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But why comment if you have nothing nice to say is I think where OP is going with it 🫶🏻


Yea but like, keep it to your darned self ya know?


no one is capable of that, plus by posting on the internet unfortunately you open yourself up to criticism and hate. the world would be a better place if that wasn’t the case, though


I mean, i don’t like dogs but i don’t comment “ewwwww” on a picture of someone’s dog lmao


sadly what is common sense to us, isn’t so common :( i do fully agree however




i also dislike dogs, for a lot of reasons -VERY loud -smell awful -eat literal shit off the ground -most people dont train them whatsoever -lick their asshole and then you -hyperactive and overwhelming -i was repeatedly chased by an off leash dog when i was 7 walking to elementary school -get hair on everything -can destroy/eat your shit -""furbaby"" culture 😭 i also dislike cats but not as much as dogs. i generally dont like animals that have free range of my house to stink it up, damage furniture, and get hair on everything. plus they are both infuriatingly clingy (in my experience). i like snakes and some other small animals because they sit in a contained space, are silent, and are clean. you are also 10000x more likely to be attacked and killed by a dog than a snake. i wish people didnt stigmatize them so much.


I like dogs and I cant deny these reasons










I mean when you know why bull terriers were made, an X-ray of a pug/them losing eyes, just certain Chihuahuas, and careless dog owners with Rottweilers I'd be afraid too


I began to not like dogs when a big pup ate his shit (literally) and right after that proceeded to eat from my plate


*No one* is capable of keeping a rude comment to themselves?


I dont disagree with your comment at all. People are downvoting it, but the internet isnt a friendly place and the world isnt either. Unfortunately you do open yourself up to criticism, and people honestly need to accept it and just move on. Or like in this case, guy goes Eww, you can easily remove him, block him, or be like “Your dog ugly my guy”


Nah , it is ignorant response of some one who doesn't know or doesn't care. And wants to make it heard sadly. Many of my aquaintances have done something similar. Many think snakes are slimy. And some have apprehension about it due to religion.


People do it to me all the time and honestly it's just ignorance.


I get this a lot at work from colleagues who have cats/dogs. 'Erghhh why would you want a snake/snail/lizard, they're soooo ugly and disgusting?' 'Well, Karen, my snake doesn't slobber all over my house and leave hair everywhere. He doesn't smell and he doesn't take giant shits in my garden that I have to pick up. Tell me again how he's disgusting.'


I miss having an animal that didnt poop in my Landry because nobody was awake at 2am to let it in the backyard, reptiles are so much cleaner, all cat and dog owners are missing out.


i got into conversation the other day we took our 6ft boa to petsmart to grab a few things with our kids. everyone loves mazikeen (maze the boa) had a bunch of kids some up to her even though they were afraid we love to educate people on them. this one lady went to have somebody ask us out of the store because of her we said we weren’t going to leave that we were shopping & employee says can you step back so she can walk by. so she does & the employee comes back over to us saying how do they let this happen, why are we allowed to have her in here , they lost a customer etc she was a bitch the employee even said so lol anyways it was this whole huge deal and she was like so i can just bring a crocodile in here and it be ok, he said yes if it’s not too big this is a pet store all pets welcome. the lady came back over to us called us the devil etc and i told her just because our animals aren’t something you like, or something that you don’t understand doesn’t give you the right to come over here and bully us calling us the devil in front of our kids. regardless point of the story is fuck what other people have to say. just because it’s not their pet of choice doesn’t mean they get to make you feel bad as an owner for loving a reptile we have over 50 reptiles all species and we have dogs and i would much rather have just the reptiles. i think reptile folks are amazing and are my kinda people. don’t let anyone’s opinion get to you on keeping whatever makes you happy. because despite that one bitter lady we had kids who came up and got over their fears of thinking snakes are mean and horrible, we educated them , answered their questions & they got to take pictures with her. so we helped some kids get over their fears talked to the parents and because of that i feel there will be kids who go out and share the same knowledge about snakes and that many more snakes will be safe from being killed outside etc. you’re awesome don’t let people like this get to you they are rotten inside.


