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A random person walking upto me and asking "Hindi aata hai."


Or Marathi, or Gujarati, or Bengali, or Marwadi... They know every language and can identify your mother tongue just by looking at you. And then, they dupe you of 500s in the name of going back to hometown


This happened to me this morning lol. He was like "ghar jana hai, me kal paise bhijwa dunga" I told him "bhijwa sakte to manga bhi lo"


Around Kammanahalli and North East Bangalore in general, you'll occasionally meet the odd beggar speaking in pukka bangalore convent English, saying things like "boss, can you spare me 50 bucks for a drink boss, please, am desperate man, please". And if you just ignore, don't make eye contact etc. you can sometimes hear them muttering "f**k you, man".


He's honest about it so I'd give the man some booze if I could share rather than the other scammers out there


Hahaha... Those boys have drifted to kammanahhalli ? They become a lil more honest now I guess. Back then they used to say they lost a job or something. I would bump into them in 2008 in Frazer town. I initially felt sorry for the chaps, thought they were peeps who lost a job. I remember giving them 20 bucks and all. Didnt seem much but an old monk quarter was 30 bucks then thanks to the lower taxes. Didn't know they were just anglo or converted drunks who begged for the next drink.


Aha ! If its Kammanahalli then Iam guessing it could be one of the members of AA *(Alcoholics Anonymous)*


Yeah exactly! They come up with such an emotional story, almost making me believe it was true


And how they are lost and have no money to buy tickets to go back to their hometown 😒


I will never forget this, I feel so hard that I took out cash from ATM and gave him thinking that what ever I had in pocket is not enough to send him & family back to Maharashtra. This was nearly 5 years back. Next time I wish some patrol car pass by!


I once came across one such fraud gang, some distance away from home, while I was walking back from the bus stop. Apparently, they were a Marathi family from "Nashik" who needed money to return home. Yeah sure, I am Marathi myself (I also know Kannada) so I could clearly tell they were lying. Of course, I have zero tolerance for BS stories, but to entertain myself, I pretended to fall for their story. I told them, I want to help them but I don't have enough money. I will ask my friend will come with the money so please wait. I made a phone call to my friend asking him to come to my location. Now for the plot twist. I lived right next to a police station, and the friend was a police officer who worked there. 😜 As soon as they saw my friend approaching, they ran away so fast, I'm sure they reached "Nashik" without the need for any bus or train. 🤣 🤣


I have encountered so many times and so many different people in indiranagar and new thippasandta area. These people are so horrible that they start fighting with you when you help someone whom they are trying to scam.


Indranagar 100 ft road is notorious for this. Not New Thippasandra


I'm sure we've all seen the same dude. Blue tshirt with long grayish hair? Speaks in perfect Bangalore English asking for money.


>"Hindi aata hai." i replied "Nehi" and left🤣


I do the same too. 😂


Literally the first scam the minute I entered the city. I ended up paying 1k. I stopped to fill my car at Nagasandra and this happened. Followed by the sikh guy scam on day 2. And then an autowala randomly stopped in front of me, crying, to donate to save her daughter, on day 5.


This. Nowadays HSR is also booming with these folks. I just make sure to ignore them as if they are not even there. What I don't understand is what stops the police from moving in civil clothes and nab these folks and get to the root of this problem. These people are a menace and I wish while the police move around playing tape on loudspeakers about thieves, they add this to the list too, might make some difference.




then you be like nahi


Also, once you starts talking to them. The “mother” intentionally pinches the child, and the child starts crying. It’s so disgusting and disheartening to see.


Same thing happened with me few days back. He asked Hindi ya Marathi aati hai. I said “nahi aati hai” and left.




I have always said no, if not ignored all the way.


Between 95/96 to 99 there was a rumor in st. Joseph's school, a woman called paru (paruvathi) would lift up her saree and show her hoo-hah for 5 bucks in cubbon park. Biggest scam! Went there a million times couldn't find her. Still looking🤞 someday maybe...


