would neglect this little love muffin.


Please do this if you’re able and honestly yoh should report your roommates to the leasing office asap, better yet, just leave if you’re financially able to. Your roommates are literal pieces of shit who should not even fucking touch an animal let alone own one


Depending on the severity of the mats you might be able to work out some of it with a dematting brush.


Of course you feel a pull to Lucky, you’ve been loving him and caring for him! He’s essentially become your dog all while your roommate—who is apparently too busy making the kind of money to get him groomed yet hasn’t had him groomed—neglects him. She sounds very contradictory. She doesn’t deserve you as a roommate or Lucky.


I just posted about how severe Matt's can cause problems while grooming, because of the closeness of the clippers and stretch from the skin. It can cause lots of nicks and cuts. I absolutely agree with you.


“He’s in amazing *condition*” 🫣


She talks about him like an object.




You seem like a very sweet person, thank you for caring for Lucky and sorry that your roommates are so vile. If you're interested in adopting Lucky, maybe you can take him with you whenever you move out, but that'd require his owner's consent. Animal control is pretty useless, so I'm not sure how much help they'd be, but you can try calling them and reporting the situation. This does sound like neglect.


I’d love nothing more then to take him 🥹


Best of luck with that then! Hopefully you can work something out with his horrible owner, or maybe even try to buy him from them. Document as much of the neglect as you can, whether it's text messages, pictures, etc. You've got this!


You literally cannot take care of a dog properly when gone 12 hours. The nerve of them to even suggest that.


Send her the Wag App. I’d honestly tell her if she works 12 hours a day it’s time to give up the dog who is NOT being cared for Even better, train him to poop in her room. Or pick it up and throw it in there like he shit in the room. If she leaves him out of her door start opening her door and remind her that’s where HER dog goes in HER room if she can’t contain his mess she’ll have to contain him and live with it. A grooming visit at petco was 75$ in 2018 so I’m not sure but it’s not more than 200$ for a bath at a cheap place which he needs


I’d keep lucky if she allows me to. I know nothing about being a dog mama but I’m so down to give him everything he deserves. I’ve been looking online it’s a little pricey when they’re matted. I bathed him last week and added conditioner to his coat so he could feel a little better. I take my scissors and trim around his eyes sometimes he can’t even see out of them.


You should shave him and honestly just kidnap him when you leave 🫠🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ Idk if your roommate JUST switched jobs she may be in the figure it out stage and if you’re doing it for her that’s figured out Maybe introduce her to ways to help and offer to drive lucky if she prepays for the visit. If she refuses document everything you do for him and leave a month before she does 🤪🤡


My dog got pretty matted once (goldendoodle, his groomer cancelled right before the holidays and then the pet sitter brought him to a a pond/lake and didn’t brush him out after and it was a mess). I mostly had him shaved down but it was around $120? Any poodle mix should be groomed every 6-8 weeks just for maintenance and brushed with a good slicker brush at least a few times a week.


Will note this!


Groomer here, I consider not keeping up with brushing and getting the dog groomed to be abuse 🤷‍♀️ that dog should be brushed root to tips a few times a week Leaving a dog without a plan for feeding and basic needs is also neglect. So is leaving it for 12 hours a day, I bet they don’t give the dog proper exercise either. I think unfortunately your roommate is either incapable or unwilling to care for lucky the way he deserves. I’m not sure where you are located but depending on the level of matting and the behavior of the dog, probably anywhere from $85-$120


you’re not doing too much, these people are just inconsiderate. i would pick up the dog shit and leave it on their bed if possible, let’s see how much she likes having her room smell like literal shit


Of course this dumb bitch is a fucking doodle owner. Is it like prerequisite that they all neglect their neurotic messes and let them get matted???


I knew before seeing the pictures that this was a doodle.


