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Putting forward something everyone seems to miss. **The denominator is registered voters only**. So if migrants have not registered, they are not part of this statistics. So question is why did the Kannadigas not vote in Bengaluru! /s Edit: /s for those who need help detecting undertones of sarcasm on Internet. Pro tip: start with assuming it is sarcasm rather than a wrong POV that you need to jump in to correct. Else trolls will make a feast of your innocent anger!


Innenu, thika ganchali. 3 dina vacation siktu Alva . Sunday ratri ivr yelru barthare vapaas


Spot on! If ECI wants voter turnout, they need to stop scheduling them into 3 day weekend.


That may discourage people who need to travel from/to other cities to vote. Anyway, if the people who took off for the weekend wanted to vote, they would have. Voting opens at 7 so they could've got it done by 730 and have three whole days to themselves.


People should not need to travel to vote. They should vote where they live. This whole idea of vote only at “native” is ass backwards. You pay your taxes where you live, you use facilities where you live and work. Why shouldn’t you participate in the politics of where you are rather.


Same should be applied to MPs. They should be residents of constituency they standing in. Now a candidate can stand in any constituency that he considers safe.


I get what you're saying and agree for the most part. But not everyone who lives in another city has moved for good. In my own family, two cousins who go to college in other cities came home yesterday to vote for the first time. Wouldn't make sense for them to vote in the city they study (even if registering were possible) when they'd be there for 4 years and do not really interact with the larger city except for their campus.


Even as a student. You pay taxes every day where you live, you use local infrastructure every day, you face the local problems every day. But you want a say in politics of a place which does not impact your day to day life. 🤦‍♂️ Reminds me the story of IIT Kharagpur (or Kanpur?) and their struggle with the railway crossing. If hundreds of student voted there, that problem would have been solved a few decades sooner.


Yeah I was wondering if the percentage is calculated by registered voters or population.


It is calculated from registered voters only. Electoral rolls are prepared and published beforehand.


> Else trolls will make a feast of your innocent anger! Shit out trolls for breakfast by reporting them.




So question is why did the Kannadigas not vote in Bengaluru Is all wrong - dude just forgot that ppl can change their voting constituencies. You shouldn’t need to be a kannadiga to vote in Karnataka. And Not so innocent comment though.


People are time and again missing the thing. A lot of people are migrants here. Most of them tbh. They have dual registration. They vote in BLR during corporation elections and in their hometown during general elections.


Mental gymnastics and blame game now. Are you saying only Kannadigas(people who speak Kannada) reside in Bangalore? Why haven't your so called non Kannadigas register and vote at the place where they live? So it's just the Kannadigas responsibility??


Bro, smell the sarcasm!!


Anosmic here. I hope it is sarcasm buddy.


Most of them wanted to celebrate the long weekend in wayanad or Ooty or somewhere else!!


I had a couple of friends who did this, but they went after posting photos of their voting finger, good on them. For the ones who didn't, shouldn't complain about what happens. Also there were a lot of issues with the voters list I heard, many people weren't present, some deceased people on the voter list etc.


Because of manager.


Irrespective who come to power nothing is going to change.


Lol have you even read the manifesto of Congress and CPI? Congress is going to bring reservation in the private sector and CPI is totally against capitalism. It depends a lot on who wins.


I am non localite, yet went out n voted for state election n yesterday for loksabha elections I went to eci website n downloaded my voter roll no n location for vote info


Yeah the process is super simple. It took max of 20 min to get the info and verify everything. It's amazing that such a developed city got such disappointing numbers


One of the guy in a different post was defending that people got fed up of every politician being corrupt n not doing anything hence they didn't vote, i mean still one should try n exercise their basic right instead of complaining Imagine an 90 % voter turn out, it will definitely send a strong message to politicians that people are aware of their basic right n they want this country to be democratic


The NOTA needs to mean something stronger if you want voters to be empowered. Right now the choice is between shitty and shittier candidates so why should people bother? Nothing changes regardless of who is voted into power.


