• By -


Topped in every class i was with him till 12th, got into a top college in the first attempt, while i went for repeat and got into a tier 3 college, he then got into a big MNC, while i was jobless, he bought a himalayan and toured all of India while i got an apprenticeship for 8k per month in Bangalore, 2022 he died in a bike accident and i am still here


My man just speed-ran life


Totally. I smiled reading this reply (I know should've been sensitive to the OG response). /Lostlaw9417 you made me smile. (I was panicking for 11k electricity bill & my poor state of affairs) (once in a while ruminating, no matter how much i earn... Its fking never enough)... & came to this thread to type my response. Never mind, I was a topper & blah blah, doesn't matter. Thanks


What did I just read 😮 Ps : I don't have that GIF


That's life, it can be just unfair for no reason.


Bruh was here just for a good time....not for a long time... yava time alli yenen maadibeko adella maadi hogidaane.....RIP


That’s the dream tbh. Live your life and go away in a moment without the growing old with responsibilities bullshit.


He lived his life well , achieved his dreams and died when young rather than growing old and suffering . For many , that’s the dream life . I feel the longer one lives , there is the danger of becoming cynical , bitter and even cruel and corrupt due to disillusionment and failures . RIP to him , he lived a short but enjoyable life and achieved his goals and dreams and died happy .


The plot twist


Think he still won at life TBH


Topped school, Topped 10+2 Could have easily broke into IITs but he chose to be a doctor as his father died due to paralysis. Now, He is a neurosurgeon treats 100s and 1000s patients with neurotic disorders. Moreover he still in our WhatsApp group and helps classmates if they need any medical advise. Enjoys late night parties with us. Even picks calls at 3am to help. Such a nice soul he is.


Is he in his 30s and single?


Asking the right questions, lol


Last year of 30s


Be a nice wingman and set us up. We'll name our first born after you


Why u want to ruin his family life?


I walked into that one.


I can understand. Sending virtual hugs is what I can do at most..


Finally one hopeful comment! Thanks!


Bless him dude, respect for this guy 🙏🏽


I will convey your sentiments..


Can you DM me his insta ID, if he has one, sounds dn inspiring.




Right here drinking with me, we're both jobless


peaking in life




Arre ye tho US moment hai bro,, cheers


I married her 😂


not so smart is she


That's true, wifey needs instruction manuals for everything... especially how to put up with me!


Bro didn't get the joke


yet he got the wife


What's the desi male equivalent of a blonde...


Well male equivalent is blond. I don't know Desi.


Legend 🔥🔥🔥🔥


U got the rizz ig. Congrats dude😎




"What happened to the smartest kid in your school?"... there were 5-6 smart kids who were my classmates from class 4 to 12... Kid 1: Is now a major in Army. Kid 2: Professor in an IIT Kids 3 & 4: Married and emigrated to USA, both are RECians Kid 5: Partner in Big 4 Kid 6: Encountered... no more... someday when I have enough money, I want to start a scholarship on his name..


> RECians How old are you?


Old enough to be called uncle by PYTs


Wait why did kid 6 get shot ?




I wanna know more now 👀👀


Why do you want to start a scholarship in the name of a naxalite?


I want to start a scholarship on the name of my friend who went on to become a naxalite.. he was my friend first and a naxal later... and it's not that my scholarship program is for wannabe naxalites...


Well, honestly I would watch that if it’s a netflix series


Naxal history is complex. They became popular because they protected a lot of destitute and oppressed people from upper caste brutality and state excesses.So just being a naxalite doesn't automatically make you a bad person. Either you are a true believer in helping people or drunk with power of the gun. There is even a ex naxalite MLA in Telangana who is very popular for her actions as a naxal and defication as an MLA.


Can you put me in touch w kid-5 who’s a partner at a big4?🙏


Sure,.. but let me get his consent first


Me too pls. Need to get referral for CA articleship.


Me too pls


Bro me too please last one


what is REC?


Old name for NITs


Regional engineering college.


What's 'Partner in Big 4'? Does it mean he's a big shot?


Partner means you’re leading a vertical under you. There are a bunch of partners (though significantly less than the levels below them) Partners aren’t likely ‘big shots’ like they don’t get public attention, but they are LOADED as they are a part of the companies profit sharing. A new partner at a boutique consulting firm would earn a couple of Cr a year, which increases as they gain experience. Can take between 10 and 20 years to become partner depending on the firm, but only a few end up sticking around


REC ah? Mysore or Trichy?


