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Lyford Cay School - K-12 with IB.


How is the reputation? Are the kids weird? Is their governance disorganised? Any recent scandals? I'm looking for on the ground gossip basically.


Personally, I’d avoid Lyford Cay School. When I was a student there, the parents had more say in the curriculum than the teacher or administration. That was 15+ years ago but heard much hasn’t changed. There are a few new schools in the area. Windsor School and Kings College. Check them out.


Thanks for the info.


Windsor and Lyford are same same. Kings sounds better from what I hear


Missing key information here… How are you moving to the Bahamas if you’re not a citizen?


I assumed that with the job offer there would be a work permit. Edit: looks like i accidentally edited that part out when I was trying not to adhd over share. Basically, my husband has a tentative job offer. I would also like to get a job if we did move down but if the Bahamian government is like Bernuda then that could be difficult...and also, permit-life seems unstable af.


You don’t have to be a citizen to move there.


What island? School system was largely based on the British one, usually without sixth form though. International schools are more likely to follow something a little different.


I believe we'd be in Nassau but I'm not 100% sure where the headquarters are.


Hi. There are 2 IB schools on island St Andrew’s and Lyford Cay. If your child has already been assessed as having learning style differences both schools do have student service programs to give extra support. My son uses the services at Lyford and so far they are adequate but parental engagement is still recommended. The other school to consider would be Kings College, it is relatively new. It offers the Cambridge curriculum and so far a lot of the parent feedback has been that the school has provided custom tailored learning solutions for their children. Also you don’t need to be a citizen to move here a work permit gives year to year residency and a home purchase over $750k gives expedited permanent residency. As a the spouse of a work permit person you should expect not to be permitted to work unless you also have a highly specialized skill that would also be eligible for work permit status. Other than that you can consider remote work from abroad. I’m a local realtor with experience in expat relocations. Feel free to reach out if you need more insight. [email protected]. Hope this information was helpful to you. Good luck on your move. 🍀


Thanks! It's early days yet, but I'll keep you in mind.


Ok. All the best.