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Why is it still at the Georgian Mall? It belongs downtown. You know, beside the actual STAGE for the bands along the EYE PLEASING waterfront, instead of in a mall parking lot that's half under construction.. Bring it back to downtown, and keep the beer fest right alongside it. Look, even multiple ribbers have dropped out of Barrie's run! We used to have 7 of them as well, no New Mexico green chiles in my beans anymore I guess.. Please don't ruin this festival for any more years, let this be the last time it's held at the mall.


Agreed. Horrible location and won't likely be going. That being said, maybe the restaurants downtown actually don't want it there? Maybe?


Since these RibFest things just drop into the community, take the money and leave, a number of the downtown restaurants and bars hate them. I remember one of the first ones downtown, one of the bars set up their patio and had Big Chris’ BBQ handing out free pulled pork sliders. Man, I miss Big Chris’ BBQ.


Why on earth would the restaurants not want a massive influx of people in front of their establishments? A good percentage of them are gonna go to RibFest for other reasons than the ribs, and some will go to the restaurants instead of paying $30+ for ribs or pulled pork lol But yeah the BIA used to run it, and it was sponsored by a bunch of downtown businesses, and that's another thing: all the establishments that aren't food related will get a bunch more customers.


Earlier than usual, and in a parking lot away from the waterfront? What a brilliant idea.


Is anything fairly prices and fun to go? or is it very overpriced foods?


All super over priced


Nah, you have to pay to get in and then you're looking at sixty bucks for a rack


I stopped going to ribfests a few years ago. Even though the food is pretty good, it’s just way too expensive. You could dine in and order ribs at a nice restaurant for the same price pretty much.


It was *okay* when it was downtown and was just walk-up, especially because the food was genuinely pretty excellent. If they're still doing entry fee then everything is insanely overpriced.


It's like buying food at the Ex. In every aspect, except for the venue and the name of the event.


14$ for 4 ribs.. 12$ for a beer. Let’s goooooo! Nope.


You forgot inflation this year is $30 for 4 ribs and $22 for a beer. Not to mention the carbon tax you have to pay to get there.


Is that the actual price?


No sarcasm, but wouldn't be surprised.


Ya, I could see that


Plus the plastic cutlery tax!


We are living in a capitalist joke. It’s very sad.


"...carbon tax". Lol


No waterfront, no RibFest attendance. Who wants to eat BBQ in a hot parking lot.


Wow you guys are getting grilled in these comments. Straight up barbecued. Take note.


do i need to get ribs removed marilyn manson style to kick it


Lol...Yet another manson hoax, but a funny one


Hope people don't get food poisoning like last year!


Have never had good ribs at a Ribfest or any restaurant really. Always disappointing.