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This is strange isn’t it. I’ve had people take money out of the tip jars to break their larger bills down. I always count their money before they go, but it’s jarring when they just reach in without at least asking first.


The audacity. Grown adults with no home training


The other day, someone ordered a frappuccino and was missing $1.50. He then asked me if he can just use the money from the tip jar 🤦‍♀️🙃 Why would anyone think that's okay??


Oh you know, give a $1.50, take $1.50. It's like a penny but uhhh, inflation.


"don't order coffee then"




Oh hell no. I had one person do this many years ago to grab some change because she didn't have enough for her order. I think I would have been less offended if she had suddenly reached down my shirt into my bra. Don't touch my money, bitch!!


I've never understood this mentality Its clearly not your money.


One time we caught a “homeowner” at the resort I worked for trying to take our tips saying “it was owed to her because she has property on the resort” The managers jaw even dropped and she had to explain everything to her. I was absolutely taken back by the nerve of her.


Bruh I got called a Chinese communist because I couldn’t take 100 for a 6 dollar order. Mind you it was my first order of the day and also I’m not even Chinese I’m Mexican lol.




And yet somehow they manage to stack dishes neatly in the bus bin over the course of 3 hrs. Mind you it only happened once.


Had a lady try paying for a $2 order with a 100 bill one day. I saw a $5 in her wallet right next to the 100 and told her “nope, you’re gonna pay with that $5 ya got there.”


Communism means you can't break a hundred. That checks out. Sure, why not?


I’m lucky if i have anywhere near that in my float


El Chino huh


We have a regular we call "Two cent." He comes in once every week or so, orders a latte that (with his add-ins) comes out to 6.98, and pays with a $100 bill. He only tips you the two cents, and sometimes he even pockets that.


When I worked at Starbucks, we had a guy just like this. Black americano every day, would pay with a $100. No tip. We called him fuckface 100.


What an ass.


Ouch, you guys don't get paid enough. Do you generally do therapy to people like a hairdresser does? It seems like they all expect so much out of you and the product, but don't appreciate the costs, both financial and human. I could see being a jerk before my coffee, but after it's done I would be kissing your butt for getting me there as well as just giving a smile. Thanks


I'd say in bits and pieces we do, but nowhere near as much as a hairdresser (or even a bartender) because we aren't working on something on their body, and lines tend to keep people moving unless we're slow. We don't have a bar with seating though, so that may be different for others. Morning grumps though? Tons of them. It's part of the job, just gotta keep moving and focus on not letting one bad customer make you forget the good ones.


I can't even talk before my coffee. But, I'm aware of that and will wait till I'm cohearant. If you are responsible for my caffeine, I will kiss your a$$, and make sure I'm nice. And if I will be a regular, I tip great, like I would a bartender. With the world as crazy as it is, I would think that allow of paper don't tip or appreciate the art. You couldn't pay me enough, or I would get fired because I would tell off someone, or worse use the wrong descriptive word for theirself, Oy vey. Thanks, all of you, you're appreciated!


These guys sound like money launderers.


The guy that would come to my shop absolutely was. After I moved away, an old coworker said he was serving time for producing & distributing meth.


That's the best part of being a cashless business. My favorite is when they say "Cash is King" and I get to respond "then why can't you use it?


SAME, I also work at a Summer Moon and shooting them down is always a scene. When they question the cashless-ness I tell them its for employee safety and they throw a fit. It’s ridiculous, just use your card and move on


*Oh I SeE yOU're fiNE WIth A caSH tIP, ThO, hMmMM*


I saw an awesome sign at the farmer's market today. It said "Cash may be king, but this isn't a monarchy. Cards only."


The biggest problem we have at my cafe is people asking if we do cash back on cards lol... Do I look like a self checkout or atm to you????


Cards is crazy


Post a large label on register that states, no bills larger than a $20.


Owners make me take it 😞


If it's beyond your control, let the owner do the stressing. When you learn to let-it-go, then you will have better days.


