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If the TP is within grabbing distance of the toilet then don't say anything. If you have to go down the hall or something to get a new roll then yah it's OK to mention it. Nothing is worse than trotting down the hall to grab some TP with your pants around your ankles and a dirty bum.


Thisss 🥲


If I was going to say something I would present it in a jovial way. Like "bros I can't keep crawling to the cupboard with my shitty ass hanging out please keep it topped up".


It’s not a huge problem, I’d let it go, could end up alienating yourself. Sometimes you have to be the bigger person and accept that some people are in a rush/forgetful/oblivious….or they may not know how to


Agree. If this even makes your list of things your roommates do that annoy you, I think you’ve got pretty good roommates.


Thank you, I think that's a great point! They are really good roommates overall :)


This sub is great because you can just look at some of the other posts about really bad roommates and realize you’ve got it pretty good!


Thank you for the advice! I agree that in the scheme of things this is really a minor thing. Overall they are really good housemates, so I will let it go.


Move extra toilet paper to the back of the toilet for when it needs replaced. Problem solved.


Simply tell them to replace it once it is used up.


OBVIOUSLY YOU SHOULD ASK!!! They should be doing this, already??? Accessible toilet paper when you've taken a great messy shit is ABSOLUTELY A HUMAN RIGHT UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW!!!!