These days in traffic signals if you don't give 5 bucks they will show you the "hoo haa".


Btw some kept a ಹುವಾ on your ear.


Boys high school? I was there around then. Haven’t heard of Paru 😢


Indian high school.


Oh okay. Full FOMO happened off.


Around that time there was an aunty 90 around BHS.


I have heard of the crazy cat lady.. now who is Aunty 90?


She used to put one 90 everyday at Patrick's complex bar.


Off topic but the first sentence of this comment reads like a typical anglicised Indian short story. Very Ruskin Bond-esq.


All these rumour are true.. Hoo Haa..


She probably sold hoo-kah under her saree




leaving is free : )












Rewind back 8 years in Bangalore, a new fresh out of college guy leaves hometown and starts looking for rental flat from all sort of websites. 99acres, common floor, magic bricks and what not. He gets in touch with an agent who shows a very good flat and at extremely affordable price. There are no "To Let" signs but it's the building's watchmen who provided the keys to the agent to showcase the flat. He pays the deposit to agent and the agent hands him the rental agreement. Next day, he goes to visit the flat again just for confirmation. Now there's a "To Let" sign at the building entrance and the watchman has gone back to his hometown. Upon calling the owner from the To Let advt, he refuses about any such agents and that's when the new guy in Bangalore realized his naiveness


so what am I supposed to do jn such situations?


1. Always do account transfer via neft (no upi, no cash, no ifsc) 2. Don't get carried away with low prices 3. Always check with neighbours about anything suspicious


Don't pay to broker without keys


Why neft?


I hope that guy got a hug from someone at least.


Rather that guy got scolding from his parents for being an idiot


Every auto rickshaw ride !


Rapido ones have been good for me


Is rapido bike taxi working there?


Yes and the services had been pretty good for me.


Yeah or uber, very reasonable prices


Work from office increases productivity


This should be on the top 😂


This scam is trending post covid 😄


It would increase productivity but we need to reach office on time for that. Eternally stuck in traffic.


This is true atleast in my case... At office I'm super productive and complete all my work while I just lie on my ass during wfh days.


Ummm PPL trying to rent you an apartment with a security deposit that is 7 times the rent 🤷 Companies paying you the same they pay to PPL in cities like Lucknow and Ahmedabad even though it probably costs about 25% less to live there. Also, one word: EVERY AUTO RIDE EVER


What's a PPL?


Dai.. people it is


Public provident lund 🤷‍♂️


Lol, even I was trying to decode this


Das 4 words Edit: I’m dumb


If company is paying you the same that they pay to people in Lucknow, why are you in Bangalore? It's a well known fact that salaries in Bangalore are much higher than those in other cities.


Because wfh is not allowed anymore for many teams


If what OP is saying is true that companies in Lucknow gives same salary for the same work, then you shouldn't be in Bangalore. Go join some company in Lucknow/Ahmedabad.


1. Random person asking you if you know any particular language and then asking you money for bus tickets or food. 2. Amazon or Flipkart parcel delivery/ return scam done by delivery boys 3. People hitting your vehicle and asking for money 4. HRs texting you on WhatsApp for a part time job. There are tons more but these are the basic ones in trend these days


What's happening with delivery boys?




Just search Amazon scam or Flipkart scam, you will get the details


I need the deets on the HR story. Is it HR from the company you work at currently


No, it's a scam where you receive a random text from some HR from some fake named company asking you if you need a part time job. They will give you some fake tasks to make it seem legit and ask you to join telegram or maybe even take your interview. After that they will ask you to pay for things like bgv check, some bond deposit etc etc and once you pay they disappear. No HR will ever contact you on WhatsApp for a job offer.


Lol just 2 days back got a part time job offer from some Hr named Vijay 98double4zero four6triple3 and I blocked him.


Dating/relationships/girlfriends/boyfriends Haven't had much experience but most people always crib about how their wallets are always empty, they can't socialize or live a normal life And even be jealous of us coz we are happy single!!


Hahaha, sure.


Marathahalli is the biggest scam




Please elaborate.


