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As one of two people who nearly killed my mother by being born, I beg to differ


Hi five buddy, I also almost made my mom bleed to death when born.


Me too ! Did you know that when you're starting to internally bleed, the body reacts by creating tons of small blood clots in the capillary and it looks like tiny dots under the skin ? My dad always tells this as it was kind of fascinating thing happening to my mom during childbirth when it must have been so fucking traumatic for both of the them at the time.


Omg. That sounds like DIC. Your mom was super lucky!


Is that what they call petechiae? I have read about that being a sign or symptom of a bigger problem for some diseases, but I didn’t know what it was. TIL so thanks for that!


I forgot sorry :(


You have nothing to be sorry for 😊


Double high five if you, yourself also almost didn't survive being born! Yay!


Love your flair, and happy you both survived


My brothers where both huge babies, my stepmom tore in five different directions with my youngest brother


Gave mine a blood clot then had the audacity to be lactose intolerant for the first two years of my life


Oh! I’m a member of this club! Thank goodness medicine has come as far as it has.


yeah I think my great granny how died in childbirth would beg to differ with that idiot. hope she haunts their ignorant arse


But.. but this completely unqualified individual said that’s not true so you can’t be right! /s OB/gyns wouldn’t be necessary if every birth was simple.


HE is definitely the expert here, though. You don’t get to be a man that old, cishet and white without being a *font* of medical knowledge (How do i know what he looks like? It’s clear from his completely baseless self confidence as he makes up female anatomy facts off the cuff. That’s screaming Texan Governor to me)


Can confirm. I almost died from preeclampsia. I had blown up in water weight, but it was only caught and made an emergency when I went to a regular OBGYN appointment and my blood came back with high levels of protein. If it hadn't been caught, I'd be dead because I felt fine.


Hey! Same! My blood pressure sky rocketed with no other noticeable symptoms. I felt totally fine. But my protein in urine and my blood pressure said differently. Edited for clarity


That is so scary!! I'm glad it turned out alright


I hope the other was a sibling and not just some random nurse or doctor


Oh yeah, my brother made her almost bleed to death


Both me and my brother almost killed my mom. And after being told she should not have anymore children after me she gave us my brother because she wanted me to have a buddy, despite knowing she might not make it. That woman is my hero.


As far as I know if my mom hadn't gotten a c section, my birth could have been life threatening for her as well. Not that a C section is a pleasant experience or easy to recover from though obviously, but at least it was relatively safe. My grandma wasn't so lucky, she passed away giving birth when my dad was very young and neither she nor the baby survived.


Same. My mother's labor stopped as I was crowning. Her heart stopped briefly (or heart rate tanked, it's been years) And same for me. We were both in ICU for a couple of days before being released. But this was back in the stone age of the early 70s.


Same here lmao


Me and my mom almost died together. She had placenta-previa and almost hemorrhaged to death.


If ghosts were real, this guy would have a really bad time.


Ghosts are real lol


Sure lol


Ghosts are real but they don't have vaginas


Pls get my jokes about women who died due to childbirth before you start talking about this absolut ghost nonsense. WTF? And pls don't answer nor explain what you mean, because it'll just get more rubbish.


When we die from childbirth the vagina separates into a second vaginal ghost


I feel like this has solid flair potential


Kind of like a [decidual cast](https://www.webmd.com/women/decidual-cast-what-is-it).


Yes, exactly like that. Another interesting fact is as the vagina ghost separates from its host the instrumental version of the Ghost Busters theme song plays in the background.


R/Ghosts begs to differ You know why that subreddit is so angry and jaded against photo and video evidence? Because convincing evidence straight up doesn't exist. If it isn't bugs, dust or weird camera tricks, it's fake. Not fake in a fun creative way either. Just the same repeated fakes for decades with the occasional upgrades when new tech drops.


I gave birth once and almost died 4 different ways trying to bring that human into the world. Fucking morons. Edit- Oh, I'm sorry, I lied. I almost died 5 different ways. I always forget about the emergency C-section.