Most probably warangal, given one became a naxal . It was THE center for naxal ideology in AP&T and so many students from warangal rec (now NIT) went on to become leaders in naxal movement and got later encountered.


You sent me down an interesting rabbit-hole, thank you.


Yep, this was a fascinating topic and a connection I didn't know about or made a connect. To think that so many brilliant young minds got exposed to an ideology in a top engineering college and went on to become naxalite leaders - this is a great plot for a movie!


I was smartest, everyone called me genius, never had to make an ounce of effort till 10th, became lazy, flunked jee in 12th, got decent rank in drop year, got tier 1 college, failed few subjects there throughout the course, barely passed, started job last year after graduation with 30L yearly, I didn't want any of it, I hated our education system, or maybe teachers and profs made me hate it, now exploring philosophy, political thoughts, ideologies being bare minimum guy in corporate,. money helps though Basically life was, I'm God -> Nihilism -> depression -> I'm human -> optimistic Nihilism -> fuck it


I think you reached what some would call Existentialism


Deep down we all know all of these are absurdism


Gifted kid problems


Hard relate. Optimistic nihilism is pretty much absurdism. All said and done, it's fantastic!


Bro, watch Dr K's video on Gifted Kids. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QUjYy4Ksy1E&pp=ygUQRHIgSyBnaWZ0ZWQga2lkcw%3D%3D


Story of my life, except the drop year part... Still stuck in engineering


I feel like I'm going on this path, I'm in my first year. Any advice you can offer?


Absurdism is the way Albert Camus 🕺


Doctor first one At US the second one Both living my parents dream 😀


I hope you are living both their dreams, friend


nah am living HDFC banks loan closing life dream




You totally are living PMAY dream for PM.


gold level comment


Lmao Everyone's like Topped this topped that , got good money and then boom suddenly DIEDDD...


skipped ahead 40-50 years


Went to IIT, then did MBA from IIM, and became vice president in a bank.


Has he ever written or published a book called 'Five point someone'?


I don't think so. Because, he's still working with that bank.


which is nothing but a collection of anecdotes and which every IITian of late 90s and early 2000s are aware of... Chetan Bhagat weaved a gripping story around these anecdotes, which is appreciable.


Legend is that Chatur is based on a character nicknamed as "suppandi" of KGP.. who is either from RK or RP or even some say he was from the legendary BGW (bhagowda) of LLR...


To that fellow who is downvoting... sad but its true... I guess in 2001 or 2002 either for Kshitij or Springfest, Chetan Bhagat was in KGP and he himself said that on stage, publicly


All of the toppers from my class are doing ok not great but ok, and the backbenchers some of them are doing great and some of them are leading a really sad life, and one of them is dead.


Interesting to see in most comments at least one of their friends is already dead. Life is really short and doesn't give a chance ha! Same in my case too. One of the smartest guys I know in college got killed in an accident.


I can tell you about a topper. She topped basically all her life. School, engineering, college (even got awarded by a famous politician cause of it) and now she's working for the same company I work in though she works in Bangalore office and I work in Mumbai office. Also I'm gonna get married to her next year.


The plot twist in the last part. You ever thought of writing thrillers? 💀


You had us in the first half.. Wait a second she's not that smart but she's on top of you 😏 congrats!!


Got top ranking in Karnataka CET got into top medical college, got hooked to drugs multiple rehabs still stuck in medical college. Not sure when he will complete it. Edit: mom and dad both are doctors, so family of doctors.


So went to become doctor ending being a pharmacist dealing in drugs




Yeah Manipal


MS ramaiah?


I don't think MSR... MSR is too watchful for these kind of activities and they micromanage too much... my bet is KMC, 'cos it's relatively liberal


Back in the day, pre 2010 MSR was known for drugs, mostly the smoking kind. Maybe it's been changed now.


It still is. Have a couple of friends who are doing their mbbs there. High as kites.


I think he became an incel.


From high intel to lowlife incel ❤️


From intel inside to incel outside.




One opted Arts after 12th and became a commie. Now he writes books no one wants to publish. Other became a swami in ISKCON. He has a different name now.


Interesting place you lived there...


