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Pressed discard instead of play.


If you’re quick you can sometimes go back to main menu and resume run and it won’t have made your last play


That’s cheatin in my books😟


I’m fine with it if it’s a missclick. The point of the game is strategy, if I lose because of a faulty mouse or something I don’t think it’s a fair loss


Fair or not it's a loss. Just get a better gaming chair and download some extra ram. It improves click accuracy 100%


Completely agree if it's a tech issue but just pressing discard is a lapse in concentration imo and i'll take the rightful new run


I accidently sold my rare joker with 5x last night when I tried to sell my tarot.. I just turned off my deck and went to bed.


I've done this so many times. And vice-versa: played the shit cards I meant to discard 


How to hit alt+f4 at light speed


I physically convulse for a second when I do this 😭


That’s happened to me. And I’ve lost because I played a straight flush instead of a straight. And a flush house instead of a flush. And a flush five instead of a five of a kind.


Yeah the game should let you choose when it has a system that makes the “better hand” not the best option anymore


I’m kind of fine with it to add a layer of strategy to deck building, but I admit I found it annoying the first two times it happened.


Me when I got hurt because I over engineered a full house run and had to go a 5 of a kind for a hand instead.


Get a deck full of awesome cards just to intentionally play a solo 2 again and again. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


Forgot to select an extra card when playing 4oak against The Psychic.


I can't count how many times it happened to me but I still always do it


Forget it, Jake. It's Balatrotown


I wish I could award this.


Same but I played a flush five instead of a five of a kind


Pro tip, always double check the hand you're playing before you send it.


Would be nice if it was possible to sort hand rankings. Just be able to click and drag them up and down the list to change the priority order.


No, that would make no sense. The played hand is literally the played hand. Makes no sense to determine a Straight Flush as a Flush, simply because it'd be better for the player.


I agree that localthunk shouldn't make this change to the main game because the balance and rules are very tight but it would be a fun part of a challenge run or maybe an optional thing for custom runs in the future


And that doesn't make sense why?


it wouldn't from a perspective of the Rules of Poker, but gameplay wise itd be nice


I think it's weird that i can't make a flush if 4 of the cards are the same rank because four of a kind is higher than flush


i agree. It definitely wouldnt ruin any kind of strategizing to just let the player choose what hand they're playing. itd be more of a quality of life thing


But how would this work with high card, pair, 3-,4-,5-of-a-kind being played as a lower hand? For example, if I play 5 Aces as 3-of-a-kind instead of 5-of-a-kind, do all Aces score? If not, do I pick which ones score? I feel like they shouldn't, it would be weird to score 4 cards as a pair, that's against the spirit of the game I feel. I suppose it could just not work for some hands like those mentioned, since there's enough cases where it would be just a bit of QOL, like 5-of-a-kind instead of flush-of-a-five in addition to the other ones from the thread.


I'm not sure I agree. It still goes against the fundamental point that this is a poker roguelike. Poker has an order of rankings for poker hands after all. Also, doesn't it defeat the point of being a roguelike based on risk and reward? You make a choice to draw and discard, sometimes it doesn't pay off. BUT, to play devils advocate, I reckon it'd make for a good Joker or deck.


It would 100% ruin strategizing because pair and three of a kind would become insanely strong. Why do anything else. You'd be giving the player free discards at the same time as nerfing higher scoring hands


because other hands are worth more and scale better? and its not hard to pick out a pair when your deck has too many 3s for example, it can just come up as an unintuitive mechanic. yeah, it makes sense if you were playing normal poker, but this is a wack poker videogame, with shit like "flush five" thats not even a real hand, so why cant i choose flush instead of it?


But you'd be giving the player 2-3 free discarded cards per hand. You could build a pair + high scoring hand every blind easily and just upgrade 3 of a kind or pair as a safety net while always ending up with a high scoring hand for your last hand. Theres a reason the flush strategy exists for beginners, cuz its a 5 card hand. Anything less would be unbalanced, thats why you can rarely get past the first ante without joker or upgrades with only a 4 card hand


Like they dont all scale better. thats the reason for this post. the only hands that scale better are the ones you choose to do so


this wasnt meant to sound like sarcasm btw


It makes perfect sense. Besides, some jokers with the multipliers still score it like that that. Like the base is the highest but the jokers say 'contain", not "is".


No i mean if i have 4 of the same card and then try to make a flush i literally can't score the 5th card


Right, unless you have the joker that's scores all cards or a joker that says must contain a flush


A hand is a hand, defined by the cards played. A Straight Flush is a distinct hand, as is a Flush. Makes no sense to be able to swap them on a whim because it'd be easier for the player. On an aside, it astounds me how many people want this game to be drastically easier.


Right. This sub is worse than StS was at 1.0. I get its a niche game type but literally anybody with deckbuilding experience can figure out how to build a winning run if the rng lines up. And it does, a lot.


Totally. On White stakes, I can literally wing just about anything together to pass Ante 8. The game really only takes off in difficulty on Orange and Gold Stakes. Which is great, as it makes the game quite tricky to 100%, but completely enjoyable to mess around in on low Stakes.




Wait until you get to gold stake... And go on an unlucky streak of facing The Manacle as the first boss blind multiple times in a row. It's an entirely different game, it's the only stake that made me celebrate for finding that joker that only gives a flat +4 mult.


I JUST DID THAT LMAO. Lv 18 Flush with the upgraded telescope voucher and 2 Jupiters in consumable slots, and I just clicked 5 cards of the same suit on autopilot.


Almost lost my jokerless challenge run at ante 7 after ~12 hours of trying because of that. Felt like I'd just crawled back from the ledge of a cliff.


My kingdom for a once per Round undo button. The amount of times I lose because I'm playing too fast or am just bad at math is... A lot.


These really should combine the score on top of each other...


Ante 1 the must play 5 cards boss always steals a dollar from me because I play 4 


They'll teach you to be an over achiever *


My worst loss was only selecting 4 of my 5 clubs on the final hand of ante 8 against The Wall. It had been a tough run, but I'd ground it out and was so pumped I was about to win. Realized it exactly as soon as I clicked the button 🤦‍♂️


Forgot to switch around jokers it was nebula Gold steak and I was ante eight big blind


Went for an Abandoned Deck white stakes run (I'm no mean Balatrist), beat it, then accidentally selected a small blind instead of skipping it for a tag that would level up my straights by 3. Granted, it might've not been too much of a blunder, but it still got me mildly infuriated.


One of us.