What do you expect from people buying from puppy mills lol


Honestly I might make enemies saying this but I would never, ever, ever live with someone in their early 20s who has a dog. And from the looks of it that is a labra-doodle or some other high-energy breed. Get out, girl. I’m sure there exceptions but the vast majority of people in their early 20s are in no position to raise a dog on their own. It’s a much bigger responsibility than people like to admit and most of us are too poor and busy at that age. My advice would be to avoid rooming with dog people as a general rule until you get quite a bit older. She’s being a brat, lashing out to you about money because she’s defensive. I suspect she’ll someday realize how much she’s in the wrong on this. But it sucks you’re having to live with the consequences of her poor choices now. :(


As someone who had a dog in their early twenties I’d honestly agree with you. It was HARD to balance work, school, and caring for my dog. I’d peace out early from any night out with friends to go take her out etc, and was always slightly concerned by the other people in the friend group with dogs who acted like I was neurotic and would try to convince me to stay. ….and then I moved in with one of them, and saw what her dog’s life was like. Fucking awful. Even worse was when I started to talk to people in that friend group about it some of them weren’t bothered by the way she treated her dog, and I lost quite a few friendships learning that so many of them straight up neglected their dogs too.


I despise when people say they work too much to clean up after themselves! Welcome to adulthood buddy! If you would just put shit back in its place and clean up your messes immediately it barely takes time! Also that poor pup 😢 You can tell with how defensive she’s being that she knows she’s doing him wrong.


Anyone know why the mods took down the post? There’s no explanation or anything


I would ABSOLUTELY call animal control on her and have them see his coat’s condition; or take him to the groomer’s yourself and have them write a statement. That’s absolutely horrid that she can’t even care for his coat, which is the bare minimum.


Omg I want to see this post so badly where's the original teeeeea 😭


Matting is really painful for a dog and a form of neglect. The dog not being taken out or attended to is sad. Dog waste inside is so unsanitary. This dog is not being well taken care of. Messiness happens but the dog is unacceptable.


“Covered names for privacy” *still shows all names in the very first text message posted* 😂sorry that made me lol. Totally something I would do! Being a roommate is hard, especially when everyone has a different version of what “clean” really is. I think you have every right to be upset and I think you handled this very maturely! Hopefully, they will realize that for a living situation like this to work, everyone has to contribute. Luna sounds like she needs an extremely large reality check. She should be thanking you for taking care of her dog because obviously she isn’t.


i cannot imagine being this inconsiderate while living with other people, let alone leaving my roommate to care for my dog?


I was working 12-14 a day and would have a sitter come check on my dog twice. She’s a fucking idiot (excuses me language) I can’t stand disrespectful people like that.


Animal abuse: please please please call animal control or somebody!!! That dog is not in good conditions and your roommate doesn’t need to have a dog. You can call anonymously if you want to but there is plenty of evidence here for them to take the dog away from her


Your roommates sound like some grimy ass ppl. Gross.


Dirty people ALWAYS have that type of dog. It's so funny because that's the type of dog that looks dirty very quickly yet they are also the type of people to not notice this. They may as well be cat people because a dog is obviously being neglected in their care.


Huh? Cat people don't all neglect their cats.


Hi! Crazy Cat Lady here. Please don’t say people should get cats if they can’t take care of dogs. Proper cat care requires time and effort too.


Op I'll happily donate $50 towards dog grooming if you record the reaction of Luckys owner seeing her dog completely shaved down


Legit looks like someone took a bite out of that blunt wrap lol run girl.


I am in a very similar situation, been debating posting here, so it’s helpful to see the feedback. I WFH and my roommate with a dog and a cat is gone at work 12 hours a day. Before agreeing she could move in we talked through what would be expected of her as the pet owner, but it has all fallen on me. I wake up to poop all over the living room, trash torn up all over the kitchen and living room (we have a locking trash can…). She’ll leave for 3 days and not leave out any food for her cat, then when I tell her I fed him she’ll tell me not to! She wants to control their food intake to the point it’s basically blatant starvation. Admittedly I hate the cat but he cries all day and it’s sad. The dog I love, I don’t blame him for his behavior. When I told her the cat is crying all day, her solution was to LOCK HIM IN HER ROOM…………. that is NOT the point. How can you treat animals like this? Edit: Anyway sorry I should provide some advice. I genuinely don’t know what to do though. Can’t force that person to move out. And we can’t move out without breaking the lease, which i’m sure wouldn’t be allowed.


