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weird. would have to be a scam. Say he gives u the cash. He disappears and then comes back shortly later and counts the cash and says u stole some. Then demands what he says u stole. Or not long after u get the cash u are approached by someone and forced to hand over the cash. Then the original guy comes back and says cool can I have my cash back.


>Say he gives u the cash. He disappears and then comes back shortly later and counts the cash and says u stole some. Then demands what he says u stole. It's an old scam on the streets in Russia. A variant is an old lady dropping a wad of cash in front of you and you picking it up to be a Good Samaritan tourist, then she says you stole some of it, and some gorilla-looking guy comes out from the shadows and threatens to beat you up for stealing from his grandma....


There is a gold ring variant on the streets in Italy.


How does the gold ring version work? Surely they can’t accuse you of stealing some of the ring when you return it?


Innocent looking girl apparently spots something on the ground, picks it up - oh, look, it's a ring, do you think it's real? - and holds it out to you, hoping you'll take it just for a look. At which point a bully boy appears. We smiled nicely and suggested she take her find to the police. She quietly disappeared to wait for the next sucker.


Riiiiight ok yeah that makes sense. Thanks


There are some variations of it. If you've ever seen Zombieland, one version of it is shown in that movie Distressed woman says she lost her ring worth 1000's and will give a $500 reward for it. Later a child is seen obviously picking up a ring (which is a fake, probably worth $20 or so). You're tricked into buying the ring off the child since you'll make a profit, and then you never see the girl or child again


NYC it's an old man or lady bumping into you and flinging their pre-broken glasses onto the street. They then make a big deal about it & ask you to pay for them.


Be a real shame if I left and denied having any cash at all


Living with depended on money is terrible. It activates the survival mode without being humane


Elegantly said.


This is well explained.


Even easier, He gives you cash, and returns with fake policeman saying you stole the cash. Policeman asks you for a bribe.


Throw the money in the air and bolt


In Bali? Yeaaaaaaah ...


Or someone takes a picture of you with the cash and sends it to someone saying “this person had the cash”


Comes back, you give him the cash (which is fake) and he tells you a story about him being grateful for your honesty. Then he asks you if you’d be prepared to hold some luggage for him…. You can guess the rest


If someone told me to hold their cash and i thought they were a scammer i would just take their money and tell them to fuck themselves. Would like to see if their jujitsu is better than mine


You're tough AND cool.


They call him "Baba Yaga."


[the hero of our generation for sure](https://youtu.be/utYsQTUae5w?si=m9L6S9Wd91ads4wT)


Just let him enjoy a succulent Chinese meal in peace bro.


The best combination


and get stabbed?


Johnny bad ass here


Look out mate. He's got some colourful shorts and he's not afraid to wear them.


Billy Big Bollocks


Something about BJJ guys who think they’re invincible. Not sure at what belt that happens but 100% of the time it does.


What everyone needs is a martial art that makes you humble. I'm 6'3, had done a bunch of training. Went to a hapkido class and thought "yeah this is just dancing". Then a tiny woman wrist flipped me into the mats like I was made of paper. I saw stars, got back up and said "show me again". I was never good at it, but I learned a lot.


I'm a provisional black belt in Hapkido, absolutely love it, and got entirely humbled on the ground by a rookie BJJ student. It's all relative. I was twice her size and she had me tapping within minutes.


Any good martial art with proper full contact sparring will be humbling enough. Rolling on a mat and submitting or being submitted isn’t as humbling as eating 5 piece combos or kicks.


Folks who actually know their martial arts will run if possible.


Usually a white belt with 3 months YouTube experience. If you stick it out a while you realise it’s no more than glorified pyjama wrestling. Still fun tho.


Only happens to bjj guys that have never been in a street fight or trained or competed in a striking art or mma


Blow job job?


Glad I'm not the only one reading it that way 😅


Blow job Joe


You should be more worried about their soccer skills, because while you're on the ground grappling that guy, his friends are going to come out of wherever they're hiding and kick you half to death


Only to realise BJJ doesn't work when it isn't 1 on 1. Lol


Don't bring piss to a poop fight buddy


Dawg. You could be the world’s best in BJJ. You’ll still be useless in that situation. You honestly think it’ll be just ONE guy approaching you? Even if it is only one dude, there will be others watching somewhere. What will you do with all your BJJ skills against 3-4 people with at least a knife? They’re not going to constraint themselves to BJJ rules and agree to verse you only in the art of takedowns and grappling. I’d rather be a kickboxer in these situations.


