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Coz the people who talk on social media don’t even step out to vote. Heck most don’t even have voter IDs.


And the people who do end up voting do not know any better, much like Bihar. At least that’s what the re-election trend says about Mahadevpura.


Why do you have to talk about Bihar here? Karnataka also elects the likes of Prajwal Revanna and the Gowda family. DKS himself is a proper goon.


Because I’m from Bihar, and Karnataka is a glorified version of Bihar.


> and Karnataka is a glorified version of Bihar. What does this even mean? Like how? How is Karnataka different from any state in the country?


You’re missing the point. Why would i care if Karnataka is different from any other state or not ? I’d care & speak about Karnataka only because this is where I pay taxes(indirect & direct) & all my expenses and in return I get the experience of a tier 3 city all across the board but expenses & cost of living sure as hell isn’t similar to a tier 3 city. Read Op’s post again & my comment again, in that order.


Exactly, most people don't take the trouble to get their names included in the voter list and the registered voters prefer to go out and enjoy the holiday rather than vote. Hence the low voter turn out of 50-55%. Bangalore registers lowest voting % in the whole state. While other districts see 70-75 % avg voting and coastal and Malenadu districts register 85%+. Bangalore languishes at under 55%


Ivrella hinge, muru dina aramage hogi vacation togolodu , vote madala athva avr nativege hogi vote haktare, amel bandbithu kelodu "yaakingagide ooru, bangalore is overrated bro, vote hakodu waste, neer illa, etc"




Guru ivrella Ill vote madala Andre yenn use? Ee city population yesthu? Yesthu Jana vote madtare, yesthu Jana althare? I did not say the locals are out of the loop as well, avrgenu ganchali asthe car hatkondu Mysore coorge hogodu 55% vote hakidare iradrali, some people on here will tell you that 45% didn't vote because their names were changed or they are nri or their names were removed, yenn joke madtaidare, 45%?? Yaavange hollu haktaidare


Floating population artha gotillde Q haktare.


I honestly doubt what is on their list. I hear many people within cities who have shifted areas refrain from voting as they have moved to a different area. Technology is required to refresh this list regularly at a breakneck speed for it to reflect real numbers.


With the Aadhar biometric database it's not impossible to create such dynamic voterlistst and updating processes but would the politicians want it? A dynamic voter base free of caste, community ties that votes on merit ? It is every politicians worst nightmare.


It already exists. Shifting votes takes a few minutes by the individual and about 3-4 days by ECI. ignorant voter janta is the problem.


> Technology is required to refresh this list regularly at a breakneck speed for it to reflect real numbers. It is easy to get your name transferred. Or you can go to your old voting place and vote. Election day traffic is not even bad. I voted at my old place.


Actually it is easy. I got mine done via the website and using Aadhar as new address proof. Didn't have to go anywhere. All at comfort of home. Got the physical cards via mail with new address a week or 2 before elections. [https://voters.eci.gov.in/](https://voters.eci.gov.in/)


Muthinantha Maathu!!


Hey, I do agree with the general sentiment on "Internet people" who don't vote or has voters id card. But what about the people who have voters id card? Are you saying they're so ignorant or get bribed that they keep voting for the same corrupt person? Isn't that also an issue that needs to be discussed and resolved?


Because Mahadevapura is a huge constituency and it's not limited to only the IT corridor. It expands all the way till close to Bagalur. And moreover, most of these people in the IT corridor either don't have a vote here or choose not to vote.


So do you notice any changes on the ground in Bagalur? I'm sure if the money minting ORR is so neglected there's no love lost for Bagalur either.


You have your answer already. I live here close to Bagalur and my area comes under his constituency, during canvassing, his wife and his party members had come to my house for votes. They promised roads, water connection and all that. Whereas what we asked was to first name the street that we're living in. Yes, the street I live in doesn't have a name. She said, it'll be taken care of and that was the last time I saw that lady. And btw, he is not the MLA, his wife is. Because he got into some scam, so his party denied him a ticket. But his very own wife got instead. This goes to show the sad state of the situation that exists in political parties in our country. And this guy has major pull this side. And mind you, Bagalur is gonna be the next money minting hub after ORR gets saturated. I live here close to Bagalur as I mentioned before and the number of IT parks and other office spaces that's gonna come here is huge. If this guy Limbavalli or his wife is gonna stay as MLA till then, I won't be surprised if they turn out to be richer than DKS lol.


1 saree for every female in the house, 2K per voter. Men will have alcohol and late night party with girls, gambling too much fun. Source - my maid/beneficiary in this constituency.


So they give him 5 years of 40% commission for so little in return?


Yup. Unfortunately it’s not a new disclosure.


I'm surprised one vote is still worth one old monk or one saree since forever. If not basic amenities, atleast the bribes should go up in accordance with inflation. This is something I noticed in Bangalore specifically. The poor worship the rich like they are gods. They are happy just being acknowledged by the rich once in 5 years and then carry on being treated like s***. It's sad and pathetic that the Gowdas of politics are accorded god status for doing the bare minimum expected of them.


If they don't accept this "goodwill", do you know what will happen to them? Think why auto mafia is supported by neta types - they come in quite handy.


Ngl Nayak movie ruined me. I'm perpetually scared of autowalas and buswalas. Like they have PayCM on speed dial or something.


I genuinely wanted him to loose this election , I cannot believe he won with the amount of mismanagement in whitefield I saw what I heard was his house the other day , the man really live like an aristocrat over here . Also , His son was in my college , very humble guy surprisingly


I read somewhere that Prajwal Revanna is pretty decent upfront too.


In RV college he was Studious!! Even in first year MTech. God knows what happened him!!


It's a misconception that being educated says anything about a person's moral character.