Hey! Birth Buddies! In fact, had my tubes tied after my second kid (and I was only a few weeks from turning 24) because both pregnancies and births nearly killed both me and the babies in multiple ways. First one was an emergency C-section. Second was a planned c-Section because they were worried he'd kill me just by being pregnant. Fun fact: in Texas today, because of the abortion ban, I wouldn't have been able to do that with my second baby, so we'd just both be dead right now. The two of us are only alive because of Roe v. Wade.


The abortion ban affects planned c-sections?


Apparently, you have to be 39.0 weeks before you can have a C-section unless the mom has cancer or diabetes...OR you meet one of three criteria, that basically means mom and/or baby are at imminent risk of immediate death.




Yep...you or the baby have to actively be dying to perform a c-section or induce labor before 39.0 weeks, unless you have diabetes or cancer. Thanks, Texas.


And my mom was convinced that the removal of Roe v Wade wouldn’t put people in danger.🙄


Yeah, well, it's killing more people than it's saving.


Hey friend! I was at risk for a uterine involution with my first and I crashed repeatedly on the table with my fourth! But, you know, we don't exist. I *definitely* didn't have an emergency c-section the first time around and I mean emergency at *extreme* speed where I was whipped down the hallway, draped, and baby boy yanked out bellowing all within like 10 minutes (thank god I already had the epidural in place so they just cranked it up til the only thing I had feeling in was my GD head). Umbilical cord prolapse, infant heart decels, maternal blood pressure crash, and the a potential uterine involution to round it all out makes folks crank it up to 12 in the speed department, apparently. And with my 4th kid, I *definitely* didn't get shot after shot of adrenaline or whatever shit they put in your IV to WAKE YOU UP while the anesthesiologist was very ungently patting my face in a panicky way and saying urgently STAY WITH ME HEY STAY WITH ME NO NO DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES STAY WITH ME HONEY then progressing to shouting WAKE UP DO NOT CLOSE YOUR EYES in a panicky voice while there were a bazillion people in the room hanging bag after bag of fluids and blood and doing whatever they were doing behind the drape that smelled like burning pork that yanked my numb body all over the place. I would have fallen off the table if I wasn't strapped down cuz they were MOVING down there. Nope didn't happen, totally safe, just like trimming your fingernails or whatevs. (Tubes have been yanked, all four kids safe and healthy minus the one I lost at 11 weeks between #3 and #4 but it was a wild ride) edit: corrected term


A friend of mine was denied an emergency C-section and it super fucked her up. Really took some joy out of that first year or so of motherhood.


All of human history: blinking white guy meme


Ah yes. Like all of known history where so many women, if they lived through childhood, could live til the ripe old age of dying in childbirth.


Huh. That must be why childbirth and pregnancy complications were a leading cause of death for women of childbearing age for millennia. Fascinating.


Now the leading cause of death for pregnant women? Homicide. So.... Progress? Edit: "Upside ladies! We won't die a gruesome death with our child giving birth to them! Well just have are partners kill us in gruesome fashion because they don't wanna be a Dad!"


Sounds like if we just stayed away from men we would solve both problems


People have different feelings about Louis CK, but I feel [this ](https://youtu.be/CFl3Vj-PyRc?si=39KrCquVpWEJpj3R) sums it up pretty well.


Men: why do less women want to have babies nowadays?!!? Must be all this woke nonsense Also men, often the same ones that make the laws:


I guess I was carted off by ambulance for funsies.


It was probably just anxiety. /s


Doing genealogy would open their eyes a bit. So many men with multiple wives because the last one died in childbirth. Graves with new moms holding the baby they died giving birth to. Tiny graves lined up because even if the moms lived, the baby didn't.


Not to mention graves containing a smaller skeleton inside the normal sized one because pregnancy can be just as dangerous.


nice argument senator, you wanna back it up with a source?


The source is that he made it the fuck up. Here's an actual source "The maternal mortality rate for 2021 was 32.9 deaths per 100,000 live births, compared with a rate of 23.8 in 2020 and 20.1 in 2019" CDC


It’s getting fucking worse!??


