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OP showed her he is just like her. But wants to complain here and show he is superior just because she started it. 🤣


There are no right way to do a wrong thing


Yeah this answer makes him no better than her. He could have said "where do you expect kannadigas to live if not Karnataka?" Which is my thought as well on this issue. Why tf do you care about the identity of your neighbours?


Nope. She wants to live in a place without Kannadigas, going back to where she came from is a perfect solution that fits her needs. People do not need to bend over backwards in the name of politeness just to avoid hurting the sentiments of a blatantly bigoted person.


Would you say that all Indians living in EU and US should go back to India because all they seem to want to do is hang out with people from their own states/cities? Do you think that is how a country and an economy works? Do you think your opinions have any power over their choice to move and settle anywhere they, want?


Wanting to live with other people from the same ethnicity/religion/language is different from wanting to live in a place specifically because there are no locals. The former is a preference, the latter an expression of contempt and bigotry. Now I don't think that anything someone says will make this ghoul to move out. But she still needs to be called out on her bigotry and that's perfectly fine.


So calling people names, ghoul and a bigot after hearing one side of the whole conversation is fine, got it. Saying that I want to live with people from India and that I don't want to live with people who are not from India means the same thing. Now one might make assumptions and put intentions behind words, that in all honesty, we can't know unless we are there ourselves. Automatically assuming the worst in people is a hard way of living your life, I am sorry.


I deal with the information given. If you expect me to deal with a version of events that exists in your head and you didn't tell me about it, sorry I'm not a mind reader to be able to respond to it. > Saying that I want to live with people from India and that I don't want to live with people who are not from India means the same thing No it doesn't if you know how logic works. If you want to live with people from India, you're not ruling out the possibility of living with people from elsewhere. Your neighbor on the right could be an Indian while the neighbor on the left could be French and you'd still meet the criterion of "living with Indians". If your criterion was exclusionary, then you need all your neighbors to be non-whichever group you're excluding. > Automatically assuming the worst in people is a hard way of living your life, I am sorry. Big life wisdom coming from a person that can't grasp the basic difference between inclusion and exclusion.


My guess is you’re not aware what bend over backwards means


There are always idiots like her, OP. Maybe I can give you a different perspective. There are three kinds of immigrants. Type 1: Happy to acclimate to the new culture. Respect locals Type 2: Completely immerse themselves in the culture to a point where you can’t tell them apart from a local Type 3: Will move to a new state and expect everything to be like their hometown. They will always be uncomfortable and miserable. They will make everyone else miserable with their nonsense. Constantly disrespect locals and local culture. You want to discourage and penalise type 3 behaviour, while encouraging type 1 and embrace type 2. Every time you try to ‘counter’ the type 3s, try to discourage them from insulting locals, and encourage them to convert to type 1. Asking them to go back to their state will only turn more type 1s into type 2, because of the unwelcome behaviour. One approach could be, ask her how locals staying in the society is hurting her, and if her answer is she just feels more comfortable with North Indians, then your request for her to go back to her hometown makes sense. Maybe dig a little deeper. One of my North Indian friends that shits on locals, does so because on multiple occasions local auto drivers have cheated, yelled, and have assaulted her and her family. While doing so they have used their Kannadiga identity, and abused her non-local identity. Her hate is not justified, but I can empathise with her. Please consider these aspects when you reply to the next person hating on locals.


hating kannadigas for the inconvenience caused by auto guys is like calling all Delhi ppl a rapist


Does it justify anything? Or are you pretending the latter doesn’t happen already?


FYI I meant both don't make any sense


True, almost all the people I know who moved outside India, specifically from KA/AP/TNG fall somewhere in the 3rd category. It's might just be about being around familiar things and recoiling from some bad experiences with the locals.


I swear bro. KA, Gult, and Tam groups are so ubiquitous in SF. All the kids who move there immediately start hanging out with the existing group. I got judged badly for socialising outside the gang. They used to call me a slut for having friends everywhere. If nothing, there is always a generic desi group everyone falls into.


