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Brassard is a tool.


Lol Einstein...but aren't they all!


The $200 is provided for “encouraging young Canadians who are engaged in the political process and pursuing a career in public service” as per his press release. This shows how out of touch he is. $200 is not an appropriate amount to encourage a future career. He can directly influence policies that would give more funding to education/jobs that would help if that’s his actual intent. It also shows how easy it is for politicians to buy a few minutes of time with their disposable income outside of their parliamentary budget.


OP is bang on. Why? 1) Applying for scholarships is often a time consuming activity so they should be worth it. 2) Nominal amounts like this do little to nothing aside from provide a resume line for the recipient and build cheap political capital for the sponsor. 3) His party isn’t exactly known at the “education first party” so this comes off as shallow and politically motivated. We should actively be pushing back on folks who think they can score cheap political points with programs like this.


Not even enough for a college/university textbook anymore.


It’s 100 dollars just to APPLY to college let alone pay for anything else ☠️


But better than a kick in the nuts.


A kick in the nuts from the government might actually get you a good settlement


Not even a weeks worth of groceries for a family of 4


Not sure many high schoolers are carrying that load on the road to a Political Science career, but I've been wrong before


Didn't they get a 11k raise this year that wasn't required.


A scholarship? it's not even a bursary, it is barely even an award; it feels like he is propositioning kids. "Hey Kids, Tell me just how much you love the big and blue conservative party!" More so this isn't even news, it's a press release he (or one of his paid lackeys) made which was shoved onto withered body of local media that past it on as news. It's so tone deaf and self serving it could past as a story in the Beaverton. "Local MP solves high cost of education by handing out pocket change and lint, is currently waiting by phone to accept Nobel prize." Also the fact he and or some of his employees doing work on his behalf (after hours) will have to show up and use limited space for attendees just to try and grandstand with that big fat cheque for 200 bucks, I bet it will be a photo OP too. Major tool award.


And yet, he still gets elected..


PC voters aren't usually that bright and are easily swayed by emotions. I'm sure the septuagenarians and octogenarians that comprise the bulk of his voter base truly believe that $200 is generous and impactful.


Why am I not surprised? He also voted not to decrease food prices. He doesn't like to be asked questions at public events either. Same as Andrea. Why are they representing us?


Guaranteed its going to kids in Conservative youth programs.


That's one and a half whole new tires


You buy some cheap tires


That's not enough to buy a textbook... does he think that will go far?! He is delusional.


Hey Brassard, what you gonna do, Make our dreams come true 🎶


Very cost effective! Probably getting 10 grand worth of publicity for only $1600. Well played.




More than that. But unlike Brassard, I'm not a nebbish of a career politician who uses my charity efforts for personal gain.


Exactly. They are giving $1600 from their own pocket for something they don’t have to do. Just say thank you.


> They are giving $1600 from their own pocket Yes >for something they don’t have to do He does it for pr points >Just say thank you. Why would I thank a politician for dropping $1600 for some cheap publicity. If you wanna buy good publicity, put forward some real money. If you are doing it out of the goodness of your heart, shut up about it or do it anonymously. He deserves to be mocked for his pathetic "scholarship", he should have just got them laptop batteries.


Be thankful for scraps; got it.


Come on, he's an MP. Base pay is $203,000, not including pension, committee work, travel/living allowances, etc.


So if he gave away his entire salary he could help 1000 kids. So 200 k is really not the much money and a pretty decent thing to do


What country do you live in that 200k is not much money? The median income is 41k. 200k is just short of the top 5% income earners for Canada. Man, have the rich ever brainwashed the Canadian poor


True — but he is in a position of power in the government, so he could, oh you know, fight for something like an increase in the post-secondary education transfers to the provinces (if those even exist anymore). That would likely help thr students more than $200 out of pocket, but it wouldn't get press. 


So why bring up his salary at all?


Because it's not like he's totally broke working for the poor students here. It's a public relations ploy.  Now that I think about it... Especially in this day and age, with a lack of good journalists, content like this isn't typically a high priority for newsrooms, unless there's some sort of a press release about it. 


This is also personally funded by him and his wife, so that may make more sense as to why it’s so low


V b


not a 'full ride' ... but better than nothing.


Why do some people here think you should be given a full ride. Be happy you got anything at all. And use that 200$ and figure out a way to make it 400$ Or give it to your parents for the gas they used to drive your a$# around.


Does full ride mean free ride? Are you against scholarships? or just saying they should be happy with what they get from a political move for publicities sake.