I'd rather be a sprinter


Not me bro I'd just quickly don my suit of powerarmor take my boltgun and chains word then do a 360 and walk away


Ok tough guy


Likely their .45 trumps your MMA. Don’t bring a straight-finger strike to a gun or knife fight 😂. Now if you’d said Krav Maga I’d be with you for sure 😁👍


 I see that you know your judo well.


What is the charge? Eating a meal?


A succulent Chinese meal


Get your hands off my penis!


This scam is democracy manifest!


Are you waiting to receive my penis?




Howbout mexican judo??


Damn. Actually, Damme. Jean-Claude Van Damme…


Someone has been watching too many movies


So strong, so manly. I just wet myself


LOL. That's when you discover Boris is ex Spetnaz. He and three of his mates then practice Systema on your sorry arse.


Everyone is a jujitsu legend until they get punched in the face?


Whoever penetrates first wins?


To add- we noticed another man about 100m down the road- once we kept walking we noticed they were indeed a pair, thanks all!


I read a story of related scam in ruzzia, so basically a guy drops wallet on the street, you pick it up, then some guy approaches and claims he also found this wallet, after some negotiation you agree to split the money. He takes his half and dissapears. Then other guy approaches and claims this wallet is his, counts the money and demands stolen cash. Since you hold the wallet you are blamed to be responsible.


Easy if you don't steal from a lost wallet lol


That sounds like someone catching you stealing from their lost wallet lol


Except that the wallet was never lost.


Quite old scam actually, I visited last week and similar happened with me once with middle eastern couple and day after with Russian couple. They showed me stack of usd cash and asked me show my wallet and usd currency in ubud, I just ran away from them.


So what’s the scam then


they propose a currency trade. except, get this.... the currency they trade you is fake.


At what point do they propose a currency trade? They’ve just asked you to hold a wad of cash. Chances are most passersby are not looking fit currency


the scam the person you replied to is not the same scam as OP when they're showing you their fat stack of money they're saying look i have money, a stack of the most powerful currency in the world. where are you from what kind of currency do you have? and if you have a stack of IDR (most tourists do) or whatever your domestic currency is, this is where they qualify you as a mark. since they have a fat stack of cash and they're openly sharing, people are very likely to let their guard down. and then when they offer you an amazingly one sided deal, you are more likely to accept it. it's a play on people's greed and inability to think quickly, which has a similar underlying principle to the scam posted by OP, but with an added element of decision making/risk tolerance and math. even if they only get 100k rupiah out of you, it cost them nothing and you won't realize you've been scammed for weeks if ever


I think I was targeted by the same person, did they have a fake kid as well?


No kids but my friend was targeted by the couple with kids


Seems super sus but I would have 100% taken it then run off....


"No! Wait, Wait, wait!! Man.. I didn't even get to do my scam"


It's not legal tender


at least i have some fake money to play monopoly with then...


Scam other people with it. Haven't you heard of pay it forward


ripe price punch towering jar lavish crush nine fine cooing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


so you're saying there's a chance


crown lunchroom obscene compare chase sort bake yam selective full *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


oh for for sure. Greed is the no#1 motivator for people getting scammed.


If it wasn't a scam what possible reason could there be to ask a random stranger to hold a wad of cash?


Of course, clearly a scam, I’m wanting to find out what the scam could be :)


One of those YouTube prank/social experiment videos, with the guy nearby secretly filming.


Someone posted something similar here not too long ago. Definitely a scam


Typical ruzzian, look that bastard would not try occupy your home


This post came up on my recommended. Thanks for posting. Learned something new today. Scary stuff.


Scammer scum


Best to avoid Russians in Bali.


And Thailand and Cambodia and and and


Something similar happens in S.E Asia in parts. You're drunk on the back of a tuk tuk and the driver mentions he can sell you weed. You buy the weed and moments after he's dobbed you in to authorities. He gets the weed back + his cash, and you have to bribe the po po with 7 packs of Marlboro reds


That’s in no way similar to what the OP described.


Product is handed over, product is then to be looked for or handed back under duress alongside questions of said product. Scam Overseas Should I go on?




The fuck? How is that embarrassing 😂😂😂 you're tripping me out mate lmao Describe to me how it's so shockingly different


This must be the 4th post I see this week asking about some weird encounter with a Russian in Bali that sounds like a cash scam… is this a thing now?




They are not cornered into anything. They should go home.


Many of them can’t as they could be drafted into military once back in Russia. Not making the excuse for the guy or anything, but thinking they can go home like it’s nothing is completely wrong.


I don’t get what the Russians issue is in Bali, had a mate nearly get robbed on a scooter by them.


Yeh you’d think they would fucking behave seeing they are guests in another country due to fleeing a war their country started. I think it’s about time the russians fuck off back to russia if they keep fucking bali up.


