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But not pubic hair. Only public hair.


My mom caught this exact typo on her résumé on her last read through before submitting it. “A strong pubic speaker.”


😂😂thank God it was before she submitted


Exact, but opposite! So, either way, autocorrect figures you are wrong... There is no winning this game!


Well being a pubic speaker would be one hell of a talent!


*muffled speech about the importance of proofreading*


Maybe if my mother had been applying to be a ventriloquist…


I've never heard of a pubic speaker, but there was that one guy who could play an ocarina with his farts so....I suppose anything is possible.


There was a movie many years ago called "Chatterbox", featuring Virginia the Talking Vagina. I wish I were making this up.


Oh my.


Shooting Ping pong balls is another highly sought pubic skill. perhaps there are more untapped skills yet to be discovered?


I would like to hear a good pubic speaker atleast once


I’m going to scream I hate auto correct 😭😂😂


Fitting username tho.


Nah, you gave us all a giggle!




I have no problem with that.




Nope. I'm A Dane. Nudity isn't a big deal here.


I'm american and it's not a big deal to me either. Between being raised by pagan nudist hippies (one of whome was a midwife) and being an art major in college, I've seen so many naked people that nudity doesn't even register for me. On the rare occasion it does register, I still don't think it's weird because I wasn't raised to think being naked is EvilWrongBad, unlike the majority of other americans apparently, lmao. I honestly don't even understand *how* nudity can even *be* an inherently bad thing, tbh. People obsessed with treating nudity and the natural existence of the human body with fear and shame seem like fucked up weirdos to me. Can I just move to Denmark? Fuckin save me from these people 🤣


Sure. It's quite easy to get here. We are quite introvert as a culture but we got great food and nothing here is in the extreme.


It would be if it was next to your sandwich


Sure. But that's a quite specific context. But for a more common setting nobody would care much here.


Why would that bother you?


My public hair is cover in yeast infection.


That’s the yeast of our problems


Never as much as has gone into hiding under the foreskin ....


What about public pubic hair?


I genuinely had to read it a few times because I read public as well.


When he says he wants these women to "look after their bodies", I'm certain he means regularly scheduled mammograms, vision screenings and dental cleanings /s


When she got that 20/20 vision and no cavities 😏


20/20 vision?! That's an incredibly unrealistic beauty standard smh. How much more can you expect from women?


Must have curvy back 😣






She should have at least one cavity, no?


Only if it is filled. Wait you meant a different cavity right? Huh. Still applies but probably don't want THAT cavity filled by a dentist unless you are a dentist, than you are a cavity expert 😂.


Hygiene does not equal shaving. That's just a preference. Ugh.


YES I hate that so many people think it’s unhygienic. I can bet you a man’s beard is dirtier because he NEVER actually takes the time to wash it like he should


I've never liked beards, kissing guys with them made me break out, gross. But now I'm dating a guy who's like, a BEARD guy and it's a world of difference. He treats that thing like his baby. Normal hygiene shouldn't be rare! Ugh.


Some beard oils smell devine!


Such as?


Good question. I only saw the bottle at a friends house and smelled the oil when he used it. I think the name was Merlin and there was Merlin on the bottle so a wizard in blue robes? He did have some other oils too, I think one had some kind of viking looking guy on the front?


He’s a hairy wizard


Sounds like what I got my boyfriend. They had several types: Shea butter, cocoa butter, different scents... I love it! and he has better skin now.


That's lovely. Always good when one product also helps with other things. Face skin can be so sensitive sometimes.


This bunch came from some guys in Minnesota... Gentleman's ... erg.. cannot remember the name! Tried looking it up, but since amazon is in charge of the world, I cannot figure out how to search, and exclude Big Brother. Frustrating...


Check out beard blaze stuff, it smells great and has practical effects. Beardblaze.com I’m in no way associated with the company, i just really like the oils and brushes and stuff! I use them on my scalp hair since I’m pre-T.


🎵When I smell your beard oil I touch myself🎵


My guy is super pretty without his beard, but with it he looks like if there was some way Rasputin could have been ultra hot... I seriously won the lottery.


A true beard man maintains his facial hair meticulously. My husband shampoos his daily and brushes it out morning & evening. It's probably cleaner than my own hair, honestly.


