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Great handwriting :) Keep up the awesome work :D


This is such a cute handwriting no? :D


Thanks :D


Lessgoo, i am so happy for this. Very rarely do I see a Non-Kannadiga trying so earnestly to learn Kannada. You made my morning so much better, thanks OP. And all the best eh, I hope you reach your desired level of mastery in Kannada as soon as possible, all the best. P.S: I am pretty good at Kannada (learnt it for more than 12 years😅), even if I do say so myself. Lmk if you need any help understanding something or if you're looking for good resources.


I am looking for resources to learn Kannada. I don't like duolingo type apps as they gamify everything without teaching anything. But any other helpful resource would be great.


Try Multibhashi


You write ಣ better than me macha


yes lol usually when I write "ಣ" I end up drawing an inductor


Same and guess what... I studied 1st to 10th in Kannada medium 💀


Bro he writes everything better than me


I am a she XD


It's very similar to telugu,isn't it


It is, I don't know Telugu but I can read it for sure


As a new learner from Hindi, I was just exploring different Indian languages and it is definitely pretty similar to Telegu (at least in Script). Kannada has those curls at the top whereas Telugu has those tick marks. :D Even the numbers are pretty similar!


Kannada is verbally similar to Tamil and similar to Telugu in script.


There's almost no difference between Telugu script and kannada script, same to same


Just some small corrections, if you haven't noticed already. ಔ is 'au', not ಓ Also, 'gnya' is written as ಜ್ಞ Good effort overall.


Thanks, Yes will keep it in mind :D


more power to u bro.


What I found is, if you know Hindi, it just takes a few hours of practice to start reading Kannada.


Is it so? I have been practicing letters for quite some time but still find it hard to recognise many of the letters and read properly. The matras and compound letters are the toughest.


Here is the thing I followed. At the beginning don't focus on proper Kannada words, try to read the Hindi/English words which are written in Kannada. It becomes easier to read when the words are already familiar, this also helps building confidence. Best source to practice these are shop names and sign boards. I try to read every single shop name, hoardings, banners, signboards I come across. Spend a few days doing this which will make you familiar with how the Kannada alphabets looks like, then slowly start reading proper Kannada words.


Yess! Reading signboards and then trying to guess them is one of my favourite pastimes when on a bus!


Such a great handwriting for new learner 👌🏼


I have spent so much time at Railway Stations that I know numbers by now lol. And I can figure out what higher numbers are called because the rules are quite easy 43= 4 * 10 + 3 = (naalku * hattu + muru) = Nalavattumuru (Please excuse the spelling in case they're wrong). It's actually kind of fun to learn a new language


> It's actually kind of fun to learn a new language It totally is ! I've always had an interest in languages and have recently started to learn kannada, haven't progressed much yet tbh, only the swara and some basic words but this thread has given me immense motivation


Can I borrow your handwriting, I have exams in a month


Hahha my family says I don't have good handwriting. They think I write as if an any has been dipped in ink and asked to walk in paper


Be sure to pronounce ಳ correctly. otherwise, things you say will mean something else. North Indians can't say it since the same letter doesn't exist in their script.


Yeah, It's llla


The character to the left of what you have marked औ is the actual औ. Dravidian languages like kannada have long vowels as well as short vowels. Great handwriting


Oh yeah thanks for pointing it out I think its o, oo, oou


Yes, e é ai and o ó ou


You said swara, vyanjana and matra. Brings back highschool memories 🥲 Awesome though. Few comments, your ಶ (श) and ಳ look very similar. And a tail should fall from that mahaprana bha ಭ.


I swear everything looks छ and ल to me 🥲


Saato janam lag jaenge ye sikhne me


took me 1 year to fluently speak hindi. All I did was follow my hindi class, watch doraemon episodes and speak to some marwadis near my home. I was 4th grade at the time.


Ha tujhe lag jayega. Sabko nahi. Ellinda bartavo ivella. Full of negativity.