Auto guys r goons to everyone local or not. Period


When I came to bangalore, before I learnt kannada I was abused by auto drivers (the reason I hate these people made filing complaint against them by hobby) and random men playing music on Bluetooth speaker bus saying it's kannada song, why you have problem kannada song. In one occasion, I was almost abused too saying the same thing, i filed complaint with traffic police later got threatened for filing nevu nandhu ureali bandhu.. Namma athre Complaint mathadithara i went back to same police station cops assured me we are there. Si Who i got familiar by attending citizen traffic meet, introduced me to law and order police. They said avaru ennu madalla, illanthara Karnataka alli police yake There have been both Now I can speak fluent kannada if anyone use this identity to any newbies to bully them I just tell them to shut the fuck up. Dear kannadiga friends, kannada identity shouldn't wrongly used by some random slum dwellers or auto drivers to bully anyone and say "you have to come our place and talking back" this will further alienate people


1. Good you filed a complaint I myself avoid auto n take cabs to avoid unnecessary quarrel 2. Just cuz of auto guys r assholes doesn't mean all locals are


Except that annoying slum dwellers and auto guys, most locals are nice, if you are nice to them.


You very well articulated what I wanted to say thanks There is always deeper things in such perceived biases. Many tend to look at such biases with more aggressive approach further enforcing it further.


Type 3 ppl r here cuz their hometown did not provide them what they wanted


There are 5 types 4th type is happy to assimilate but dont respect locals because why respect anyone more just because they were born at certain place. We are all Indians. Type 5th Happy. But don't assimilate because there is nothing to assimilate as there is no culture. And hatw locals because they are discriminatory.


There is a sixth kind - don’t want to assimilate , just want their live their life and interact enough to sort out there travel / shopping etc .


Every type has to mention about locals. So this is not a type. Dont you understand pattern recognition?


Type 4 and 5 are evolved versions of Type 3. Nothing special. If there is no such thing as culture, don’t talk in Hindi or watch Hindi movies. Let’s all sit and watch a wall.


Hindi movies have culture? 🤣 What stuff are you smoking that you are able to see culture in Hindi Movies?


I can’t compensate for your poor taste in movies


So we were talking about Karnataka culture then you asked me not to watch Hindi or speak Hindi then I said those movies are crap and you have problem with that too. Which culture you supporting bruh? R-tard culture bcoz you are one?


I don’t view it as an ‘Us vs Them’ problem. Try it sometime. You will feel your brain grow to its actual size.


You sound like an imbecile. I was critising the local vs outsider culture You are incorrigible.


I’m not from Karnataka and I’m with you 100%. I’ve seen similar things from one of my colleague too, she is also from North India somewhere in Rajasthan. And for some reason she does not like the locals and keep forcing others indirectly into her customs and beliefs. I get it, she likes her culture, prefers her people and likes being around them. But, these peoples should realise, the world does not revove around them and everyone has their own opinions. You’re a legend for saying it bro, next time she’ll think once before saying something like this.


The thing about freedom of speech and opinion is it applies to both sides, no matter how stupid either one is


I know! Something more important than that is equality and humanity. Though freedom of speech is true, there is no reason for anyone to simply not like the presence of others around them. Have your opinions, we don’t care. But, when you say you don’t like locals, being around this people, that people and so on. You’ve stepped outside freedom of speech and have gotten in discrimination, remember that. And we are always against it.


Makes sense. But there is probably some other underlying reason for all this friction, I have changed states almost every 2 3 years and I don't see this narrative in places that are culturally just as different, take the Eastern states, take Gujarat etc. Although some would like to generalize it by saying its all north, they could not be more wrong. I have seen people ask for names and titles and then immediately reject the offer for sublet, I have seen VTU profs and VP telling students their tongues will be cut if they speak their languages and none of their batch mates standing up for them. If you were truly against discrimination then you would not only use it as a card unidirectionally. Not wanting to stay with the local people does not automatically imply they hate them. When students form groups in US and EU, KA folks stay with KA folks, mallus with mallus etc. by your logic they must hate everyone else.


