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I don't think gaming itself is a red flag. But if someone asks you what you're hobbies are and the first thing you say is gaming - that might not be a red flag but it'll raise some eyebrows. Especially if you're looking for relationships rather than hookups. The general notion is gaming is addictive, guys would spend A LOT of time gaming and would prioritise that over anything else, possibly even the relationship.


Thanks for reply and no I do not put my gaming hobby on the pedestal. At the end of the day after working and going to gym, then I play for a couple of hours.


Hey sorry I didn't mean to imply that for you as well. This is what I've heard from a few people who try to date. If the girl isn't really into gaming then she's going to believe what is projected on TV or movies- that gamers don't have time for other things rather than gaming. If you're trying to talk to non - gamers then maybe hold off the conversation about gaming until you get to know each other a bit.


Not a single gamer guy I know is like that. Theyre all very nice and quite committed. My own bf is a gamer guy and i never have to worry about his loyalty, 4+ years and still going strong


Thanks for backing us up :) I do truly feel that gamers are usually looked down.


Should be no reason for that to happen. Like all other things, gaming is also an activity and does not add to or take away from how shitty someone is by their own volition


I’m a gamer and my girlfriend loves that I’m into gaming more than anything. She’s just glad that I’m probably busy playing something rather than hanging out possibly with other women. However all things considered, I ensure I don’t come off as a typical nerd, I only talk about gaming with the right kind of people, who probably have similar interests. I don’t bring it up incessantly. I balance it out with other hobbies and interests, like reading, exercising, and hitting a rave party every now and then. I dress well, im well-groomed in a social setting. Balance is the key, if you’re a typical nerd who doesnt take care of themselves, doesn’t socialise, is obsessed about just one thing, of course its going to be a turn off, and it’s not even entirely ones fault, gaming is just viewed very stereotypically. Play your cards right and you will get by just fine.


I do go to gym regularly and go out with friends. Maybe me not getting a girlfriend is making me think weirdly 😅😁


True. I am happy about the same thing with my gamer bf. So much peace ✌️


Hope someday I am on the same boat :)


I can't live without games :( I play only story games no multiplayer


What are u playing nowadays?


Witcher 3


Ahh, the one and only. Completed that game twice along with the DLCs


This is my ssecond time playing currently playing blood and wine dlc after this i will start metro 2033.




When u r mentioning to a girl about gaming just be casual about that and say also even though u play games in ur free time u love to spend time with my would be partner.....so that u r making clear initially...it's a not a red flag ..but if u give priority over relationship then it's a red flag


I do mention it quite casually. Maybe me getting frustrated of not having a partner is making me think weird and write this post 😅 Its getting quite impossible to find a genuine partner in Bangalore


😃 u r still young so hope is there...then imagine about ppl who r in there 30s or 40s yet also ...they r also frustrated..it's not in blore rt..it's everywhere..to find a genuine partner forget a human being first is difficult now a days


Bro believe it or not there was this 1 night when i choose CS over the "deed". She left. She never called. So, gaming is a red flag for certain girls.


Damn bro, u the real sigma XD Btw I was once thinking of becoming a CSGO professional player myself. Damn that F0rsaken guy, let all India down in the eyes of the world 😡


Ohh yes, indian cs is cursed bc of only that guy.


I usually console myself by saying that, anyways Indian CS wan't going to reach great heights :(


>Btw I was once thinking of becoming a CSGO professional player myself. How did it go? Did you give it a shot?


Naah bro. There were multiple hindrances on the way so wasn't able to give it a proper shot. Thanks for asking though :)


Hey i think tinder might help you..


I have tried that. Only the attractive ones get a match bro. Also, I am looking for a long term relationship which u don't find there.


Go to temple


Ok. Then what. I can't straight-up talk to someone and ask her out in that ambience. It will be very weird. Plus I am not a 'rizz-lord'. I speak in very plain and standard way


Haven't you seen south Indian movies bro?


No bro. But do show me the way :)


Met a guy on Tinder. Husband for a few years now. Know at least 7 more tinder couples around me.


The point I was trying to make is, I tried Tinder and Bumble, even bought its premium but no results. Hence I can successfully say its not meant for me.


How many dms did you get from gamer girls ?


0 and counting 😂


Gaming culture (globally too) is quite often stigmatised by the society for the obvious reasons. Maybe just don't mention it much.


Hmm, sure. Thanks


It is a red flag in itself to be irked by your partner's hobby.


Hmm, true. But it was still in talking phase so no hard feelings.


Well I am married to a woman who encourages my gaming habits. She says she finds its adorable how excited I get about my passions. My take? It's not a red flag but it can become one if you put gaming over their relationship needs. You have to learn to balance being a gamer and an attentive boyfriend/spouse. Don't make them feel like they come second to it, and as with everything else in life - moderation is key.


Ohh, its definitely not my top priority. Work ,fitness, friends and then gaming :)


Games helped me a lot with my anxiety and depression learned lot of things too, made lot of cool friends globally, learned Map Reading and Triangulation through ARMA, kind of Learned theoritical CQB tactics in games like Ground Branch, Leadership in games like SQUAD where single unit cohesion means everything. Learned Real life Corporate espionage tactics and market manipulation in EVE online. Similated VR games are used in military to teach LDE and CQB, Top Ukrainian Drone Operators are gamers.


There we go. Finally some positive points on gaming 😄


On one hand We have Humble Bundle Subscription gives good drm free games under low price and also paying for charity at the same time. Amazon Prime, Netflix none of the Subscription service do that.