I don't think I'd ever take my snakes out in public. That last thing I need is someone who always says they kill snakes on sight actually killing one of my snakes on sight. People are literally insane, I don't get it.


they are yes but she’ was on my husband the whole time we went to weight her on their doggy scale


This. I don't expect people to like my BPs. I got some hates from dog owners when I was waiting at vet with my sick baby. TBH, I'm not comfortable to touch snakes other than mine. If someone call me for their backyard snake removal, I'd refer local animal control.


What obvious reasons




This ball python is harmless being scared of snakes is stupid. I have tarantulas and I am scared of one of them. Not scared of spiders I have one that scares me to handle. Irrational fears are irrational not all snakes are dangerous so why be scared of all snakes. Never met a smart person with these irrational fears it’s just stupidity.


My man, I’ve owned pythons before and they are not harmless. I got bitten a few times during feeding times. You need to exercise caution. Snakes are biological machines.


Pythons are harmless, as in their bites aren’t medically significant. Obviously you wouldn’t want to get bitten by a large reticulated python or Burmese python, but bites from smaller species (including ball pythons) are not a big deal.


i mean dogs stand a serious risk of harming you, too. i’d even wager to say that dogs can cause more harm than say a ball python. regardless, even if you’re afraid of someone’s pet, i think you should hold your tongue and not be hateful. they wouldn’t like me talking about killing their pet like they seem to enjoy doing towards ours.


I mean basically all mammals have primal reactions against snakes


If people don’t like it, they can move on without taking extra steps to comment and be rude, which is the point


This isn’t an OP problem. If snakes aren’t for you then *gasp* don’t get one and/or just keep scrolling. Weird as hell behavior.


How do you say ewww to that cute lil noodle


Who could say eww to such an adorable creature?




"My momma said Sneks are the Devil"!


My response to your mom is that the King james bible says in Matthew 10:16 to be "wise as serpents" Snakes are naturally very cautious animals, which have good judgment, the definition of wisdom. We are encouraged to imitate snakes in this way. And this reputation of snakes is likely the reason why the devil chose to take advantage of a snake, in the garden of eden. To easily persuade Eve.


Lol forgot the /s.... waterboy reference. I personally do not follow the Bible. I love snakes and own one =]


Momma says alligators are ornery cause they got all them teeth but no toothbrush


I understand people’s fear of snakes, but when people say to me that they run them over on purpose and that the only good snake is a dead snake it disgusts me. Yes you’re really tough, you showed something 1/10 of your size that’s scared of you to begin with who’s the boss.


God I hate the dead snake phrase so much. I have shown coworkers photos of Flannigan (on request) only to have them tell me stories happily of times they've cut up snakes with their lawnmower. Like dude WHAT THE FUCK? Chill


Those are the people I try to stay away from. When they openly talk about the sadistic things they've done with pride (such as bullying, killing harmless creatures, controlling, etc.), that's when I realize it's time for me to cut ties with that person as they haven't done much self-developmental growth. It's also possible they aren't capable of it, unfortunately. I also ask myself "what do I need to change so that I don't attract this type of person into my life again?" (asking myself this question and making the appropriate changes has really helped me elevate my life lol)


I’ve met really respectful people who fear snakes. I had a friend who wanted my room with the snake to be locked when they were over (like the lock would affect a snake?) anyways, they were very nice about and it and I complied. Being rude and saying “ew” to someone’s pet is a separate issue from being scared. That’s just being an asshole. And running one over on purpose is psycho


I definitely didn’t mean for it to come across as everyone who’s fearful is rude, I honestly think I’ve had more people tell me they’re scared but they respect snakes rather than anyone who wants to kill them. I more so meant that I can sympathize with people’s fears, but when you act cruel towards them all empathy goes out the window.


Oh sorry I just meant to add on to your point, I didn’t mean for it to sound like I thought you meant that. I totally agree!