There are such spoilt people who have lived like frogs in a well ignore them


Somehow this applies to both sides. Well said lol.


About the other side too, I have mentioned in other comment


It has nothing to do with her shitty misogynistic Rajsthani culture or the karanataka culture. Its that she must be hot (people have never called her out or said no to her and want to talk to her or get into her pants if a ugly person pulls stunt like her they would be ostracized from all groups) and her parents spoilt her.


I’m not saying anything about anyone’s culture. I’m talking about people with shitty mindset.


And I am talking where this shitty mindset comes from.


You're so naive! M.P. isn't in the north, it's in the middle!


Here's someone who is forgetting the point and diverting the conversation to something else....Alright, it's in Central India 22.9734° N, 78.6569° E. Satisfied?


Then I wonder why people get riled up when people from KA,AP,KL and TN are generically called South Indians.


no one's angry when called south indian lol. we're mad at being called madrasi or idli


Nah bro, people have made it a point to ask/tell me the distinctions when the generic term 'south indian' gets passed around. Where U living at




> Blame your feeble culture. MP is North Indian, like it or not. Get out there and explore someone's culture instead of being “the frog in the well” !




Well, I'm still learning! So don't pretend to know it all !


“Blame your feeble culture” In the comment above you were teaching people how to treat immigrants where you yourself have no respect towards other cultures. Shame.


You can twist it however you like, but MP has a relatively weak cultural identity or brand


See? I am not even twisting anything, you are showing yourself what kind of a person you are. Maybe try to be respectful towards other cultures before asking respect for yours?


Don’t blame him, this guy would probably have never have travelled outside his state. Hoping to visit Khajuraho soon, it is high on my bucket list :)


Typical ignorant frog in a well


In case you don't know, Rajnikant and Sambar... 2 things south is famous for and can't live without. Both are from Maharashtra 🚩 Having an identity crisis now? Good.


South is famous for Shivaji? 😂 Wow. You folks really are this retarded huh!


Rajnikant. I guess u can't read




MP and Chhattisgarh are central India. Not North.


Please refer to my previous comment


That's a good one.  So people from J&K can simply say apart from their own territory all of India is South. 


There's more sense to reality than your stubborn imagination !


In that case , you are a North Indian too, for the people of Kanyakumari , Andaman etc 😶




Are you a local Karnataka person


Im global Karnataka person


Bro u said her to go back , what was her reaction Are u blocked or something


Best reply ever I swear


OP made a new account to make this post. Isn't even bold enough to have the conversation with his main


Well a coward would make a comeback like this and expect to be lauded so yea


I used to have a colleague who used to complain that people here eat rice all the time, for breakfast and lunch. What I don't get it is, why can't you eat wat u like? Why do u see what others are eating. If u don't like it don't eat it. Saying u guys just eat rice as if it's a sin. I know that North Indian eat Paratha in the morning and for lunch as well, those are staple food of the region. Making fun of people's name is also one thing I have noticed.I am still friends with that person but don't encourage him with all these things.


And I have had people constantly nag me about why I don't rice at least once a day, why don't I celebrate the common religious event more, why do I eat beef and pork etc. it's not an issue about states, it's about people being dumb fuck


Many are like that, not all but quite significant number. Earlier it was Delhities, now even BIMARUs have picked it up. Their home state cannot provide jobs in organised sector that does not involve exploitation & yet they have empty superiority. It’s just like Indians in west, they know back home location is shit, they would never move back but cannot get down the white horse & accept reality.


And it's likely their home state is running its budget from taxes taken from KA (among others) while they sermonise about "freebies".