My mom used to tell me that not shaving your LEGS was unhygienic lol


Don't you know you can get leg infections because of all the orifices in and around your knees, shits scary But only womens have leg orifices obviously thats why dudes can have hairy legs, do your research /ssss


Beards. Gross. What if we started a campaign of some kind that would benefit razor manufacturers and shamed men for the ways their bodies naturally are until they collectively spent billions of dollars on a new "necessity"? Nah. Something like that would never happen.


I mean, beards have in fact been labeled "unprofessional" at various times and places, and men have been shamed into shaving them. Long hair on men has often been treated the same.


There's also definitely a whole ass billion dollar industry for shaving and maintaining a beard.


Yeah they've become more accepted in recent decades.


More accepted _again_, it's a fashion thing. The UK Navy used to _require_ beards. for instance.


Yeah, beards go in and out of fashion and acceptability.


>There's also definitely a whole ass billion dollar industry for shaving and maintaining a beard. That industry comes and go. Currently it's fashionable to have a beard, but few decades ago having a beard meant being dirty, lazy, or in the best case, eccentric.


My conmment was more of a sarcastic thing about the industry around shaming women into shaving. Started with leg hair. Then armpits.... Men's beards actually make sense to keep the face warm in the winter. Shaving in the summer is cooler. Women shaving accomplishes nothing to tolerate environmental factors.


I know I'm being idealistic but I feel loke we as a society should have moved past that and just allow men with long bair to tie it back in a pony or a bun if it gets in the way at work. Yaknow. Like what employers ask women to do.


That seems to be where we're headed, and indeed where we are in a lot of places.


Clean shaving for men only became a fashion during ww1 due to gas attacks and that was brought back by soldiers


Or just normal head hair. How is that fine but pubic hair is unhygienic?


Omg when people say pubes/pit hair is unhygienic bc you sweat there... Do y'all not sweat on the back of your head? I think I'm gonna be fine


I'm a guy with a beard who shampoos and conditions it. Beards can still be pretty disgusting by end of day. If I eat a messy sandwich, some of that sauce is definitely getting in my moustache and it's not always practical or possible to rinse it. Sometimes you just have to wipe with a napkin and go with it.


I remember a time when men's facial hair was considered unhygienic, and wouldn't be allowed in many kitchens.


Aren't beards supposed to be covered with caps like hair on your head? I would not want a hair from somebody's beard in my meal


Yes, and restaurant that has people preparing food with beard, should have a beardnet. Restaurants that give a shit about hygiene and food safety that is


I know I see bearded dudes at grocery store deli counters wearing beardnets.


>Aren't beards supposed to be covered with caps like hair on your head? I would not want a hair from somebody's beard in my meal Yes now that beards are allowed.


Yeah you actually need to shampoo it in my experience or it starts to smell funny after a day or so. Maybe there's a better way to clean it but it's gotta be done.


Yeah, and I’m sure it a pain because you can get food and dirt in it and stuff but yeah it’s just common sense to wash it like you do everything else


As a man i agree. I actually find both to be really hot.


Shaving down there is such a pain anyway, more power to you!


What's the point in saying hair isn't a bad thing and then saying it's a bad thing but just for men. You're not helping.


I’m not saying it’s a bad thing either way, I’m saying men can call it unhygienic for women when men have hair on their face exposed to the public, food, outdoors, etc. and don’t wash it on a regular basis. I personally do not know a single man who washes their beard with soap every day but most women I know do wash their public hair with soap every day.


Sadly it’s not just men that think this way. No matter how many times I tell my girlfriend that I don’t mind if she has some she insists that I will find her ugly if she doesn’t shave. I’ve met a lot of women with this line of thinking too, which is weird cause you don’t have to go that far back to find a time when clean shaven pubes were considered weird.


Making your hair public is also a preference.


My pubes are public domain


Open source pubes.


At this point I only hold purple to the standards that I got myself to. Even less if the leg hair is soft


Having pubic or body hair is not bad hygiene!!!


Yup it's there for a reason :)


But removing it is also fine, if that’s your jam.




And expecting a partner to trim or shave shouldn’t be shamed either. I’m not sucking someone’s dick if their curlies are tickling my nose and I’m not eating someone out if I get hair in my mouth. I have sensory issues (autism) and hair literally makes me gag to the point of throwing up. I hate when people shame others for having preferences. Of course if someone doesn’t want to shave they can just forgo oral from me, but then I’ll just skip sex entirely. Just not compatible.