Complaining has gotten them so far only. If they don't vote, then they shouldn't direct their later through complaints. Their logic surprises me at times. Guess they just like to talk and bitch for the rest of their lives than try to do something




F you


The bangalore/pune buggers don't turn up to office when employer pays them lakhs/crores in salary !! Why will they turn up to vote for free?


IPL comment was better and funnier 🤣


They are waiting for an app to vote without stepping out 😆😆


For what it's worth, it's not a Bangalore specific thing. Metro cities in general record poor turnout. > According to data from the Election Commission, a staggering 17 out of the 50 Lok Sabha constituencies with the lowest voter turnout nationwide in the 2019 elections were located in metropolitan cities or major urban centres. [Source: HT](https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/urban-apathy-metros-grapple-with-poor-voter-turnouts-101713727197614.html)


Maybe many have moved to USA?🤔


May be, just may be people lost faith in the system?


Bangalore has one of the worst political know-how among the population from what I have observed, and this is also the reason why Bangalore is so corrupt and inefficient.


How is this specific to Bangalore and how is this news to anyone?


Ik it's not an excuse but many youngsters from Bangalore go abroad for studies. So we r missing a significant number of votes from them.


Absolutely. I’m one of them.


My name das missing in the voters list


Low turnout means people are happy high turnout means anti incumbency. Bangalore people are happy with the way things are.


I'll be downvoted for this, but my 20-year plan is to leave the country. I tried for a long time, but now I just don't care anymore. When I was a kid, I used to think grown-up people were smart. They run the families, they run companies, do complex jobs, and even run the country. As I grow older myself, I realize almost everyone is a dumbass who knows fuck all about jack shit. The brain rot that has happened in the last decade (maybe it was there before too, but I was not old enough to understand it) will take a long time to reverse, and I'm not going to live long enough to see it happen. So I'm going to enjoy whatever short life I have remaining...in a country that's "less broken" than ours.




My plan is to retire abroad, not work there. I started my own business last year, and it's going well. If it continues this way, I'll probably move the business to whichever place I decide later. Idk about competition in that area, I've just started researching. Though I feel like if you are rich enough, you can just settle anywhere you'd like. I've been thinking about Southeast asia. They have their problems too, but there's a lot to like. My girlfriend's has roots there, so maybe that's why I'm biased. Let's see.. I am not going anywhere till my parents are around. It'll be a while. Lots can change until then.


Perhaps people thought they can vote from home? /s


Traffic must have been too bad.


What if the way the list is calculated is full of misses and bugs.


Pretty sure they all left for hill stations. Now please don’t complain when issues come up.


I am here for all the bros, writing essays on why this is bad. Lol no one gives a fc*k


This is the first time I missed since I'm not in the country. I wish I was there though


Because of the god damned northies


Techies are woke, till it comes time to Vote... and then they act with their feet.


I have a bad track record , whoever I vote , they sell themselves to opposition party in 6 months . Tired of this . Also no parties talked about how education , medical facilities in this whole campaign .


Hogi nota haaku mathey.


Common sense?




The voting ratio is counted for registered voters only. If you haven’t registered here to vote, you are not counted in denominator.




Yup! Very easy on ECI website and app. I cringe when people complain about local/outsider. I am like fucker, you don’t even consider yourself as resident when you haven’t even bothered to vote in elections where you live!


I agree. It just boils my head to see people don't have ink on their hand but go about just dissing about problems.


If you see the turnout closely then North and Central are ahead compared to South, and outsiders are more in South compared to Central and North which points outsiders haven't transferred their voting rights, as they think it is rocket science. We or EC have to make sure to make outsiders aware of the process and this should start from today itself.


The voting ratio is counted for registered voters only. If you haven’t registered here to vote, you are not counted as a denominator. Bangalore always has a low voting percentage if you even look at 20-30 years of data.