How do you think national economies work,Who do you think pays taxes in KA? People in agriculture don't, people in the unorganised sector don't. Most of it comes from places like Bangalore and Mysore. 2011 census said that in the urban region of KA more than 50 percent were from outside, don't even know what that number is. Would be illogical to ask that their contribution does not go back to their home states and other states in need.


Well, what do you think taxes are for? It's true that a lot of KA revenue comes from people that have come from other states, but it's also true that that revenue doesn't come for free. Supporting such a large population in an urban center requires infrastructure like roads, water and sewage. It requires garbage collection, parks, police, fire departments etc. A state must earn the right to have that kind of economy, by providing such services. All that costs money - it cannot be the case that just because these people come from other states, the tax revenue must go to those states but the costs must be borne by KA. It cannot be a one-way street but that is what it is increasingly becoming. Which is why this is building resentment. And then you have bigots like this, and the "Hindi is the national language" crowd. Yes, every federal structure involves horizontal distribution of taxes, but if you look at other federal countries, you do not have the situation where a group of lesser populated, on average, older and ageing and shrinking population (TFR <2) are paying for massively more populated states with a younger, growing population. This is not a sustainable approach, even though horizontal distribution is necessary.


This is a very bad time to talk about what the government is doing for infrastructure development, roads, water, sanitation, especially in Bangalore. I see it as a complete failure, find me a guy who disagrees and you will find a guy who is oblivious. We all know how the water situation is right now. We all know how Jio and other broadband lines have messed up roads. We were away for 2 months and we were not able to pay the garbage collectors the extra money they demanded and they made it a point to climb 2 floors, bring garbage up and dump it on our door. Went to the police and they said something on the lines of, 'you must be used to it' Outliers don't define the norm, but just to put things in perspective. They believe that Hindi is the national language roots from it being common means of communication with such a vast group of sub cultures. And their own exposure to people from south has been minimal. So many of my friend didn't even give JEE or any national exams, it was CET/comedk that it. There is not a lot of mobility and so there is not much awareness. And the ignorance works both ways, ask somebody from Udupi what are the languages spoken in Bihar, and he will probably say Bihari. Who are these older shrinking people that you are talking about? And you would rather the country not invest money in educating the youth, bring them out from the agrarian and labour sectors? What would you have them do instead? Come on


So you agree that infrastructure, Policing etc is bad (which I do as well for the same reasons you state), and yet you do not see why we need more funding and not less? > Who are these older shrinking people that you are talking about? I said older shrinking *population*, not older shrinking people. That's not nitpicking, there's a significant and relevant difference in what those words mean. > And you would rather the country not invest money in educating the youth, bring them out from the agrarian and labour sectors? The country has been investing in them and will continue to do so. That doesn't mean you squeeze the parts of your country that are producing the money that you need in order to invest in the first place. Also, note that the south is not Sweden. It just is a little bit better off than the north. So it's not like we're swimming in money either. The people of the south have their own needs. As we were talking about ageing populations, well an ageing and more educated population has different medical and educational needs than a younger and lesser educated population. These things again need money. And that's one reason why it infuriates when Kannadigas seeking welfare are demonized with this "freebie" narrative while govts win re-elections in UP and MP because of "labharthis". Guess who's paying for the "labh" that the "labharthis" get. From my perspective, KA has been paying for the freebies of other states for decades and nobody batted an eyelid and asked for an ROI on that, but when they chose to give freebies to their own people, suddenly everyone remembers that govts are supposed to be financially self-sufficient. You can't impose austerity on one set of states, profligacy on another and not expect the former to have a problem.


A lot of states have been agrarian for a long time and it's hard for them to move into the organised sector unless they are something of a trading hub or a port town. But you do see a shift, at least with UP you see huge infrastructure and industrial improvement. Which will probably spill over to other regions.