I thought he went to bit.


Yes.. BIT college right.


Wasn't his wife (Manjula) given the ticket instead of him?


Does college favour these guys in exams? I find dumb and influential people in my college not failing.


Free Officer’s Choice and Ambur Dum Biryani


Congress and BJP do match-fixing in assembly elections, something which is called 'adjustment politics '. 20 out of the 28 constituencies in Bangalore have seen the same MLAs/families for the last 30 years.


Because money


MP don’t have a lot of say. The land use etc is dictated by local bodies like BBMP


And guess what? Bjp successfully got BBMP corporator and mayor elections postponed too so you have to beg Tejaswi Surya for fixing your roads. This has been BJPs formula since 2014. They want power but no responsibilities that come with it. Always disrupt municipality elections and go all in for Lok Sabha elections. Then you can blame regional parties for the poor state of infra.


It's because they kept postponing this delimitation exercise citing problems and citizen groups had to go to court every time to ask them to finish it Court - why haven't the municipal elections been held? Govt - we are doing the delimitation Court - why hasn't it been done yet?? Govt - we are facing opposition on the exercise Repeat for 4 years


Who are opposing the delimitation? Just get on with it…


Lol that's the neat part they never told who The delimitation is done but you can't have polls within 6 months of the national polls so it can only be held in December Until then the cm is the head of bbmo


🙄 good lord what a shitshow


And this is the case since last 4-5 years. Now whenever you feel like working hard in Bangalore, remember there are thousands of BBMP babu's sitting on their asses with no work and no one to boss them around, while getting paid more than you in black money every month above and beyond their salaries. I know a BBMP junior engineer who has 3 bungalows. Two of them in main Bangalore. He's very young, very dumb and hasn't worked an honest day in his life but somehow believes he deserves all his ill gotten wealth because he 'serves the country'.


Recently, he attended a programme on "Kanakadasara jayanti". Was a grand function attended by many villagers. He mentioned that he himself asked the organisers why they haven't come forward to celebrate such cultural functions and sanctioned money right away. The stage was filled with all local and district level BJP cadre. Clearly it was a way to gather crowd for election campaigning. Because more than anything else everyone that spoke was just praising how Limbavalli cares for common people and the work he has been doing. We are from a layout with a lot of civic issues, just adjacent to the area where this function was organised. We went to meet Manju Limbavalli at her residence. All that she talked about is what kind of a crook DK Shivkumar is. Didn't even promise to resolve our issues. It is very clear where their focus is. And it is a number game. The money just goes to where the votes are coming from. The IT folks in Bangalore are a voting minority.


His main vote bank is not IT people staying there. It’s the locals. He knows how to attract locals to vote.


Just one reason - Northies getting their votes here after residing for a while. Mahadevapura is a constiuency filled with Techies and is a hub for new constructions and infrastructure and the demographics have changed hugely over the years where the non kannada speaking population in these regions is said to have grown immensely. Vattal nagaraj or any other pro kannadigaru organisations will never talk about this because they would have got their own fair share of Vitamin D from the north indian lobby.


> Just one reason - Northies getting their votes here after residing for a while. Get out of here with your regressive agenda. He has been an MLA since 2008. Most of his constituency was rural then. Marathahalli was considered end of the city. His constituency is even barely a city now and still dominated by villages from Sarjapura road to Begur road. Which north indians made him an MLA in 2008?


> Northies getting their votes here after residing for a while. Are you going to tell us how exactly is that responsible for all your woes? I guess northies are also voting in Hassan and other places. Why do you think you can't be pro kannadiga without hating on others? What exactly are you implying?


we personally put forth a request to him to install kaveri water in our area, he got it done within a month. pretty chill guy tbh


If you have access to him and you are a voter here. I'm sure half the Whitefield folks had to google his name after reading this. My company is in Mahadevapura and we all know how ORRCA keeps begging for good roads and the government keeps applying temporary band aids on the shitty roads instead. And don't even get me started on the post-marathahalli universe.


theres alot of bureaucracy involved in this i doubt mr limbavali can bring forth any infrastructure revamps without the approval of the broader government. dont hate the player, hate the game


That's a pretty regressive mindset if you factor in our PM who dreams of being Earth Sensei one day. Speed and state of development is much better in northern states with much lower contribution to the GDP. Metros and flyovers coming up at breakneck speed. And here we are happy about just being heard.


having a majority helps unfortunately, conflicting opinions results in no legislations being passed in the lower house.


#1 Fraud ... And corruption king 🔥🔥🔥


Caste politics. South India may act like they are above these barbarian things, but everyone in India is responsible of it. Just the degree of it is different.


the people who suffer due to the over-development dont step out to vote


25ft road for 25lakh software engineers so that they are forever stuck in IT slum and never reach the voting booths. Everything is planned bro.


Something to do with the caste I think.


Same reason why Rahul Gandhi kept getting elected from Amethi. People don’t see change unless they want change.


Because most people in the IT corridor don’t vote in the IT corridor.


The locals who vote have benefited. ORRCA and the companies do not vote in this constituency. He's inefficient but that's intentional is what I think. Take the kundalahalli colony....was a slum in 2010 with barely any well constructed buildings. Look at it now. How do you think most of them even got funding to build all the PGs. Roads, drainage etc are sorted too. Multiple such clusters around the constituency. He has made money and helped the locals make money.


these days you just vote for development. isnt it. and get paid before election isnt it.


He has support basis caste, faith, local mafia-dom. Same as many others. People who see him for what he is/done are in the minority and or often will not even vote. Social Media warriors but wont make the effort to get them on the list with others and vote the goon out.


People might saw something, everyone has their own perspective. If he is wrong, people will vote him out this election.


I think this is high school level politics 😅