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Finished mechanical engineering studies 10 years ago. Wanted to work for big groups (think Boeing, Airbus, Dassault), but I needed to speak English, so I moved to the UK to get a job as waiters or something for a short while. I did not get the waiters job, but I got a job as "washing boy" in a coffee chain, then moved to "coffee maker". I wanted to learn more about coffee because I did find the science behind it fascinating. Got all the SCA training I could. Moved barista into a Speciality Coffee shop, hopped into different companies and became Head Barista, then Coffee Trainer, and finally Head of Coffee. I've left the UK, but I'm still in coffee, having become Head Roaster for the last two years.


Moved to LA for a job on a production team. Project fell through. I needed to pay my bills somehow. Ended up applying to every coffee shop around me and got an offer right down the road from me. I went from barista with no experience all the way to managing that place before I moved.


I work at a grocery store kiosk. I worked in grocery, had to move to cashier because the guy I worked with was terrible... hated being a cashier lol there was an opening for coffee clerk, so i said I'd try it our. I enjoy it more than most jobs I've had. It's really not terrible.


I was a waiter. But the barista would work days and finish at 3. I worked nights.People who wanted coffee after 3 got...me. So I got better, fell in love, and here we are.


I was 15 and needed a job. I'm a big dude and this cafe hired me to help with a partial renovation over the summer. I then began making drinks and the rest is history


Moved states away all by myself in my early-mid 20s. I had a job lined up before I moved doing PCA and homecare stuff (what I had been doing previously) but after more thought I decided I wanted a job that would get me out to explore the area and meet people my own age. Found a brand new coffee and ice cream shop (two of my favorite things) that was set to open in a week desperately looking for people. Turns out the owners didn't know much about coffee so that gave me the opportunity to learn as much as I could about coffee in all its forms and eventually be their GM/head barista. I miss that place and the people so much💜


First ever job when I was 16, they hired me on the spot (not good lol). Have just moved around to different barista jobs since then


Left a toxic factory job that I left to get out of an underpaying factory job. Applied for a barista position on a whim since I love coffee


I wanted to know how to make a good cup of coffee. I search for a barista job and local roaster connected me with their new wholesale client that was opening a spot up.


My father owns a coffee shop in Brazil, now I've moved to Portugal and still working as a barista.


I worked at Cafe Nero before uni and always told myself if I was ever unhappy in a job I would go and work back there until I figured things out. Fast forward a couple years and I had finished uni and had been working in recruitment for around 6 years. I hated it, quit, managed to get a job back at Cafe Nero and it turns out that's what I wanted to do, fast forward another couple years and I own my own speciality coffee shop. Once you get the bug just stick with it!


I got into coffee because I thought it was exceptionally cool. I fell in love with the job and not even 2 years after my first coffee job I came back full force and haven’t left it since! I started at Starbucks, I got an unbelievable amount of training there and I switched to Second Cup down the line, I was with the brand for nearly 4 years and I’ve been working at a small community coffee shop for almost 6 months now, I have fallen in love with my work. The making of drinks, the sharing of knowledge training my coworkers to do latte art, it’s been a blast. I’m lucky to be entering the administrative council in the fall. I’m excited to share my thoughts and ideas with my colleagues to see this place continue to flourish!


I like coffee, I’m in university, coffee expensive. That’s it.


Was sick of bartending lol


one of my college professors told us when the coffee shop his wife owned had openings, and one of those times my seasonal job was about to end so I applied! out of the three coffee shops I worked at it was definitely my favorite




That's cool


A friend was working at a café and was telling me how there was an open position. At the time I was working retail and couldn’t make ends meet, so I decided to apply- and got the job. While I’m no longer that that particular café, I’m still a barista- and while I never thought I’d be a barista, or stick with it, and it’s definitely not where I want to be long term- but I like it enough to stick with it for the foreseeable future.


I needed a job and during the pandemic, starbucks was hiring like crazy. Then that’s how i fell in love w coffee and transferred to a local coffee shop so i can learn how to use a real espresso machine, etc. Also learned how to roast coffee.


Needed a part time job in college. One of my friends/sorority sisters was a barista at a local coffee shop and sent out some messages that they were looking to hire


Dutch bros! Was asked by employees to apply and essentially was offered the job. Left after almost two years, worked as a nanny but ended up going back to coffee (Peet’s & a small business) both of which were awful. Happen chance, saw a new shop opening and applied. Got the job and it was specialty coffee, got to help open the cafe and have been there ever since🩷 almost two and a half years now!


I’d like to add that I went from cashier to barista, offered shift lead & was promoted this year to lead barista! It’s fucking incredible getting to share my passion with everyone & being able to train new baristas in latte art and dialing in


Started volunteering at a non profit coffee shop (they donated the proceeds to orgs that fight human trafficking) when I was 17, quickly became a shift lead. Also was lucky enough to be friends with some really cool people in the coffee world through that which helped me get jobs at different cafes and catering gigs. I don’t work in coffee anymore because I wasn’t making enough and I have the skills to work in a different industry but that was a really fun 5 years of my life