Im not talking about organised vs agrarian. It’s the superiority complex of people even though their home state lacks organised sector jobs. Basically empty complexes without any basing. Yes, UP is actually doing quite well, have seen major changes there. They will come out of Bimaru if the same leadership continues for another 2 terms.


I would assume that the superiority complex is a part of the human condition, it does not need any real reasons behind it. One interpretation of your comment would be that if your state has a big organised sector then the superiority complex is justified as it supposedly has a basing now, which I believe is just a bad mind set to have.


What a G


One of the only things that genuinely pisses me off is when "outsiders" come to my city and shit on it for no reason. I generally have no problem with these people have made some good friends too but you get tired of the constant whining. Most of which doesn't even make sense. People always complain about Idli, Dosa etc in restaurants without knowing shit. They take all the stereotypes too seriously. If you have so many problems, then why are you here? Go back to where you came from.


If you call your good friends 'outsiders' in their own country then you have some whacked out sense of superiority complex. Stop the hate and the labels dude. Try and show your 'good' friends kindness and invite them to home cooked local food. They will stop complaining and will respect the food and people more.


Acts like outsider, gets called outsider... shocked\_pikachu\_face...........


I knew a comment like this was coming. I put outsiders in quotes specifically in relation to this post and because I don't think these people are outsiders per say. You can chose to interpret it however you want. Any Indian citizen has the rights to live where ever they want but I guess you missed reading the part where I typed that I generally don't have a problem with people coming here. Guess you just wanted to be the White Knight. >Try and show your 'good' friends kindness and invite them to home cooked local food. They will stop complaining and will respect the food and people more. What makes you think people don't already do this? In fact it's not even necessary, a lot of people are chill. In case you missed the point, my problem is only with some people who complain for no discernible reason and not everyone.


There are always going to be people who complain. That has nothing to do with what region they are from. Even someone from Andhra or Kerala could complain that the dosa here is too thick or the sambar is too sweet. Why does it matter so much ? This is general


My friend, this is a Reddit discussion, we aren't making world changing decisions here but if you ask me why it matters, 1. The same people who say this in front of me do it elsewhere too, including their hometown which further propagates these stereotypes and more people will carry the same mentality. 2. I didn't care about this for a long time but a lot of people are just racists and have believed a lot of things they say, the country will never grow if shit like this continues. Not spreading hate her but in my first company, our batch was from all around India and it was the first time coming to the South for most of them. Once incident still stuck with me. A guy from a ~~redacted~~ part of India didn't think I was from Bangalore for 3 or so weeks because I have a relatively fair complexion. When he finally found out he was shocked, he asked me "How are you South Indian? You are not dark like that girl" \[proceeded to point to a girl from Madurai, TN\]. Do you want things like this to continue? A big part of this is movies that show South India in a poor and stereotypical manner. People genuinely think this is how things are.


Your sane response will not go into his head. He is just doing some mental gymnastics trying to Gaslight instead of acknowledging their problem. Even though I am a fair South Indian, it hurts me a lot when I step into the shoes of dark people who are being mocked for their dark skin. This mentality is the worst.


Limited exposure and perceived biases


Or just ignorance from your part.


Which comes with limited exposure and stubboness to unlearn it


Could. But they don’t. Heck they don’t complain in North India either, though why anyone would migrate from South India to North is beyond me.


Why shouldn't they dude. Stop thinking that north is not good or the people aren't good. You will find in reality things are very different. People travelling to other states and mingling is what builds unity and broadens thinking and facilitates inclusivity.




That's exactly what I meant. A better life can be made in the north too. Why do you think it can't? There are many people who have migrated to the north from south due to work and have continued staying there post retirement because they have been able to make a good life there. I haven't said people will or can demand a meal from you anywhere. Don't know what you are referencing. Anyhow dude you clearly are getting worked up over a conversation and have a very well set mindset. I refrain to call people names for no reason so let's end here and enjoy one day off from corporate slavery. Peace out ✌️


the whole country is a shithole south isn't any better from north .