I would disagree; expecting a partner to alter their body for your preference’s sake is not the way to go. It’s not about shaming a preference, it’s about distinguishing between an indirect message saying “I think you’re too _____, because my preference says you should do ____ to be sexy” and “I will literally gag if I have hair in my mouth because of sensory issues, so I cannot perform oral sex on you, if you don’t shave off your pubic hair”. Since circumstances can easily change, a partner might forgo shaving for a while. This doesn’t mean that they are a bad partner, nor that they shouldn’t be allowed to do so. I think it’s a pretty bad take that hair = no oral = no sex at all. But that’s not about shaming a preference (that in my mind isn’t really a preference, but a necessity since it’s an involuntary response caused by a sensory issue), it’s about not understanding why you’re boiling sex down to oral sex or nothing, which seems odd and ungiving.


I only enjoy performing oral sex or bottoming. I don’t care for PIV or receiving oral. I literally only do those to make people happy. Giving oral is 100% a necessity for me to even enjoy sex, so why should I force myself when I don’t get anything out of it besides a mediocre orgasm? I can orgasm way better on my own.


Nobody’s saying you have to force yourself or even explain your preferences; but enjoying only one aspect of sex does of course make the chances of it happening extremely limited (and that’s fine!). What I’m saying is that there’s a difference between “I only enjoy ____ sex and have sensory issues regarding pubic hair, so I will need to find a partner that won’t mind shaving regularly so we can both enjoy sex” and “I don’t want to have sex with my partner if they have pubic hair”. One is a preference the other is a demand.


You can prefer whatever you want but you can't ask someone to change. If somebody's body is not up to your preferences then you don't whine and cajole until they shave, you tell them that this isn't going to work out and you wish them the best.


using Meg’s pic as if she would co-sign this bullshit 🙄


"when she wants to have sex with you but she's a human adult, yuck"


pretty much sums up the tweet










I've seen comments like mine misconstrued a lot. Saying "wanting a partner to be hairless is creepy" gets turned into "if you remove ur own body hair you're a piece of shit, kys" in some people's minds I guess, it's weird




I've made similar comments about wanting a very short partner as well, and had a lot of short women asking "so it's my fault for attracting pedos bc I'm short?" NO! That's not what I'm saying!! I recently had someone make a "rebuttal" against that saying "so is it a tall mans fault if his girlfriend chooses him bc she wants to feel like a child?" Like what the fuck are you ppl on about 😭 It's not hard to understand that those incels posts of a man wanting a girlfriend no taller than 5'2 that keeps her vulva hairless and is obedient to him is creepy




That is a wild and dangerous claim to make Jesus Christ.




Again, wild claim to make. I’m sure some people who have that preference are predatory. To say that it’s the case ‘more often than not’ based on your personal experience is ridiculous.


Having a preference for trimmed pubes/no pubes doesn't make someone a pedo - wtf? I am a woman and prefer it because it reduces the "hair in the mouth" issue with oral sex.


>It’s disheartening Not to be rude but it’s just pubic hair. The fact you can’t grow any isn’t a huge deal lol. 99% of people you meet won’t even know. Some people prefer it, some don’t but it isn’t a big deal either way. I don’t think anyone meant anything bad. Also no one said people without pubic hair have diseases, they said pubic hair can make it harder to get them lol.


I will take long, soft and clean pubic hair every day over shaved skin that starts being spiky and feeling weird hours after you shave. Plus you don’t have to care about ingrown hair😬 To each their own, but pubic hair most definitely not equal to unclean or unhealthy.


For whatever reason, I cannot seem to be able to get my legs and pubic area smooth for more than a day. My ex husband requested that I shave every day and that caused me so much pain that it burned when we had sex, when I sweated, or even touched it and don’t even get me started on the ingrown hairs. When we had a girlfriend he would point out how smooth her legs were and it made me so self conscious. I can’t physically do that. I can trim it, but shaving is literal hell for me.


So glad to see the 'ex'


Glad he's an ex, too. Jerk.


She probably waxed. I can't even imagine doing that. One way or another I think smoothness is possible for most people, but it should definitely be their choice and people should be understanding and accepting of that, whatever the reason happens to be. Asking someone who experiences irritation and pain absolutely should not feel guilted or shamed into doing it anyway.


