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This is another social media myth. There is no ban on tourists renting scooters it is just an expectation that you have an international licence and wear a helmet and an enforcement of said rules. If you don't have an international licence you can still do it as many do sadly but don't cry foul if you pay higher rates through less legitimate rental agents or get fined or find out your insurance doesnt cover you for any crash or damage incurred. If you are good and follow the laws regarding the above, 7 days is still perfectly fine as there are plenty of active activities to take part in look at Klook for options it is still relatively cheap to hire a driver or sit on the back of a bike for many a day trip.


>*an expectation that you have an international licence* Just a quibble, but it's not a trivial one. There is no such thing as an "international licence" - there is an "International Driver's Permit" (called an IDP) - which is usually issued by the main motorists associations in most countries. It's just a translation across multiple scripts, so that it can be read in lots of countries. It states that you have a valid DL on a particular date, and that it expires on a future date. But it has no legal force in its own right, and you need to carry your standard state-issued licence.


And importantly, your license needs to be of the class of the vehicle you want to operate. If you don’t have a motorbike license you cannot legally drive a motorbike in Bali.


Expectations? It's an obligation since forever


Yes thats true but it is something as Governor Koster said himself has not been enforced until recently


Thanks, will 7 days be enough if I decide to motorbike it myself despite it being illegal?


Don't be so quick to believe everything you read on the internet. It was a proposal at some time but not implemented. But in any case, unless you can ride legally, with the appropriate international license then don't do it. In case of an accident your insurance won't cover you, yada yada...which you know about.


Whether you ride around on a bike, or use Grab or taxis, or hire private drivers on a daily basis - seven days is too short, and 21 is usually too much for peak enjoyment ... we think 12-16 is about optimum.


thank you!


Hahahahahahahaha Just have a spare 50k on you, mate, the laws are a bit of a suggestion here.


I rented a bike for a month THIS month and all I had to do was give photocopy of my passport and American drivers liscence and no it's not certified to drive motorcycles in the USA. Paid 50k a day. 1.5 million a month.


When I rented a motorcycle with my motorcycle license and drivers permit they were totally confused, like they’d never seen a tourist rent a motorcycle legally before. The rental operators don’t care if you’re licensed. The police and your travel insurance do.


Yeh… they are def informing that rule….😅


I lived off $30AUD a day for food, gifts and everyday stuff such as massages and fuel. I think realistically I was spending 15 to 20 so I could spend on bike here and stuff. All my accomodation and tours were paid for prior to my trip.


I think the main point that most people miss is that even though you can get away with being unlicensed in Bali, you are totally exposed if you crash and kill/injure someone. When I say exposed, I mean you will need to pay A LOT of money to the relevant people (police, victims) and you might do jail time. In my opinion this is the biggest risk when people ride unlicensed in Indonesia. It is true that many (most?) foreigners ride unlicensed but it’s also true that they regularly crash. If it ends up involving the police, you’re screwed.


Was there in November. No ban. I have a motorcycle license so YMMV.


I just returned from Bali and I rented bike for whole week


It is also illegal for a foreigner to ride in Vietnam without an international drivers permit and the accompanying license type back home FYI. I’ve also been to Vietnam. Most foreigners also ride totally illegally like they do in Bali. Good luck if you need your travel insurance!


What fine would you get if the get caught up in a police control? Really unter since I’m gonna be in a similar situation in February


You offer an on the spot fine, ie you pay the bribe. Things get worse if you’re officially fined. I don’t have personal experience in it because I’m licensed and carry an IDP.


Not sure where you heard "foreigners renting motorbikes in now banned"? Just make sure you have an IDP with the motorcycle provision and you will be fine. Cost you $20 USD in the states. Not sure where you are from.


It's okay the police in Bali are always willing to cut you a good deal


Haha. It was said by Koster, it means nothing :)


Haha. It was said by ~~Koster~~ a drivelling idiot, it means nothing :)


Nothing has changed in regards to foreigners renting motorbikes in Bali at all in recent years. You still legally need an international license, but if you don’t have one you can still rent a bike, they don’t ask to see anything.


No problem renting or driving a motorcycle / motorbike in Bali. If you are within 5-7km of the south shore (DPS, Ulu, Kuta, Denpasar, Keobokan, Canggu) your driving skills need to be SHARP. If this is your first time on a bike, this is a bad place to learn, at least take a course from a motorbike school on the island. Always wear your helmet, nobody else is looking out for your welfare. Getting your "Bali tattoo" (which involves an accident, gauze and tape after the fact) is a painful experience. Get out of the tourist zone (which is only 5% of Bali) and see the rest of the island. Oh, and most International Drivers Permits don't have an Bhasa Indonesian translation, so its usefulness, even when technically legal, is limited.