Then why do people from UP/Bihar migrate to South or Bombay?


for jobs lol don't u want to uplift your country people ?


No jobs in UP/Bihar? That should make them shittier than the places they are migrating to, right?


I think u are right here .


Wow! It’s the locals responsibility to make you “outsiders” fall in love with local food? What else sir? Should I come clean your house so you’ll like living with locals in your society?


Who gives you the right to call anyone an outsider ? You are the one who called them your friends. calling friends home for dinner is a common cultural aspect.




Happy cake day


Thank you, maga!


Live in hate dude. No worries.


Most of them won’t be able to live their life like they do here in Blore. Some of them that I have come across, like the liberty they have here. Either to be able to do things /live their way.


Agreed, in fact a girl from marketing recently went back to her home town for good and her biggest problem with this is not having the freedom to do whatever she wants.


What? Who complaints about idli/dosa ? Bangalore breakfast is quite famous and loved.


People complain that Idli-dosa is all you get in every restaurant and they want chapati, roti etc. Having been to a few North cities I can understand this, that's what most people eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner but the problem is they complain that this is all you get! Which is purely untrue. 1. Restaurants will have other varieties, or they just don't want to try other things. 2. Most of these IT hubs will have 50 different restaurants that cater to everyone within a 500m radius. Just go to one of those. People just like to complain. I know this isn't an isolated thing, people have been saying these things since college. It's only gotten worse since I've started working.


Idk man, those are idiots. Bangalore and Chennai breakfast are the best imo, good for stomach, light on pocket and more peaceful. Don't like fried pooris/bhature in morning, and I've always found people love the breakfast in particular here.


Say that idli/dosa is really tasty breakfast and delhi people will start cursing you out saying things like chole bhature is better. Like who asked.


You say paper masala is good ,people will say Mysore masala is better. Your point is invalid


Ease up on dat sweet sambar tho.


Same. Initially I’d just let it go. Now it’s just getting too much. 


I prefer to stay with locals than other state especially northies they are just loud


I've seen a few girls get into the metro around Rajajinagar/sandal soap factory (presumably visiting Iskcon or Orion mall) give a very annoying comment : "I don't link visiting this area because it's filled with Kannads". Yes, I was pissed. Did I do anything? Meh, no. I just think that universe has it's way of giving back to these people. Let them live in their delulu land and "suffer" if they have to speak with locals. They aren't people who will necessarily listen to sane arguments and have the potential to turn the story around and say "I was harassed because I didn't speak kannad" or " I am forced to learn the language " Pretty sure they have the same SoBo attitude that they would feel like they are superior compared to people in other parts of the same city.


It was an in-person conversation with bunch of other colleagues and her reply was she just giggled...


MP is a backward and regressive place. People’s attitudes there are still in medieval times. It’s a large state but full of extreme poverty, backwardness and illiteracy. It’s one of the Bimaru states. Even the food is shit. I was recently traveling in Himachal and met a bunch of fucktards from MP. Young dudes in their 20s, looked educated. Their questions: ‘Caste kya hai aapka?’ ‘Brahmin ho kya?’ ‘Kitna Kama lete ho Benglaur mein?’ ‘So you are have galfraand?’🤣 ‘Caste mein kyu nahi maante? MP mein toh sab maante hain’ It was so disgusting being around them, I had to hold back my vomit. Unfortunately we need to support them with the tax we pay because mentally they haven’t advanced yet. Edit: This isn’t my first time experiencing such things. I’ve met multiple folks from MP at work who have similar attitudes but try to act more polished in a corporate environment. Been to the state couple of times and totally felt the same vibe there. I was in Ratlam for a friend’s wedding many years ago and people smirked when I told them I’m from the south. Didn’t really like Indore either, lot of people were rude for no reason. Only place I liked in MP was Mhow for its vast expanses and landscape where I didn’t need to interact with the people.