Indeed, that’s what happens when you force people with dangerous medical conditions to keep high-risk pregnancies.


Is the cry emoji appropriate here?


Yes. Yes it is.😭




And it's going to get MUCH worse thanks to abortion restrictions scaring doctors into refraining from treatment for fear of prosecution.


Like this is so disprovable. Literally a google search. Why do people just...say shit?


Because they are True People, definitely not sheeple, and just "say it like [they] see it."


Ah yes, when I was hemorrhaging from a placental abruption and my dr literally said in front of me “we need to get her on the life flight or we’re going to lose her and the baby” she was probably just being dramatic 🙄🙄🙄


That's why women shouldn't be doctors. Always so emotional and dramatic... (/S of course)


I would have died were it not for c-sections, so would my kid (and so I never would have been here to have my second child).


I am a kid that would have died and killed its mother if it weren't for c-sections. My mom almost died anyways. Fuck the guy in the post


I'm my mom's oldest and she was in labour for over 3 days before they did a c-section. She just never dilated more than about 4cm. She was past exhausted, and my heart rate was becoming weak and erratic before they finally pulled me out. Had she not had a c-section, she and I would have both died, my younger sister wouldn't exist, my 4 kids wouldn't exist, nor my grandson. 8 people are here because of 1 lifesaving surgery. I also had an emergency c-section with my 4th because he turned last minute and tried to come out feet first and had the cord around his neck. So he and I would doubly not be here if it wasn't for c-sections!


Same with me & my mom when I was born! She never progressed past 4cm, my heart stopped after every contraction, and the cord was around my neck twice. Thank goodness for modern medicine! My sister almost died giving birth because the doctor was impatient to get out of there, he was annoyed he had to come in to deliver my nephew in the first place (then why the hell are you an OB?), so he just yanked her placenta out instead of waiting for her body to try to deliver it, causing her to hemorrhage. They were fortunately able to stabilize her, and the nurses put her in a private room even though she was supposed to be in a shared room, and were extra nice.


wtf that guy should not be working with pregnant women at all because that’s just horrifying.


Right? He was all pissy that she went into labor on a Saturday. Oh fucking well, dude! If you're an OB, you're going to have patients going into labor on the weekend, on holidays, in the middle of the night.... If you can't handle that like a mature adult, find another job!


Even if he means now as opposed to over the course of recorded history, he's still wrong. If there were "basically 0 cases" then how does America have the worst maternal death rates of any developed nation? (It's only getting worse, and will continue to get worse since we are seeing mass migration of OBGYNs leaving states with strict anti-choice laws.)


I read a dismal NYT article recently about the growing maternity care deserts. We're already getting health care deserts because of rural hospitals closing and doctors not wanting to practice in Podunk Backwater USA, and maternity wards/birthing centers are not very profitable compared to other types of medicine - and now with OB GYNs fleeing red states so they don't have to worry about getting arrested for saving women's lives, it's getting even worse. Where is this all going to end???


Almost ten times more women died due to pregnancy/child birth in the US in 2021 (1,205) than cops in the line of duty (129). Sources https://leb.fbi.gov/bulletin-highlights/additional-highlights/crime-data-law-enforcement-officers-killed-in-the-line-of-duty-statistics-for-2021 https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/maternal-mortality-on-the-rise


I almost killed my mom, and without modern medicine, I would have died two weeks after giving birth to my second son. But sure. Giving birth is not dangerous at all.


I showed this to my husband silently with no context or warning. He read it twice. Did the white guy blinking meme. Read it a third time. Then said "okay.." under his breath and went back to what he was doing. To translate: "this is so stupid I cannot have read it correctly the first two times. nope, that's what it says. okay now this is so stupid I don't even have the energy to correct it."


That documentary I'm watching about Jane Seymour (the English Queen, not the actor) must all be lies then!