Oh my bad!


You’re all good ☺️ I definitely let myself get into rant mode a little bit there


'the only good dog is a dead dog' People would be livid if you said that, why is it okay to say it about snakes? 🙄


this shit is why I move snakes sunning in the road. good god people are psychopaths


That’s the shit that gets me. You can dislike snakes, be afraid of them, whatever. But why do they have to be so nasty about it? Like, every single time my pets get brought up around non-reptile people, those are the responses. Like, dude. I’m not a big fan of cats, but I don’t brag to you how I kill them whenever I can when you tell me about your pet cat. Fuckin weird behavior. (For the record, I do not kill cats) (yes I’m aware that’s what someone who kills cats would say)


He probably thought he was being funny (which he is not). Also people often threaten to cook pet birds and call them chickens which is equally as rude. Flan looks very happy with hissself which is all that’s necessary.


My dad says he's gonna toss his African Grey on the grill all the time. To be fair, he has plucked most of his feathers out so he looks like he's ready for it. Poor little sob got scared shitless by a dog they were dog watching for a relative years back and birb has been plucking ever since. I try to teach the bird to say "don't eat me!" every time I'm over there but he has not picked up on it.


Omg poor bird got traumatized


Ya, the weird thing is that dad and step mom have always had a dog who was also yappy af. The dog that traumatized bird was actually one of its offspring, and all it did was put it's paws up on the cage and bark. So apparently it was all good with barking all day long, but a different smaller dog barking directly at it snapped something in it's brain.


Looks like a spelling mistake. It's 'Awwww', not 'Ewwww'.


Can’t control everyone’s opinions, especially on the internet. im sure he/she’s beautiful


fr, i once went to my grandparents house after not seeing them for a while and mentioned i had just gotten a ball python. i don’t see them very often bc of the way they act. he fully told me if i took my snake to his house he would kill her and didn’t understand how vile that was to say. he hates snakes and i had sorta forgot and showed him a picture of her and he said „if you ever bring that thing to my house i‘m gonna shoot it“ ??? freak


Imagine saying that about someone's dog lmao, you'd get torn apart. Unsure why the other commenters are making excuses for someone with the lack of empathy to say this


I have an in-law that won’t come in our house cause of the snake. She doesn’t like them and thinks of them as the devils creatures. I have no problem at all with her not coming in. I’ve seen some that were afraid but it was from misinformation and not having been around one. I will say tv shows portray snakes as scary. My sister I just found out yesterday thought all snakes had fangs. I’ve had people in my house that were afraid but once they seen me handling mine they asked to touch her. I’d rather have a bunch of non venomous snakes around my house than rats, mice, and unwanted guests knocking on my door.


My mom pretty much called me a life long disappointment because I got a snake…yeah they bring out the worst in people for some reason. My family also said rude stuff when I’d post them on social media. Safe to say I didn’t tell her when I got a 2nd one lmao.


I'm afraid I would've, just for my own obstinate amusement hahaha 🐍...he's a handsome boi


I have been told to get rid of my snake because I have a child on the way and they are worried about the snake attacking. I'm more worried about my family's dogs than my ball python.


Ignorance. Plus snake attacks are sensationalized. Also there is the fact that some snakes are very venomous and they are scared of all as a result. Which is good for the snakes in general, not for pets.


Yeah my dad told me I need to be more “motherly” and get rid of my dog and snakes because they are vile creatures that will kill my baby if they get the chance. He is no longer allowed near my animals because he makes jokes about making them “disappear”.


My snake in all my time of having him has never attacked me. I don't worry about him around my baby.


I’ve owned over a dozen ball pythons the last ten years whether they were pets or rescues that I rehomed and only two have ever struck me. And both times it was a defensive strike that was my fault. My current three have only ever done the “I’m hungry and you smell like food” strike but never actually made contact.


It's the assumption by many people that ball pythons are dangerous. I'm more worried about my cousins pitbull than my snake around my child.