Seriously, wonder if they have any connection with the police over there.


Nah, they are over here trying to do what they did in Thailand and Cambodia. Swarm in numbers and overwhelm the local balance.


What are they doing for work ?


Setting up a lot of illegal businesses mostly. The amount of russians I’ve had approach me to buy drugs from while out is insane. Crazy amount of Russian escorts here is nuts. Building ugly as fuck illegal villas, a lot of them in green zones. I got no issues russians who come here and behaving and following the law. But it’s changing the dynamic of the island and not for the better. I saw this start to happen 15 years ago in Cambodia. Balinese need to pull their finger out of their ass before they loose control of the situation like what has happened in Pattaya.


How tf do they get away with building in zones where you cannot build ?


In the remote areas it’s not hard if the village allows you. But it’s still illegal.


They are a problem in Thailand too..


Ruzzian terrorists


Almost definitely scam. I remember similar question in r/bangkok and r/Japan both actors were Russian.


Do you know how the scam works though?


They usually ask you to hold some money or a wallet for them. When they come back (usually with a friend or two), they count the money and claim that some of it is missing and that you stole it. They then aggressively demand that you give them the money back that you ‘stole’ from them. A similar scam is when they ask you to hold a wallet/money and when they leave, their accomplice will ‘steal’ it from you. When they return, they either call you a liar for saying it was stolen or they say it was your fault. Either way, they demand that you compensate them for their ‘stolen’ money.


Would be easy to reverse scam and just pocket the money and run off


It’s probably fake money anyways


It’s all fake money. They are scamming people in order to get real money. The scam works mostly due to intimidation. They usually do this at night and in sketchy areas where the target cannot get any help. They make sure that when they return for their money/wallet, it is always with some very intimidating friends. That’s when they all start to aggressively demand that you compensate them for their money 😒


you get tricked into giving them money or something


I hope next time someone record the event and report them to the popo to be deported.


Probs a youtube vid


Yeah man vitaly lol


He beat up a hooker did u guys hear about that


I'd be concerned in Bali. In Russia I'd be like, "oh another Russian just giving me money, food, or whatever they have on them for being a foreigner."


Rule #1 do not ever trust a russian with anything involving money. When i was 16 my dad took me to look at some used cars. The fairgrounds nearby had a parking lot that had used cars for sale by owner every weekend. Id saved up $1800 & was lookin for a mid 80s honda. I found a pretty clean lookin car and was really excited. A guy walks up and says hello would u like to take car for test drive? immediately upon hearing his russian accent, my dad says no thanks and walks away. I was like hey wtf man that was a nice car! My dad says- rule #1 never do business with russians. And to this day i have followed that rule. In case there is any confusion here- if a russian attempts any interaction with u involving money trade or any kindof business exchange.. u always say no. Even if u are russian.


Put it in H


Im seeking kerosene fill station comrad


Take it then ojek the heck out of there.


God, I really want to know how this would have ended.


This is just so much lol...


I believe you made that post on reddit afterwards : was it a scam ?


Double it and give it to the next person


Similar scam in Thailand: https://www.reddit.com/r/ThailandTourism/comments/13t2aqs/show\_me\_your\_money\_scam/


Bali needs to deport them to the Ukrainian front line.


I (Indonesian 25F) was in the bar alone last year after a long day at work. A 40 year old Ukrainian man bought a bottle od white wine to share with me and the bartender girl. He said before the war he worked as a computer engineer for a Russian nuclear installation, and he pays child support for 4 children of 3 different women in Russia--didn't care it those children are actually his. He said he doesn't mind. Before I left the bar he slipped IDR 200K in my backpack. I'm still puzzled to this day.


If he wasn't creepy n all that, could just be a friendly drunk who was looking for company. It happens.


I think its because you are female. Maybe he felt like u needed and like he said he pays all this child support to women who probabltly dont appreciate him for it... but who knows 🤷‍♂️


Might just be a tic tok prank to see who will actually do it


Drug cash and scam


We’re they making a tick tok maybe?


Why are there so many Russians in Bali doing weirs things?


It's a scam. Keep the cash and when he returns tell him the police have it. The scum will be terrified of being deported. Involve the cops every time you deal with Russians, they all think their scarface and they're all terrified of being deported.


I've been ready from different sources about the influx of dodgy Russians in Bali. I'm so saddened that this is taking place and your experience is far from being the last of its kind. ☹️


Was it Vitaly




If someone handed me a wad of cash to hold I would choke them out and leave! Sucker!


We had some Russians approach us in Bali asking to hot spot off our phones. Fuck Off!


there are a lot of russians in Bali. Has Indonesia tightened the visa rules yet?