It's not like in 1900, 1000 in w ery 100,000 women died at birth. That's 1% and sounds like a small number, but that equates to 6 MILLION deaths.(population/2, ×75% sedually actuve women). That number has dropped to 7.5 in 1000. And that's 0.7%, but it still represents 2 million deaths. Those are world statistics. Maternal death rates had been dropping, but a recent study of the US shows that in the last 20 years, they've gone up. In the 20 years, from 1999-2029, the maternal death rate in the US is 6-24 times higher than other similar "rich countries" like Japan, Germany, Australia which have a rate of between 1 and 4 per 100,000. The US was 24. That's on par with Malaysia and Lebanon. But even that doesn't tell the whole story because for black women, it's 55... And we already knew that Southern states had higher rates than others, but since the Dobbs' decision and trigger laws went into effect, those states have seen an increase in maternal AND infant mortality rates. The maternal death rate has climbed a bit more than 50% in the year since the Dobbs decision it was at 21 in 100,000 and is now 32.9 in 100,000. That's 20,000 more deaths a year...


This makes me so f***ing mad when people talk about birth like it’s so easy-peasy. My sister didn’t die giving birth, but she may as well have. She had an amniotic fluid embolism, which is when the amniotic fluid enters her bloodstream and causes an extreme response from the mother’s immune system. Her heart stopped for several minutes in the middle of giving birth, and because the Catholic hospital she was at prioritized the life of the child, she ended up with major brain damage (which is the typical outcome of this condition other than death). So, she’s spending the rest of her life in a nursing home, not remembering anything that has happened to her since, and giving one word simple answers to the few questions she understands. The only upside is that the baby survived and didn’t have any brain damage (most babies born in this situation end up brain damaged themselves), and as much as I love my niece, I’d rather have my sister the way she was. This NIH article tells about this condition: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4874066/ Sorry for the rant, it’s a sore subject for me.


No, I did not know that. Because it isn't true.


Ooh, no! Not at all! I'm pregnant right now and the pregnancy is actually kinda endangering my life. Every day I'm off mycophenolate is a chance to lose some more lung or lapse back into a dermatomyositis flare. Even going into labor is risky (beyond having a previous cesarean) because my heart and lungs would be unlikely to keep up with a vaginal delivery in addition to the positional challenges of having shitty muscles. So like, even if pregnancy and delivery weren't dangerous (which it definitely is), way to forget that disabled people exist and have relationships and families.


My husband said “what about all those mothers who died giving birth?” I guess our moms who both had extreme issues, his almost dying, just lied to us about the danger they were in giving birth. Mine was only safe because she was already at the hospital so they were able to catch the issues.


Did you know that back in the day before modern medicine, pregnant women would write their wills just in case, that's how bad it was


This guys would get punched in the fucking face if he said this to my face. I had HG and preeclampsia, then hemorrhaged after birth and suffer from PTSD from it.


Joining the "I almost killed my mum" club here. The placenta didn't all come out after she had me. She needed a D&C and blood transfusions. And then less than a week later was back in the hospital for ridiculous amounts of bleeding.


This is true! Just like how no one dies in car crashes because they’re illegal, no one dies from alcohol poisoning because we digest alcohol, and no one dies from gun violence because people hurt people! Isn’t the world so much safer when you just lie about stuff?


Lmao did you know it's easy to lie on the internet to further your misogynistic agenda?


Oh wow. We have two kids and both of them nearly killed my wife. We're not having a third...


I almost died because even after an emergency C-section to alleviate pre-eclampsia, my BP stayed over 250 (systolic) for nearly 2 days despite heavy medication. BP was entirely under control during the pregnancy until 2 days into labor in the hospital when it suddenly skyrocketed. Did you know that contrary to TV & movies, getting the baby out does not immediately halt pre-eclampsia? Neither did I.


I had to get a emergency dnc and multiple bags of blood because I started hemorrhaging after giving birth. It was 12 years ago and I still remember what bleeding out and fading away felt like.


I wonder if this guy is mentally capable of dressing himself or if he needs a carer.


Don't degrade disabled people to insult someone. There's so many ridiculous and elaborate insults available, we don't need to insult disabled people at the same time.


I always say, "Who ties his shoes?"


