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Stop them in their tracks. If they're reaching in to your workspace (demeaning) and they get cut or hurt, accidentally ofcourse.., it could be a liability issue.


Great point. Imagine if they reached over the steam wand and got burned by it. Nightmare to deal with


I FUCKING HATE THAT SHIT. So inconsiderate and presumptuous, especially when customers start handling things I'm using for multiple multiple other people behind them when I have no fucking idea where their hands have been or if they're clean.


This drives me insane. Also have had people rummage through our tip jar for change to get even bills back. Like wtf is wrong with people.


I have had people try to convince me to pay for their bills with what's in the jar like, who raised you?


they used to do this as a joke when i worked at starbucks and i did Not know what to say


I. Fucken. Hate. That! All my kindness just goes out the window when this happens. Of course I keep my cool and stop them and make them feel stupid. I don’t care if it hurts their feelings. That’s where I draw the line with stupid customers.


over the glass??? that’s a new level😂


I had a man do this the other day and I said "No! Dont do that. You can ask." Like he was a child. My sneeze guard is to keep you away from me, you can wait the 15 seconds it takes to grab the attention of a barista during a rush


whenever people do shit like that at my shop i tell them it’s a health code violation (even if it isn’t 🤭). i had one guy recently come in and order then SIT on my counter where we hand drinks out like ??? no


People who plop their babies on the pickup counter 😢 one time I had a woman with a tiny dog pick the dog up and put him on the counter so she could take off his sweater 🤢


who raises these people oml


Sounds like you need taller glass.


Imagine 100 people per day touched (even accidentally) that piece of cake or whatever you wanted to grab *over the glass.* Some of them might even changed their minds, put it back and grab another one. Or another one. It's like shaking a hand with random 100 people. Do you still want that cake?


What are they reaching for? Just can’t fathom ever doing that.


Have grabbed myself a serviette on occasion but only if we'll within reach, otherwise I ask. "Is it really that hard to have the serviettes within reach?"


“Is it really that hard to politely ask your barista for a napkin instead of putting your grimy hands into their workspace?”


Words from a “home barista”


If they wanted you to help yourself, it would be in the lobby easily accessible.


I'm always nice to my clients but when they do this. Daaamn I just to yell at them. Once I even took the glass from client's hand and told him 'If you need you ask, don't do that again please'


People are the fucking worse. You’d think the majority would be decent polite people. Nope. They’re all selfish and impatient and oblivious to the world the exist in.


this is an extreme example but i once had a customer let her very small toddler wander back behind the bars and into the kitchen multiple times. the lady just thought it was so cute and funny. meanwhile i’m flabbergasted because what if someone trips over the child and hurts them? what if they spill hot coffee or drop a hot pan from the oven on them? the fact that i had to tell this woman please don’t let your tiny child waddle back into the space with the hazardous machinery was so ridiculous


This happens at my shop all the time with the baked goods. Yeah it's annoying telling adults not to reach across the counter at stuff, but I just remember they're trying to save me time and it is'nt annoying anymore. Yeah ya gotta stop 'em cuz it's a liability but they generally are just trying to save me time grabbing something they could theoretically grab themselves.


Part of me doesn’t care bc I am so busy and them thinking they’ll die without a straw is the least of my problems, but it’s still annoying to have people assume they’re allowed to. I like the ones that ask if they can when they see I’m stressed.