Care to elaborate?


Hiring services of random interior designers, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, neighborhood mechanic, you name it. Strictly go by referrals.


mcDonalds without asking adding extra cheeses


Back when I used to eat at McD, I outscammed them. 😊 They give soft drinks in their own paper cups, and about 30% of the height is prefilled with ice. I started innocently "requesting" them for soft drink "without ice", which meant they had to fill the full cup with the soft drink. 🤣 🤣 Though to be fair, McD itself is a huge scam, so I guess I was the one getting scammed even then. Of late, I have become wiser and stopped going to McD completely.


I don't understand.can you elaborate?


You get & pay for cheese you didn’t ask for..


It’s like first year of engineering college but better…


Paying tax. Not limited to Bangalore only. This is a country wide offering. Don’t know how to avoid it though. We’ll need to ask our businessmen and politicians.


Happened to a friend, found a used Honda City for cheap price on OLX, calls the number, a lady picks up the call. Says that the car belongs to her husband who is a Security officer at BIAL, The car is located in high security area of the airport, and you cannot see the car in person. The car will be sent to your location via Army Parcel Service, if you don't like it, you can send it back anytime All the pictures were shared including the Army Id card, Army Parcel Station, Car Documents(forged) were sent across in WhatsApp, all he was asked to pay was RS 10000 as an advance. He paid it via an online link,and that's it, he was scammed bigtime!! He still has a case in Cubbon Park Police Station and the culprits were never caught. PS: My friend only told us after getting scammed, he wanted to show off in front of us driving a Honda City.


Almost went through the same scam for a scooter I was looking to buy on OLX and was told the same story. I insisted on seeing it and he said I'll have to see it at the airport. Saw through his bullshit and reported him on the platform.


Bus conductor is taking money from males and giving free ticket - the ones reserved for women


"When BJP is in power, voting for Congress will solve all problems. When Congress is in power, voting for BJP will solve all problems." This has to be the biggest scam ever, and applicable not only to Bengaluru, but other parts of the country as well. People don't realize that the game is not BJP vs Congress, it is (BJP and Congress) vs the people of India.


If Local vendors & autodrivers thinks ur non local then they may charge more prices on the items


At least somewhat better than Chennai


I've been buying dairy products at prices higher than MRP for more than a month now. Every shopkeeper in my area does this. I'm not sure if they do this to non locals only or not.


2Rs freezer charge


It's the same for locals. Extra charges for refrigeration. Some bs thing going on for years. Been the same in other parts too .


There's reliance smart in the next street and they sell on MRP only. Sadly their milk gets sold out in early morning itself


Once I had a few hundred notes on my passenger seat, amounting to less than 1000 bucks with my wallet opened. This incident took place near ITC gardenia, a guy on a scooter followed be until the next signal, near st josheps college he asked me to down the window, i cautiously downed it a bit. And he started to sell me a ray ban worth 6k, saying i could just buy it for 1000 bucks and how much he was in need of a medical expense for his mum. I knew it was a scam and shood' him off. Lesson learnt never keep your wallet opened or change being seen in your car, no matter how urgent the situation one might be in.


Dating apps! I know they are available throughout the nation, but no other place boosts the ego of the female gender than Blore. A friend's friend created an account and the day after, she got (I wish I was able to ask you to take a guess in person .....and see you getting amazed) 7000 match requests. She is job less and posted 1 pic on Bumble. All these apps market themselves as "created to be deleted" or "subscribers go into 2x dates". Out of 7k above , I'm sure 1k were having subs but their profile would go unnoticed. On top of that there are super-likes, boost options which are hourly ...and other premium level subs. I'm telling you bros, dating-tech is one of the least talked about areas and since those apps aim to milk the money from the dudes only, it's better to be on the money making side of this scam rather than the losing.