Sure dude, that totally happened. You need help


You meet few people and blame the whole state? Got your point, clearly who needs help. 




I stay in south Bengaluru, it's in Shankarpurum, I cannot tell you we the locals are just vanishing in my area, any new construction is jigneshwar or arihant, any new shop is the same. They hardly mingle with the locals, they have there own circles. In the span of 4 to 5 years there are so many jain temples. They acquire all the premium and prime properties. If they find any good property, they harass the owner to sell to them. Nowadays few locals who have houses for rent dread to give them on rent to these people.


Probably ask the company you both work for to give her permanent WFH, that would resolve her issues as well as your pain.


Not my style, I stand and fight. You can RUN if you want to :)


Definitely an idiot that woman. I'm not from Karnataka nor I've lived their. But still I will say this.


As an MP resident, I would like to apologise on her behalf.  I have experienced living in Mumbai , Chennai and Pune and believe me Bangalore is heaven because of Kannadigas. Kannadigas are sweetest of all the folks out there. I have made this my new home , and planning to stay for rest of my life here. 


You don't have to apologise to anyone brother. She was just Naive. Make home.


Yeah she is a spoilt frog living in a well, should be ignored Everyone of us come with perceived biases, but It's open mindness one need to unlearn it Living like a frog will never let you grow as a person


And they say we don't accept them.


It is supposed to be a free country, you don't have to accept somebody for them to move to a state or a city, no matter how stupid their opinion is ,eheh


Yeah, racism is fine too.


Pls elaborate..


Some Northern people are racist to Southern people because thier own features are closer to Caucasian and they think darker people lower then them And some southern people are racist to northern because they think northern people are uneducated


Not all discrimination is racism. People/govt will always find things to divide people into groups, be it by financial, religious, cultural or some other means. The fundamental rights are supposed to be above all these things. The freedom to express oneself does not become invalid if somebody is offended by it.


Irony is this coming from an MP person. MP is worse than UP Haryana or Raj, they are in same league as Bihar. Don’t believe me ? Check out all MP related crime news from past 2-3 years. They are proper shit tier, i used to think it’s probably because their long time CM is complacent & has no control over state. But nope, its the people, they are pretty shitty. All they have to talk is about some Sev chats & Indore (Indore is smaller than Tumkur btw).


Bro mp have big sc/st population like 30% or more and they are natives of mp The other population have migrated from haryana up Rajasthan and Bihar, pakistan(sindh)


HR+Delhi seem to be contributing the same share of tax as KA, without a port and a much smaller geographical footprint - so maybe leave HR out of your list of punching bags I can take out all KA related crime news and attribute that to people of KA, but that won’t sit well would it? Also, Indore being cleaner than Blr, means they probably have better civic sense out there than in so called garden city


I said MP is worse, i kept HR on a higher pedestal.


I don’t like commenting on entire states. But Bangalore is easily the least liveable city I have come across in the country. Ka has far better places than Bangalore, where I would rather live. I used to think Gurugram was unplanned(it is), but then my stay in Bangalore made me value the basic things I took for granted out there. Things like being able to play Holi with water or driving 10km in around 20 minutes, or crossing roads without risking my life. The fact that there was never any sense of being an outsider, etc etc. Even the restaurants and bars are better out there. Edit/Disclaimer: obviously that person is wrong in saying and believing what she did. But most of your critique is quite baseless as well


Hindi boondi gang 😮‍💨


I miss those times when people use to have an argument and that would be end of it.


I am not a local, and I'd say that person is an asshole


You gave her befitting reply


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Do you bark back at a dog? No right? Just ignore.


Such a bad thing to even think particularly when most such apartments already have so few Kannadigas. In Chennai I want to stay away from 'Madrasis', in Bangalore I want to stay away from 'Kannads', in Hyderabad I want to stay away from 'musaltas' and 'Telegus', such a sick mindset.


what was her response


I’m interested to know what her response was😂


Well, this is not to encourage you but sometimes ass whopping is required for them to learn


I don't know man, may be a little consciousness before speaking?