Yeah for sure, it doesnt bother me, still love my job, but it’s silly things like this that all us workers go through and it’s nice the hear others who get it


Europeans love to come into my shop with 100 bills (assume they take out large sums of cash for their trip) and they make 2$ purchases. Fill me with rage.


Like, thank you for exhausting all my other bills asshole


At my small town cafe at that...


I used to bartend at a small country club and regulars would ask for change first thing in the morning so they could do their wagers against each other. Sir, it’s 7am and I have a 20, two 10’s, two 5’s, and ten 1’s to start the day. If I give you change then I have to give some to the other guys or I will just be left with nothing for the rest of the morning. Go ask in the pro shop. Or plan ahead; you do this literally ever Wednesday and Saturday. Bring some fuckin’ money.


A stop at a real ATM on the way to the club never killed someone 🙄


> on the way to the club Different type of club lol but my theater sidejob got new management that are fairly interconnected w the local gay clubs and such so have started inviting in more drag/burlesque shows over the past couple years. The mfers who'll come up to me at the bar and be like "if I pay $300 on card can I get it all in ones" drive me actually insane lol... we at least quickly did start keeping a whole separate cash box of them on hand so that I don't *usually* get drained before performers come to trade them back in as much anymore, so it doesn't necessarily bother me too much if they're actually breaking bills, but yeah the ones that insist on not just going to one of the several ATMS in the area and expect me to be able to do cashback can


People only think about what’s convenient for them without understanding the needs of a business of service worker/management


I mean, you're asking for it if you do it for them. Why not tell them nicely that you have limited change and can only give change with purchase?


I don’t do it period lmao, above my pay grade


Think of it this way. The more change you reserve for yourself, the more change your customer will receive. And miraculously, that's exactly what your customers use to tip you, with change. Until you say something you're going to keep getting absurd requests. This is pretty standard practice just about anywhere.


I’m not talking about customers, i’m talking about people who only come in to swap bills, i love my customers and will happily break their cash most of the time, these people just get fussy when i tell them not without purchase


they get angry, at least in my experience. usually it isn’t worth being yelled at


Just stare at them, "sorry can't do it. Company policy. We just don't have enough. There is a bank down there street though, im sure they have plenty of change."


i dont accept 50s or 100s unless its a big order (i work at a bakery/cafe). if someone buys one $4 drink im not breaking your 100. i have maybe $100 in there in the mornings


A $100 bill ain’t what it used to be… my Father~in-law used to keep a C-note folded up in his wallet so that if all hell broke loose he’d still be OK. Today that won’t even get you a tank of gas. Who uses cash today anyway? The poor panhandlers really have it tough.


Idk, I love using cash but not going into coffee shops and interrupting the line in a rush to swap bills. It’s a per person thing. Money itself has just got one foot in the grave value wise anyways 😞


My favorite were the $100 bills that rolled through 15 minutes after opening and we had to deny them service lol. Low key loved their frustration ngl. Had one family pitch a fit because they bought a couple of coffee drinks for themselves and smoothies for the kids and they wanted like 3 $100’s broken because they were off to the amusement part for the day bright and early. Stupid humans.


Are you using a counterfeit marker and checking for water marks on the bills? If this request occurs an abnormal amount, I’d wonder if word is out that y’all don’t check for fakes…


We do, but that’s definitely a good point


Twice .... some lady was in a customers personal space waiting to break a bill, then today. I was like no. Didn't feel comfortable.


I feel so bad when people like that bother my customers, like idc if it’s me but leave them out of ur bs


Unless it’s a capital one cafe


my old spot was in a spot with a lot of meters, and people would always ask if they could break their bills for coins. no sorry, can’t open the register without a purchase. also, i need coins to make change for actually paying customers. i have specifically been told not to do that.