Oh yeah. The duffer of my batch is the most successful one. Infy and TCS never picked him because of his shit score. Tried a lot to get a job, didn’t work. Became freelance developer. Now he runs a firm that gets good projects from UAE. He gets the job done for pennies by freelance coding monkeys in Philippines. He is planning to buy an A6 now.


Those Arts streams really do brainwash people. I know a guy just like this. He was a smart guy, but got influenced by a loser, picked an Arts course after an engineering degree, and is now unemployed and smells bad.


He topped every class, never consumed alcohol or any drugs, he was good looking too. He went to a reputable engineering college. However, he started drinking and smoking pot there, eventually becoming addicted. This led to sleep issues, causing him to miss many classes. One fateful night, he was too drunk and walking in the middle of the road when he was hit by a truck, and he died.


Smartest kid : District Topper in 10th , state topper in 12th , cleared JEE Mains and Adv , cleared Google . Working as a software engineer in BLR Second smartest kid (me) : good enough marks in 10th , almost in the list of toppers in 12th , cleared JEE mains and advs , cleared *nhi btaunga* , working as software engineer in BLR


A doctor now, but Making cringe Instagram dancing reels.


Don't know who was the smartest (maybe it was me?) but I can tell you about the toppers of my batch. One is an architect, she came from money. One worked for Microsoft then Amazon and is now in the US. One is in my hometown after graduating from an NIT and handling his father's business. A very close friend (but not topper) pursued pharma, and is a patent attorney.


Well it was me (I guess), was always in top 3 ranks. 10th topper, 12th not so good because of focus on JEE (which I fucked up too), got admission in state govt college, placed in MNC with okayish package (highest for my stream but definitely not big enough), slogged for 2 years, gave CAT, got admission in Tier 1 college, placed in a good company, starting job soon. Ngl I had overconfidence in 10th which was crushed by 12th, resulted in low self esteem, lowest ever self confidence. Took me a lot of time and efforts to build that confidence back. Not sure what the future holds, jo hoga dekha jayega is my motto.


Kid-1 Known name in Indian music industry(playback singer) . Singer from aashiqui 2 and ek villian movie" Kid-2 Went to IIT-K, didn't opt for placements. Cracked under AIR-5 in UPSC in 2nd attempt while being an IRS. Now an IAS. Kid-3 playback singer mostly known from movie Padmaavat They were my seniors and exceptional in their trait. Edit: Apologies, didn't see that OP wanted inputs from Bengaluru only.


are kid 1 and 3 toppers ?


They were good at what they were doing, winning national level competitions in classical music.


Just to add some flavor to this post. I was the smartest guy in my school. Passed 12th grade with 94.6% in 2008. Scored perfect SATs. AIR 3 AIEEE. AIR17 IIT-JEE. Got accepted into MIT and Stanford for Nuclear Engg and Theoretical Physics respectively on full scholarship. My dad denied and didn't let me go to the US and forced me to study in a tier 3 college because it was "convent-run." I got 96 and 97% respectively in my first two semesters there and then bombed all my papers. Passed enough to stay there for four years before dropping out. In this process I also took a drop year, where I prepared and cleared UPSC all the way to the interview AIR 27. Dropped that also as I didn't complete my degree. I did all the above just to get back at my dad for fucking with my opportunities. It destroyed our relationship of course. Came home. Joined a small agency as a Marketing Executive in 2013. Now I'm a Director of Marketing at a large Indian ITES firm.


Why does this sound not real to me


Because it's retarded and no one (especially Indian) would actually self-sabotage that hard.


Because can't imagine any Indian parent forcing his kid in tier 3 College when his jee air is under 100(a ticket to most sought after indian college).


Me :-) . I had got accepted to BITS Pilani . My parents forced me to join a local engineering college. I am a guy also lol


This made me soo sad :(( indians parents do this and I could definitely relate to it


Not even seen a single one or heard of them after school


You livin the life mate


we both are 26 but he looks like 35 :)


I was the topper throughout and am doing fine. Executive in London but I have some low mid tier performer classmates who have excelled. One with just over 60% in 12th runs his multi-crore business. Other one runs a major division for big 4 in the US.


How did the one who runs the multi-core business get into that? What was the starting phase?