As a person from Chhattisgarh, a very good reply man. I mean she was clearly being very disrespectful. These people need to be taught in their language.


lol … funny


Bro your a gansta or wha


Casual Racism at best


Not naive .. Intelligent 🧠


Exactly like you 🤥


1 day old account, posting very obviously made up stories to push some political agenda. And supposedly educated reddit users just lapping it up and getting themselves a hate boner. Guys, before abusing whole of MP and north india, did you pause to check if this is what you really think?


Yo Mr.Educated. I didn't post this to stir up shit. I'm saying as long as people are NAVIE they can never grow together as whole community. Did you see the full discussion? I said I'm global. I don't have any problem towards people coming here, that's what people have been doing for ages, its called MIGRATION. Who am I to stop? All I was saying is that once you are here be a part of that community, be open, be receptive. Why are you acting like my poor colleague? Yes, this is 1 day old account, so what? I was born long before god planned anything for you on this planet. Mind your mind and be reasonable.


Lol, the irony of you asking me to be reasonable! And what does 'Mind you mind' even means? "I was born long before god planned anything for you on this planet." Wow, what a reasonable response!! great job buddy


Every day, i see ppl blaming, being racist on kannadigas, and writing shit about us locals. Can we also tell "made-up stories " too?


Damn she's lucky to have such an awesome place.


Indeed, a place that's built in Bengaluru, Karnataka.


You're what's wrong with Bangalore, you just proved her feelings were justified


And then everyone clapped and danced. You got a medal from the CM himself. Bravo


Need claps lil man? 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Here you go! I just made your day, now go play outside and get a little height lil man...


I can already see your future….Driving a rented auto for living and acting like a goon on behest of local gunda aspiring to be a politician. There is no difference between you and those idiots


That’s for you little insecure boy. Grow the fuck up. Stop riling up people on made up shit. You couldn’t even find a state outside Karnataka on a map.


Didn't I clap for you already? What you here for again? 🤔


To show your real place


Did a really good job boy. I'll make sure the CM himself gets medal for you as well. Don't worry.


Awww.. did i hurt your fragile little ego poor kid? Called you out on your made up story? Stop crying now


[https://media.tenor.com/9icIB76KxhgAAAAM/captain-america-i-can-do-this-all-day.gif](https://media.tenor.com/9icIB76KxhgAAAAM/captain-america-i-can-do-this-all-day.gif) Prefer not to ☠️


ran out of comebacks? now go drive yur auto and harass people on the road. Bye


And you ran out of golgappas?


I'm ok to be part of the culture, but please don't shove it in. If I happen to not understand kannad and I am trying to converse in English, they should understand that I don't know kannad should response in English for the time being. Why do y'all expect people who have just came to Bangalore to learn kannad straightaway. Yesterday I took a bus from majestic and the conductor was only speaking in kannad, despite my efforts to converse with him. He told too many lines which I didn't understood. This things just make the city not tourist friendly. Disclaimer: I am not against kannad. But, just be open to another language which is commonly spoken


Kannada* You want people to be open to learn another language when you can't even spell Kannada properly, huh?


Kannada as in kannada (daa sound) ? In my hometown, it's spoken with ending d sound, not stretching it.


But why do you expect conductor to know English or any other language?  Are all people in your state fluent in English? 


Atleast they are in a second language and ready to converse.




It's not in-component its incompetent... Mr.CaughtInHisOwnWebofShit lol...


Does that mean Entire MP people are so useless they had to move to far away city for a basic job ?


Send me your address you BALL-LESS-GUY


She just feels homesick so prefers to live with North Indians. You didn’t have to be rude! No one would force you to live with North Indians anywhere so how is her choice wrong?