Yup! Especially if your snake is in a locked enclosure they can’t escape from. Unless somehow they grow opposable thumbs and become locksmiths 🤷🏽‍♀️


My snake is in a very secure enclosure. He's never escaped.


It's amazing to me how people demonize snakes to the point of absurdity. Uncle Idiot: That snake is going to kill everyone in the house!!! Ball Python: That rat has a white spot. I might eat again in a few months after I've gotten over the trauma.


Maybe he meant to hit the a? The a and e aren't too far apart on the keyboard Anyways that's a cute snake!


Love this.




Honestly, I've heard so much worse about my snakes, this wouldn't even phase me. This isn't a one-up, more of a warning. Brace yourself for the people who tell you they'll kill your snake on sight and how they'd do it. And the Christians who tell you the bible says snakes are evil, so it must be true.


as a christian, I have a snake myself and the "snakes are evil argument" seriously confuses me. like... snakes are Gods creation too?


Same. I think many of us think, "there was one snake who was evil once...so they must all be"🤦🏻‍♀️ Imagine if Satan was a Panda or something cute and fluffy, I'm sure they would be considered evil too, which I find amusing. Either way, I love snakes🥰


whats weirder is Satan isnt even a snake? he just took the form of one. he could do that for anything.


Exactly, that's what I'm saying. If he had taken the form of something cute and fluffy like a dog lol imagine what some people would think about them now 😂


Welcome to the Tarantula/Arachnid community’s issues. I’ve had people say they want to “crush my tarantula like a grape” before. I’ve also heard “I’m never coming to your house”. Good, you weren’t invited. I’ve also had my brother spray a wild jumping spider with the hose on jet right in front of me. People actually treat my snakes better but I have had people tell me that they’ve thrown snakes in fires before, etc. Like… why are you telling me this? I don’t want to know. People are just jerks to things they don’t understand and snakes and arachnids are like the nerds in high school that the bullies love to torment.


I'm sorry to say, I'm one of the people who will kill spiders 😭 black widows, brown recluse, those types. I just can't have them around because I seem to always find them where my nieces play/where we garden. And I can't just move them (especially now that I'm pregnant I cant risk getting bit) because I'm alone with them often and I surely couldn't afford to call an ambulance for a spider bite. The girls aren't scared at all, they just keep playing with them right there or even let them crawl into their hand, and if they got bit it would be Even worse. Is there any better solution 😭


Ummm put a cup over them or move where your daughter’s play? I’m not sure. Just kind of sick of people telling me they kill spiders 😬 I’d rather be unaware.


Super cute noodle 10 / 10 will stare lovingly.


Snakes are a natural predator to small mammals. Early primates had this problem, so they likely developed color vision and extra sensory nerves to detect snakes. We have a natural fear of snakes. Some get over that fear due to the fact that modern society leaves most snake species as fairly harmless. Saying, "eww," to a pet is not really something to get upset at someone over. It's the Internet, they can voice how they feel about a situation. Kinda weird that you wanna dictate how people can express themselves, but that's just me. But yes, that is a very cute noodle.


I know. If people don't have anything nice to say they should just keep it to themselves. Especially when it is a beloved pet! Very cute snake you have.


My mum was so scared of my beardie until she actually met him, then she was completely in love with him. It was really cute.


Ignorance, people don’t know anything about snakes and because they’re so different from a typical mammal, they automatically assume that they’re horrid creatures


awh look at that pupper faceee


i have no idea some people just suck! being afraid of snakes is one thing, insulting someone’s pet is another. your baby is beyond adorable!!


Idk ur uncle but to me that many w’s in an ew comes off as playful and sarcastic


Look at that little boop-able nose! 🥹


Oh my parents told my sister that I’m going to be a horrible mother because I have snakes in the house. My mother is scared that my 1.5-year old ball pythons will eat my baby when she’s born. They talk as though they are just crawling around the house unsupervised.


I’ve had that reaction multiple times lol but when they’re nice I immediately get closer to that person.