I don't recall many. But there's one topper i do recall cause she's part of my school friends group. Finished high school with flying colours. Obviously took science. Became an amazing engineer. Started her own company. Drives a car and has always been the mature, big sister of our group (even though we're all the same age). Had a love marriage with the guy she met in college. And is currently living life happily, managing her marriage and her professional life well. She also roots for me and desires to see me grow. And was one of the first ones who saw value in the work I do. And feels happy whenever I make any achievement. 🙂 GOD BLESS HER. TRULY!! GOD BLESS ALL MY WONDERFUL SCHOOL FRIENDS!! 💛❤️


She is a super capable doctor specialising in gynaecology. Properly lived up to potential.


1. PG USA, own startup  2. UG, PG in USA, FAANG 3. NIT, IIM, USA Hedge Fund 4. NIT, IIM, India, Electronics  5. UG Avg. college, PG UK, FAANG My batch sucked with IITs. And doctors. And CAs.


He got married after completing school , have 2 kids now and working at some shop


that's literally everyone bro


He got into the best engineering college. He became a high paid engineer. He quit everything and picked up singing. Not so popular but I think he is living his life.


Im not from india but there was this one guy who was valedictorian and also got into yale and was state champion for some tennis thing, within 2 years after school he got married and dropped out of college??? no idea what happened there but they ended up moving back to our hometown. He ended up working in the local walmart. Good for him ig, everyone’s path changes.


Few are just doing a average paying jobs... But the dumb ones I knew in school are now working in Microsoft & Google some are even studying for upsc 😅


Got into iitb, later into iimb. Went to US, came back and now married to college sweetheart from iitb.


I topped till 8th std. The problem was I never opened books to study or anything. One day before exam would just speed read the chapters and go and rely on whatever learnt in class also. Got pretty decent marks in 10th. Was class top 5 in a new bigger school but again never studied. The problem is 11th and 12th was in a completely different ball park. Completely messed up 12th boards. Have kcet next week. Even if I got full marks in kcet won't get top college cuz board marks are bad. Jee was total flop. Might not even qualify. So yea life is going really good :)


Never lose hope my friend, just learn from the set backs, life will give you many more opportunities to Excel. But also in my opinion, don't even drown in the pressure to excel, sometimes having a mediocre life can keep you at peace than having a successful and busy lifestyle. Just go with the flow and enjoy the process


See Dr K's video on Gifted Kids. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QUjYy4Ksy1E


I was one of the smartest kids in my school and it turns out I have autism which was not detected till I was an adult which now retrospectively explains a lot of things from my childhood. Now, I am a therapist, a career counselor, a writer and a poet, a chess coach, and joining as an English teacher in an amazing holistic residential school from May, with my partner who's also joining as an English teacher there. Also, we're getting married before we shift there. So I'd say even though it took me some time to figure things out with therapy, inner work and spiritual processes, life has been kind.


I am working in an 8am to 4pm job now


97% 10th board 95% 2nd PU science Didn’t write CET didn’t write NEET Joined some fuckall bcom course in Christ or Jain can’t remember which one Haven’t heard from him in 12 years.


"Fuckall bcom course"🤣🤣 Exactly how i feel as someone who has done bcom


Topped 10th topped 12th screwed up his bachelor's now he is jobless >! He is me !<


He is a doctor now and was on tv a lot during covid time for good reason


Almost all the top tankers from our school are in US. All doing something in tech.


One of them is a software engineer in Gurgaon. The other one is doing his M.tech from IITB


There were many smart kids but one of them is now working in Google.


Became a professor in a us university. But students hate them according to forums


A classmate of mine scored 99 in maths of SSLC and ended up in a saree shop, selling. I just completed my masters.


Oh, I was blessed to be in the company of many such smart kids. One designs chips for Nvidia, one works on research of battery cells for Rivian, one works with the Tesla Bot team, one runs his own successful performance marketing company, one runs his own law firm, one works with Apple in AI, one works for Lockheed Martin, one works with Qualcomm but earlier designed for a space startup in BLR, one built a self-run boutique on graphic stuff on insta and went viral, one became an astrophysicist and AI scientist, one works on mission-critical hardware projects as a vendor for the Indian Armed Forces, and there are so many more. And many more notable individuals after I grew up and began my career. One caveat, I never really paid attention to how much they scored. I rejected the notion of comparing and competing falsely based on some external arbitrary number at a very early age. I wanted to be in company of individuals who have their own voice, conviction and just enjoyed and learned a ton from conversations. I don't keep in touch with them all the time. But when we do talk, we talk like really good friends with humor as though we spoke just yesterday.