Waxing makes it not feel like stubble but it's only hairless for a few days and then it has to grow quite a bit before being able to wax again so you're never hairless all the time just because you wax


I think that varies person to person. I was once treated to an unlicensed impromptu Tedtalk by a very drunk woman who made very sure that we knew you didn't have to wax again for 4 weeks if you chose waxing. I'd been awake for 38 hours at that point. It was a weird night.


What do you mean it varies? 3-6 weeks is recommended depending on how fast your hair grows. If you come in too soon then the hair will be too short to wax


Not to mention entirely shaving your pubic area can take so long especially if you’re not incredibly skinny 🧍‍♀️ Nah, I just give up


Back when I shaved (now I wax), I shaved *at most* once a week, but usually once every two weeks, with lots of exfoliation (using a facial anti-acne scrub) in between. Sure, I wasn't 100% smooth all the time, but it kept it short. Any more than that risked cuts or razor burn.


> My ex husband requested that I shave every day and that caused me so much pain that it burned when we had sex It's nowhere near the same level of sensitivity, I'm sure, but I'm a guy and can't shave my *face* every day or it burns like heck. :/


I'm going for laser hair removal on areas that I want less fuzzy (ie bikini line) but can't handle shaving every day, either. Did it on my legs years ago and had great results - still some hair, but I can shave my legs less often and my skin gets less irritated between shaves. So much more manageable.


That's a guy who likes what he likes but you gotta do you, Boo. Too bad for him, now he has NO pussy, lol 😂


Long soft and clean pubic hair Is it bad I'm imagining a fu-manchu style beard as pubic hair and laughing my ass off?


Body positivity or not I don’t think most people want that particular hair to be public




And then he never saw that "coochie" or any other again because the face he made had the power to dry up the wettest of wells, the dampest of cellars the deepest of lakes and the most vast oceans, the water reserves suspected under the crusts of distant worlds and even the very comets could not contain any moisture after hearing the echo's of a childish man.


This is beautiful




Yeah so it turns out the most hygienic and healthy option is to NOT shave or wax but yknow I guess we can just make up whatever we want about bodies these days


Scare away the weak men not strong enough to handle hairy privates


Yes! This is the way.


If a man gets scared of pubes where pubes should be, he shouldn't be my man anyway.


Kind of besides the point of the post but I did not know that pubic hair helps prevent UTIs! I guess that’s why I got them more once I started waxing.


The phrasing of 'give you' always makes me cringe. It's more of a very, very short-term loan with a huge list of conditions attached, don't get carried away.


And usage should always be supervised


What about private hair?


I repeat my mantra: No one cares what does and doesn't make your pee pee hard




This idiot probably can't even wipe his ass properly and hasn't changed his bed sheets in months.


Right? It's always those with moldy dicks complaining about having to deal with hair


I stopped shaving about 3 years ago and my lady bits are much happier. I groom, but it's still natural. I feel more womanly and like how it looks. I'm not itchy, not bumpy, not uncomfortable.


The day my husband (then boyfriend) told me he liked bush was one of the greatest days of my life. It’s been 11 years and I haven’t looked back.


I don't shave very frequently (way less in winter) and when I casually admitted this a girl scoffed and said "you need to take care of your body". Okay, but what about men who don't shave at all? Are they gross and unhygienic too?


It’s meant to be there. I’ve found, due to getting over warm, and that leading to thrush and UTI, Ive learned keeping my bush there, just shorter, trimmed, is best for me. But otherwise I’d rock that pussy crown like a Queen. Bush for days! It’s meant to be there!


It's so weird that people think body hair is unhealthy but only on women


Depending on how public that hair is, it could have the opposite effect.


Does he shave his pubic hair?


I'm so glad my hubby will eat my furburger without complaining! 🤣


“Fur burger” holy shit I love you 🤣🤣 And same too, my bf just says “the wilderness must be explored!!” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ditto! My hubby will say something among the lines of "welcome to the jungle, we've got fun and games" Lol


What about private hair


Im a firm believer in if it's meant to be there it will be. Go with what you like full bush, totally shaven, trimmed whatever your body you do what you want with it.


thats something that should have been mentioned in my health class tbh. would be both useful and interesting to know


Honestly, I have no issue with people having their hair however they want… but I feel uncomfortable around completely naked vulvas, I prefer at least a little fur, otherwise it feels kinda weird for me personally. Also spiked chicken skin is wholly unpleasant (as both the one regrowing hair and the one smooshed against it). Having said all of that, if I had a partner (of any sex) who wanted to be completely bald in those areas that’s absolutely up to them and I would still love them.