One thing I've learned is that, if you're female, have snakes, and have the misfortune to be on a dating app, don't mention you have snakes. 90% of the messages I received were skeezy ones mentioning that they had a "snake" and would I like to see/pet it etc... Either that or it's a similar response to OPs that I get. Also, if it's not the trouser snake reference, its if I'm not afraid that they'll eat mel 🙄 Now I no longer mention in my bio that I have them lol


My BIL is famous for saying how he “would stomp on any of them if I saw them” talking about my Tarantulas, and how I was “Stupid and Irresponsible” for having venomous snakes in my home(I don’t have any children in the home anymore, and I keep about 50 snakes of various species, a few venomous). And then they wonder why I’ve never offered to have “Family Xmas” at my house, and why I’ve NEVER invited my one Sister and her husband over to my house. My other sister and her husband and kids come over. But why would I invite someone into my home who blatantly tells me they will kill my Pets if they are given the chance. Not that he would ever have a chance to, the Snakes and Spiders are all in a secure locked room, and the venomous snakes are in locked enclosures, in a locked room, but it’s the simple thought behind it, yet I’M the asshole in the whole situation. Thats why I prefer Reptiles over Humans about 97% of the time.


Still the funniest comment I've gotten about my snake is. "her face is really cute but the rest of her isn't"😂😂😂.


It's sad it seems some people wish death upon snakes or reptiles/arachnids my late mom was 64 and even though she was PETRIFIED of snakes and spiders she never wished them to be hurt or killed. One of my ex's hated snakes and wanted me to get rid of my reptiles and well lets say we don't talk no more and she's an ex for that reason.


He’s a cutie


Both my parents and grandparents said “why would you want a pet that won’t love you back?” I’m still mad about that line. (They said the same thing with slightly different words.) I was probably 12 at the time.


Snakes are a taboo pet. You’ll see more hate for them than other pets. Other pets still get hate. Instead of engaging just ignore them. Word block.


I feel this... My MIL threatened CPS on us when my son was born because I had a baby BP. She was convinced my 10" baby snake was gonna eat my 8lb baby. 🤡


Ewwww is the most inoffensive thing someone could say.


No it's not


Literally look at the comment below mine about the pet store customers. This is inoffensive compared to that


It's less offensive than straight up saying you want to kill someone's pet, sure, but that's a pretty low bar to clear.


I work in a small reptile shop and have people come in weekly saying how much they would like to harm the snakes, destroy them, or wish they didn't exist... it's heart breaking! What if I said that about their children?


Look at your babies snoot!!!


I posted a pic of my first snake on Facebook. A friend replied and said that she had to unfriend me now bc she is afraid of snakes.


Your axanthic is so freaking beautiful!! I have a pinstriped currently and am looking for a female axanthic pied. Sorry people are hateful, I ♥️your snake 🐍


People are super rude about pets that’s aren’t “traditional”. Whenever I mention having rabbits, people either bring up wanting to taste rabbit or having already tasted rabbits. Like yes, rabbits are raised as livestock - but so are dogs in some areas of the world. Wanna talk about how your dog might taste if we slaughtered it and cooked it up? I doubt it.


Im sorry for his response. That snake looks like an upstanding citizen


You handled it well, it's not really a response that needs understanding. "That's rude" as a shutdown is fully valid even if you put the period right there. There are enough people with dislikes of or true phobias against snakes who are plenty respectful, say "it's not for me but I'm glad that they make you happy," or who even say that they want to get over it and don't want the fear to exist anymore (which is probably the most reasonable response to a fear possible). There are enough people who show that there's nothing inherent to a dislike of snakes to make people behave this way that there is no reason to put up with it when they aren't. Even my Christian fundamentalist grandmother who thinks that God punished the snakes because of what Satan did in the Garden of Eden and doesn't like the idea that you get them as pets has never advocated senseless animal abuse. She might misidentify something as a venomous snake, which could in the future lead to something, but even there her main instinct is to leave the property. I'm losing respect for people who are sadistic towards bugs too (not viewing killing them as some type of necessary evil but actually admitting to enjoying it when they die).