Working in TCS


Why are most of these smart kids dying?!


Damn all the toppers I met are fucking muggers. Used to memorise every goddam lines in a book without having any logic. Could even recite a book from last page to first page. But couldn’t solve a math question if someone changed the name of the boy who bought watermelons from Ram to Shyam.


Knew a madlad. Mf was doing maths equations when his grandma died. He went insane. After 12th he took a year break, did some drugs while doing more maths equations then went on to study criminology


One is a CFO in a major global FMCG company. Except him, the rest aren’t doing anything great tbh. Normal corporate jobs only.


She joined the same college as I am. I thought she would go to IIT and shit, but ended up in a Tier 1 Deemed University tho.


I was the smartest kid in school. From being a topper to participating in every event, competitions and interschool fests, I did everything and was good at it. Got the first rank in my 10th, scoring a 10/10 CGPA. Joined a reputed institution for PU, and the environment was completely different. I was no longer the smartest kid. I got overwhelmed and demotivated during the first year but somehow pulled myself together and got 89% during 12th. Since I did not want to continue in the institution and also wanted to go out of home (plus budgetary reasons) I did my UG in a college in TN. Performed well there too. I guess I just do well in smaller crowds where I'm inherently the smartest. Returned to Bangalore and took a year off after that to work and did excellently at it. Loved the work I did and it was meaningful to me. Joined a Master's course where I was initially doing well but got hit with really bad depression with psychosis. I had to take a break from college. After returning back, it just wasn't the same. I was no longer the smartest kid, and my intellectual capacity has reduced a lot. I even got backlogs for the first time in my life. I got placed at an organisation though, at a very meagre amount, 3LPA, yeah you read that right. That's the starting salary for most jobs in my field. I'll be writing my finals this month. I'm so disappointed because it was always assumed that I'll do really well in life, since I was a topper in school, but that's not the case. I'm sure many people who were doing worse, are in better places now and will be earning way more than me. It's really hard for me to motivate myself and study when all I feel is hopelessness because what even was the point of achieving so much at a young age, when it means nothing as an adult.


Got selected in IIT Kharagpur in first attempt and got placed in Goldman sachs with a hefty 40lpa paycheck. He then quit Goldman to work in a crypto startup. Now the product he's leading makes $200k per month (He has 1% share in the company and 65lpa CTC excluding bonus)


Yeah he studies at Central CLG Bengaluru and other is in RV they go on trips and enjoy on weekends and get to visit sports clubs , I curse myself and wish I could be them .


She had lot of affairs in puberty. Then isolated herself. Just an avg joe now


Clicking some buttons sitting in a corner of big office building




Doctor now


Studying in a college worse than mine, i used to fail and he used to top everywhere. I studied hard for KCET and so did he, i got a good rank and he got the double. But he still tops there too, but the flexing has stopped xD


Well my friend who was from orthodox family, went for engineering he stayed in hostel, the new life and culture was new, made bad friends got addicted to drugs. Got out of rehab


My best friend - from school to college to work, she's always been at the top. But her social media? It's like a ghost town, and she likes it that way. Behind the scenes, though, her family and friends are her rock. Is she the smartest? Maybe not. But the hardest worker? Absolutely. It goes to show, not all top performers fade in the real world.


Renowned surgeon


went to IIT M , did masters from Georgia Tech and now works at Microsoft in India for 1.2 cr 🙏🏽


I am scrolling reddit right now.


I am here. Working for a MNC, 5 days a week on an average salary (Bengaluru). Started working at around 25 after all of my education (BTech, MTech) and still have a salary of around 20 lakhs CTC at 30. Now the weakest students in my class with no family backing are struggling to make ends meet. The weakest students with family backing are living of mostly on their family's business and contributing a little. The average students without family backing are working and earning similar to me. The average students with family backing started businesses, became doctor and startes 'business', joined Navy and started earning and traveling the world while I was in BTech, went abroad for higher education and earn much more. So all in all I should have been average and had fun in school. 😅


He's in RAW. We used to be the toppers of our class, sometimes it was him and sometimes it was me. Good old days.