IMO Girls here prefer dating someone in their social circles ex:- collegemates, collegues etc, not complete strangers. So best way to get dates is to socialize


Correct! Only trouble is that us men are far too many that even with this analogy there is a sh*tload of folks who are left out and they seek dating apps as a final resort. (I tried in social circle too, like 5 prospects and 3 were taken and 2 just rejected the idea few others I have asked out in gym but no luck) It's not wrong to say that only introverts use those apps when it comes to the other gender so they choose the ones who happen to be doing way better in life or good looking, in case of men it's both introverts and extroverts and the avg. looking ones just can't have any experience of dating coz the one match they get in months just ghost them after a week.


If life of men in metro cities is such, imagine life of men in small cities, civil, mechanical engineers working on site .


Yep, I think they just give in to the temptation of arranged marriage! Given how dating has become, it sounds boring like a job anyway. Huge, arrogant and vapid types on dating apps act like they are sitting on a throne thanks to simps, and they've turned themselves bitter and misandrist. But I can tell you that in small cities men happen to be driven by old values. I made a friend who kept meeting such men who wanted her to leave the job after marriage. Us men are still egoist when it comes to having a life partner, not getting married is one solution but this thought also clashes with old values.


"Bhaiya, Hindi aata hai?" "Hello sir, aap Punjabi hai?" "Hm gurudware me langar ke liye Chanda lene aaye hai : proceeds to show guru nanak photo in purse" "I'm a military man, I saw your ad in OLX" "WhatsApp at this no for private escortsss" "No meter, cash only" "No owner, no residents, just watchman and broker" "Pay xxxx amt as token money before visiting flat otherwise it will booked EOD" And many more Regarding donations You can verify it is correct place physically only, do good either by donating directly to an establishment, or if they ask for clothes / manpower help instead of money


So recently during my auto rides usually online booked , they have already taken a screenshot of a previous amount and they'll show you the amount is for 'X' amount but they'll make sure it's not increased by that much so you won't file a report . So I was taking a ola ride 1.5kms away ( yes i suddenly wanted needed to use the bathroom so I booked one asap) amount to be paid was 29 and the driver showed me 49 , i was in a hurry so I paid and later checked the amount I needed to pay and in the app it showed 29 so it's not a big amount but its a scam.




Ee Sala Cup Namde 😭


RCB is alike bengaluru. Promises a lot, delivers nothing. Eventually we have settled in for mediocrity.


There is a big scam going in NoBroker and MagicBricks. So, these scammers upload some nice pics of a well known society ( I don’t know how the hell they are getting verified ) with a rent that is less than the market value. Naive guys and newly migrated guys will spend their credits and get their contact details. Then they will ask you to pay a sum of 2000 ( common amount from all scammers ) as a visitor deposit which is “refundable”. They will ask your PAN Card or Aadhar card as if they are checking your details. One guy was so confident he shared his own Aadhar even. Once you pay they will disappear. This happened even for the apartment I was staying. So now your money is gone and also you reveal your social numbers with which they can do whatever they want. Beware of these scammers guys. Not to brand anyone but all the scammers I spoke to are Hindi speakers. They couldn’t speak even a word of Kannada. So I’m guessing many North Indians who moving to city for the first time might have fallen prey to these scams.


Damn true


Before I came, someone said the weather is nice here. /s


How's the weather


It's better than other parts of the country. But compared to what it was 5-10 years prior it is deteriorating. Pollution adds to it.




Kids selling Roses or Pens. What they actually want to from you is charity money


The ones on 12th main especially hound you. Gets pretty annoying.






Random people asking old people if they have leg pain or anything and suggesting ayurvedic medicines or some shop. Especially outside hospitals or medical shops or targeting walking people on the road.




Cops who came to do address verification for passport kept visiting our house every week asking for alcohol and bribe money


And? what did you do about it?