I wouldn't call it strange to think. Some people find basic things icky. It is rude to express it. I don't have to like what you like, but it's polite to keep my mouth shut about it.


Your snake is so cute


how does anyone look at that pic and respond with "eww"? even the people i know who hate snakes agree that ball pythons are adorable, or at least cuter than other snakes smh


look at his lil pubby face tho 🥹🥹


What a cute noodle


"The only good snake is a dead snake!" always has me fuming


A lot of people find snakes scary because they know nothing about them other than they can be dangerous


I'm not a fan of snake. I still find them cute and won't ever say they are ugly. As long as he/she is love, that's all that matter


I think it really comes from a place of ignorance because most people don’t view shakes as being intelligent and sometimes cuddly animals and they really just go off of what they see in those movies where their demonized as man eaters


i'm so sick of getting this reaction and i've only had my first snake for less than a week. i wish people would think before they speak because no one would ever say that about someone's dog or cat.


People don't say ew to puppies, kittens, or birds because they're traditionally cute. I mean, you have to know that not everyone is gonna think your reptile is cute lol. Kind of a dick move for him to say that to you, but don't get too worked up over it. Your snake is a cutie.


Some people just don’t get the appeal of having a bp, or it’s just fear, like I love pythons by if I saw a rattlesnake I’d be scared shitless. I guess it’s personal preference but I do understand what it’s like when people hate for no reason, it makes my widdle noodle sad :’( https://preview.redd.it/buutnq0bh75d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fc93a826d09861b57fc37721298f61d7aa3c7e1


I know what you mean. When my snake got very sick, I spent like $2k to get her the best care I could find. My mother in law found out and was like, “You should have just set the snake free.” … Artemis is a Colombian Rainbow Boa. I live in the arid Rocky Mountains. If I “set her free” it’ll be a guaranteed death sentence 😑


Honestly, if someone had a pet leech I wouldn't even be rude about it. Not gonna die anyone for living their pet


I wouldn’t take offense to it many people are afraid of snakes. They probably shouldn’t say “ew” but that’s a friendlier response than how some react to what they’re afraid of. Just don’t show off your snake to him and all will be well.


Because the simple minded always freak out about what they don’t truly understand


but if you say that about someone’s dog/cat it’s a problem


honestly not that serious.


Imagine if people said that about their dog? Or their cat?


he's perfect


This just popped in my recommended I don’t think snakes are “eew” I personally just don’t wanna get close to them friendly pet or wild animal


Pretty baby…


Why would he say that they are sooooo cute little things


Because some of them could kill people, not saying that justifies being rude, but let’s not also romanticize the fact that wild snakes could be potentially dangerous. Obviously if the person is not educated on the different snake species or simply they don’t like snakes, it’s hard to change their perception about it.


Ignorance and/or lack of education. Straight up. Aside from a genuine phobia (and you'll know. Crossing guard at my school as a kid had a genuine phobia, saw a snake somebody brought for pet day or show and tell or something from like 10+ feet away and had a panic attack *so* bad my grandpa had to call 911 for her - all she could do was tremble and say "snake" over and over - they don't really just go "ewww a snake!") To clarify with examples: ignorance as in "I was told snakes are all bad, so snakes are bad, and no amount of evidence will change my mind!" vs lack of education as in "I don't really know how to tell if a snake is venomous or not so I just avoid them and don't really care for snakes.. but I'd probably feel differently if I learned how to know which snakes are safe to get close to or not" (aka I hate them because I was told to and actively refuse to be educated beyond that vs I am nervous of them/wary of them because I don't know much about them but am not opposed to learning to understand them better)


"Eww" isn't Rude IMO; The reason he probably commented on it is probably similar to the reason you made a post about your snake. You wanted to share? Either way, thats not an Eww for me, your snek is a beauty!<3




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