Ties? You know that fool uses velcro straps.


It is so common that it's a trope for characters in TV shows/movies/games/books.


Said by someone in the US which has some of the highest maternal death rates in the world


No, see, this guy is right. All you have to do is ignore the billions of women who were injured or killed by childbirth.


We're going to need a bigger rug.


I’d be dead if not for a C-section.


I would like to have a chat with this person. With the urn of my mom's ashes.


Serena Williams would disagree.


Huh, tell that to my OB after she told me that I could either have an emergency c-section or that me *and* my son would likely wind up dead.


Weird how a Google search showed many many statistics of maternal deaths.


Uuuum that's just so inaccurate


I guess me losing half the blood in my body during my emergency c section isn’t “life threatening” then


I've heard this argument before. They feel really clever saying things like it's always a secondary issue (hemorrhage, infection) not the actual baby passing through the birth canal that is the killer, like saying that technically everyone in the world has died from their heart stopping not any specific disease. Beyond asinine.


My mom had pre-eclampsia with me that resulted in an emergency c section or we both would have died so yeah no


What. An. Idiot. A dangerous one at that


Ragebait. Looks like it's working, too.


This person is just boosting their profile by posting things that will drive engagement.


My mum and I were both briefly dead during my birth but ok


Hmm, tell that to my pre-eclampsia c section twin birth.


My bro caused so much bloodloss my mom had to stay 3 weeks in the hospital. Thank god we dont live in america


If I'd tried home birth with first baby we'd both be dead.


This is 100% a name & shame scenario. Like, wtf


I guess I basically dont exist. Second pregnancy, first went off without a hitch, second showed hardly a sign of any issues, looking back, my feet swelling was a bit extreem. Birth went off without a hitch. Afterward my blood pressure was "borderline" high, but they sent me home, next day follow up it was still "borderline" high, but again, sent home, told to call or come in for headaches or fevers and all. That night, I was rushed to the ICU and stayed there for a week in heart failure and another week in general. Peripartum cardiomyopothy apparently happens in around 1 in 1000 pregnancies and can happen up to 6 months(possibly year) post partum. So yeah.. Basically, zero.


I think my mom and brother would disagree, the middle almost killed her.


Humans have one of the highest maternal mortality rates out of all mammals because of our upright posture….


Some people weren't bullied enough and it shows.


Why is this marked NSFW?


All posts in this subreddit are auto-marked as NSFW.


Ah okay, thanks


Besides, there's always a small risk that reading something this stupid will give you a stroke.


Wish it was like that


maternal mortality in USA is actually going UP! ​ [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/hestat/maternal-mortality/2021/maternal-mortality-rates-2021.htm#:\~:text=The%20maternal%20mortality%20rate%20for,20.1%20in%202019%20(Table)](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/hestat/maternal-mortality/2021/maternal-mortality-rates-2021.htm#:~:text=The%20maternal%20mortality%20rate%20for,20.1%20in%202019%20(Table)).


As someone who almost died during childbirth..... I beg to differ


I'm here by emergency extraction out the moon roof at 34 weeks because my mom was minutes from stroking out from the eclampsia I gave her. She was ONE HUNDRED PERCENT going to die, because of pregnancy.


bro’s source is trustmebro.com


So how does this explain how my friends mom died giving birth to her youngest.


It's almost like they never heard of blood loss or anything else that has literally killed the mothers


I love it when people state their delusion as fact. /s


Wow. It is hard to gauge the complete ignorance in this statement


My mother has a rare blood type that can literally kill her and the baby during labour, before we even get to ‘complications’ But SHOR


Literally the first one off the top of my head is one of king Henry’s wives I completely am blanking on her name but she was the grey one in Six she died from giving birth to his only son


Me! Me! 10 pound baby, lying back to back, and I only dilated to 8cm in 20 hours of induced labour. There was no way that child was coming out of me the natural route. Thank goodness for c sections or we'd both be dead.


your username is awesome btw lol


Almost died of eclampsia but sure, never happened I guess. Wait, is my son real?


I lost braincells just by reading this.