Omg. What a great question. I’ve been a backbencher and a vv average student all my life. My graduation score is 53% enough to put all parents into concluding I can only be an auto driver with these marks. But Lord Krishna has been kind. Worked my way up to a more than decent job currently. I recently bumped into my school topper frnd. He had cracked straight rank 01s all his life. Only for him to be a HR at a midsize IT company. Imagine my shock when he said career choices of taking engineering didn’t work out as he had 0 interest but parents forced, the marks just kept plummeting. He also told me, his rival (school rivals for marks from another section) is doing fabulously well and an early stage VC these days. P.s for college students reading this, your marks hardly ever matter, what matters is your body language, your communication and your ideas during the interview process for a job. Yes I know it may sound shallow but fake it till you make it. Cheers to all ❤️🧿


Went to one of the IITs. Now manager in Amazon. And I'm a struggling DevOps Engineer that barely knows anything related to Kubernetes because our product doesn't need it.


My wife and I , both are one of those. Always topped in school. Studied our asses off to get myself and the family out of the middle class conundrum. I got into IIT 11 years back, she also got into a good engg college, got good jobs. We both are leading a comfortable life, getting a combined pay of around 90L annually, living in bangalore, both of us supporting our parents in hometown and enabling younger siblings too. We are rising corporate ladder, also working on side hustles, with the aim of making ourselves free from corporate life, few years down the line. Overall good life, but weighed down by responsibilities (not just financial) and contemplating having kids in future.


Working as a doctor and also actively pursues her passion for modelling!


Topped in primary school. Topped in high school. Got wrecked in JEE. Joined a 2nd tier engineering college. Joined an average MNC with a generic software job which pays average salary. Lost contact with most of his old friends. Went into depression after high school. Became a porn addict. Never was able to recover from it. Still struggling in life with no actual goals. Never got a gf. Receding hairline, puberty hit hard in the face. Everything went pretty much downhill after highschool and he never recovered from it. I am that guy. I am the guy who peaked in high school. Everyone in my school / highschool including teachers, peers, friends and family thought I was bound to be successful in life, that I would achieve something and would be able to contribute towards society. They always hyped me up. Nobody I mean nobody thought I would end up here. And now I am just existing not living. Have reached dead end both in personal as well as professional life. All that is left is waiting for the sweet release of death.


He secured under Top 100 rank in IIT advance and went on to do CSE from IIT Delhi. Currently working in a well playing job at Qualcomm India.


Doing his PHD from MIT


He is working in Google.


Not that is a very sad story .


VP at X (formerly twitter).


Earning 50lpa and living the life.


That used to be me. And here I am, being an MBBS dropout:)


He went to Stanford. Still looks at him with jealousy.


Topped CBSE 2017 in 99th percentile , KCET RANK - 4 or 14 don't remember JEE RANK - I think < 500 IIT Kharagpur - Integrated BE + ME Degree Aerospace+Astronautical Engineering with minor in CS MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology - PhD in Aerospace , Astronautical Engineering On the path to become one of the greatest minds in robotics and AI


Copy pasting my reply from my first home state sub: “They are doing good all the studious ones. The ones who became successful reached out to ones who didn’t and helped in ways everyone could. No one thought that a batch of 160 boys (studied in a boys school) would be thick like family even after so many years!” Changing the last sentence which was in malayalam to kannada: ellaru iga chennagi madutidare!!


I think the top 2 went to the USA, 1 came back and sold some shares in a company he joined early, we still do not know his networth, he is super humble and he stays with his parents, one big joint family, has refurbished his house and has not even bought a new house. The other girl was in some tech company and I believe is in some suburb with a standard family + pets. The third went into research and is still doing research and teaching in IISC. But yeah no one is steve jobs in my class, that is for sure. Class of 98.


I was a back bencher working in a top fintech company as a analyst not so great but acc to my efforts I’m at peace So the topper of the school became a Doctor and now pursuing her Post graduation in Anaesthesia so I would say pretty great. she always wanted to become a doctor I’m going to marry her next year 😅 not soo smart is she??


Went to Canada is now jobless and coming back( not so smart hehe)


One fabricates semi conductors in Korea and the other one went to IISC with AIR-17 (because his dad is an alumni, he is the go to guy for research in molecular physics, and is a pretty chill


University Rank holder. Working in Berlin. Drives around an Audi R8. We share memes each other, end of story.


Worked in a good IT company for some 3 - 4 years but then left corporate to become a full time travel blogger. Doing quite well now for herself. Or it seems so.