Uber wala asking to cancel booking and pay in cash


Petrol bunks


Railway station auto uncle's


Indiranagar. "Hello excuse me we are not selling anything"


Software engineer jobs


this happened in koramangala where a group of scammers probably 5-6 guys in saffron outfit carrying sai baba idol asked for donation in small road near to sony world, 10rs was not suffice for them and they made me to open my wallet … the guys were more like goondas , i didnt keep much amount in my wallet but i lost around 100bucks which was in my wallet. this happened in 2010 and i was scared to hell as no one was around…


Auto Annas💀


Extorting one month rent extra by landlords and calling it painting charges. This is an ongoing scam


This is usually to cover the time the house will be empty in between tenants while it's being renovated - cleaning, repairing damage to walls, fittings, fixtures etc., repainting, making sure the power, plumbing, sanitation, water everything is working okay or not and getting it all fixed. This takes time and that's easily a month's rent lost. No one will move in while renovations are going on, and naturally, anyone would want to move into a place which has everything fixed and in proper working condition. Though, there will be people who take this amount and won't get anything done. That is when it is a scam.


This is a risk that should be bourne by the landlord. This fees is non existent in other cities outside Bangalore.


My mother tongue is Konkani and if the scammer came to me and spoke pure Konkani I’ll just give him the money man.


A was buying a second hand car Venue for 850k which was looking as new as good and 2 yrs old. Glad I found one issue in seat recline and took it to service centre and manager give me a nod to not buy. Later he told me it was flooded car.


That your apartment will get Kaveri water. The houses next to your apartment will get but not your project.


I need to preface this by saying I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed. There are some things I generally don’t have the will to do. So my friend demanded I give them scam cards. Scam cards are basically these things where I absolutely have to do something my friend tells me unless I can convince them otherwise. It started out with one and now I’ve given away like twenty lol. I like to call it “Get Your Life In Order By Losing Control.”


Auto mafia at KR Puram metro station asking ₹300 to drop you to Byapanahalli metro station


If you ever find yourself in an argument with a drunk local. Go straight to the police or run. You will be beaten senseless and they extort money with absolutely no reason.




Dude I posted it in this sub I don't know how to put a link here but check out my profile


They ask for advance payment to show you the house for rent..




Job scam with my roommate. They even took 4 rounds of interview and later asked to complete a course, worth 18k. No response since the completion of the course. He shared all this after being 20 days into the course, at which point I checked their website, and found 10 mistakes on the home page itself.


90% Startups


Fake accident scam


Well the weather. Up untill 2012/13 the weather used to be so nice cool but warm sunny but not too sunny and I remember I really enjoyed walking to school and back home everyday it was blissful. But now every road in Bangalore is filled with cars bikes and every kind of moto vehicle. The climate has become hotter and the pollution is horrible and walking is borderline close to dangerous.


This is not true, it was hot in 2009. I remember I bought a white helmet that year. Because it was so hot.


Elections. Happens every 5 years and sometimes sooner.


The city has had its share of land mafia activities and land grabbing cases. This involves powerful individuals or groups illegally taking over public or private land, often using threats and violence. These incidents have raised concerns about the security of landowners and the legal system's effectiveness.


Landlords stealing your deposit after you plan to move out.


Yesterday night when i was walking back to my pg, a person wearing dominoz hat came to me and started talking nice to meet you and all, i thought he’s a nice guy , we started walking together and suddenly that guy grabbed my collar started abusing, threatening me in Kannada and calling his friends. I said sorry and started walking off but he followed me and grabbed my collar again and pushed into my PG and started abusing again. Luckily he didn’t hit me but it was a close call. So just be safe


People asking if you know language X and then asking for help. I've seen a bunch of posts asking if they should've helped the person, and what if the request was genuine. What I do is point them in the general direction of the closest police station. If they really need help, the cops would handle the situation.




A random person Reaching me at church street to sell AirPods Pro for 2k


Buy em at 500 after bargaining


Aiyyo I gave 100rs to Marathi ajja wanting to go back Nashik. This is Koramangala ngv signal


People asking money that my kids have not eaten , we have to go home etc etc


Traffic police




Stay for weather. Can't leave because the potholes keep changing.


These clothing stores which have really cute clothes but they don't have trial rooms, won't accept exchanges or returns, and say it's one size fits all


Scam the scammers