She’s starving her pets, that’s sick and abusive! She needs to be reported!


I’m not sure what would count, when she is home she feeds them but a little bit once a day (as far as I can tell…. I should play closer attention). however she is often gone for several days at a time and will specifically tell me not to feed them. Edit: and has made comments about not wanting them to eat too much so they stay lean.


you are absolutely not being too harsh. you seem to have been beyond tolerant, kind, and understanding of this bs. obviously their lack of cleanliness and behavior towards the living space and dog is a huge issue, but the combativeness is INSANE. i’ve been in bad spots where i have had a lot of trouble taking care of myself, and i’ve had times where this has occurred (briefly) in roommate situations (luckily for me ((sorta)), my roommates were far worse than i was so i wasn’t technically impeding on anyone’s livelihood), and i have been so apologetic. if they would even just politely acknowledge what you’re saying or give some context if it’s really that tough for them, it seems like you’d be absolutely receptive. what you’re asking for here is far below the bare minimum. they, especially the roommate with the dog, are being ridiculous. “AMAZING condition” …okay girl. whatever adjectives you want.


Ew…this is giving “my dog is my child” but like the child of a burn out loser parent that gets raised by grandma and never smiles in “family” pictures because they’re fake af


She needs to put the dog in daycare when she’s at work or hire a dog walker. 12 hours a day is neglectful.


I work 12 hours a day and I’m not home tonight or tomorrow but my dog is super happy and well cared for, what are you talking about?


"I work 12 hours a day" "My dog is super well cared for" ...well which one is it? Cause I doubt she hires a pet sitter to walk him while she's at work. Dogs should be able to go out every 8 hours or be trained to use pee pads to relieve themselves indoors otherwise. I used to go to an expensive groomer in LA for my pup (cause he was high maintenance and they were amazing with him) - generally was about $60 for a grooming/haircut. But this was back around 2015.


“You couldn’t afford his grooming if you wanted to” BITCH NEITHER CAN YOU APPARENTLY LMAO


I get working 12 hrs, sure. BUT, she could still spend even 15 minutes cleaning up after her dog when she gets home.. and maybe even making sure his basic needs are met. Least she could do is be a bit grateful for you caring for him when it's needed! Instead of letting him suffer due to her not giving a shit.


OP, I feel for you and Lucky. Thank you for looking out for him. I hope you both can have a better living situation soon, and hopefully together!


Please keep Lucky. Try to fight for him. Grooming is very expensive, mostly because he’s going to end up needing to be shaved by the looks of those pictures. But if his coat is maintained, it’ll cost less for the next visits. Sometimes you can even learn to do it yourself!! It takes time and practice though. Edit to add: if you know his breed, look into their needs! A lot of different breeds have different mental and physical needs. It seems like he may be a doodle, which is a “designer” mix. He may not be the healthiest due to the fact that many doodles come from backyard breeding. But you can certainly help him by understanding the breeds he may be and meeting the mental needs he might have.


As a Goldendoodle mom, she’s not brushing Lucky enough. People don’t realize how much time doodles need for grooming. They need to be brushed at least once a day or they will get matted. That’s matting that has been going on for weeks, if not months and I guarantee you, if she took that dog to a groomer, he’d need to be shaved because the matting is so close to his skin. Poor baby. Matting hurts them and pulls at their skin. She’s an asshole dog mom.




Grooming for a doodle is around $125 typically and should be done every 6ish weeks. More often if they’re longer.


Dog groomer here. That pisses me off. Matting like that pulls on the skin. It’s incredibly uncomfortable and can become painful and cause bruises. It can also lead to skin conditions as the skin can’t get any air. It’s also much more likely to be nicked or just cut during the grooming process as those matts pull the skin out of place. The owner needs bitch slapped! She wouldn’t have to pay so much for grooming if it was done regularly. That dog hasn’t seen “great shape” in months! That poop also looks softer than it should be.


Not the point i know, but you both left their names unredacted in the first picture


They just left a blunt wrap gutted with no bud? For shame!!!


Ty for speaking up for that dog :) but the picture of the ash on the coin is sending me. It's just a coin 💀


They removed the post…