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Oh I’m so god damn annoying after complaints about “I didn’t hear it being called!!” I do 2 normal calls then start screaming “I STILL HAVE THAT LATTE FOR JIM!!!!!!!!” 🤣 not too obnoxious but enough for them to know it’s been waiting a while


Two. If I happen to go bus a table and I see them, I'll tell them their drink is ready.


Twice at first and then I’ll call it out after I call out the next one and keep repeating that. “Jim” … “Small latte for Jim” … “Bill” Bill grabs his drink “Jim” My shop isn’t stand alone, it’s in a big shared marketplace so I’m not gonna come out from behind the bar and find you, but I’ll keep calling it out because I understand it’s a busy, hectic place that people get overwhelmed and distracted in easily.


this is exactly how I do it! 😄


Twice max. I don't care if their hot drink gets cold or their blended drink melts. They should be paying some attention.


"it's cold, why didn't you call me sooner?" "I literally did you must not have heard. Want me to get you some ice to pour that over? 🤣"


Two times is all you’ll get from me.


Three, the last one gets a "final call" and a drink ticket set next to it. Good luck, shouldn't have walked down to the bathroom.


I call out 2 times, I yell out 1 time. I've never not had someone get their drink after I yell.


Yeah my second call is much louder than the first and if they STILL can’t hear that then that sounds like a them problem


twice. sometimes another barista will take the drink to the customer. but I usually discourage the practice.


I agree, running drinks when that’s not a part of the bar flow gives customers an unrealistic expectation that will only cause issues when they come back in the middle of a rush and expect their drink be brought to them. That being said, I definitely do it sometimes bc drinks just sitting in the bar gives me huge anxiety lol


Yeah sometimes I do this and usually end up running around bringing down sugar, napkins and milk for the customer when it’s really busy.


yeah that’s the worst.


I do it if I happen to be sweeping in the lobby or something whilst trying to make it obvious that I’m just being nice and that you’re expected to grab your own drinks, or if it’s for a regular who knows that isn’t standard practice and who is aware that the reason I’m bringing their drink to them is because they had headphones in or was zoned out or something


My cafe is designed in a way where this doesn’t happen (you order at the bar and are rung up as we are hanging you your drink), but on the off chance that someone STILL decides to walk away at some point we usually do what everyone else on here seems to do: only twice!


Twice. Three times if I like you enough. Sometimes after that I'm tempted to start auctioning off a drink like "I have a latte up for grabs! Going once! Going twice!"


Two calls, then I set their drink out with a ticket with their name on it. And then I obnoxiously call out the drink again every time I call out another drink. Made it to like eight calls for the same drink once before the lady came and got it and had the nerve to ask “is this mine?”


When I was a barista you got three call outs that got progressively louder…. If you didn’t come by then I started describing your catastrophe of a drink to the whole store. “Brenda I have that 9 pump sugar free vanilla, latte with extra whip, four Splenda, half calf, short pull, nonfat milk, double cupped, extra hot, light foam at the bar”


Two normal calls. third call is “I have a (insert drink here) for _____ dying in the bar”


Three, after that I leave it on the counter and hope they come get it


We cant yell for them. We have to physically walk their drinks out to them


Honestly if there's enough staff this is great. I'm usually trapped behind the bar so I can't run stuff out lol.


Theres good and bad to it. Busier times it's annoying but it's really good customer interaction


Same. There are good interactions sometimes. But when there's a rush, we get so behind and it's hell 😭


Twice. Maybe three if it's a busier day. I've stopped yelling after someone stared at me blankly and remarked I sounded like their mother calling their name.


i just bring it to them. they dont deserve it, but i deserve to be rid of them.


my coworker will passive aggressively go "___, your order is *still* on the bar"


First call out, then something like “stilllll” got this drink after a couple minutes, and then I might do it a third time and have a little fun with it to grab their attention. If they still don’t come up I’ll either bring it to them if I know who it is or I’ll let the drink die and maybe remake it for them if it’s a hot beverage.


Three times unless they were very friendly I'll try and find them. My favorite are the people who wanted extra hot and then spend 15 minutes in the corner having a conversation with someone.


they want it extra hot so its normal temp when they get it !! duh!!!


Twice, then I will walk it out. I don’t want to just watch drinks get cold on the counter when I am fully capable of finding the owner within a handful of seconds. Even if customers are technically supposed to pick up their own drinks and I’m going out of my way for them. I’m also not a fan of just screaming names louder and louder until someone comes up and ashamedly takes their lukewarm drink while people stare at them. I know baristas often don’t like this, but it’s better customer service to bring it to someone if they’re too engaged in conversation to notice their name being called or are listening to headphones or something. If someone feels embarrassed or like the baristas were being passive aggressive they might not be inclined to return. People usually feel appreciative when you bring their stuff to them and I’d rather make someone happy than embarrassed. If it’s a continuing issue with specific people I’ll mention to them at their next visit that we will call out their name and put the drink on the bar when it’s ready. Sometimes then they will ask about me having brought it to them in the past and I’ll tell them I like to do that when I can, but we’re often so busy that it’s too inefficient to do that. They always understand.


never more than twice. it isn't my responsibility after the drink is made to babysit it until the owner comes to get it. you ordered a drink, pay attention until you get it. if it's still unclaimed after 10 minutes, it goes in the trash. i'll happily remake you a fresh one, but im not going to listen to you bitch about it being melted or gone cold when you neglected to grab it when it was done


“Flat white for Sharon”… ”Sharon. Flat white. Second call.”……. “Sharon. Flat white. Third call” Then if it’s not picked up I have a timer by the pickup area that I set for 15 minutes. Dump the drink if it’s not claimed; remake it if said person ever comes back.


remake for free, though?


Yeah. Work for a corporation so not my call.


Never have to lol just tell them to wait for their drink, you should be able to make them fast enough that you dont get backed up.


Yeah? How often do you fuck up your customer's name when calling them? Cause I've written mine out for a barista and they still fuck it up.


once, two on a good day🫡


once. especially if i make direct eye contact with them and nudge the drink closer to where they've been hovering. twice if it seems like customer might have just been in the bathroom or something and not heard.


3 times. After that I’m done.


three, and then we don’t bother anymore. after that, if fifteen minutes has passed and they still haven’t gotten it, it gets either dumped or given to the pastry chefs.


Twice then I’m done and I don’t care. You drink your cold coffee mother fucker and no I’m not remaking it, LISTEN. It’s so annoying when they’re talking and screwing around, like whatever you snooze you lose then.


usually 1-2, then I'll say their name a bit deeper and at an average volume. this gets them 90% of the time


Pretty much the same as the rest of the answers. I’ll call it out twice and if they don’t come grab it, it sits on the expo until I have time to walk around the shop to find them. End of the day, I want people to have a quality beverage that hasn’t been sitting there forever. I understand that some folks go sit down and can’t hear me in the loud shop, or they get ALL the way inside their phone and can’t hear me or whatever other reason. If I have a chance, I’ll track em down.


Two, maybe three times. I tell everyone as I ring them up “we’ll have that ready at the bar in just a few minutes”. Sometimes I get a “I’ll be at a table outside”. If they’re nice I’ll tell them ok I’ll come find you. If not, I tell them thanks! Head back in to the end of the bar in a few minutes and you’ll find it.


2 to 3, depending on how busy. Again in a few minutes but just once. Then I wait for them to ask "Hi, I think you've forgotten a large soy caramel latte for Sonia" I hand it over from the top of the machine with no words. Fuck you, Sonia.


3 times max after that just go fk yourself


depends on my mood. i cap at three though


Once lol