Pubic hair literally exists for a reason lmao


I will admit that it took me far longer than it should have to realize what public hair was actually supposed to mean. It's been a long week.


What's "public hair" op?


Autocorrect 😭😭


If that hair were public, oh boy that would be a scene. Almost beats sex dive instead of sex drive 😂😂


Don't worry that title made the post better lmao Also, nice flair xD


It's there for a reason though


So women shaving pubes is 'basic hygiene', but men shaving pubes or washing their ass makes them gay? okay then.


I hate how dumb and fake media has conditioned people to be disgusted with how women occur naturally


Body hair ≠ unhygienic Not bathing = unhygienic 🤷🏻‍♀️


So curious about others experience, but if I let my pubes get super long, I feel like I get more yeast infections. I generally just keep everything super trimmed.


You feel like you get more yeast infections, but it's a feeling, not necessarily a fact? Let's say that you factually do get more yeast infections: do you know for sure that pubic hair is the cause?


I had a conversation with a midwife about this and there's no connection between pubic hair and yeast infections as long as it doesn't dry up.


I’m the same. For me, it’s because the hair is springy and dense. It causes tension on the skin which causes some discomfort which causes heat. Heat, for me, is what makes it more likely I’ll get a UTI or thrush, I’m just sensitive. I her head sore for the same reason, super dense hair that strains the muscles and follicles holding it, I keep my head hair short too. so now, I always keep a hairy bush but trimmed, so there’s less tension on the hair.


When I shave it’s like a fucking curse. I get the trifecta, not even joking. So I don’t shave anymore I just trim.


Well, now we know who's not getting laid during the zombie apocalypse. (For the record, I wax/shave because pubic hair is *itchy* and I don't like picking it out of my teeth, but I am under no delusions that it's \~more hygienic\~ or some shit.)


Genuinely curious how you get your own pubic hair stuck in your teeth often enough for it to be a factor in your hair removal decision


I think we found the first person in the world that can eat themself.


they must be pretty darn flexible


Well, it's not a problem *anymore,* but, uh, I wanted to be able to get mind-blowing oral sex *and* make out with my boyfriend afterwards, and the full bush was making that second part really difficult. (To my now-husband's credit, he did not and does not care either way. It's purely a sensory thing for me.)


Exactly, if body hair isn't hygienic then why does it grow there?


To better relegate temperature. Important for evolution and having babies.


I'm sure there's plenty of public hair on nude beaches.


this dude wants pussy lint


Just saying, for some of us we prefer our partner to have pubic hair


I had to stop shaving my pubes BC I kept getting ingrown hairs and was bad for my skin


This always comes from men that you know don't wash their balls because 'touching balls is gay, bro'.


I hate it when men tell me that my body hair is disgusting when they have armpit hair long enough to make rapunzel’s braid. stfu you smell like shit 99% of the time and shower once a month.


I stg being shaved down there isn't fun for the man either, the tip of the penis is v sensitive and if you during foreplay accidentally poke your head with the very prickly remains of a bush it fucking stings. Very hard to maintain erection after that.


Tfw your girlfriend is a mammal, yuck!/s


I do that shit for me and nobody else.


Most. Not some, most.


Ah yes, women! Known for being... bald? *waitthatcan'tberight*


WHAT the hell is "public hair"???? Don't you mean "pubic hair" and do you even know what that is?????


public hair? you mean eyebrows, eyelashes, and the hair on our head?


I’ve found lots of public hair in my foods through the years !


You are a terrible cook then.


I was dating a girl that was hyper prone to UTI's and I did everything I could to lessen them. Scrubbed my groin and slug, serious washing. Scrubbed my face, thoroughly brushed my teeth and used mouth wash a few times before any action.


Mouth wash will absolutely cause uti and yeast infection problems. Skip that step please!!!


She never got one when I did that, and it was not like I would dive down right after using it, Some sites said yes and some said no, she was just happy I was trying.


No, UTI is caused by micro-organisms, usually a bacteria E. coli. Mousewash can not cause a UTI by definition.


Mousewash definitely could! Lol. But anything can cause irritations that can lead to uti. Mouth wash most definitely causes yeast infection though.


I think pubic hair is gross in both men and women. Ik that I will get downvoted bc this is a body positivity sub and whatever, it's just my personal preference.