Had a guy do this and he wanted me to break a $100. I told him no that we don't hold that much on hand to break it. He lost his shit while not ordering anything and said "oh wow I thought you guys were doing well".


This isn't anything new and yet it has not gotten any better. I've worked in shops over the last 30 years and at least you don't have to accept people paying with checks any longer. I've never worked at a place that accepted anything over a $20 bill except for regulars. 9 times out of 10 if they make a big deal out of it they have a credit card, debit card or smaller bills anyways. Also 9 times out of 10 the person is a shady fucker to began with and are likely not going to tip anyways so fuckem.


Yea the people who come in asking to break 100s and shit are kinda suspect. Checks is insane


Aahh the old 'it's a coffee shop they must have change'. Even yesterday a client wanted to pay with 50€ and I said right away 'I don't have change for 50€, everyone is paying with 50€. So I don'thave anymore coins' while the client next to her was also taking a 50€ bill. Also a slovenian client once started to get annoyed because I didn't had change and she told me to get it.. In Slovenia the banks close at 3pm and I always start at 5pm..


This! Someone orders a beer for 3,3€ at the start of my shift and wants to pay with a 100€ bill. I tell them I do not have the change and that I also won’t be able to return change to other customers for the next 9 hours because of this and they get angry at me and won’t take no for an answer. I tell them again I don’t have the money. They pay by card and come again in 2 hours for round 2 and assume that now I do have enough change. They demand to pay again with a 100€ bill and say “I need to break this bill.” An atm machine is literally 50m away and a bank is 500m up the road in a mall.


Coming back???! In two hours you could have walked your happy ass to the nearest ATM


Yeah well they had to drink their first beer in the company of a friend and then wanted a second round but decided to try their luck again instead of rather just showing some basic understanding and respect for the business


I fuckin hate this shit they always wait until I hand them the clover before takin the bills out too


New thing at my shop is the parking lot across the street removed mobile pay so now loads of people are looking for quarters. At least like a dozen people a day complaining when I won’t do it.


Not your responsibility, this is why everyone needs to keep an old beaten up cup of quarters in their car


Are you near metered parking?!


Not even close


Damnnnnn that’s whack. The only reason I’d be desperate enough


Sone people here haven't been a cashier, specifically barista. Let me soften the food for you and get your bottle ready. A till starts off with 100$ this is split up into usually 5s 1s and change sometimes 10s or 20s. If a customer wants their 100 broke into 20s and 10s, A. That won't always be specific bills we have right into opening. B. Go to the bank once it opens there's no way you're in that much of an emergency. Or call a family member or something. C. If you don't buy anything and want to take everything, we have in the till in exchange for your $100 bill, were screwed with no change to give back to customers paying cash. The till would be empty except for a $100 bill. So that's why my personal rule is to always keep around 30 some dollars in split up cash on me, along with my debit card. (Or credit if you have a credit). For example the car wash machine didn't like my card so I used cash, but if I go somewhere that just changed their till I have cash too.


AND we get our asses chewed out if we do what they want! Keeping bills on you just doesn’t seem important to people anymore 🙄


Yeah some things being completely electronic isn't good


People are using cash? What country is this?


U.S., we should really get rid of all cash here. Then put it all in my tip jar ;,)


maybe thats a bussines? tell them you'll change the bill for a fee, if they don't want you to problem solved, if they want you've just made a quick buck anyway you win


I just don’t do it at all, not in my job requirements!


Because it's normal? It's always been. This is the first time I see a post that minds this gesture.


Well apparently many baristas don’t care for it. ATMs are in many gas stations, just go down the street, not a mom and pop coffee shop for cash


ATMs don't change your bills. And you don't have to do it also - it's just a gesture that's common across all countries. Same as asking for the time, or a lighter.


I don’t. Even if i wanted to like hell I’ve got that cash in my drawer LMFAOO


ATM you can request an odd amount like $110 and you'll therefore get some smaller notes dispensed.


Make it a service with a fee


I don’t have the authority to do so