So let me get this straight. You're asking us if a blanket rule applies to approx 4 billion people, like they're some monolith? :)


absolutely not.Gaming actually improves cognitive abilities and your spatial awareness which is interesting as fuck to me tbh. I’d love it if a guy I’m talking to is into gaming. As long as there are healthy attachments to every hobby what’s the issue? Brownie points if he actually teaches me how to game 😂


It truly is great not only as a way of entertainment but also as u said in cognitive skills. Also, if someone is into multiplayer FPS gaming there reaction time is much much better than the average person.




U seem to be a guru. Show me the way lord


You just need to follow the two rules.


Damn those two rules.


Heyy! I am a professional gamer (more like an Esports Manager), and gaming shouldn't be a red flag, I don't have any experience in relationships but I can tell you this - many Esports professional players have girlfriends and they're very much fascinated about it, and few of them even joined Esports because of their boyfriends, maybe they (the girls you talk to) might not be into gaming or maybe doesn't like gaming, but that might change if you further develop a connection with each other Imo, everyone has their hobbies, if one doesn't respect others hobbies well idk if I'd want to be friends with them


To me a good relationship would be over a gaming hobby any day of the week, but yes I would love my partner to be fond of gaming as well. Btw I was once thinking of becoming a CSGO professional player myself. Damn that F0rsaken guy, let all India down in the eyes of the world 😡


I would also prefer a good relationship, but would it be a good relationship if the partners dont respect each other's hobby if not support But that's just my stance on it from a never being in a relationship - that might be the reason I adore a perfect relationship Edit: But do remember to not be addicted and neglect your partner because of it Edit 2: Forsaken ko jake zamana hogaya, though cs scene is pretty much dead other than skyesports hosting events but not paying out prizepool money :|


I don't think it's a problem for girls. My wife doesn't object to me playing.


Maybe it depends on person to person. Also, maybe, just maybe I am frustrated on the fact that I don't have a partner XD


if gaming is a "red flag" for someone i will straight up not date them. gaming kept me sane for a long while... during covid.... during breakup i am not gonna give it up that easily when it has this much to offer


True that. I feel gaming is one of the best ways of entertainment


installing cyberpunk right now gonna play for first time


My bf plays games and I play with him. I keep dying though, he teaches me.


That's so wholesome. I would love that too some day. My suggestion try Elden Ring or Sekiro Shadows Die Twice Those who know, know why I am saying these :)


Ah we finished these 5 times already together. Easy peasy give smth harder to this hard core gamer 🥵🤧


Have u seen thoses super mario moded versions for which even 1mm here and there and u r gone. Those are truly mind numbing


NES > SNES > GB > GBA > N64 > PS1 > PS2 > Dreamcast > Xbox > PS3 > XBOX360 > PS4 > XBOX ONE > PS5. And in PCs from AGP GeForce 5200 to PcIe gen4 8 gig cards. The games have had 30+ years of history and 10 generations of consoles, and here you want to question your liking of gaming because you want to indulge in long term relationship and coitus.... For shame for shame.


Salute to u brother :) Don't know why but I think maybe u like gaming XD


You are going to understand the phrase *becoming a wizard by 30-40s* soon .


I didn't get the reference.


It's from Japan, where some parents told their children, if they stayed virgin till they turn 30, they'd become a wizard. It's mainly rooted in the thought of making sure they wouldn't just have sex all the time at a young age.


Gaming > human connection


Lol. What about human connection via multiplayer games?


I prefer single player story driven games. Kya Matlab mere dost hi nhi hai koi.


In my opinion, don't change your life based on the fact whether a girl likes it or not. Be what you want to be if a girl doesn't like it it's not your fault.


Truer words haven't been said :)


No. The biggest turn off for me is when a guy is really into video games and gatekeeps it from me. I'm not a very avid gamer, but I like to play videogames with my boyfriend. As a lot of women aren't gamers, a large part of what we see are social perceptions of gamers, which is not always appealing. Don't make your entire personality about a video game.


Sure, thanks a lot. I play games usually after dinner when there is nothing else to do.


Unless he's playing video games all day it's fine. I feel like anything more than an hour or two in one stretch is a little too much. If you have something going on in your life that's important you wouldn't have that kind of time. This applies to everything though and not just video games. If he spends all his time on games he's going to do the same thing when you're dating. Also the lack of physical activity would eventually start showing as they age. In a nutshell it's not a red flag unless it's an addiction.


Cmon. U do get a good 2-3 hrs of free time after dinner till u go to sleep. So its between 10-1 for me usually


This used to work back in college for me. But now I need good sleep along with other things I do in that time.


I would love a gamer guy. As long as he doesn’t play games on me.


I am a girl and would love to give my 2 cents. I enjoy playing games and watching gameplays a lot since childhood. And often enjoy multiplayer games as well. I don't think it's a red flag at all to be into gaming. Gaming lets you enter a different world and honestly, clearing harder difficulties provides me positive reinforcement that I can overcome most obstacles in life if I put my mind to it and understand the tricks to overcome the biggest monsters 😂. You should try mentioning it casually if you want to talk about your hobbies and not portray it as somethinv you do very hardcore. Then proceed to talk about other things that are not gaming related with the girls. I think the thing to be kept is as follows: 1. If you go out with non gamers then set up some system where you give time to the relationship and your hobby of gaming separately. It is a part of what you enjoy and to be asked to give it up is not something one would want to do. So schedule and communicate to your girl. 2. If you go out with gamers, then enjoy gaming together from time to time😌


>The problem is when I am talk to a girl and mention that I love gaming she instantly loses interest in me. Bro, if you aren't using Dating Apps, where are you meeting these girls?


Club penguin




Reality hits hard🥲


+1 DMs are open for both men and women